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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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I think the tag line "A country with open borders isn't a country" is hitting home with a lot of Americans right now.

It just amazes me that the border issue is ONLY here because Trump brought it up and it's ignited a firestorm of support around the country. If Trump didn't exist in this presidential cycle who knows what the **** we'd be talking about.

Probably more rhetoric about Obamacare and more rhetoric about the Middle East. I think those issues are getting kind of beat into the ground. I'm not sure a Republican president is going to just "repeal" Obamacare. I think Eisenhower and the Republicans had a lot of rhetoric about how Social Security was going to ruin American back in the late 40's and they were going to appeal it, but once the ball got rolling on that it's kind of hard to stop.

Same thing with the Middle East. I think voters realize there's no simple answer and the simple fixes our potential electorates blow smoke into during this cycle aren't hitting home with anyone.

But immigration? These are issues we can spend money on AT HOME and really make a difference. Whether it's the proverbial "wall" or some other method, I would much prefer to spend $50 billion here on construction and infrastructure and homeland security than fight a war in Iraq that can't be "won". The only realistic outcome in the middle east is stability by power. Who has that power we have to decide once and for all and we have to acknowledge it's not going to be some democratic "power of the people". It's going to be a strong centralized government with lots of guns. We just have to once and for all decide who's getting the guns and if we're going to allow our moral righteousness to give guns to some questionable people for the sake of middle east stability. Every politician knows this, but no one wants to say it (I bet Trump eventually says it).
A debate between Bernie and Trump would be damn interesting.

Half the things they've said to shake up the status quo in their parties are pretty close to each other.

yeah - wait till the socialist peaceniks find out Bernie wants to blow everybody up too

Bernie Sanders Says He Will Not End Drone Program If Elected President

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said Sunday that if elected president he would not end the U.S.'s controversial drone program in the Middle East. Sanders told ABC's "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos that he would continue with the targeted killing campaign but suggested he would somehow reform the program so that drones don't kill innocent people abroad.



Sanders says he would be prepared to use military force

WASHINGTON (AP) — International rivals would be mistaken to assume he wouldn't be prepared to use military force if that's what circumstances required, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said in an interview that aired on Sunday.

The Vermont senator says the United States should have the strongest military in the world. The U.S. should be prepared to act when it or its allies are threatened or in response to genocide.

"Yes, there are times when you have to use force. No question about it," Sanders said

Sanders right now is only a "socialist" because he wants to tax the **** out of billionaires and raise the minimum wage a ton in order to force the shrinkage of the growing income gap between the super rich and the middle class.

Right now it's the highest gap since the monopolies of the turn of the century. And just like the monopoly busters and the growth of the labor unions back then, something is going to happen to "bust up" the CEO's that somehow justify themselves getting $20 million bonuses because the stock price went up 5%.

Let's face it, it's hard right now in America to find someone against:

1. Secure the border to reduce illegal immigrants
2. Increase minimum wage to make some of these jobs "only illegal immigrants will do" be done by legal immigrants and citizens
3. Do something about the "billionaire club" that continues to find money in their companies balance sheet to justify $20 million bonuses yet complains about the cost to keep jobs in America or pay for health care for their employees or pay for 40 hour work weeks and make people truly "full time".

I mean, if someone runs and pounds those three ideas over and over and over again, it hits home. And all of those aren't really right or left issues as they can be spun by either party into their platform.
Sanders right now is only a "socialist" because he wants to tax the **** out of billionaires and raise the minimum wage a ton in order to force the shrinkage of the growing income gap between the super rich and the middle class.

Right now it's the highest gap since the monopolies of the turn of the century. And just like the monopoly busters and the growth of the labor unions back then, something is going to happen to "bust up" the CEO's that somehow justify themselves getting $20 million bonuses because the stock price went up 5%.

Let's face it, it's hard right now in America to find someone against:

1. Secure the border to reduce illegal immigrants
2. Increase minimum wage to make some of these jobs "only illegal immigrants will do" be done by legal immigrants and citizens
3. Do something about the "billionaire club" that continues to find money in their companies balance sheet to justify $20 million bonuses yet complains about the cost to keep jobs in America or pay for health care for their employees or pay for 40 hour work weeks and make people truly "full time".

I mean, if someone runs and pounds those three ideas over and over and over again, it hits home. And all of those aren't really right or left issues as they can be spun by either party into their platform.

Well that and give everyone a bunch of "Free" Stuff and expand government regulations and bureaucracy. That coupled with seeking to control the market make him solidly socialist policy wise. And the fact that he self describes as socialist....
2. Increase minimum wage to make some of these jobs "only illegal immigrants will do" be done by legal immigrants and citizens
That won't do any good unless the govt enforced the law on immigration and people working under the table. If you raise the min wage then you will have MORE people working under the table, not less. Govt rarely investigates or enforces the law because it's too much work for too little reward. I know this because I own a legit business in a line of work where most people work under the table and I regularly get cussed up one side and down the other over what I charge because I pay for legal **** like taxes and insurance that runs about $6000 to $7000 a month. I assure you the VAST MAJORITY of people who want some work done on their house just want the cheapest price AND DO NOT GIVE A **** IF YOU'RE ILLEGAL OR NOT. The only way to slow that down is to stop the flow of illegals across the border. There are already enough Americans who will work under the table. Force legit business to pay at least $15 an hour for jobs that don't produce $15 an hour of productivity, then you will just have more people working for less off the books.

"Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent." -- Quinn's First Law
That won't do any good unless the govt enforced the law on immigration and people working under the table. If you raise the min wage then you will have MORE people working under the table, not less. Govt rarely investigates or enforces the law because it's too much work for too little reward. I know this because I own a legit business in a line of work where most people work under the table and I regularly get cussed up one side and down the other over what I charge because I pay for legal **** like taxes and insurance that runs about $6000 to $7000 a month. I assure you the VAST MAJORITY of people who want some work done on their house just want the cheapest price AND DO NOT GIVE A **** IF YOU'RE ILLEGAL OR NOT. The only way to slow that down is to stop the flow of illegals across the border. There are already enough Americans who will work under the table. Force legit business to pay at least $15 an hour for jobs that don't produce $15 an hour of productivity, then you will just have more people working for less off the books.

"Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent." -- Quinn's First Law

And the knowledge gets dropped on em like a 2500 LBS JDAM.
Bernie has always been a hippie

Bernie Sanders Applied for 'Conscientious Objector' Status During Vietnam: Campaign Confirms
Libtards are extremely worried, as they should be. Their reign of destroying America is coming to an end.

I'm not a huge Hillary fan, but I've got to say it doesn't seem like she's shaking in her boots... same can be said for Bernie Sanders. I think most political observers agree this summer of "red meat posturing" by Trump and the GOP is nothing more than a side show...bells & whistles, smoke & mirrors... or as Hillary sums it up "dead wrong in 21st century America." Keep on believing the Trump-bullcrap will resonate with the wider electorate...

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Btw for those that think Donald Trump is electable to be the leader of the free world, well, I reccomend you watch the film Idiocracy. That is the state the country would need to be in to elect someone like Trump. We may be there in 20-25 years at the rate we're going, not sure we're quite there yet.

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Bernie has always been a hippie


Crowd Successes by Bernie Sanders in Other States Are Playing Out Well in Iowa

BOONE, Iowa — The first person Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont met when he climbed out of a Dodge Journey here on a recent Saturday morning was Caleb Humphrey. It was for good reason.

“Senator, this week alone Caleb made 2,016 calls,” a campaign organizer said, introducing Mr. Humphrey.

“Oh, my God,” Mr. Sanders said, looking genuinely shocked. “Thank you very much for that.”

As Mr. Sanders walked into the hall for another packed rally, Mr. Humphrey, a 30-year-old Army veteran, explained why he had made so many calls urging Iowans to come to the event.

“I haven’t felt anything like this in the three years I have been out of the Army,” he said of Mr. Sanders’s unlikely and rising campaign for the Democratic nomination. “I feel a part of something.”

Support for Mr. Sanders has surged around the country, and he has drawn crowds that are the envy of other candidates. But it is Mr. Sanders’s footprint in Iowa, that most critical of early states, where that expansion matters most. A new Des Moines Register poll shows that Mr. Sanders now trails Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, by only seven points in Iowa, where he will return for another campaign sweep on Thursday.
Again, I raise the same question from a few days ago...

How many weeks, days, hours till Trump gets the boot from the GOP? No way on earth they're gonna let this fly...

Increase Taxes? Talk by Donald Trump Alarms G.O.P.

WASHINGTON — For years, Republicans have run for office on promises of cutting taxes and bolstering business to stimulate economic growth, pledging allegiance to a Reaganesque model of conservatism that has largely become the party’s orthodoxy.

But this election cycle, the Republican presidential candidate who currently leads in most polls is taking a different approach, and it is jangling the nerves of some of the party’s most traditional supporters.

The tendency of that candidate, the billionaire developer Donald J. Trump, to make provocative, headline-grabbing speeches has helped obscure an emerging set of beliefs: that he would raise taxes in certain areas, particularly on corporations that he believes do not act in the best interests of the United States.

In recent weeks, Mr. Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on American companies that put their factories in other countries. He has suggested he would increase taxes on the compensation of hedge fund managers. And he has vowed to change laws that allow American companies to benefit from cheaper tax rates by using mergers to base their operations outside the United States.

Alarmed that those ideas might catch on with some of Mr. Trump’s Republican rivals — as his immigration policies have — the Club for Growth, an anti-tax think tank, is pulling together a team of economists to scrutinize his proposals and calculate the economic impact if he is elected.

“All of those are anti-growth policies,” said David McIntosh, the president of the Club for Growth, a group that Republican candidates routinely court. “Yes he’s a businessman, but if those are the policies he implements, they’ll drive the economy into the ground and we’ll see huge drops in G.D.P., and frankly I think it would lead to massive loss of jobs.”

Crowd Successes by Bernie Sanders in Other States Are Playing Out Well in Iowa

BOONE, Iowa — The first person Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont met when he climbed out of a Dodge Journey here on a recent Saturday morning was Caleb Humphrey. It was for good reason.

“Senator, this week alone Caleb made 2,016 calls,” a campaign organizer said, introducing Mr. Humphrey.

“Oh, my God,” Mr. Sanders said, looking genuinely shocked. “Thank you very much for that.”

As Mr. Sanders walked into the hall for another packed rally, Mr. Humphrey, a 30-year-old Army veteran, explained why he had made so many calls urging Iowans to come to the event.

“I haven’t felt anything like this in the three years I have been out of the Army,” he said of Mr. Sanders’s unlikely and rising campaign for the Democratic nomination. “I feel a part of something.”

Support for Mr. Sanders has surged around the country, and he has drawn crowds that are the envy of other candidates. But it is Mr. Sanders’s footprint in Iowa, that most critical of early states, where that expansion matters most. A new Des Moines Register poll shows that Mr. Sanders now trails Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, by only seven points in Iowa, where he will return for another campaign sweep on Thursday.
worked out well for Greece.
2. Increase minimum wage to make some of these jobs "only illegal immigrants will do" be done by legal immigrants and citizens

It ain't hard to find a **** ton of people against this, because it is a dumb "solution" to a problem made already worse by government interference in the market economy, or lack of interference with regards to border control.
Btw for those that think Donald Trump is electable to be the leader of the free world, well, I reccomend you watch the film Idiocracy. That is the state the country would need to be in to elect someone like Trump. We may be there in 20-25 years at the rate we're going, not sure we're quite there yet.

Yep....especially if we keep electing liberals.
Do not underestimate Trumps ability to "act" presidential when he gets far enough into the process.

USA Today just had an editorial on Trump today and they continue the same rhetoric of "can't believe such an idiot has come this far" and "he's unelectible" in a general election.


I think they are burying their heads in the sand like half the media thinking this Trump thing is just going to blow itself out. And I have yet to see any evidence that just because Trump treats the pompous, holier-than-thou media (who think their **** doesn't stink) with a little disdain (something American has long felt), that all of a sudden he's going to act like that all the time 24-7 if he gets elected to president.

Do they honestly think if he's elected POTUS, he'll still spend time tweeting with Megyn Kelly? Unlikely.

I doubt I'll bring myself to vote for him (but if he's against Hillary I might), but he's the first candidate in a LONG time that is 100% not going to just get into office and drift through the river of the political machine doing nothing to change anything.

I believe him that he's going to shake things up. I believe him that Congress will regret thinking they can push him around and add their pork to every idea he has. I think Trump will get up on that podium and unveil all the dirty laundry of every congressman that holds his hand out thinking he's going to get pork in return for passing his legislation. And I think Trump will stand up and have no qualms about tearing back the curtain on how deals are done.

We talk all the time about Trump as a deal-maker. And what politics has become is an ugly, money-hungry, back room deal-making scheme between the executive and legislative branch. Why can't he deal with congress? Why can't he deal with the fat cats on capital hill and start getting BETTER deals for the American people as he sees fit?

People keep making a joke of him, but maybe 4 years of him is just what this country needs as a re-set button to the political correctness issues and the fat congress keeps sucking out of the American public (both right and left) for their personal gain.

I know if Trump gets elected Congress will practically revolt against him, but I also know Trump will not back down and maybe having him stand up to them is just what we need.

I have a question for Tibs and those that think Trump is a joke. What exactly will he do that scares you so much?

I mean, I've seen so many presidents come and go, I'm not sure there is anything that they can do which will actually destroy our country. Even the rhetoric about Obama and the "terrible" things he's done to America is a joke to me. Obamacare isn't going to really do all that much. I'm not nearly as worried about the Iran deal as some. I disagree with his Middle East plan, but I'm not sure that's going to effect Americans on a wide-spread scale.

We've had 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush #1, 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of Bush #2, 8 years of Obama. Back, forth, republican, democrat and is America's day-to-day life really much different now than in 1985? No. Technology is crazy different. But people are still spending too much, people still worship the all-mighty dollar and aren't fiscally responsible. Most people still have 2 kids, a cat, a dog, a mortgage, 2 cars, work 60-80 hours a week as a a couple and spend money on themselves and drink with the neighbors on weekends.

That's what America does.

All the same concerns we had in 1985 are still being spouted about today. US's roll in the world as a peacekeeper. How much national debt is too much? Where is employment going to come from with the lack of manufacturing? How can the middle class pay for their kids to have a better life than them? Do we have enough for retirement and medical care as we get older and who's paying for it?

That's it.

The American dream isn't about becoming a millionaire. Once you have some kids, the American dream is making sure our country is as good or better for them as it is for us. That they are smarter than us and have opportunities to do something they enjoy, make decent money and raise their own families in a safe, clean and healthy world. And that as we get old, we aren't a burden on them.

That's the American dream.
I have a question for Tibs and those that think Trump is a joke. What exactly will he do that scares you so much?
Not much, really. If he gets elected, I'd accept it and move on, certainly wouldn't be the end of the world. I think he would have a tough time working with Congress as far as getting laws passed, but that's nothing new either. Why not have an alternative-type candidate give it a wack, be it Trump or Sanders? I just don't care for him personally, his boisterous style, his arrogance, the way he speaks down to those he disagrees with. I mean really, he's about as unpresidential as they come. But again, if the nation elects him president, so be it.
I'm not a huge Hillary fan, but I've got to say it doesn't seem like she's shaking in her boots... same can be said for Bernie Sanders. I think most political observers agree this summer of "red meat posturing" by Trump and the GOP is nothing more than a side show...bells & whistles, smoke & mirrors... or as Hillary sums it up "dead wrong in 21st century America." Keep on believing the Trump-bullcrap will resonate with the wider electorate...

Tibs ... Donald Trump is not going to be the candidate for President. Don't obsess over him.

Further, you post a clip where Hillary Clinton is making fun of somebody's hair color???

Uhhhhh ... okay. So Hillary of course should be the one offering such intellectual bon mots, right?




Yeah, Hillary is certainly a credible source for phony hair color. After all, it certainly seems that her carpet does not match the drapes.
Not much, really. If he gets elected, I'd accept it and move on, certainly wouldn't be the end of the world. I think he would have a tough time working with Congress as far as getting laws passed, but that's nothing new either. Why not have an alternative-type candidate give it a wack, be it Trump or Sanders? I just don't care for him personally, his boisterous style, his arrogance, the way he speaks down to those he disagrees with. I mean really, he's about as unpresidential as they come. But again, if the nation elects him president, so be it.

We're talking about Trump, not Bomma.
Great letter from Trump to the director of CNN requesting that he donates to veterans groups the huge Trump-driven profits from the upcoming debate.


yeah - I saw that

Trump calls on CNN To donate debate money to veterans

Donald Trump is putting his mouth where CNN’s money is, demanding that all profits from the broadcast of next week’s GOP debate go to veterans.

Following news that CNN has been capitalizing on Trump-mania by raising ad prices for the Sept. 16 debate to 40 times their normal rate....“I believe that all profits from this broadcast should go to various Veterans groups'

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