Putin Has Hot Words For Clinton’s Attempts At ‘Confrontation’
"It's not funny anymore."
by Jack Davis October 25, 2016 at 10:16am
Stung at the hostile tone of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s efforts to cast Russia as America’s greatest enemy, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he won’t let Clinton become a global bully.
“Jeopardizing Russian-American relations in order to gain brownie points internally – I consider this to be harmful and counterproductive,” Putin recently told reporters in Russia in a video.
“It’s not funny anymore. If somebody out there wants confrontation. This is not our choice but this means that there will be problems,” Putin warned.
” … we consider it wrong, that we always have to be in conflict with one another, creating existential threats for each other and for the whole world,” he said.
Putin questioned whether Clinton’s talk was genuine or for show.
“Would Mrs. Clinton delivers on her threats and harsh rhetoric against Russia if she became President? Or will she correct her position against us?” he said.
Putin accused Clinton of trying “to distract voters from the country’s problems” by blaming Russia and Iran for the nation’s ills.
Putin made it clear who he would prefer to see win the election.
“Mrs. Clinton has chosen to take up a very aggressive stance against our country, against Russia. Mr. Trump, on the other hand, calls for cooperation – at least when it comes to the international fight against terrorism,” Putin said.
“Naturally we welcome those who would like to cooperate with us,” Putin noted.