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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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Just turned on CNN and hillary has dropped below 270 on their map.

If this new info of the satanic cults, money laundering, pedophilia, etc etc turns out to be true or even partly true she will be sunk.

The state of play

We've made four moves in the map since our last update and all of them are in Donald Trump's direction. Ohio, Utah, and Maine's 2nd congressional district are all moving from the battleground/toss-up category to lean Republican. And New Hampshire is moving from lean Democratic to a pure battleground/toss-up state.

Clinton's electoral vote total is at 268 when you add up all the states that are solidly or leaning in her direction and Donald Trump's is 204 when you combine all the states that are solidly or leaning in his direction. That leaves six remaining battleground contests worth a total of 66 electoral votes in Arizona, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and the second congressional district in and around Omaha, Nebraska.
It's important to note what this map reflects and what it does not reflect: while he has made gains, Clinton remains in a much stronger electoral position than Trump. In the current snapshot, Clinton would only need to win one of the remaining toss-up states to secure the presidency. Trump needs to win all of them. However, this current map does represent an ever-so-slightly less steep mountain for him to to climb to 270 electoral votes.
The changes to the map reflect current polling, reporting with the campaigns and affiliated groups tracking the state of play in each critical state, television advertising decisions made by the campaigns and outside groups, and the candidate/surrogate travel schedules.
This is not a prediction of where the map will end up on Tuesday night when the votes are counted, it is simply a snapshot heading into the homestretch.

Solid Republican:
Alabama (9), Alaska (3), Arkansas (6), Idaho (4), Indiana (11), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (8), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10), Montana (3), Nebraska (4), North Dakota (3), Oklahoma (7), South Carolina (9), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (11), Texas (38), West Virginia (5), Wyoming (3) (157 total)

Leans Republican:
Georgia (16), Iowa (6), Maine 2nd Congressional District (1), Ohio (18), Utah (6) (47 total)

Battleground states:
Arizona (11), Florida (29), Nevada (6), Nebraska 2nd Congressional District (1), New Hampshire (4), North Carolina (15), (66 total)

Leans Democratic:
Colorado (9), Michigan (16), Pennsylvania (20), Virginia (13), Wisconsin (10), (68 total)

Solid Democratic:
California (55), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), DC (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (20), Maine (3), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), New Jersey (14), New York (29), Oregon (7), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington (12), Minnesota (10), New Mexico (5) (200 total)
Just turned on CNN and hillary has dropped below 270 on their map.

If this new info of the satanic cults, money laundering, pedophilia, etc etc turns out to be true or even partly true she will be sunk.

If what I read is true the FBI might be raiding some home and offices this weekend. If even a quarter of the stuff I am reading is true and Clinton wins we will have a **** storm that will make Watergate look like a birthday party or it will start the revolution if she wins and then is pardoned. Things could really get ugly in this country depending on the outcome Tuesday.
Put the champagne on ice and get ready, President Trump is about to take office and put the country on his back. Looking forward to the massive changes he'll implement 'his first day in office', as he's promised. We'll finally have a real leader in the White House, someone we can trust, someone who'll be looking out for the little man. Things will be awesome. I can hardly wait to see America be great again in the very near future.
And if Clinton wins Tibs, can we expect that all the charges against her will be proven unequivocally false?

No. We can't. We'd have a career criminal and her molesting husband in office. Makes you a bit sick doesn't it? Something of a "no win" eh?

NATE SILVER: 'There’s been a potential breach' of Hillary Clinton's 'electoral firewall'

Renowned statistician Nate Silver warned Friday that new polling could indicate trouble for Hillary Clinton as the 2016 race for the White House enters its final days.

“There’s been a potential breach of Hillary Clinton’s electoral firewall,” Silver wrote on his data-journalism publication, FiveThirtyEight.

Silver was referring to the so-called blue wall — states that have reliably voted for Democrats in the past several election cycles — and other states which have solidly been in Clinton’s court throughout the cycle.

Specifically, Silver pointed to New Hampshire where polls have increasingly narrowed. Three polls released on Thursday showed Donald Trump at least tied with Clinton in the Granite State.

“If Clinton lost New Hampshire but won her other firewall states, each candidate would finish with 269 electoral votes, taking the election to the House of Representatives,” he noted.

uh-oh NATE SILVER: 'There’s been a potential breach' of Hillary Clinton's 'electoral firewall'

It's clear as day. Game's over, Hillary's done. We'll be anointing King Trump in a matter of days. Rejoice!

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Hershey PA

The line goes on and on for Hershey Pennsylvania Trump rally. @CCTV_America


Giant Center is filling up for the @realDonaldTrump event. @PennLive

The line goes on and on for Hershey Pennsylvania Trump rally. Giant Center is filling up for the @realDonaldTrump event.

Yes, victory is within arm's reach, the anointment shall commence! So good to see his subjects preparing for the swearing in of King Trump. They shall be required to bow down in front of him many times to come, better get in the practice now, while they still can. Rejoice!

Yes, victory is within arm's reach, the anointment shall commence! So good to see his subjects preparing for the swearing in of King Trump. They shall be required to bow down in front of him many times to come, better get in the practice now, while they still can. Rejoice!





Donald J. Trump in Tampa, FL 11/5/16
Donald J. Trump in Wilmington, NC 11/5/16
Donald J. Trump in Reno, NV 11/5/16
Donald J. Trump in Denver, CO 11/5/16
Donald J. Trump in Sioux City, IA 11/6/16
Donald J. Trump in West Allis, WI 11/6/16
Donald J. Trump in Moon Twp., PA 11/6/16
Donald J. Trump in Sarasota, FL 11/7/16
Donald J. Trump in Raleigh, NC 11/7/16
Donald J. Trump in Manchester, NH 11/7/16
Yes, victory is within arm's reach, the anointment shall commence! So good to see his subjects preparing for the swearing in of King Trump. They shall be required to bow down in front of him many times to come, better get in the practice now, while they still can. Rejoice!


Lol...hey penis brain, don't be pinning that on us. No one on the right is crowning Trump king...that's solely the work of you leftist swine....just as it was when you a-holes anointed Obama as the Messiah, the savior.


Yes, victory is within arm's reach, the anointment shall commence! So good to see his subjects preparing for the swearing in of King Trump. They shall be required to bow down in front of him many times to come, better get in the practice now, while they still can. Rejoice!


As long as there are no p****es or underage girls within that reach King Trump will rule the land with a narcissistic touch that would make Nixon green.
As long as there are no p****es or underage girls within that reach King Trump will rule the land with a narcissistic touch that would make Nixon green.

Underage girls? Now you're talking the Clintons' game.
Holy ****... I go to Hershey Bears games there all the time. That's a good sized arena. Seats 10,500 easy. And most on the lower level.

That's a 6k to 8k turnout for Trump.

This race really is over. And when Nate Silver is hedging his bets, it's all off.
I can't even bring up the election in my house anymore. My wife is voting Clinton and doesn't want to hear anything I have to say about it.

I tell here about the new e-mail.... I tell here the polls are looking awfully bad for Clinton... she is in denial. Doesn't even want to think about it.

It's crazy.

You know what you tell liberals? There is one minority in this country you don't want to piss off. Caucasian males. We make up 31% of this country. That is a minority.

Yet we donate more money, we are more politically active, we vote at the HIGHEST percentage of any demographic in this country. You can not **** on us for 8 years and make us the scapegoat for all the ills of this world and expect us to sit idly by and just take if up the ***. It doesn't work that way. Trump is our representation of a big "**** You" to all of it.

Every minority, woman, transgender, whatever that has been dumping on white males for the past decade and blaming us for everything. Trump is our answer back. It's a big **** You to political correctness, "safe spaces", reparations, white privilege and god knows what else to heap in the pile of excuses that liberal america has used to cover up accountability and self determination.

He is as flawed a candidate that will ever control the White House, but don't say we didn't warn you it was coming liberal America. Don't think we don't listen to what you say about us.
Whatever get out the vote thing that the awesome Hillary campaign ground game has going on in PA is invisible. Seems like these crowds at Trump events are a better indicator of "get out the vote" effectiveness.

You bet your *** that if Hillary had crowds like this, the media would be covering it big time.
Put the champagne on ice and get ready, President Trump is about to take office and put the country on his back. Looking forward to the massive changes he'll implement 'his first day in office', as he's promised. We'll finally have a real leader in the White House, someone we can trust, someone who'll be looking out for the little man. Things will be awesome. I can hardly wait to see America be great again in the very near future.

Exactly Tibs... now you are starting to get it!
Preach on, brother Maher. :nod:

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FMaher%2Fvideos%2F10154146486192297%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
Oh, the irony.


Putin loves Trump because Trump is weak, Putin fears Clinton because ... Clinton has his number

A pair of Newsweek stories neatly bracket why Vladimir Putin and his legion of Russian hackers favor Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.

The Trump/Putin love affair isn’t just a mutual authoritarian bromance. What Putin likes best about Trump is that Donald lets him get away with murder … of democracy.

… the Republican nominee for president has emboldened the Kremlin in its unprecedented cyber-campaign to disrupt elections in multiple countries in hopes of weakening Western alliances, according to intelligence, law enforcement and other government officials in the United States and Europe.

Trump’s refusal to call out the Russians on hacking and his easy susceptibility to Russian propaganda make him a fan favorite among those wanting to degrade NATO and allow the Russian military to do as it likes. Putin is confident that with Trump in charge, America could be manipulated with ease.

… a document altered by Russian propagandists and put out on the internet—ultimately published by Sputnik—had been cited by Trump at a rally as fact.

But even more than he loves Trump, Putin fears Hillary Clinton. And for a very good reason: Hillary Clinton knows you don’t have to fight Russia to destroy Putin.

What Hillary Clinton knows about Vladmir Putin is very simple: Putin’s economy is exactly one commodity deep. So when Hillary Clinton gives a speech about the growing power of U.S. oil and gas ...

“We can have a North American energy system that will be unbelievably powerful. If we have enough of it, we can be exporting and supporting a lot of our friends and allies.”

What she’s really doing is putting Putin on notice that he can no longer use pipelines between Russia and Europe to both bully European politics and (literally) fuel the Russian economy.

Those Wikileaks speeches where Hillary Clinton talks up the idea of fracking? American progressives may not like them, but Russian authoritarians hate them, because keeping world oil and gas prices high is the only chance that the oligarchs have to pocket massive wealth for themselves—and to fund a first-rate army in what is, increasingly, a third-rate power.

Truthfully, it’s not necessary to frack every stone in either America or Europe to keep Putin’s Russia on the rocks. It’s not even clear that there’s a need for any additional fracking. What’s necessary is that oil and gas prices stay low. With the U.S. producing at record volume and OPEC unable to agree on production cuts, Russia finds its shallow economy getting shallower by the day. At this point, increasing use of renewables can probably replace fossil fuels quickly enough to keep those prices down.

And Hillary Clinton is very, very aware of this fact.

… Clinton made the direct link between America’s energy fortunes and targeting Moscow. “We are now energy independent, something we have hoped for and worked for over many, many years,” she said in a July 2014 speech. “That gives us tools we didn’t have before. And it also gives us the opportunity not only to invest those resources in more manufacturing and other activities that benefit us directly here at home, but to be a bulwark with our supplies against the kind of intimidation we see going on from Russia.”

This is the sore point for Russia. Keep the price of natural gas low, and Russian wealth goes away. Take the need for oil and gas away … and Russian power disappears with it.

Clinton doesn’t have to go to war with Putin. She can starve him out.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s susceptibility to conspiracy theories and lies makes Putin’s mouth water with possibilities.

Officials in Western Europe say they are dismayed that they now feel compelled to gather intelligence on a man who could be the next president of the United States, but believe they have no choice. Moscow is seen as a direct threat to their interests—both in its aggressive efforts to reshape global alliances and for its power to damage Western Europe, which obtains almost 40 percent of its natural gas from Russia. Should the United States, the last remaining superpower, tilt its policies away from NATO to the benefit of Russia, the alliance between America and Western Europe could be transformed in unprecedented ways.

Trump is Putin’s ticket to grabbing what he wants, while he can. Ukraine? Take it. Syria? Of course. Balkans? Hey, they weren’t paying their bills.

The possibility is also there for Donnie to directly help good old Vlad with his most immediate problem. Trump has talked about putting U.S. energy workers back on the job, even though there’s no demand for more production. Might Trump do so by creating some kind of massive new “energy reserve” that takes production off the market? Or maybe he’ll just impose government price supports that keep the industry happy. Either one could drive up world prices and ease the pressure on Moscow. Trump is sure to drop supports for renewable energy, ensuring that Russian gas has value far into the future.

Donald Trump hasn’t really given many details about energy policy, but it’s certain that Vladimir Putin has some ideas.
My wife is voting Clinton and doesn't want to hear anything I have to say about it.

It's crazy.

There is one minority in this country you don't want to piss off. Caucasian males.

You can not **** on us for 8 years and expect us to sit idly by and just take if up the ***. It doesn't work that way. "**** You" to all of it.

It's a big **** You... but don't say we didn't warn you it was coming. Don't think we don't listen to what you say about us.

This reads like a murder-suicide note.

Again, crazy pissed-off never made a wise decision.
I can't even bring up the election in my house anymore. My wife is voting Clinton and doesn't want to hear anything I have to say about it.

I tell here about the new e-mail.... I tell here the polls are looking awfully bad for Clinton... she is in denial. Doesn't even want to think about it.

You should empty the bank accounts, put all her personal effects out on the curb, change the locks on your doors and hire a divorce attorney. You don't need that kindness of negativity in your life.
I can't even bring up the election in my house anymore. My wife is voting Clinton and doesn't want to hear anything I have to say about it. I tell here about the new e-mail.... I tell here the polls are looking awfully bad for Clinton... she is in denial. Doesn't even want to think about it.
Sounds like you married a reasonable, intelligent, politically savvy woman. Poor thing, can't imagine what she's going through right now. :)
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