I don't agree with this at all.
Trump has started the Nationalist Party here in the States. And I think it will take hold much more so than the Tea Party as potential right-wing ideologies over the next 20-25 years. You might think his delivery is crude and lowbrow but the message is not. His message has been resonating in Europe for the better part of 20 years.
Now you can agree or disagree with Nationalist principles all you want. You can call them a step away from Fascism just like some European Socialists are a step away from Communism (cough **Sanders** cough). That's a valid opinion. You can call Nationalists too backwards. But I think it's a legitimate platform that many Republicans are going to incorporate into their opinions based completely on how well Trump is doing in the polls. I would argue Cruz has abandoned much of his Tea Party and Religious message for some Nationalist rhetoric in response to Trump's popularity (maybe not in Iowa, which is dominated by evangelicals, but elsewhere around the country). Trump is not arguing at all on the Tea Party message. Very little evangelical **** in his speeches. And he's certainly not running on "smaller government" and more States' rights. He says enough on those things to appear Republican enough, but we all know he's not a religious person (I doubt he cares at all about organized religion) and we all know he doesn't want to yield executive branch powers in the event he wins. He wants executive, federal power to "win" as he puts it.
I have no doubt he is what many call a RINO because he is not a crazy bible waving, gun-toting, Tea Party clown that thinks the world is 6000 years old or creationism is a "science". Thank god for that.
But he is right wing. VERY right wing in his message. Because Nationalism is right wing. It's the backbone of right wing politics in Europe, which is where I think this country will eventually evolve into because that's where the liberals are pushing us. The Tea Party message is a failure on a national level. Anyone with a brain knows that. But the Nationalist message? Don't know yet. Maybe Trump is crazy like a fox in seeing this way before many political experts.