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Trump vs. Hillary The Great Debate thread !

pop the karma comment should have been on your flip flopper comment...not the last one....
Trump whiffed a lot in this debate. He had chances to bury her on the emails, hacking, and such and he simply didn't take advantage. Missed opportunities.[/QUOTE
Because he really has no depth of knowledge about anything, and apparently no interest in acquiring it. I've said this from the beginning.
Trump whiffed a lot in this debate. He had chances to bury her on the emails, hacking, and such and he simply didn't take advantage. Missed opportunities.[/QUOTE
Because he really has no depth of knowledge about anything, and apparently no interest in acquiring it. I've said this from the beginning.




These debates will always be slanted for the left. I hold out a little hope for the fox moderated one ,but not much. All he needs to do is keep the pedal to the metal and on message. All I hear from hildabeast is tax tax tax. As if that somehow fixes the country and creates wealth. They will still spend more than they bring in. It's a money sucking black hole that needs to be shut down. These ******** live off of the taxpayer,so blowing money doesn't mean a thing.
Just to be accurate, blacks make up 13% of the population.

Actually 12.5%, then you figure women are half of that, so men are 6.25% and 50% of crimes are committed by young black men, so we'll call that 3%.
Who's being accurate?
Actually 12.5%, then you figure women are half of that, so men are 6.25% and 50% of crimes are committed by young black men, so we'll call that 3%.
Who's being accurate?

so you are saying women can't commit crimes...******* sexist
Trump whiffed a lot in this debate. He had chances to bury her on the emails, hacking, and such and he simply didn't take advantage. Missed opportunities.
Absolutely. It was very frustrating. Early on when she talked about how he built his business, he should have just said that one of the buildings he built created more jobs than the $200MIL she's gotten in speeches to Goldman Sachs.
This is one of 3 rounds. Perhaps he was just seeing how she fights. I'm thinking the next one will have more zingers
If I had to pick a winner, I'd say it was Trump. Based on goals. He had to not look like a complete moron. Mission accomplished, relatively. She had to be likable and inspiring. Fail. I think the pundits who think she did great are going to be surprised at what Joe Q. Public thinks.

Five Times Lester Holt Shilled for Hillary Clinton at First Debate

NBC News’ Lester Holt had his “Candy Crowley” moment at the first debate of the 2016 presidential election on Monday night, bowing to pressure from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the liberal media by “fact-checking” Republican nominee Donald Trump on the question of his support for the Iraq War.
Holt lived up to the expectations of his peers. But he lived down to the worst expectations of conservatives, who routinely see Republican candidates treated unfairly by debate moderators.

Again and again, Holt asked Trump tough questions that were straight from the Clinton campaign’s talking points, and which were obvious set-ups for Clinton to attack (and for fact-checkers to pounce on whatever Trump asserted in his own defense).

Here are the five worst examples.

Tax returns. Holt never asked Clinton about her e-mail scandal, about Benghazi, or about the Clinton Foundation and its dubious dealings. But he did ask Trump about his tax returns, arguing — not asking — that there might be questionable information in them that the American public deserved to hear.

Birther conspiracy theory. Holt never asked Clinton about her past record of racist statements, including her “super-predator” remarks as First Lady, or her explicit appeal to “white Americans” in her 2008 primary campaign against Obama. Yet he asked Trump about the Birther conspiracy theory and cast it as racist.

Stop-and-frisk. After an exchange between the candidates over the policy of “stop-and-frisk,” Holt interjected to bolster Clinton’s point by stating, erroneously, that stop-and-frisk had ended in New York because it had been declared unconstitutional by a court. Trump countered, correctly, that the new mayor had canceled the policy before the litigation was over.

“A presidential look.” Towards the end of the debate, Holt asked Trump about what he meant by saying Hillary Clinton did not have “a presidential look.” He did so after noting that Clinton had become “the first woman” to be nominated for president by a major political party, thus setting Trump up as a sexist. As Trump answered, Holt interrupted him, then gave Clinton a chance to respond with her talking points about Trump’s past comments on women.

Iraq War. The question of whether Trump supported the Iraq War or not has been widely debated. What is beyond doubt is that Hillary Clinton voted for it. Holt only represented one side of the debate about Trump, and never asked Clinton about her own vote.

In addition, the audience repeatedly interjected — almost always in Clinton’s favor — and Holt did not stop them, though it was against the rules. He only stopped the audience when there were cheers for Trump calling for Clinton’s emails.

Bow again, Lester Holt. You did your job.
Welcome back, onefor. Hope all is well.

Trump has always proven he's a step ahead. I believe he purposely didn't go hard at her with Benghazi, the email debacle as it relates to national security, the Russian Uranium deal which padded her corrupt Clinton Foundation, etc......they say the 3rd debate is always the most memorable and resonates with voters and I know he will be hitting her with EVERYTHING in that one. Had he hit her with everything tonight, she would then have an opportunity to deflect and lie about those things in round 2. He's peppering her then will go in for some overhands and uppercuts to put her away. He was reserved tonight for the most part. He hammered home to the viewers that we're in a financial crises so he painted his successful business background and experiences to show that he has the know-how to make better deals for the country. Trump was the alpha candidate tonight and looked like he could be a stronger leader to supersede years of weak leadership under Obama. Trump won this round.
I particularly liked how they grilled Trump about being "for" the Iraq war.

It doesn't matter if he was for it. He was a private citizen and not privy to the same information that Hillary had. And by default, Russia now has.

She says Russia is a threat, but forgets that she signed off on the deal selling enriched uranium to Russia.
Trump just tweeted: "Nothing on emails. Nothing on the corrupt Clinton Foundation. And nothing on #Benghazi. #Debates2016 #debatenight"

As expected, bias moderation and questioning. Trump will hit her with all of these huge issues next time.

Lester Holt negative questions to Trump:
Tax Returns
Birther issue
Iraq War
Hillary Presidential Looks

Negative questions to Clinton:

Last edited:
Polling from Time has 58% in favor of Trump tonight.

But cnns poll has hillary smashing trump.. Out of 500 polled she got 60%... Bet 400 of those calls were to known people too
These polls are a joke. Trump easily lost. He really blew it on a few major questions.
First his tax returns..He almost implied that he does not pay federal taxes. He did not dispute hillarys claim that he did not. He could have said he pays federal taxes and gave a ball park number. If he does pay no or very little taxes it will be devastating to the campaign.
About his lawsuit where he was not renting to blacks. He said a bunch of people got sued and settled without admission of guilt. That was a terrible answer.
He also got destroyed over the racial tension question. Seemed like all he could say was law and order and stop and frisk. If he is going to do that then fine, but he really needed to expand his answer. How is he going to help the communities or how is he going to help the police.
He also failed the birther question. All he had to say was "I have simply moved on from it to focus on my campaign and it does not matter at this point because obama will be out soon."
His iraq, syria answers were not great either. Seems like he does not realize there are thousands of people fact checking him. No one has clips of him being against the iraq war and he has went back and forth on syria in his recent campaign.
He did do well on trade, but still was not a good showing.
All that happened last night was show that if you are a Trumper, your boy won. If you support Hillary, your "girl" won. NOTHING got accomplished. Oh- Lester Holt needs to keep his day job as a commentator for the ID Channel. That's it.
I never thought Trump was a great debater, in fact in the primary debates I thought he was cringe worthy. But after every debate he would win the polls overwhelmingly and it is not like he had a massive GOTV organization. He is connecting with people and that is what is propelling the enthusiasm gap and that is what is showing up in these online debate polls.

IMO Carley Fiorina won practically every republican primary debate and where is she now?
I don't think we saw anything new but I have to agree with Chuck...our boy left a lot of meat on that bone. The fact that he spent so much wasted energy on defense and never got to stick a finger in her eye was disappointing.

When the subject of internet security came up, I had at least 6 one liners pop into my head, but Donald just went back to defending his taxes...sigh.

Hillary's "Gold Standard" denial was also shocking... she's on tape for Christ's sake and she still denied it. That's some chutzpah there now.

Color me disappointed in this debate. Hillary did not have a health crisis and Donald let her set the tone. Hopefully he learned not to jump at the bait so quick next time and oh.... next debate, stick to the script Donald....... don't let your ego overload your ***.

What a let down. Every question asked was geared toward Clintons talking points. But quite honestly that should have been expected.

Trump simply was not prepared. He could have turned those questions around to attacking her on so many topics, but instead, went on defense.

It was his 1st 1/1 debate. lets hope he does his homework before the next debate.