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Trump vs. Hillary The Great Debate thread !

Trump was asked about his tax returns. Hillary was not asked about the Clinton Foundation or the money she takes from our enemies or the money she takes from Wall Street.

Trump was asked about the birther issue. Hillary was not asked about her email scandal.

On, and on. The bias was nauseating. The attempt to leave her alone and put him on the defensive was blatantly off balance.

Completely biased by the main stream media arm of the Dem party. The only hope for Trump seeing questions directly at Hilldog is if Mike Wallace does it but he has too much class.
While the questions were biased Trump was not asked anything that should have been shocking to him. He should have been able to rattle off better answers in his sleep. To me it shows he either choked or did not prepare properly. Either way not the best qualities for POTUS.
What happened last night is Trump looked Presidential and took the high road while Hilldog and her main stream media took the low road. For that by itself, Trump was the winner.
Hilldog also stood there with a smug grin on her face and rolling her eyes most of the night. That was not a good look but is typical of the insider elites.
Watched the entire thing.

I don't think Trump did that well. He keeps making it hard for me to commit to him 100%. I'm voting for him, but it's like eating my vegetables now.

He could have done sooooo much better. There were numerous spots he could have really debated her with intelligence and win, but he can't keep the interrupting, loud-mouth, bully from rearing it's ugly head. By the 1-hour mark, his answers were getting way to wordy and convoluted and way off message.

He has a right to be defensive about the way the media "fact checks" him, I get it. Saying "I guess so" on the Howard Stern Show when asked if we should go into Iraq is NOT voting for it like Clinton. And when he says a month later to another reporter/interviewer he doesn't think we should go into Iraq, that's a good enough pattern for me to say he was against the War. The media doesn't portray it that way, but I see through that.

Personally, I don't even know what the birther issue is or how Trump was involved in it in 2011. I guess I haven't read up on it enough. If I was Trump, I would have come back HARD on the mediator about that question and it's relevance. Obama's presidency is over. Period. There is nothing racist about asking the same questions Hillary asked in 2008. If so, she's just as racist. Her camp did it in 2008 and paid for investigations into the issue.

His taxes are an issue because it's apparent that he probably doesn't pay a lot in taxes. But he should turn that into a rallying cry showing America exactly HOW he does it legally and how Washington ALLOWS him to do in legally and how thousands of other millionaires are doing it as well. Then explain how only HE knows how to change the tax code against people like him and his accountants and lawyers.

He's kind of afraid to take that step.

He's leaving so many good issues on the table to take advantage of Hillary. Not sure he has enough time to get them rolling.

And he's got to learn to attack without losing his temper and interrupting. Let the ***** speak all her bullshit. I think he did best when he called her out.... words, words, words... no action. That's EXACTLY correct. Hillary (and most politicians) have been spewing this **** for 25 years and nothing has changed. She's been Senator. She's been Secretary of Defense. What has she DONE except make things worse?

Sometimes it's low, but when someone babbles on about policy for 2 minutes and you go "blah, blah, blah" that can hit home with people. Hillary is so corrupt and such a political machine, her rhetoric and "solutions" are old and stale.

Trump lost the debate in my opinion and I don't think he helped himself get swing voters. He needs to do better next time to stay on message and expand away from his stump speech issues. He can beat her on every issue if he's more prepared.
Anyone who says that they cannot vote for Trump over Hillary needs to take a knee and seriously re-evaluate their life's priorities.
DRUDGE poll:

Thank you for voting!
TRUMP 82.27% (453,450 votes)

CLINTON 17.73% (97,708 votes)

Total Votes: 551,158


Clinton or Trump: Who do you think won the first presidential debate?
Getty Images
Hillary Clinton
34 %
0Getty Images
Donald Trump
66 %
817,652 Votes
anyone know what drugs Hilldog was on to cause that slow blink? figured she was going to go to sleep at one point.
He's leaving so many good issues on the table to take advantage of Hillary. Not sure he has enough time to get them rolling.

This is my thought too Del, No retort on Bengazi, no comment on the "bathroom server", no comment about the Clinton Foundation but he did say once that some of his attacks were dismissed to keep Chelsea, whom he respects, from harm. I don't know if it's true but some people might consider that somewhat noble maybe?

All in all, too much defense for Trump and not enough coughing from the Hildebeast. On to the next debate and hope for the best.

Douchy Ted weighs in:

Donald J. Trump shared Ted Cruz's post.
9 hrs ·
Thank you Senator Ted Cruz!

Ted Cruz
9 hrs ·
Facebook Mentions
Tonight, a clear contrast was drawn between the two nominees. Tonight, Hillary Clinton made it clearer than ever that if elected President, our future will continue on the same path that is hurting millions of Americans.

If Clinton is elected, we know that the havoc Obamacare is wreaking on American families, on small businesses, and on our healthcare system will continue. We know that President Obama’s relentless efforts to crush the oil and gas industry and to wage war on coal will continue. We know that the Obama administration’s willful blindness to radical Islamic terrorism and the influx of unvetted refugees from nations infiltrated by terrorists will continue. We know that President Obama’s lawless executive amnesty will continue and even expand.

If Clinton is elected, we know that a liberal justice will be named to fill Scalia’s seat and we will lose the Supreme Court for a generation. With that, we know for a certainty that our right to keep and bear arms, our religious liberty and federalism are in danger.

Tonight we received insight into what a Hillary Clinton presidency would look like for Americans. We know that her policies would kill jobs, reduce wages, and continue the downward spiral our country has endured under President Obama.

Tonight, Donald Trump had his strongest debate performance of the election cycle. He drew strong contrasts with Hillary on taxes, regulations, law and order, and the disastrous Iran deal.

Rather than Hillary's America, we need to take a different path. A path that would begin to restore our country from the damage it has suffered the last eight years. We need to unite to defend freedom and restore the Constitution. And Hillary Clinton made absolutely clear tonight she would not do so.
Trump was Ok the first 30 minutes and then it became a lot of gibberish. He doesn't have the stamina or intellect to
be President.
anyone know what drugs Hilldog was on to cause that slow blink? figured she was going to go to sleep at one point.

Yeah, I thought she was going to slip into a coma. The world would be a better place if she did.
Douchy Ted weighs in:

Yeah, Douchey Ted's statement is about 1000 times more intelligent than anything Trump has ever said. Trump should memorize it and recite it back at the next debate.
Yeah, I thought she was going to slip into a coma. The world would be a better place if she did.

She did look pretty drugged up. And her movements were so slow...
Trump was Ok the first 30 minutes and then it became a lot of gibberish. He doesn't have the stamina or intellect to be President.

WTF, this your idea of an echo chamber '21' ?

Donald Trump claimed Monday his rival Hillary Clinton does not have the “stamina” to be president, hitting at the Democrat after a recent bout of pneumonia.

Who won the debate? Personally, I thought Trump didn't. It wasn't one of his better performance. He wasn't smooth in delivery and was baited a few times. However winning a debate has a lot to do with being viewed as genuine and likable. Democrats should worry.

A few liberal source polls:

CNBC Clinton or Trump: Who do you think won the first presidential debate?

Hillary Clinton
33 %

Donald Trump
67 %

927,389 Total Votes




Donald Trump 60.5% (54,702 votes)

Hillary Clinton 39.5% (35,709 votes)

Total Votes: 90,411

NJ Poll

Businessman Donald Trump 57.39% (131,424 votes)

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 37.94% (86,892 votes)

Neither. 3.12% (7,151 votes)

I don't know. 1.55% (3,554 votes)

Total Votes: 229,021


Top 10 Best Donald Trump Quotes from the Presidential Debate


Tonight was the first presidential debate, and calling it “heated” would be an understatement. There were a lot of memorable moments, especially coming from Donald Trump.

Read on for Trump’s top 10 best quotes from the first presidential debate.

“I’ll be reducing taxes tremendously from 35 percent to 15 percent… That’s going to be a job creator we haven’t seen since Ronald Reagan. It’s going to be a beautiful thing to watch.”

“You are going to approve one of the biggest tax increases in history. You are going to drive business out. Your regulations are a disaster and you’re going to increase regulations all over the place… You’re going to regulate these businesses out of existence… I’m going to cut taxes big league and you’re going to raise taxes big league, end of story.”

“Go to her website, she tells you how to fight ISIS on her website. I don’t think General Douglas MacArthur would like that very much… You’re telling the enemy exactly what you’re going to do… No wonder you’ve been fighting ISIS your entire adult life… ”

“I will release my tax returns against my lawyer’s wishes when she releases her 33,000 emails that have been deleted… That was more than a mistake, that was done purposefully. When you have your staff taking the 5th so they’re not prosecuted… I think it’s disgraceful. And believe me this country thinks it’s disgraceful also.”

“I was the one who got him to produce the birth certificate, and I think I did a good job… You treated him (Obama) with terrible disrespect (during the election). And I watch the way you talk now about how lovely everything is… It doesn’t work that way… Your campaign even sent out pictures of him in a certain garb… So when you try to act holier than thou, it really doesn’t work.”

“I’ll take the admirals and the generals any day over the political hacks… Because look at the mess that we’re in.”

“She’s saying Russia, Russia, Russia… It could also be China… It could also be somebody sitting on their bed who weighs 400 pounds. You don’t know who hacked into the DNC… But what did we learn from documents? We learned Bernie Sanders was taken advantage of by your people. … Whether that was Russia, China or another country… The truth is under President Obama we’ve lost control.”

“I think the best person in her campaign is mainstream media.”

“I have much better judgment than she does… I also have a much better temperament than she does… I think my strongest asset maybe by far is my temperament. I have a winning temperament.”

“We are losing billions and billions of dollars. We cannot be the policemen of the world… We cannot protect countries all over the world when they’re not paying us what we need. She’s not saying that because she has no business ability.”

And two last bonus quotes:

“Hillary has experience, but it’s bad experience. … This country can’t afford to have another four years of that kind of experience.”

“She spent hundreds of millions of dollars on negative ads about me, many of which are untrue… It’s not nice and I don’t deserve that. … The only gratifying thing is, I saw the polls come in today. With all of that money… I’m either winning or tied and I’ve spent practically nothing.”
It wasn't a debate contest - it was a 'getting people to vote for you' event.

How Trump won over a bar full of undecideds and Democrats

YOUNGSTOWN, Pa. – Ken Reed sat down at main bar of the Tin Lizzy tavern with two things in mind, to dig into the tavern’s oversized cheese steak and watch the presidential debate.


“I am hungry and undecided in that order,” he said digging into the savory dish in a bar that dates back to 1746.

Kady Letoksy, a paralegal by day, a waitress and bartender at night at the Tin Lizzy sat beside him, at 28 she has never voted before, she is now thinking it might be a good idea.

Letosky entered the evening undecided in a town that is heavily Democratic in registration, her Dad she says is ‘extremely liberal’ her sister the opposite. “Trump had the upper-hand this evening,” she said, citing his command of the back-and-forth between her and Clinton.

Reed, 35, is a registered Democrat and small businessman. “By the end of the debate, Clinton never said a thing to persuade me that she had anything to offer me or my family or my community,” he said, sitting at the same bar that has boasted local icons as regulars, such as the late Fred Rogers, and Arnold Palmer, who had his own stash of PM Whiskey hidden behind newer bottles of whiskey for his regular visits.

“Have to say Trump had the edge this evening, he came out swinging but also talked about specifics on jobs and the economy,” Reed said.

Reed said Clinton came across as either smug or as though she was reading her résumé, adding there was nothing on her résumé that touched on his life. “I am a small businessman, a farmer, come from a long line of farmers and coal miners. The policies she talked about tonight ultimately either hurt me or ignore me,” he said.


Online polls declare Trump debate winner, despite media consensus for Clinton

If polls only included media pundits, Hillary Clinton would have won Monday’s debate by a landslide, but online surveys had Donald Trump as the yuge winner.

The Drudge Report poll had 80 percent of respondents giving the victory to Trump, and a Time.com poll had the Republican nominee leading Clinton by 4 percentage points – 52 percent to 48 percent – after more than 1,300,000 votes were cast. CNBC and Breitbart polls also had Trump winning the event, at New York’s Hofstra University.

A Fox News online poll had Trump winning with 50 percent of respondents, Clinton at 35 percent and the other 15 percent declaring no one won.

The online polls are not scientific and, in many cases, supporters of either candidate can cast multiple ballots. Still, the disconnect in judging Trump’s performance was reminiscent of the Republican Party primary, when pundits often said his competitors bested him while online polls put him on top.

Experts say the online polls are a good gauge of enthusiasm, which could mean Trump’s performance was enough to energize those who already backed him.

Experts were near unanimous in finding Clinton was more disciplined and armed with greater recall of facts, but Trump’s supporters believe his blunt style and unconventional background are among his best attributes.
Here's my problem.

A) Trump is too easily baited by Clinton into foaming and raving. Had he kept his cool a bit better he could have knocked her out of the park.

B) He simply needs to provide slightly better information regarding what he actually intends to do on some fronts. Clinton provides NO information. He needs to actually call her on that ****.

In the first point he did alright, sortof. He said he believes in trickle down economics. Personally, I don't like trickle down. I think it has to be carefully managed because large businesses and their stock holders prefer to retain the profits for themselves rather than spread the wealth to their employees. That's the simple truth. I've worked for enough large companies to understand how it goes.

Nonetheless, he has a plan. Cut taxes to small and large businesses to incite growth and increase or at least charge tariffs to countries importing goods. That will suppress cheap imported goods and labor and potentially increase American manufacturing. (possibly.) At least it's a ******* plan. He may not provide GREAT jobs, but it could provide jobs.

Hillary just said, "I want to support lower and middle class Americans." Literally that's all she said. She further said "I want to create programs that allow enable people to pay off their student loans." Ok. How the **** is she going to do that? What are these programs? How will she support the Middle and Lower class? Ultimately, she'll probably tax the **** out of everyone, upper, middle and lower class and eventually move the country further toward a socialist economic model.

And even if That's her plan, fine. Tell me how that ****'s going to work? But she doesn't give any details. She just gives happy shiny sound bites and hopes like **** that people will grab onto it and feel good.

Later when Trump took the relatively ****** shot about her "stamina" because he was trying to back out of saying she couldn't lead because she was a woman. (Yes, that's what he was saying. The entire Japan / Saudi Arabia reference made that pretty clear.) She said "After he's testified for 11 hours before a Congressional Committee he can talk to me about stamina." I would have immediately replied, "Our Secretary of State, and certainly our President should conduct himself or herself in such a way that he should never be called upon to testify before a Congressional Committee for 11 hours for the things you did."

Boom, drop the mic. **** like that are simple, non rabid ways he could have crushed her ****.

When she brought up that Hillary.com had "Fact Checkers" going real time that would track the debate and put up counter points to the stuff Trump was saying, I would have immediately asked her, "So, you felt incapable of debating my by yourself, you had to hire a team of lawyers and intenet gurus to back you up real-time and attack me because you aren't able to counter my arguments and points yourself? Like your predecesssor you're incapable of speaking or articulating your points without a telepromptor or in your case an entire team of professional debaters."

Again, drop the mic.

I truly feel the Republic party needs to put me on retainer.
And then I'd follow up with,

"And yet you believe you can go toe to toe with other world leaders in negotiations and policy discussions? Will you have them log in to Hillary.com in order to keep up with the necessary counter points to their arguments as well?"
When Hillary pointed out that after 911, all of NATO pitched in to support the U.S. in retaliating. I would have asked her to list the percentage of troops and other support each country provided in the attack and occupation and how long they maintained that support?

She's so ******* full of ****, I can smell it in Montana.

But Sadly he's a complete buffoon as well. I'm so ******* frustrated that this is the best the Republican party can do. It's like a ******* conspiracy to create 1 party. I really wonder sometimes.
she also said she would raise the minimum wage and provide affordable child care.
so by raising the minimum wage, that would raise all wages - or a good percentage since people with more experience are not going to be happy making pennies more than some new hire. as well, by doing that child care workers would see their wages increased. that's paid for in cost to the consumer to provide the service of watching their **** trophies. which is cyclical since the consumer of the child care service just had their wage increased, but are paying out the same ******* percent. but wages are raised and hilldog can hang her colostomy bag on raising wages and income.