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Trump vs. Hillary The Great Debate thread !

She also threw out "free college tuition." Surprised Trump didn't tag that...so 20 trillion in debt...you're going to pay for this HOW?
And with the NATO ****, I would have mentioned the 6.8 trillion or whatever in "lost" money the department of defense just reported.

I would ask her how under she and Obama's watch the country can continue to anchor NATO while our military is so badly managed that it's ******* losing upwards of 7 trillion dollars? At what point does somebody need to come in with some economic responsibility?

It may not be popular, but maybe, just ******* maybe, the military's budget needs to be cut by say... 7 trillion dollars until they can find their ******* change in their car seats. Meanwhile, we can count on NATO to cover our ***** for awhile.
A) Trump is too easily baited by Clinton into foaming and raving. Had he kept his cool a bit better he could have knocked her out of the park.

Agreed. Remaining in control is important. Look, get a bit miffed, but keep it controlled.

Here's my problem.

In the first point he did alright, sortof. He said he believes in trickle down economics. Personally, I don't like trickle down. I think it has to be carefully managed because large businesses and their stock holders prefer to retain the profits for themselves rather than spread the wealth to their employees.

Me? I would have pointed out that it used to be called "Reaganomics," until it created so many jobs and drove unemployment down so far that political hacks began calling it "trickle down" once again. If it were not successful, believe me, it would still be called "Reaganomics" - you know, like the unsuccessful and failing "Obamacare."
If Trump shows up for debate 2, he should attack Hillary from every angle. The gloves are off after her personal attacks on stage last night. He could also decide not to attend and show up for debate 3 where he will have a moderator that will actually be fair to both candidates and not specifically hired to attack him and not Hillary.
Rush just said that Hillary looked like a witch, with a capital B. Heh heh.
If Trump shows up for debate 2, he should attack Hillary from every angle. The gloves are off after her personal attacks on stage last night. He could also decide not to attend and show up for debate 3 where he will have a moderator that will actually be fair to both candidates and not specifically hired to attack him and not Hillary.
You think Wallace will be fair? You haven't been watching him. He's a smug douchebag and no better than the rest.
I am hearing that the Hillary campaign is going to roll out former Ms. Universe Alicia Machado. Apparently she chubbed out after winning Ms. Universe and Trump was not happy about it. Hey, if you are in the pageant business, your value is how you look. Sounds like she was a real pain in the *** too. If she goes there, Trump has to go to the Clinton hoes and how Hillary protected Billy while he was raping women. Seems unavoidable to me.
He will be fair. He will ask tough, relevant questions to both rather than it being one sided.
Wallace a master of blustering like he's fair while still following the mainstream narrative.
if he does that, there is no doubt that Trump will commit arkancide via shotgun blast to the back of the head after he uses a machete to slice his noggin off.
if he does that, there is no doubt that Trump will commit arkancide via shotgun blast to the back of the head after he uses a machete to slice his noggin off.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Superman again.
She also threw out "free college tuition." Surprised Trump didn't tag that...so 20 trillion in debt...you're going to pay for this HOW?

Every one of Clinton's answers to a problem involved more federal spending. Every. *******. One.

Special prosecutors and commissions and "help" to state/local government and federal programs.

Every time she answers, Trump should respond.... more spending. And he should make a point the democrats have been supposedly "coming after my money" for generations and I don't pay taxes because YOUR tax code that politicians like her have written never work. So they squeeze small business owners and decide to call more and more people rich (that aren't rich) and tax them a ton.
There was a moment in the debate where Hillary said something to the effect of "He doesn't think women should get equal pay unless they do equal work."

To which I thought to myself... "and? is that wrong?"

Ah, looked up the transcript.

women don't deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men.

The HORROR! Imagine, not paying women equally unless they do as good a job as men! Why it's inconceivable!
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So funny to watch you all squirm. After the debate last night, I thought to myself, damn, heads must be exploding at SN. And then, of course, I wondered how this will all be spun here at Trump's Asshats HQ.

Hillary *****-slapped Trump from beginning to end. It almost wasn't fair. She proved she's more than ready for the presidency and made him look like the petulant 13-year old that he really is.

He was squirming, he was fuming, he was exasperated, he was belligerent. More than anything, he was always three steps behind trying to keep up with Hillary who is so very clearly his intellectual superior.

It was a devastating, humiliating loss. Everything you needed to know was evident in seeing The Donald desperately make his rounds in the spin room, doing interviews with every last insignificant news outlet, boasting how he'd won the debate. No Donald, you lost last night, and you lost by a wide margin.

It's time for Trump's so-called supporters to wake up and smell the roses. You've gotten behind a seriously-flawed candidate. No doubt you will stubbornly go down with the sinking ship. But no worries, life will go on. You'll lick your wounds and get fired up for whomever will come along to clean up the mess.
It's painful to watch, I admit.

And now, a completely unprepared man will interrupt a highly prepared woman, 51 times, only to prove he actually has very little to say!

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fezraklein%2Fvideos%2F10154605727943410%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
So funny to watch you all squirm. After the debate last night, I thought to myself, damn, heads must be exploding at SN. And then, of course, I wondered how this will all be spun here at Trump's Asshats HQ.

Hillary *****-slapped Trump from beginning to end. It almost wasn't fair. She proved she's more than ready for the presidency and made him look like the petulant 13-year old that he really is.

He was squirming, he was fuming, he was exasperated, he was belligerent. More than anything, he was always three steps behind trying to keep up with Hillary who is so very clearly his intellectual superior.

It was a devastating, humiliating loss. Everything you needed to know was evident in seeing The Donald desperately make his rounds in the spin room, doing interviews with every last insignificant news outlet, boasting how he'd won the debate. No Donald, you lost last night, and you lost by a wide margin.

It's time for Trump's so-called supporters to wake up and smell the roses. You've gotten behind a seriously-flawed candidate. No doubt you will stubbornly go down with the sinking ship. But no worries, life will go on. You'll lick your wounds and get fired up for whomever will come along to clean up the mess.

I'm not squirming, I feel great. He ***** slapped Hillary numerous times and made the clear distinction that he is for lower taxes and less regulations on businesses, she is for higher taxes and more regulations on businesses. He will easily win this election. You libtards and libtard media are just too stupid to see what is happening.

How was your warm cookie?
Tibs, I agree Trump is a flawed candidate. Admittedly no more flawed than Clinton. Unfortunately we have, without a doubt the two worst candidates this country has ever paraded in front of the American masses for the farce of an election.

How you can preen and prance and pretend to be pleased with Clinton's performance is disturbing. The woman is a career politician utterly determined to use the Presidency to pad her own pockets and drive the country into utter and complete bankruptcy. She has no interest whatsoever in her constituency, she cares nothing whatsoever for foreign or domestic policy and her ONLY interest in the office is financial and ego-driven.

Electing Hillary Clinton would serve nothing but to humiliate the country and demonstrate that we as Americans have no pride whatsoever in our political governance. Of course the same is true of Donald Trump. In short this election is precisely what America needs, a healthy dose of mortifying public embarrassment that will demonstrate to the world that we really are utterly incapable of leading ourselves.
There was a moment in the debate where Hillary said something to the effect of "He doesn't think women should get equal pay unless they do equal work."

To which I thought to myself... "and? is that wrong?"

Ah, looked up the transcript.

The HORROR! Imagine, not paying women equally unless they do as good a job as men! Why it's inconceivable!
I caught that too. Every now and then you get a glimpse into the goofy liberal mind.
There was a moment in the debate where Hillary said something to the effect of "He doesn't think women should get equal pay unless they do equal work."

To which I thought to myself... "and? is that wrong?"

Ah, looked up the transcript.

The HORROR! Imagine, not paying women equally unless they do as good a job as men! Why it's inconceivable!

Hillary *****-slapped Trump from beginning to end. It almost wasn't fair.

Trump did well the first 20 minutes or so, pounding on the fact that Hillary and her political brethren have been running the country for a decade, and to what effect? The last hour plus, he wandered around, talked about his golf courses, etc. and was very unfocused and ineffectual, IMO.

You've gotten behind a seriously-flawed candidate.

So have you.

Further, it really does not matter what I think about who "won" the debate, or who CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, MSNBC, the NYT, the W. Post, and on and on thinks "won" the debate.

What matters is how approximately 500,000 combined voters in Florida, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Colorado think won the debate.
You think Wallace will be fair? You haven't been watching him. He's a smug douchebag and no better than the rest.

Any "player" of note in mainstream media is a total douche and a willing part of the "establishment." If they didn't serve the elites agenda, they would never make it to where they are, fact. They take their marching orders from the masters just like all of the politicians. Trump will never get fair treatment from anyone in the mainstream media.
Trump did well the first 20 minutes or so, pounding on the fact that Hillary and her political brethren have been running the country for a decade, and to what effect? The last hour plus, he wandered around, talked about his golf courses, etc. and was very unfocused and ineffectual, IMO.

So have you.

Further, it really does not matter what I think about who "won" the debate, or who CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, MSNBC, the NYT, the W. Post, and on and on thinks "won" the debate.

What matters is how approximately 500,000 combined voters in Florida, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Colorado think won the debate.

No, no it doesn't. That's not what matters. What matters is who voter fraud will be used to help. That's all that matters. The bankers want Hilary, so that is who will win, regardless, end of story. Wake the F up.