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Trump vs. Hillary The Great Debate thread !

So funny to watch you all squirm. After the debate last night, I thought to myself, damn, heads must be exploding at SN. And then, of course, I wondered how this will all be spun here at Trump's Asshats HQ.

Hillary *****-slapped Trump from beginning to end. It almost wasn't fair. She proved she's more than ready for the presidency and made him look like the petulant 13-year old that he really is.

He was squirming, he was fuming, he was exasperated, he was belligerent. More than anything, he was always three steps behind trying to keep up with Hillary who is so very clearly his intellectual superior.

It was a devastating, humiliating loss. Everything you needed to know was evident in seeing The Donald desperately make his rounds in the spin room, doing interviews with every last insignificant news outlet, boasting how he'd won the debate. No Donald, you lost last night, and you lost by a wide margin.

It's time for Trump's so-called supporters to wake up and smell the roses. You've gotten behind a seriously-flawed candidate. No doubt you will stubbornly go down with the sinking ship. But no worries, life will go on. You'll lick your wounds and get fired up for whomever will come along to clean up the mess.

It played out just like Jimmy Carter's campaign manager in an interview a few days ago said it might, which was; If Trump is his usual bullying self then Hillary should not lower herself to his level.

Trump was in full bully/jackass mode last night and Hillary stayed calm,cool and collected. The world got to see what a smart, worldy, dignified presidential candidate looks like...and then there was the clownish disgrace that is Donald Trump.

You know the ignoramus who said in an interview: " russia won't go into the ukraine" then was informed that they had already been there for 2 years......yeah that guy.
Tibs, I agree Trump is a flawed candidate. Admittedly no more flawed than Clinton. Unfortunately we have, without a doubt the two worst candidates this country has ever paraded in front of the American masses for the farce of an election.

How you can preen and prance and pretend to be pleased with Clinton's performance is disturbing. The woman is a career politician utterly determined to use the Presidency to pad her own pockets and drive the country into utter and complete bankruptcy. She has no interest whatsoever in her constituency, she cares nothing whatsoever for foreign or domestic policy and her ONLY interest in the office is financial and ego-driven.

Electing Hillary Clinton would serve nothing but to humiliate the country and demonstrate that we as Americans have no pride whatsoever in our political governance. Of course the same is true of Donald Trump. In short this election is precisely what America needs, a healthy dose of mortifying public embarrassment that will demonstrate to the world that we really are utterly incapable of leading ourselves.

It has NOTHING to do with America leading itself whatsoever. The entire process is nothing but a scam, making the dim bots THINK we have choices. We have none. It's all an illusion to sucker the patsies. And it's pathetic and sad. The person who ends up in the White House will be who the Rothschilds want in the WH, end of story.
So funny to watch you all squirm. After the debate last night, I thought to myself, damn, heads must be exploding at SN. And then, of course, I wondered how this will all be spun here at Trump's Asshats HQ.

Hillary *****-slapped Trump from beginning to end. It almost wasn't fair. She proved she's more than ready for the presidency and made him look like the petulant 13-year old that he really is.

He was squirming, he was fuming, he was exasperated, he was belligerent. More than anything, he was always three steps behind trying to keep up with Hillary who is so very clearly his intellectual superior.

It was a devastating, humiliating loss. Everything you needed to know was evident in seeing The Donald desperately make his rounds in the spin room, doing interviews with every last insignificant news outlet, boasting how he'd won the debate. No Donald, you lost last night, and you lost by a wide margin.

It's time for Trump's so-called supporters to wake up and smell the roses. You've gotten behind a seriously-flawed candidate. No doubt you will stubbornly go down with the sinking ship. But no worries, life will go on. You'll lick your wounds and get fired up for whomever will come along to clean up the mess.

I got to hand it to you: You are the dumbest person who posts here, hands down.


Tons of articles out there saying Trump won. And the majority of polled voter results say the same. But you're such an ideologue, you can't even see it. I am embarrassed for you.
It played out just like Jimmy Carter's campaign manager in an interview a few days ago said it might, which was; If Trump is his usual bullying self then Hillary should not lower herself to his level.

Trump was in full bully/jackass mode last night and Hillary stayed calm,cool and collected. The world got to see what a smart, worldy, dignified presidential candidate looks like...and then there was the clownish disgrace that is Donald Trump.

You know the ignoramus who said in an interview: " russia won't go into the ukraine" then was informed that they had already been there for 2 years......yeah that guy.


Are people really this dumb or are they plants? That's why Trump caused a movement: He is who he is, and doesn't try to hide who he is.

He wears his feelings on his face; you don't have to guess what he is thinking. People find that refreshing. Is he alway super politically correct? No, that's why people like him.

I'd rather have a semi-flawed leader who is honest and speaks the truth, than a slick liar, ala Obama and Clinton.
I got to hand it to you: You are the dumbest person who posts here, hands down.
That really hurts, coming from you.

Even as bad as Trump was last night, I still see him with a more than fair shot to win the election. This is the level America has sunken to, there's no denying it.
Even as bad as Trump was last night, I still see him with a more than fair shot to win the election. This is the level America has sunken to, there's no denying it.

Here's what unfair. The Media will pound on White people with High School Education voting for Trump as if to shame them, but says nothing about the majority of Latinos or African Americans, who often have high school education levels or less voting for Clinton.

Clinton has no real message or record to run on. Trump has ideas. With the nation being in worse shape, those needing change not bleeding blue I think will break for Trump. Something like 40% of the population sees themselves as independent.
When you look at the numbers, well, Obama is the one peddling fiction about the economy. For example, take a look. During his time in the White House, median household income, when adjusted for inflation, has been completely flat and hasn't actually recovered fully since he's been in office.

The labor participation rate is near a 40-year low and has been under 63 percent now for 21 consecutive months. And instead of putting people back to work, under this president, the number of Americans dependent on government is surging. A near record $45 million Americans currently receive food stamps. That is an increase of 42 percent since January 2009.

As for poverty, the president talks about helping every American get ahead, but this again has not been the case. Since 2008, the poverty rate has shot up 17 percent. 46 million Americans now live in poverty, and the dream of owning your own home has been made a nightmare under Obama for many Americans. The rate of those who own a home has now dropped several percentage points. Now, we also saw record numbers of foreclosures during his presidency. 2011 was the worst year on record for home sales.

And under the president, our national debt has reached very dangerous levels. In January 2009, when he took office, it stood at $10.6 trillion. Well, it's almost $19 trillion today, a 77 percent increase. By the time he leaves the White House, he will accumulate more debt than every other president before him combined. And because of this massive accumulation of debt, for the first time ever, America's credit rating was downgraded in 2011.

And that's not all. Now, last night, when he wasn't misleading you, the public, the president also took shots at the GOP front-runner Donald Trump and his proposed Muslim ban. Take a look.
-Sean Hannity.
Even as bad as Trump was last night, I still see him with a more than fair shot to win the election. This is the level America has sunken to, there's no denying it.

Let's not pretend that the Democrats have put John F. Kennedy on the ballot, Tibs.
Even as bad as Trump was last night, I still see him with a more than fair shot to win the election. This is the level America has sunken to, there's no denying it.

yep..they elected President Obama TWICE.....can't get much lower than that
Now it's a news story. Breitbart picked it up. I'm glad Rush finally said it.

Tuesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, while discussing the presidential debate last night, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “came off exactly as many people see her — a witch with a capital B.”
It has NOTHING to do with America leading itself whatsoever. The entire process is nothing but a scam, making the dim bots THINK we have choices. We have none. It's all an illusion to sucker the patsies. And it's pathetic and sad. The person who ends up in the White House will be who the Rothschilds want in the WH, end of story.
On this, we can actually agree completely.

The Republican Party's utter inability to put forth a remotely decent candidate for the last 3 elections has me believing there is a real agenda to simply marginalize the Republican Party out of existence. Trump is still highly unlikely to win and that puts us in a ****-hole situation where any American with an ounce of dignity will have to publicly profess that he or she doesn't recognize that the Country even HAS a President.

(Yes, unlike Trump or Clinton, I would have told Lester that pretty much regardless of how this election turns out I don't recognize either candidate as being my "President". I feel as though we'll be a rudderless ship for at least 4 years no matter how this ****-show turns out. And I'm happy to tell anyone that to their face. In fact, I rather look forward to it.

I particularly love the hippie ******* who tell you "If you didn't vote you don't have the right to criticize." In this election, my response to that is, "If you ******* voted for either of those clowns, you're ******* responsible.
Notice that Hillary does not wear an American flag pin. Because she hates America and is all about globalism.

The reason all you hillary and trump lovers think your side won that debate is that each played to the base of their voters... Hillary called out trump as unworthy... Trump called out hillary as more of the same old same old... Not one vote switched with that nonsense... If anything more of the secret trumpies came out of the closet, but both looked like smug arrogant asshats...
Anyone who is in business for themselves or works for a small business and has the company's best interest in mind, they would never for a second think of voting for Hillary.
Here's what unfair. The Media will pound on White people with High School Education voting for Trump as if to shame them, but says nothing about the majority of Latinos or African Americans, who often have high school education levels or less voting for Clinton.

It's not unfair because it's not race, it's education level. Latinos and Blacks with college degrees are also voting for Clinton. There's simply no distinction to be made like there is with whites.
It's not unfair because it's not race, it's education level. Latinos and Blacks with college degrees are also voting for Clinton. There's simply no distinction to be made like there is with whites.

If education level was key from Trump he'd be cleaning up in the Latino and African Amercian communities. The media never points out that most of Sanders supporters were better educated than Clinton's For them to say this disenfranchise a key voting block.

And while I'm on the topic, I am the furthest thing from a Red-neck, growing up in NY, but the term is derogatory and probably should be viewed as hate speech. Yet its open season for Libs in the media and on TV to use such a term and only call out one group for being what they view as under edcuated.

Do you think any of this is fair?
There is no way you can objectively watch the debate and say that trump won. I do not care what polls say. People are delusional. Now if the polls were about who would you vote for then I can buy those results. Trump was beat on every question except trade. Some questions he never gave an answer and he really failed to capitalize on some of the things clinton said. Both told lies, but CNN played the clip of the supposed birther movement and it was nothing like he said. I do not understand what he is thinking. He must have a comprehension problem or he just hears what he wants to hear.

The bottom line is he has no record to go buy. Has flip flopped constantly and sometimes day to day. If anyone needs to give specifics it is him. Clinton has a record and you know what you are getting. It is so frustrating because trump could have had this election in the bag, but he keeps finding ways to screw it up. At some point he needs to do his homework for these debates or Clinton will continue to trounce him.
Clinton received debate questions week before debate, according to sources?!


The first presidential debate was held and Hillary Clinton was proclaimed the winner by the media. Indeed Clinton was able to turn in a strong debate performance, but did she do so fairly? Multiple reports and leaked information from inside the Clinton camp claim that the Clinton campaign was given the entire set of debate questions an entire week before the actual debate.

And Holt was anything but fair.

NBC’s Lester Holt, the moderator for the debate, started getting flak before the debate was over after he repeatedly interrupted Trump to “fact-check” him, except that his fact-checks were more or less wrong.

In one of the more contentious exchanges, Holt insisted that Trump had supported the Iraq War from the beginning, but Trump continuously denied it, USA Politics Today reported.

Rather than ask Clinton why she voted for the war, Holt continued to press Trump, saying that in an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Trump expressed his support for the war.

After the debate was over, Cavuto aired the interview in question and showed that Trump wasn’t all gung-ho about invading Iraq before we went in — he had his reservations.

“You know, what happened to the days of Douglas MacArthur? I mean he would go in and attack. He wouldn’t talk. I mean we have to, you know, it’s sort of like either do it or don’t do it,” Trump said.

You can see it here:

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There is no way you can objectively watch the debate and say that trump won. I do not care what polls say. People are delusional. Now if the polls were about who would you vote for then I can buy those results. Trump was beat on every question except trade. Some questions he never gave an answer and he really failed to capitalize on some of the things clinton said. Both told lies, but CNN played the clip of the supposed birther movement and it was nothing like he said. I do not understand what he is thinking. He must have a comprehension problem or he just hears what he wants to hear.

The bottom line is he has no record to go buy. Has flip flopped constantly and sometimes day to day. If anyone needs to give specifics it is him. Clinton has a record and you know what you are getting. It is so frustrating because trump could have had this election in the bag, but he keeps finding ways to screw it up. At some point he needs to do his homework for these debates or Clinton will continue to trounce him.
Good luck trying to get through to the peanut gallery. The Trump worship here is off the charts and there is no rhyme or reason to the madness.
