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Two heart-warming stories I simply must share


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Saw these two stories on the interwebz, and was so moved I felt I had to share both.


Man Identifying As 6-Year-Old Crushes Game-Winning Homer In Tee-Ball Championship

AUBURN, CA—Local 36-year-old man Nate Ripley, who identifies as a six-year-old, “absolutely crushed” a game-winning homer at a local tee-ball game and won the championship for his team Monday evening, reports confirmed.

Ripley reportedly walked up to the plate in the bottom of the 6th, pointed his bat toward the left-field wall looming 130 feet in the distance, and let her rip, sending the ball rocketing over the fence and into a parking lot as the fans cheered and his coach yelled out, “Attaboy, Nate! Good job, bud!”

His team, the Lil’ Padres, attempted to hoist him up on their shoulders in celebration of their great victory over the favored Tiny Tigers, but were unable to pick up the large 230-pound man.

Ripley’s feat comes at the end of a momentous tee-ball season, in which the self-identified six-year-old absolutely shattered every record set prior to that point. With a 1.000 batting average, 52 home runs, and an incredible showing at first base, second base, shortstop, third base, and pitcher, the man is being called an inspiration to other six-year-olds everywhere.

“I’m just proud to be here with my team. It’s all for the love of the game,” an emotional Ripley told reporters while enjoying an orange slice and juice box after the championship. “I couldn’t have done it without my team.”


Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record

NEW YORK, NY—In an inspiring story from the world of professional cycling, a motorcyclist who identifies as a bicyclist has crushed all the regular bicyclists, setting an unbelievable world record.

In a local qualifying race for the World Road Cycling League, the motorcyclist crushed the previous 100-mile record of 3 hours, 13 minutes with his amazing new score of well under an hour.

Professional motorcycle racer Judd E. Banner, the brave trans-vehicle rider, was allowed to race after he told league organizers he's always felt like a bicyclist in a motorcyclist's body.

"Look, my ride has handlebars, two wheels, and a seat," he told reporters as he accepted a trophy for his incredible time trial. "Just because I've got a little extra hardware, such as an 1170-cc flat-twin engine with 110 horsepower, doesn't mean I have any kind of inherent advantage here."

Banner also said he painted the word "HUFFY" on the side of his bike, ensuring he has no advantage over the bikes that came out of the factory as bicycles.

Some critics say he needs to cut off his motor in order to make the competition fairer, but he quickly called these people bigots, and they were immediately banned from professional cycle racing.


Inspiring. Just ... breathtakingly inspiring. I think I'm tearing up.
I woke up this morning and finally realized I identify as a billionaire. I need the government to pay for my transition. It's just who I really am. Don't judge. I'll take it in cash,gold,land and Hollywood moviestar mansions until we reach preferably around 4 billion. That will make me feel complete.
I woke up this morning and finally realized I identify as a billionaire. I need the government to pay for my transition. It's just who I really am. Don't judge. I'll take it in cash,gold,land and Hollywood moviestar mansions until we reach preferably around 4 billion. That will make me feel complete.

Has the government honored your request yet? No?

******* Trump.
I woke up this morning and finally realized I identify as a billionaire. I need the government to pay for my transition. It's just who I really am. Don't judge. I'll take it in cash,gold,land and Hollywood moviestar mansions until we reach preferably around 4 billion. That will make me feel complete.
You're probably due a tax refund too.
I woke up this morning and finally realized I identify as a billionaire. I need the government to pay for my transition. It's just who I really am. Don't judge. I'll take it in cash,gold,land and Hollywood moviestar mansions until we reach preferably around 4 billion. That will make me feel complete.

If it happens. I want in
I woke up this morning and finally realized I identify as a billionaire. I need the government to pay for my transition. It's just who I really am. Don't judge. I'll take it in cash,gold,land and Hollywood moviestar mansions until we reach preferably around 4 billion. That will make me feel complete.
wouldn't you need to be in politics?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
wouldn't you need to be in politics?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app

I hear that's a great lordship to have nowadays. Make those serfs pay while i tax and regulate them to death. I need that good.insider trading info those crowned get. All of my family will get cool gigs too paying absurd amounts of money to do nothing.
I hear that's a great lordship to have nowadays. Make those serfs pay while i tax and regulate them to death. I need that good.insider trading info those crowned get. All of my family will get cool gigs too paying absurd amounts of money to do nothing.

Hey, hey, hey. I realize that politicians and ex-politicians somehow become multi-millionaires on salaries below the median level for Northern Virginia, but DAMMIT, they work hard for a living and earn their money!!


For example, the past 3 years, the Hilldog has worked as a personal trainer. Hey, the camera adds 10 pounds, and this picture apparently used about 20 cameras.
THe government could just print enough money to make us all billionaires. Of course it would all be worth nothing but that doesn't stop liberals from thinking that way.
THe government could just print enough money to make us all billionaires. Of course it would all be worth nothing but that doesn't stop liberals from thinking that way.

I don't know why the imbeciles in government don't make minimum wage $1,000,000 per hour. We all work 1 ******* hour and BINGO!! Millionaires.
I don't know why the imbeciles in government don't make minimum wage $1,000,000 per hour. We all work 1 ******* hour and BINGO!! Millionaires.
Because some ******* republican ******** would go ahead and work 40 hours and THEN put in for overtime and pull ANOTHER 20 hours and when his $70 million came out all the folks who worked an hour or less would feel less important.
Because some ******* republican ******** would go ahead and work 40 hours and THEN put in for overtime and pull ANOTHER 20 hours and when his $70 million came out all the folks who worked an hour or less would feel less important.

Wow, great point. I guess that's why we should leave economics to politicians - people that don't run a business, have never run a business, don't answer to a profit/loss sheet, don't know what a profit/loss sheet is, suck the taxpayer tit, and think the taxpayers funding their bloated tit for nursing are too stoooopid to handle their own ****.
I woke up this morning and finally realized I identify as a billionaire. I need the government to pay for my transition. It's just who I really am. Don't judge. I'll take it in cash,gold,land and Hollywood moviestar mansions until we reach preferably around 4 billion. That will make me feel complete.

Just take a check, write it to yourself for $1 million, and deposit it in your account. Instant millionaire!
Just take a check, write it to yourself for $1 million, and deposit it in your account. Instant millionaire!

Yeah, what if my neighbor writes himself a check for $2 million? I am poor compared to him!
Humans are on the way out, the reptiles will rule the earth!
