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Understanding Systemic Racism

The data is far different in this doc. I also see protesting during a pandemic, as the need is so great, people are putting their life at risk for something that matters deeply to them.

"The need is so great?" Show me that empirically compared to other American's interactions with police?

But if people put their lives on the line for something that matters deeply to them like an in-person Church service or Christian funeral, the government had a huge problem with that and shamed said people as NYC Mayor did to Hasidic Jews.

As usual, seems it depends on whose ox is being gored. If we are to believe the Covid-1984 diktats, these protesters are amassing a large scale biological flash mob weapon in 60 US cities.

I simply want to know, "which one is it?"

We can't have it both ways.
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I was always tough on the kids, too. I didn't put up with a lot of nonsense. I would also do van runs during the summer program we had. When I was dropping kids off, I had a few occasions in which a kid I had who was now a young adult recognized me. They would run up and talk to me, some would thank me and such. I think they know on some level they need discipline. We all do.

In a funny side note, I also had a kid, a big, dumb, strong as an ox white kid who I hope never recognizes me. I was pretty tough on him, I even made him cry at one point. That was not my intent, for any snowflakes reading this, it just happened. Anyway, he got arrested in the last year for getting in a fight and breaking up a barroom. He tore that place up. Maybe he still remembers me. I ain't 49 anymore.

I have one cry almost every year. I had one kid that wanted to punch me so bad he couldn't hold his tears back. I told him to go ahead.... it'd be the biggest mistake you'd ever make. He backed down and actually talks to me every time he sees me. But children aren't use to authority. They can't handle being told no. The first 2 days of class we go over rules and procedures. If you've ever seen Full metal jacket or been in the service, that's basically what I do for two days (except the cursing). I teach them how to leave a room, how to ask questions, and how to act like a civilized student. They go nuts when I make them do things over and over again. But in a month they do it by memory. I see other teachers complaining about student behavior but I don't have those issues.

The rewarding part is years later when I see them. Their faces light up and they can't wait to talk to me. I still have high school seniors come and see me. Students want discipline and clear direction. The best thing the U.S. could do for schools is get rid of the DOE. Federal intrusion into education is killing it. We need to get back to basics. Reading, writing, real history, science and math.
I have one cry almost every year. I had one kid that wanted to punch me so bad he couldn't hold his tears back. I told him to go ahead.... it'd be the biggest mistake you'd ever make. He backed down and actually talks to me every time he sees me. But children aren't use to authority. They can't handle being told no. The first 2 days of class we go over rules and procedures. If you've ever seen Full metal jacket or been in the service, that's basically what I do for two days (except the cursing). I teach them how to leave a room, how to ask questions, and how to act like a civilized student. They go nuts when I make them do things over and over again. But in a month they do it by memory. I see other teachers complaining about student behavior but I don't have those issues.

The rewarding part is years later when I see them. Their faces light up and they can't wait to talk to me. I still have high school seniors come and see me. Students want discipline and clear direction. The best thing the U.S. could do for schools is get rid of the DOE. Federal intrusion into education is killing it. We need to get back to basics. Reading, writing, real history, science and math.

And I would add shop class and home economics as well. Kids need to learn to do MUCH more with their hands. There is whole generation that can't even sew a button on.

Keep it simple stupid.
It's tough to fully understand an argument when you are unwilling to see all sides. The most interesting aspect of this doc is how there is a direct line of laws that keep minorities oppressed, since slavery.

Please share the modern laws that are for black people and not white people. Like 2020 laws.
I appreciate your arguments guys, and I've had them all before. I'd prefer to continue the discussion with anyone who wants to see my side of them. And no, I'm not your liberal relative screaming at you to wake up, or open your mind. I'm just presenting the view that I believe in. I've been very clear and consistent. And I know it's tough for a lot of you to separate my views from your most hated liberal views that you can, because I am not Alt left. I'm a constitutional centrist, who is fiscally hyper conservative, with socially liberal leanings from my catholic upbringing.

The 13th:
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

The bold is the wording used to keep the black vote suppressed though mass incarceration.

Black Codes:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black...Codes, sometimes called,to work for low wages.

Reconstruction Era:

Jim Crow Laws: (Klu Klux Klan is formed the same year)

Wilmington Riots: Murdering black elected leaders

Black Wall Street Massacre (introduced in The Watchmen HBO series)

This should be a lot faster to review than the whole documentary, so if any wants to review these and have a discussion, I'm open to it. I haven't even gotten into corporate run prisons. Best to learn the history first. and trust me, I didn't include a ton of riots, lynchings, and massacres.
I appreciate your arguments guys, and I've had them all before. I'd prefer to continue the discussion with anyone who wants to see my side of them. And no, I'm not your liberal relative screaming at you to wake up, or open your mind. I'm just presenting the view that I believe in. I've been very clear and consistent. And I know it's tough for a lot of you to separate my views from your most hated liberal views that you can, because I am not Alt left. I'm a constitutional centrist, who is fiscally hyper conservative, with socially liberal leanings from my catholic upbringing.

The 13th:

The bold is the wording used to keep the black vote suppressed though mass incarceration.

Black Codes:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black...Codes, sometimes called,to work for low wages.

Reconstruction Era:

Jim Crow Laws: (Klu Klux Klan is formed the same year)

Wilmington Riots: Murdering black elected leaders

Black Wall Street Massacre (introduced in The Watchmen HBO series)

This should be a lot faster to review than the whole documentary, so if any wants to review these and have a discussion, I'm open to it. I haven't even gotten into corporate run prisons. Best to learn the history first. and trust me, I didn't include a ton of riots, lynchings, and massacres.

Post 29 answer my question what laws now discriminate between black and white ?
I have one cry almost every year. I had one kid that wanted to punch me so bad he couldn't hold his tears back. I told him to go ahead.... it'd be the biggest mistake you'd ever make. He backed down and actually talks to me every time he sees me. But children aren't use to authority. They can't handle being told no. The first 2 days of class we go over rules and procedures. If you've ever seen Full metal jacket or been in the service, that's basically what I do for two days (except the cursing). I teach them how to leave a room, how to ask questions, and how to act like a civilized student. They go nuts when I make them do things over and over again. But in a month they do it by memory. I see other teachers complaining about student behavior but I don't have those issues.

The rewarding part is years later when I see them. Their faces light up and they can't wait to talk to me. I still have high school seniors come and see me. Students want discipline and clear direction. The best thing the U.S. could do for schools is get rid of the DOE. Federal intrusion into education is killing it. We need to get back to basics. Reading, writing, real history, science and math.

Yep. The DOE needs to go away. The State DOEs aren't any better. They should go away, too. Think of the money they waste. When people say we need more for education, even though I'm in it, I say no way. We need to quit wasting what we get. In PA they instituted Keystone tests, in 2010. Kids were supposed to have to pass them to graduate. They still don't 10 years later, and schools put all kinds of incentives for the kids out there so they give even a semblance of a **** about them. Think about the money wasted on those tests. I wouldn't give the PA DOE an old pair of sneakers I use when I wade streams fishing, let alone any money.
And I would add shop class and home economics as well. Kids need to learn to do MUCH more with their hands. There is whole generation that can't even sew a button on.

Keep it simple stupid.

The big thing is STEM, which is good, I guess, but the kids do so much on the computer, or the computer does it. It's funny, but you oughta see some of the projects our STEM teacher gets in what they now call Manufacturing Lab...basically wood shop. So many kids can't measure, never used a saw of any kind or any tools. Some of the projects look like a gorilla put them together while taking a break from throwing tires.
I'd prefer to continue the discussion with anyone who wants to see my side of them.

I'm not trying to pick a fight with you. But sorry...you say you want to have a discussion then post that. Essentially saying you want an echo chamber.
This systemic racism stuff is over the top. In the last couple of days, two things in particular. I like craft beers, so I look up different things. So I get an email link to an article about the shame that there are so few blacks in craft beer. Is someone stopping them? And hell, if you make a good pale ale, I don't care what color you are, I'll drink it.

I also do those 25k trail races on occasion. Because of that I get a trial running email. The topic today was "listening to black voices on the trail." Well, I might listen if I saw any on the trail. What are we supposed to do, stalk black folk and force them to do trail runs?
I appreciate your arguments guys, and I've had them all before. I'd prefer to continue the discussion with anyone who wants to see my side of them. And no, I'm not your liberal relative screaming at you to wake up, or open your mind. I'm just presenting the view that I believe in. I've been very clear and consistent. And I know it's tough for a lot of you to separate my views from your most hated liberal views that you can, because I am not Alt left. I'm a constitutional centrist, who is fiscally hyper conservative, with socially liberal leanings from my catholic upbringing.

The 13th:

The bold is the wording used to keep the black vote suppressed though mass incarceration.

Black Codes:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black...Codes, sometimes called,to work for low wages.

Reconstruction Era:

Jim Crow Laws: (Klu Klux Klan is formed the same year)

Wilmington Riots: Murdering black elected leaders

Black Wall Street Massacre (introduced in The Watchmen HBO series)

This should be a lot faster to review than the whole documentary, so if any wants to review these and have a discussion, I'm open to it. I haven't even gotten into corporate run prisons. Best to learn the history first. and trust me, I didn't include a ton of riots, lynchings, and massacres.

Word has it there was a big meeting in the early '90s between entertainment moguls, rap notables, and corporate prison suits. There was an agreement to promote black prison culture themes in rap music in order to help fill up the corporate prisons.

I don't doubt it. But guess what? I'm still responsible for what I listen to and the choices I make.

If we really want to get into the institutional side of it, don't forget where the abortion clinics are built. That Margaret Sanger started Planned Parenthood out of concerns over the breeding habits of non-whites in the era of sterilization, Eugenics, and the Tuskegee Experiments. That the CIA trafficked/aided and abetted the drugs and crack into the black neighborhoods following the Opium War in SE Asia and the whole "American Made" drug cartel starring the Bushes/Clintons/CIA out of Mena, AR as depicted in the Tom Cruise movie.

But at the end of the day, those people will pay the piper for their crimes against humanity and we are all responsible for the choices we make. I don't see institutionalized white racism encoded in our laws as you do, but I do see it encoded in the philosophy of the elites and their disdain for all of us -- not just black people.
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I've always heard that the ACLU was founded to help secure gun rights for black people.
And I would add shop class and home economics as well. Kids need to learn to do MUCH more with their hands. There is whole generation that can't even sew a button on.

Keep it simple stupid.

Absolutely. The money saved from abolishing the DOE at the state and federal level would help. You could also have local industries help with the funding and even add to the curriculum.

And phonics damn it! Why can't Johnny Read???

I've had students in general ed. classes they can barely spell their names. They scored 1 point over the threshold in 3rd grade. Now in Jr. High and can't read beyond a 2nd grade level. It's sad.

Yep. The DOE needs to go away. The State DOEs aren't any better. They should go away, too. Think of the money they waste. When people say we need more for education, even though I'm in it, I say no way. We need to quit wasting what we get. In PA they instituted Keystone tests, in 2010. Kids were supposed to have to pass them to graduate. They still don't 10 years later, and schools put all kinds of incentives for the kids out there so they give even a semblance of a **** about them. Think about the money wasted on those tests. I wouldn't give the PA DOE an old pair of sneakers I use when I wade streams fishing, let alone any money.

I live in Mississippi. Our secretary of education makes $300,000 a year... she is the highest paid SOE in the country. She makes 410% higher than the average state employee. She is also appointed. Her name is Carey Wright and she is just stealing money from the poorest state in the union.

The big thing is STEM, which is good, I guess, but the kids do so much on the computer, or the computer does it. It's funny, but you oughta see some of the projects our STEM teacher gets in what they now call Manufacturing Lab...basically wood shop. So many kids can't measure, never used a saw of any kind or any tools. Some of the projects look like a gorilla put them together while taking a break from throwing tires.

I teach a STEM course. It's like common core math. Useless at a high school or junior high level. Students aren't being taught basics early on. When I started in 1st grade we started learning English, basic math, writing, history, civics ETC. By the time i was in 5th grade all basic math was over with. You either knew how to multiple, divide, add and subtract or you were in for a world of hurt. It was never taught again. We were studying variables in 6th grade. I teach almost a semester of chemistry. Most of my students can't add the protons and neutrons to find the atomic weight without a calculator.... which I won't let them use.

This can be fixed. But not without many needed reforms. The U.S. had the best education system in the world back during the 50s and 60s. Then the government stepped in and we've gone off a cliff ever since. We don't need anything "new". We need to go back to what was working.
The bold is the wording used to keep the black vote suppressed though mass incarceration.

This is simply nonsense. A black president was elected twice. Black mayors are everywhere Atlanta, Chicago, Washington, Baltimore and many other cities. Democrats run the cities and states where the black populations suffer the most and in some cases have been doing so for decades. so voting isn't the issue, terrible policies and incompetence is.
Yeah wait, keeping the black vote suppressed through mass incarceration? I didn't see that and I'm glad you pointed it out Phinnster.

The data is far different in this doc. I also see protesting during a pandemic, as the need is so great, people are putting their life at risk for something that matters deeply to them.
So for individuals that feel "the need is so great", pandemic rules do not apply, and you can judge that.

But others who feel "the need to work for their families is great", putting their lives at risk, are judged differently by both government and media.

Why, and who gets to be the arbiter of " the need so great"?
The data is far different in this doc. I also see protesting during a pandemic, as the need is so great, people are putting their life at risk for something that matters deeply to them.

or they are bored out of their minds having done nothing in the past several months. Most people are extremely social. don't allow people to socialize for a few months and they go crazy.
This is simply nonsense. A black president was elected twice. Black mayors are everywhere Atlanta, Chicago, Washington, Baltimore and many other cities. Democrats run the cities and states where the black populations suffer the most and in some cases have been doing so for decades. so voting isn't the issue, terrible policies and incompetence is.

"See, what had happened was.."
This is simply nonsense. A black president was elected twice. Black mayors are everywhere Atlanta, Chicago, Washington, Baltimore and many other cities. Democrats run the cities and states where the black populations suffer the most and in some cases have been doing so for decades. so voting isn't the issue, terrible policies and incompetence is.

This is a quick answer to avoid understanding at real problems.
So for individuals that feel "the need is so great", pandemic rules do not apply, and you can judge that.

But others who feel "the need to work for their families is great", putting their lives at risk, are judged differently by both government and media.

Why, and who gets to be the arbiter of " the need so great"?

You can directly quantify a minority race, with a higher occurrence of death to Covid-19, are risking their lives to protest. That's the balance of seeing the need to be seen and heard above their own personal safety.
White fragility is running rampant here. I'll start a thread so we can look at it and discuss it.
"Systemic" racism.

What system exactly? Seriously, which one?

The only "systemic" racism that I can find is the one favoring African-Americans over Asians and whites, and existing ... everywhere.
You can directly quantify a minority race, with a higher occurrence of death to Covid-19, are risking their lives to protest. That's the balance of seeing the need to be seen and heard above their own personal safety.

And you are risking their lives protesting with them.