we had Mueller digging through trash bins and calling up every person who ever got within a 50-mile radius of Trump's circle to investigate anything he could find. that lasted for years and was based on flimsier allegations than the election results many are calling to be investigated.
Mueller located two woman Trump had extramarital affairs with and paid hush money to - in order to undermine and overturn the 2016 election. Yet we cannot even put a low-level street cop in to investigate allegations of cheating in the election process?
i agree with Tim and wig (god, help me) that we'll likely never have another legitimate election again. I don't believe we had one this cycle. Do I believe that Trump would have won without the cheating? well, i don't know. It's like asking if the Patriots would have won against us in the AFC Championship when we had Kordell at QB if they didnt cheat. We all know there was cheating going on there. There's been as much admission by the NFL by staying silent on the subject.
The DNC scoffs at any allegations and brushes it off, laughingly, because what else are they to do? admit it? if they admitted it, they'd be out of their jobs, out of their palatial estates and into 6x9 concrete one-room studios with a ******* in the corner.
for crying out loud, the DNC was screaming about how the election was stolen in 2016, going as far as to point fingers at Russia. Yet the fingers that should have been pointed back were blatantly, willfully ignored by the media. Uranium rights purchasing, Bill Clinton's speech payment, the Clinton Foundation's receipt of millions from Russia... the cheating is THERE. it's painfully ******* obvious unless you wish to not see it.
what happened yesterday was a disgrace. as the dust begins to settle, antifa ***** are being outed as the instigators of the embarassment.
antifa was also said to be the instigators of the BLM protests this summer.
one political side openly denounces them, while the other silently embraces them, providing excuse and end-runs for them. Why? because while antifa is "just an idea", their movement is more along the lines of what the left desires. it might be a wee bit more radical, but it sure pushes the needle for them.
yeah, i'll continue to vote. i have as much confidence of my vote counting for **** in any election going forward as i do the Steelers winning a Super Bowl with Duck at QB, though.