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US Capitol breached

Should President Trump be held liable for the death of the young lady that was shot and killed yesterday (since his tweet incited the crowd)?
Just as liable as Joe Biden and the vice prostitute should be for every Antifa-caused death and injury. After all Joe Biden allowed the antifa website to point toward HIS campaign site. If you EVER wanted evidence of a politician endorsing riots and violence, there ya go.
How exactly are they responsible for that.

They openly and directly supported and encouraged the Antifa riots.

They were behind the greatest election fraud in American history, ultimately disenfranchising every American voter in the country.

They caused the mass dissatisfaction with our governance and ultimately invited protest.
I''m sorry I should have exited with Bus like I said I was..y'all worry about this ****. Just send me my share of the Biden stash and any extra ammo ya got.

Love yinz forever

Chip Out

I'm giving up?

Anyone that is currently standing with Trump with their arms crossed acting like petulant children crying in their beers about "election fraud" (even now after 8 weeks of the bullshit) are the one giving up.

The republicans that refused to vote in Georgia on Tuesday because Trump told them it was a farce? THEY are giving up.

The people here telling me there isn't one person that could unite conservatives to beat Joe Biden in 2024, not with the media against us, not with the "fix being in". THAT IS GIVING UP!!!

My lord, I haven't heard more whining and woe is me and "sky is falling" about being a Republican since Tibs was on the board after Trump won in 2016.

Maybe you guys have "Media Derangement Syndrome". MDS, I'll call it from now on. No chance to beat that train, I guess.

YOU GUYS ARE GIVING UP!!! Not me. I am happily looking forward to the next election (as long as Trump doesn't **** that one up too). I will gladly take our platform to the voters and think it can win. But you have to be reasonable. You have to argue with compassion and intelligence and respect. That DOES eventually win out, most of the time. Sure we needed Trump at the right place, right time moment that was 2016. But that can't be the only path to success.

And if you think that, you have already lost the war. Even though there is nothing about this battle to indicates all is lost. Not even close.

You guys are the defeatists. You guys have given up. Buy your guns and say the end is near. Remember when we laughed when Tibs said the end is near when Trump got elected? My God, how times have changed. Look who's crying wolf now.

Jesus, what a bunch of crybabies. I really thought you guys were above this. "They stole the election".... WAHHHHH!!!!! "I'm never going to vote again because voting isn't fair"... WAHHHH!!! "The media is against me".... WAHHHHH!!!!

Cry, cry, cry.
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YOU GUYS ARE GIVING UP!!! Not me. I am happily looking forward to the next election (as long as Trump doesn't **** that one up too). I will gladly take our platform to the voters and think it can win. But you have to be reasonable. You have to argue with compassion and intelligence and respect. That DOES eventually win out, most of the time. Sure we needed Trump at the right place, right time moment that was 2016. But that can't be the only path to success.

I'm of the mindset that we will never have a fair election again. You are of the mindset we will.

Guess we will wait and see who is right. They are gearing up for one party rule. This was the battle Del. We lost.
I changed my party affiliation to independent last night. I've given up on the rat republican party.
They openly and directly supported and encouraged the Antifa riots.

They were behind the greatest election fraud in American history, ultimately disenfranchising every American voter in the country.

They caused the mass dissatisfaction with our governance and ultimately invited protest.

Well that is an awful lot of stretching to blame those two while others are denying that Trump helped incite the crowd, that he called to gather in DC, and in fact advised police to open up gates around the Capitol to let them in......for what exactly.

The entire government has caused mass dissatisfaction, not just those idiots.

If people really wanted to make more of a statement they would direct their anger towards their respective state capitols, you know, the ones that are doing the lockdowns and causing thousands of businesses to close their doors for good, instead of storming the capitol building in DC in the 11th hour for something being blown up by a complete ego-maniac that can't understand not everyone gets a trophy.
I'm of the mindset that we will never have a fair election again. You are of the mindset we will.

Guess we will wait and see who is right. They are gearing up for one party rule. This was the battle Del. We lost.

I don't want you to give up. But the way everyone is fighting this battle by becoming more and more the "conspiracy" party is not the way to win.

Look, if Cole got knocked down in basketball by some cheating, cheap-shot kid, what would tell him? What is the lesson?

You brush yourself off and you get back in there and fight. You don't tell Cole to be just as dirty (but you might say "give it back to him", "don't back down").

If you guys think the election system is broken, then you better find a way to win with it that way. The voting is still incredibly close regardless of what you think happened. 1% either way.

You can't convince 1% to change their minds about left/right politics? You're giving up over THAT amount?

Don't do it. I am reading so many of my Republican friends on facebook: "I'm not voting anymore, it's all a fix". What if you're WRONG? What if you really are (by some small chance) WRONG that voting corruption is widespread and changing/adding THOUSANDS of votes to democrats? What if you're wrong and you decide voting is a no-win decision and you stop voting? What if 1% of Republicans stop voting now when things are so close already?

How awful a decision.
I don't want you to give up. But the way everyone is fighting this battle by becoming more and more the "conspiracy" party is not the way to win.

Look, if Cole got knocked down in basketball by some cheating, cheap-shot kid, what would tell him? What is the lesson?

You brush yourself off and you get back in there and fight. You don't tell Cole to be just as dirty (but you might say "give it back to him", "don't back down").

If you guys think the election system is broken, then you better find a way to win with it that way. The voting is still incredibly close regardless of what you think happened. 1% either way.

You can't convince 1% to change their minds about left/right politics? You're giving up over THAT amount?

Don't do it. I am reading so many of my Republican friends on facebook: "I'm not voting anymore, it's all a fix". What if you're WRONG? What if you really are (by some small chance) WRONG that voting corruption is widespread and changing/adding THOUSANDS of votes to democrats? What if you're wrong and you decide voting is a no-win decision and you stop voting? What if 1% of Republicans stop voting now when things are so close already?

How awful a decision.

Del...you literally just contradicted yourself while in ways making my point.

You say on one hand, don't be just as dirty while then saying "you better find a way to win with it that way."

We are left at this precipice....find a way to rig the systems to compete, or prepare to always lose. I don't advocate the cheating angle you're saying "participate in." I believe it needs to be exposed and fixed. It is not going to be. Not while Dems are in office. Voter IDs won't come about. Mail in voting will become the norm. Electronic voting that can be manipulated will be called the norm. And anyone who criticizes the ID-free, anyone can vote even if they are dead systems will be labeled conspiracy theorists.

I'm glad you are hopeful. I have no hope. I'll continue to vote. My relatives died fighting for that right. But I have no illusions it will matter. At all.

And if my son were playing in a league where there was rampant cheating and no way to win, we'd find another sport or another league to compete in.
There is nothing anyone could possibly do to convince some people that the election wasn't rife with fraud. Dozens of tossed out lawsuits, some tossed by Trump's own judges, a point by point listing of the actual facts vs. the claims by a Republican election official in Georgia didn't do it. What will? In Trump world if you just say something over and over again people are expected to accept it as fact. Even after actual facts completely contradict it.
I changed my party affiliation to independent last night. I've given up on the rat republican party.

I’m switching to Libertarian.
Would have switched a long time ago except only Dems and Reps can vote in primaries in PA,
I'm of the mindset that we will never have a fair election again. You are of the mindset we will.

Guess we will wait and see who is right. They are gearing up for one party rule. This was the battle Del. We lost.

We lost the battle. We have not lost the war.
There is nothing anyone could possibly do to convince some people that the election wasn't rife with fraud. Dozens of tossed out lawsuits, some tossed by Trump's own judges, a point by point listing of the actual facts vs. the claims by a Republican election official in Georgia didn't do it. What will? In Trump world if you just say something over and over again people are expected to accept it as fact. Even after actual facts completely contradict it.

How about an actual investigation into the allegations, you know, like a Special Counsel....instead of relying on Fact Checkers, Politico and elected officials to just tell us all we are crazy. It's been 64 days since the election. Not nearly enough time to conduct real investigations.

There has been no investigation (note the word - investigation) into the claims.

If Dominion systems caused 68% voting errors in one county...why are all counties that used Dominion not investigated?

I just ask for an investigation.

Frankly I'm surprised at how easily some are willing to accept what's been fed to them when this is such a critical and monumental issue for our future. Without fair elections, what do we really have?

It's absolutely worthy of a Russia-like, $48Million-style investigation because frankly it's far more important.
They will do better against the democrat and media machine?

Will ANYONE? At least libertarians are for less government and more personal freedoms and responsibilities. I voted Jorgensen this time since I knew Kansas would go red. I don’t regret my vote at all. If I hadn’t heard about her, then I would have voted Trump. I cannot vote for a Democrat for the highest office in the land. Cannot and will not.
Would have switched a long time ago except only Dems and Reps can vote in primaries in PA,

That’s bullshit. I also think the primary should be on ONE day. I’ve always been in a state that was among the last to have a primary, and so by the time it’s my turn, the candidate I liked was already out. That seems the only good way to do it to keep “good” candidates in the running.
Now Bill Barr's a RINO, Pence is a RINO, Lindsey Graham is a RINO, Mick Mulvaney is a RINO...anyone who doesn't do Trump's bidding like his little lapdog is a RINO.

It'd be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

Not sure they are RINO's I think they are scared to death of what happens if the actual truth comes out.
That’s bullshit. I also think the primary should be on ONE day. I’ve always been in a state that was among the last to have a primary, and so by the time it’s my turn, the candidate I liked was already out. That seems the only good way to do it to keep “good” candidates in the running.

everything should be one day without a damn good reason to vote absentee.
There is nothing anyone could possibly do to convince some people that the election wasn't rife with fraud. Dozens of tossed out lawsuits, some tossed by Trump's own judges, a point by point listing of the actual facts vs. the claims by a Republican election official in Georgia didn't do it. What will? In Trump world if you just say something over and over again people are expected to accept it as fact. Even after actual facts completely contradict it.

Dio you mean the lyng Raffenberger assistant who spoke for him 5he other day? The lies coming out of his mouth astounded me. Facts? Thats laughable I ask again, have you watched any of the hearings? There is literally hours and hours of coverage.
we had Mueller digging through trash bins and calling up every person who ever got within a 50-mile radius of Trump's circle to investigate anything he could find. that lasted for years and was based on flimsier allegations than the election results many are calling to be investigated.

Mueller located two woman Trump had extramarital affairs with and paid hush money to - in order to undermine and overturn the 2016 election. Yet we cannot even put a low-level street cop in to investigate allegations of cheating in the election process?

i agree with Tim and wig (god, help me) that we'll likely never have another legitimate election again. I don't believe we had one this cycle. Do I believe that Trump would have won without the cheating? well, i don't know. It's like asking if the Patriots would have won against us in the AFC Championship when we had Kordell at QB if they didnt cheat. We all know there was cheating going on there. There's been as much admission by the NFL by staying silent on the subject.

The DNC scoffs at any allegations and brushes it off, laughingly, because what else are they to do? admit it? if they admitted it, they'd be out of their jobs, out of their palatial estates and into 6x9 concrete one-room studios with a ******* in the corner.

for crying out loud, the DNC was screaming about how the election was stolen in 2016, going as far as to point fingers at Russia. Yet the fingers that should have been pointed back were blatantly, willfully ignored by the media. Uranium rights purchasing, Bill Clinton's speech payment, the Clinton Foundation's receipt of millions from Russia... the cheating is THERE. it's painfully ******* obvious unless you wish to not see it.

what happened yesterday was a disgrace. as the dust begins to settle, antifa ***** are being outed as the instigators of the embarassment.

antifa was also said to be the instigators of the BLM protests this summer.

one political side openly denounces them, while the other silently embraces them, providing excuse and end-runs for them. Why? because while antifa is "just an idea", their movement is more along the lines of what the left desires. it might be a wee bit more radical, but it sure pushes the needle for them.

yeah, i'll continue to vote. i have as much confidence of my vote counting for **** in any election going forward as i do the Steelers winning a Super Bowl with Duck at QB, though.
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How about an actual investigation into the allegations, you know, like a Special Counsel....instead of relying on Fact Checkers, Politico and elected officials to just tell us all we are crazy. It's been 64 days since the election. Not nearly enough time to conduct real investigations.

There has been no investigation (note the word - investigation) into the claims.

If Dominion systems caused 68% voting errors in one county...why are all counties that used Dominion not investigated?

I just ask for an investigation.

If someone alleges election fraud, isn't it incumbent upon them to provide some evidence? Or do we just appoint a special counsel after every election because the loser says so?

The 68% thing is wrong too, I'll post a link but I'm sure you'll say it's just lies or media bias or whatever. Everybody's in on it, I know.

we had Mueller digging through trash bins and calling up every person who ever got within a 50-mile radius of Trump's circle to investigate anything he could find. that lasted for years and was based on flimsier allegations than the election results many are calling to be investigated.

Mueller located two woman Trump had extramarital affairs with and paid hush money to - in order to undermine and overturn the 2016 election. Yet we cannot even put a low-level street cop in to investigate allegations of cheating in the election process?

i agree with Tim and wig (god, help me) that we'll likely never have another legitimate election again. I don't believe we had one this cycle. Do I believe that Trump would have won without the cheating? well, i don't know. It's like asking if the Patriots would have won against us in the AFC Championship when we had Kordell at QB if they didnt cheat. We all know there was cheating going on there. There's been as much admission by the NFL by staying silent on the subject.

The DNC scoffs at any allegations and brushes it off, laughingly, because what else are they to do? admit it? if they admitted it, they'd be out of their jobs, out of their palatial estates and into 6x9 concrete one-room studios with a ******* in the corner.

for crying out loud, the DNC was screaming about how the election was stolen in 2016, going as far as to point fingers at Russia. Yet the fingers that should have been pointed back were blatantly, willfully ignored by the media. Uranium rights purchasing, Bill Clinton's speech payment, the Clinton Foundation's receipt of millions from Russia... the cheating is THERE. it's painfully ******* obvious unless you wish to not see it.

what happened yesterday was a disgrace. as the dust begins to settle, antifa ***** are being outed as the instigators of the embarassment.

antifa was also said to be the instigators of the BLM protests this summer.

one political side openly denounces them, while the other silently embraces them, providing excuse and end-runs for them. Why? because while antifa is "just an idea", their movement is more along the lines of what the left desires. it might be a wee bit more radical, but it sure pushes the needle for them.

yeah, i'll continue to vote. i have as much confidence of my vote counting for **** in any election going forward as i do the Steelers winning a Super Bowl with Duck at QB, though.

During the Patriots scandal the NFL was afraid of the blowback from advertisers and Vegas, as well as the possible loss of their anti-trust exemption from Congress. the corollary is Republican Congressman and Senators scared of the possible violence and even civil war that could erupt from exposure of the depths of cheating that occurred and more importantly has occurred in the past calling into question the entire foundation of the people in our Government. I think the reason Trump was fought so hard from both sides is he was close to exposing some really bad **** from both sides and the cabal put a stop to it and the few good ones had to go along with for fear of actual uprising. I don't agree with all of that philosophically but I think that is what is happening.