My lord, I haven't heard more whining and woe is me and "sky is falling" about being a Republican since Tibs was on the board after Trump won in 2016.
First off del, great posts in this thread by you, Sarge, OFTB, NCSteelerfan and others.
Refreshing to read some of you have seen the light and are moving beyond this one-term presidency.
As far as your comment concerning me, I don't know what set of circumstances you consider 'the sky is falling' other than exactly what has happened as a result of the Trump presidency.
It is what I rang the alarm bells about, early and often. A nation torn apart, white nationalists, extremists, and conspiracy theorists empowered, the constant lies seeping into the minds of otherwise rational Americans. The Capitol was just overrun for the first time in 200 years. Crazed MAGA's, like the numerous ones on this board, going apeshit crazy, spurned on by the blatant lies of the President. How much more of a shitshow could I have predicted than what has actually transpired? Americans turning on Americans, a massive distrust in government, the electoral process, the media, and the list goes on.
I back out of this board, over and over, as I find the hardcore MAGA base increasingly belligerent and dangerous. We've seen with our own eyes how that's played out in the nation's capital. It's also created an increasingly toxic environment on the board. I then drift back in when I read your posts, and the sane, rational posts from a handful of regulars.
I know I am alone on my views on Russia, and the connections Trump had going back to the eighties. I was shocked by what I observed in Helsinki, when Trump met with Putin. I don't think the Mueller report, the corresponding investigations, or the impeachement hearings cleared Trump in the manner it’s been stated by many here. That's my opinion. I still hold those views.
At this stage, none of that matters, as Trump has proceeded to **** things up - all on his own - above and beyond whatever role any of that played.
So we sit here two weeks before a peaceful transition of power, much as has happened every four or eight years for over two centuries. I am hopeful the madness will slowly end and life can return to normal, in daily life, and perhaps even here on the board. I also pray America can indeed return to being the shining city on the hill, that has served as a beacon of hope around the world.
Happy New Year to all.