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US Capitol breached

Dio you mean the lyng Raffenberger assistant who spoke for him 5he other day? The lies coming out of his mouth astounded me. Facts? Thats laughable I ask again, have you watched any of the hearings? There is literally hours and hours of coverage.

So everyone who disputes Trump's claims is lying, everyone who agrees with him is telling the truth. Got it.

Why would two Republican Georgia officials want to lie to support Joe Biden? Any explanation for that?
we had Mueller digging through trash bins and calling up every person who ever got within a 50-mile radius of Trump's circle to investigate anything he could find. that lasted for years and was based on flimsier allegations than the election results many are calling to be investigated.

Mueller located two woman Trump had extramarital affairs with and paid hush money to - in order to undermine and overturn the 2016 election. Yet we cannot even put a low-level street cop in to investigate allegations of cheating in the election process?

i agree with Tim and wig (god, help me) that we'll likely never have another legitimate election again. I don't believe we had one this cycle. Do I believe that Trump would have won without the cheating? well, i don't know. It's like asking if the Patriots would have won against us in the AFC Championship when we had Kordell at QB if they didnt cheat. We all know there was cheating going on there. There's been as much admission by the NFL by staying silent on the subject.

The DNC scoffs at any allegations and brushes it off, laughingly, because what else are they to do? admit it? if they admitted it, they'd be out of their jobs, out of their palatial estates and into 6x9 concrete one-room studios with a ******* in the corner.

for crying out loud, the DNC was screaming about how the election was stolen in 2016, going as far as to point fingers at Russia. Yet the fingers that should have been pointed back were blatantly, willfully ignored by the media. Uranium rights purchasing, Bill Clinton's speech payment, the Clinton Foundation's receipt of millions from Russia... the cheating is THERE. it's painfully ******* obvious unless you wish to not see it.

what happened yesterday was a disgrace. as the dust begins to settle, antifa ***** are being outed as the instigators of the embarassment.

antifa was also said to be the instigators of the BLM protests this summer.

one political side openly denounces them, while the other silently embraces them, providing excuse and end-runs for them. Why? because while antifa is "just an idea", their movement is more along the lines of what the left desires. it might be a wee bit more radical, but it sure pushes the needle for them.

yeah, i'll continue to vote. i have as much confidence of my vote counting for **** in any election going forward as i do the Steelers winning a Super Bowl with Duck at QB, though.

Biden lost 18/19 historically bellwether counties for one thing. We saw the rallies. We saw Biden given an unprecedented 12 hour Standing 8 Count -- or better yet "Long Count" -- in the late rounds of Election Night. We saw the media and now Fox News referring to "baseless Electoral fraud claims." We saw the "water main break" in Atlanta.

We saw what Fox did on Election Night delivering AZ days early and VA before the precincts were closed, while only reluctantly declaring Trump the winner in TX, FL, and OH.

This was a coup and a political assassination. I remember reading that Lord Betrand Russell put together an essay in the '60s questioning the Warren Commission point by point. Russell marveled at the seeming ignorance and unquestioning nature of the American public.

Now we have the MSM and Uniparty who compose this latest Warren Commission farce. At least the WC gave some lip service and feigned interest in investigative inquiry as to what happened in large part to dispel any blame going to the Communists. The Club had zero interest in the present machinations ever seeing the headlines or light of day.

So they are now outraged at the protests?
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If someone alleges election fraud, isn't it incumbent upon them to provide some evidence? Or do we just appoint a special counsel after every election because the loser says so?

The 68% thing is wrong too, I'll post a link but I'm sure you'll say it's just lies or media bias or whatever. Everybody's in on it, I know.


Well you could pay a foreign agent to manufacture said evidence and also have the FBI entrap someone as another illegal foundation and then get a special prosecutor.

They did and do have mountains of evidence some direct some circumstantial but all of it is better than what lead to the Mueller investigation.
My lord, I haven't heard more whining and woe is me and "sky is falling" about being a Republican since Tibs was on the board after Trump won in 2016.

First off del, great posts in this thread by you, Sarge, OFTB, NCSteelerfan and others.

Refreshing to read some of you have seen the light and are moving beyond this one-term presidency.

As far as your comment concerning me, I don't know what set of circumstances you consider 'the sky is falling' other than exactly what has happened as a result of the Trump presidency.

It is what I rang the alarm bells about, early and often. A nation torn apart, white nationalists, extremists, and conspiracy theorists empowered, the constant lies seeping into the minds of otherwise rational Americans. The Capitol was just overrun for the first time in 200 years. Crazed MAGA's, like the numerous ones on this board, going apeshit crazy, spurned on by the blatant lies of the President. How much more of a shitshow could I have predicted than what has actually transpired? Americans turning on Americans, a massive distrust in government, the electoral process, the media, and the list goes on.

I back out of this board, over and over, as I find the hardcore MAGA base increasingly belligerent and dangerous. We've seen with our own eyes how that's played out in the nation's capital. It's also created an increasingly toxic environment on the board. I then drift back in when I read your posts, and the sane, rational posts from a handful of regulars.

I know I am alone on my views on Russia, and the connections Trump had going back to the eighties. I was shocked by what I observed in Helsinki, when Trump met with Putin. I don't think the Mueller report, the corresponding investigations, or the impeachement hearings cleared Trump in the manner it’s been stated by many here. That's my opinion. I still hold those views.

At this stage, none of that matters, as Trump has proceeded to **** things up - all on his own - above and beyond whatever role any of that played.

So we sit here two weeks before a peaceful transition of power, much as has happened every four or eight years for over two centuries. I am hopeful the madness will slowly end and life can return to normal, in daily life, and perhaps even here on the board. I also pray America can indeed return to being the shining city on the hill, that has served as a beacon of hope around the world.

Happy New Year to all.
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They did and do have mountains of evidence some direct some circumstantial but all of it is better than what lead to the Mueller investigation.

They do? Can I see some of it?

Yeah, the Mueller investigation was bullshit I've been saying that since the beginning. Your point is?
They do? Can I see some of it?

Yeah, the Mueller investigation was bullshit I've been saying that since the beginning. Your point is?

Did you watch any of the Georgia hearings? That alone was more than they had for the Mueller investigation. The only reason not to have an investigation is they know what they will find and it scares the **** out of all of them.
So everyone who disputes Trump's claims is lying, everyone who agrees with him is telling the truth. Got it.

Why would two Republican Georgia officials want to lie to support Joe Biden? Any explanation for that?

If I said everyone anything then I misspoke. Gabe Sterling who spoke for Raffensberger at the recent press conference is just a weasel.

This guy sounds like the voice of reason in Georgia.

First off del, great posts in this thread by you, Sarge, OFTB, NCSteelerfan and others.

Refreshing to read some of you have seen the light and are moving beyond this one-term presidency.

As far as your comment concerning me, I don't know what set of circumstances you consider 'the sky is falling' other than exactly what has happened as a result of the Trump presidency.

It is what I rang the alarm bells about, early and often. A nation torn apart, white nationalists, extremists, and conspiracy theorists empowered, the constant lies seeping into the minds of otherwise rational Americans. The Capitol was just overrun for the first time in 200 years. Crazed MAGA's, like the numerous ones on this board, going apeshit crazy, spurned on by the blatant lies of the President. How much more of a shitshow could I have predicted than what has actually transpired? Americans turning on Americans, a massive distrust in government, the electoral process, the media, and the list goes on.

I back out of this board, over and over, as I find the hardcore MAGA base increasingly belligerent and dangerous. We've seen with our own eyes how that's played out in the nation's capital. It's also created an increasingly toxic environment on the board. I then drift back in when I read your posts, and the sane, rational posts from a handful of regulars.

I know I am alone on my views on Russia, and the connections Trump had going back to the eighties. I was shocked by what I observed in Helsinki, when Trump met with Putin. I don't think the Mueller report, the corresponding investigations, or the impeachement hearings cleared Trump in the matter as stated here. That's my opinion. I still hold those views.

At this stage, none of that matters, as Trump has proceeded to **** things up - all on his own - above and beyond whatever role any of that played.

So we sit here two weeks before a peaceful transition of power, much as has happened every four or eight years for over two centuries. I am hopeful the madness will slowly end and life can return to normal, in daily life, and perhaps even here on the board. And I also pray America can indeed return to being the shining city on the hill, that has served as a beacon of hope around the world.

Happy New Year to all.

The only people who tore the Country apart Tibs were those who tried to sabotage his Presidency from the moment he was declared the victor. The press was unrelenting and so was the derogatory reception anyone who dared to support him received. THAT split the country not Trump. What do you expect after four years of being called the devil incarnate and having to hear the left constantly trash those of us who dared disagree with them.
It’s kind of ironic how every news agency is covering it but I don’t remember any of the Antifa and BLM protests getting this much attention

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
That's because the people had to vent and were upset with what was going on - oh wait, you mean we can't use that argument for Americans being upset that not one agency seriously looked into voter fraud to ease the people's minds?
Well, that didn't take long. Looks like yesterday's events have resulted in an abrupt about face. Like they dumped a bucket of ice water on his head and sobered him up. You saw it happen across the board earlier yesterday, with the likes of McConnell and Lindsey Graham turning on their heels. Props to Kelly Loeffler too, who in defeat, also changed her tune in a hurry, backing away from Hawley & Cruz, who were determined to undermine a free and fair election.

So we finally have the long-awaited concession speech.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: Trump delivers concession speech, says new administration will be inaugurated on January 20 <a href="https://t.co/FFhlu1HKfT">pic.twitter.com/FFhlu1HKfT</a></p>— BNO News (@BNONews) <a href="https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1347337416793849858?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.96fd96193cc66c3e11d4c5e4c7c7ec97.html?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fsteelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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Devastating to read the fall-out from the MAGA seditionists' attack on the Capitol. Really a shameful turn of events to end this presidency. This could all have been avoided, had Trump been reined in earlier.

US Capitol Police officer has died following pro-Trump riot

A US Capitol Police officer has died from events stemming from Wednesday's riot at the Capitol, three sources confirm to CNN, in which a mob of President Donald Trump's supporters stormed the building to stop the counting of electoral votes that affirmed President-elect Joe Biden's win.The police officer is now the fifth person to die as a result of the day's violence. One woman was shot and killed by Capitol Police as the crowd breached the building and three others suffered medical emergencies that proved fatal.

The details emerging from the violent attack on the Capitol are harrowing:

Earlier Thursday, Capitol Police leadership provided first details about the deadly incident that left lawmakers and staff fearful for their lives.

In a statement released Thursday morning, Sund detailed the violent actions of the rioters saying that Capitol Police and other law enforcement officers were "actively attacked" with metal pipes and other weapons.

"They were determined to enter into the Capitol Building by causing great damage," Sund said.

The Capitol Police fired on an adult female as "protesters were forcing their way toward the House Chamber where Members of Congress were sheltering in place." The woman was later pronounced dead after being transported to a nearby hospital. The officer involved has been put on administrative leave pending a joint investigation with Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department.

Sund also said Capitol Police responded to reports of pipe bombs and a suspicious vehicle on the southeast corner of the Capitol, adding that the Capitol police "determined that both devices were, in fact, hazardous and could cause great harm to public safety."

The FBI is investigating the incident further.

The Capitol Police revealed for the first time that 13 people have been arrested for "unlawful entry" of the capitol complex, in addition to the owner of the suspicious vehicle. The police said that additional charges may be filed pending further investigation.

More than 50 Capitol Police and metropolitan police were injured during Wednesday's attack, and several have been hospitalized with "serious injuries," according to Sund.

"The violent attack on the U.S. Capitol was unlike any I have ever experienced in my 30 years in law enforcement here in Washington, D.C.," Sund said.
Well, that didn't take long. Looks like yesterday's events have resulted in an abrupt about face. Like they dumped a bucket of ice water on his head and sobered him up. You saw it happen across the board earlier yesterday, with the like of McConnell and Lindsey Graham turning on their heels. Props to Kelly Loeffler too, who in defeat, also changed her tune in a hurry, backing away from Hawley & Cruz, who were determined to undermine a free and fair election.

So we finally have the long-awaited concession speech.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: Trump delivers concession speech, says new administration will be inaugurated on January 20 <a href="https://t.co/FFhlu1HKfT">pic.twitter.com/FFhlu1HKfT</a></p>— BNO News (@BNONews) <a href="https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1347337416793849858?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

Nope another totally false narrative from you. He said all along if the votes were certified and accepted by Congress he would concede. He done nothing to change anything he has said all along. Now you come along and try and change the narrative yourself!
Devastating to read the fall-out from the MAGA seditionists' attack on the Capitol. Really a shameful turn of events to end this presidency. This could all have been avoided, had Trump been reined in earlier.

US Capitol Police officer has died following pro-Trump riot

The details emerging from the violent attack on the Capitol are harrowing:

TIbs from what I saw and the world saw on video something is missing here. 4 dead protestors and a dead cops doesn't jive with the actions we have seen. Someone had something else going on here.
If someone alleges election fraud, isn't it incumbent upon them to provide some evidence? Or do we just appoint a special counsel after every election because the loser says so?

The 68% thing is wrong too, I'll post a link but I'm sure you'll say it's just lies or media bias or whatever. Everybody's in on it, I know.


Everyone is going in circles. Evidence has been provided. You keep acting as if no evidence has been provided. Tons of it has been. All of it has been summarily dismissed.

You've provided the Detroit Free Press analysis of the claim. I'll read it later. Heading out to dinner with the fam before sending the kid back to college this weekend so I can't go through it now.

Regardless, I classify this as another Politico or Fact Checker type rebuttal. Journalists. From Detroit. The epicenter of Michigan fraud. Call me skeptical that we now rely upon journalists as our sages and seers.

I'll state the same again. This is warranting of a real investigation. This is unlike any other election before. It is far more skeptical than hanging chads in Florida that DID get reviewed by the Supreme Court.

If elections are sacred (they are), what's the opposition to it being investigated? What's to hide? And why are we suddenly so confident in the journalists being our fact checkers...the journalists you yourself have agreed previously are biased and or corrupt?
I'm of the mindset that we will never have a fair election again. You are of the mindset we will.

Guess we will wait and see who is right. They are gearing up for one party rule. This was the battle Del. We lost.

I agree with you, Tim. I don't think we will ever have a fair election again. Why would there be? If this country accepts the fact unequivocally that there was no voter fraud happening, and no true investigation mounted, the Dems have nothing to fear by continually doing it. Our country has become a one party system. Some people will say a Republican will never become president for awhile because of Trump. That could be true, but if the Dems were able to get away with (not saying they did) filling the ballot boxes with illegal and manufactured votes, what would hold them back from doing it again. Hell, the Dems in Georgia could potentially have won because of the very same illegal ballot dump! Our country has entered a new and dangerous era!
First off del, great posts in this thread by you, Sarge, OFTB, NCSteelerfan and others.

Refreshing to read some of you have seen the light and are moving beyond this one-term presidency.

As far as your comment concerning me, I don't know what set of circumstances you consider 'the sky is falling' other than exactly what has happened as a result of the Trump presidency.

It is what I rang the alarm bells about, early and often. A nation torn apart, white nationalists, extremists, and conspiracy theorists empowered, the constant lies seeping into the minds of otherwise rational Americans. The Capitol was just overrun for the first time in 200 years. Crazed MAGA's, like the numerous ones on this board, going apeshit crazy, spurned on by the blatant lies of the President. How much more of a shitshow could I have predicted than what has actually transpired? Americans turning on Americans, a massive distrust in government, the electoral process, the media, and the list goes on.

I back out of this board, over and over, as I find the hardcore MAGA base increasingly belligerent and dangerous. We've seen with our own eyes how that's played out in the nation's capital. It's also created an increasingly toxic environment on the board. I then drift back in when I read your posts, and the sane, rational posts from a handful of regulars.

I know I am alone on my views on Russia, and the connections Trump had going back to the eighties. I was shocked by what I observed in Helsinki, when Trump met with Putin. I don't think the Mueller report, the corresponding investigations, or the impeachement hearings cleared Trump in the matter as stated here. That's my opinion. I still hold those views.

At this stage, none of that matters, as Trump has proceeded to **** things up - all on his own - above and beyond whatever role any of that played.

So we sit here two weeks before a peaceful transition of power, much as has happened every four or eight years for over two centuries. I am hopeful the madness will slowly end and life can return to normal, in daily life, and perhaps even here on the board. And I also pray America can indeed return to being the shining city on the hill, that has served as a beacon of hope around the world.

Happy New Year to all.

These few sentences show you have no interest in trying to understand anything. You refuse to acknowledge the reasons for Trump, the same way our politicians do. That attitude will not help one iota. The rage will stay long after Trump leaves, because you have never figured out it isn't about Trump. I guess I should excuse that, as Trump himself never realized it wasn't about him.

Our leaders have failed us, ALL of them. While we all need to take a break and perhaps do a little introspection, our leaders need to, perhaps, do it more.
Ha...one last point, my wife just walked in with the mail.

She just got two Christmas cards today...one post marked December 15, the other December 23.

It's January 7.

But we were told, and anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy, the USPS had NO problem delivering ballots effectively for the election.
If elections are sacred (they are), what's the opposition to it being investigated? What's to hide? And why are we suddenly so confident in the journalists being our fact checkers...the journalists you yourself have agreed previously are biased and or corrupt?

There have been investigations. They are being reported all over. There is no source you'll accept so I'm not going to waste my time.

Elections are run by states. Claims of fraud have been investigated by state governments. The Republican Georgia election official, attorney general and governor say the investigations showed that Trump's claims are false. I don't know what else to tell you. There isn't anything that's going to convince some of you because you want it to be true so badly.
Ha...one last point, my wife just walked in with the mail.

She just got two Christmas cards today...one post marked December 15, the other December 23.

It's January 7.

But we were told, and anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy, the USPS had NO problem delivering ballots effectively for the election.

So that would have helped Trump no? Since mail in ballots went overwhelmingly in Biden's favor. Or are you suggesting the USPS cherry picked Trump ballots to hold back?
Amidst the sea of awful images from yesterday, this one is inspiring. Representative Andy Kim, a Democrat from New Jersey, helping clean up the capitol rotunda early this morning.

A first generation American, a Rhodes scholar, the son of Korean immigrants, whose father grew up in an orphanage and went on to receive a doctorate in genetics, whose mother was raised by a single mom -- here he is cleaning our nation's capitol from a domestic terrorist attack.

A truly touching moment which captures the promise of this great nation. Props to Rep. Kim for giving us hope during these dire times.

Amidst the sea of awful images from yesterday, this one is inspiring. Representative Andy Kim, a Democrat from New Jersey, helping clean up the capitol rotunda early this morning.

A first generation American, a Rhodes scholar, the son of Korean immigrants, whose father grew up in an orphanage and went on to receive a doctorate in genetics, whose mother was raised by a single mom -- here he is cleaning our nation's capitol from a domestic terrorist attack.

A truly touching moment which captures the promise of this great nation. Props to Rep. Kim for giving us hope during these dire times.


Almost as sad as inner city residents trying to pick up the pieces after their businesses and neighborhoods were looted and burned down by “peaceful protesters”. I bet Representative Kim got more help than they did.
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Almost as sad as inner city residents trying to pick up the pieces after their businesses and neighborhoods were looted and burned down by “peaceful protesters”. I bet Representative Kim got more help than they did, huh?