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US Capitol breached

There have been investigations. They are being reported all over. There is no source you'll accept so I'm not going to waste my time.

Elections are run by states. Claims of fraud have been investigated by state governments. The Republican Georgia election official, attorney general and governor say the investigations showed that Trump's claims are false. I don't know what else to tell you. There isn't anything that's going to convince some of you because you want it to be true so badly.

What source do you trust to report this accurately? May i have a lin
Oh how quickly the Reps came to condemn the violence, but not a peep out of any demonrat during the summer riots.

Biden finally came to condemn the rioting during the campaign, then was met with criticism by fellow lefties because they though it would hinder his chances at re-election.

That is pure evil.
DC police officer dies of a stroke after the unrest yesterday and it is determined that it is a result of what took place. Maybe they can find a way to link it to COVID also.
RIP to the LEO.
There have been investigations. They are being reported all over. There is no source you'll accept so I'm not going to waste my time.

Elections are run by states. Claims of fraud have been investigated by state governments. The Republican Georgia election official, attorney general and governor say the investigations showed that Trump's claims are false. I don't know what else to tell you. There isn't anything that's going to convince some of you because you want it to be true so badly.

We're not going to waste my time explaining the glaring anomalies of this election and the hundreds of sworn affidavits witnessing voter fraud.
There isn't anything that's going to convince you that voter fraud happened because you want it not to be true so badly.
TIbs from what I saw and the world saw on video something is missing here. 4 dead protestors and a dead cops doesn't jive with the actions we have seen. Someone had something else going on here.

The deaths of three additional seditionists were reported earlier in the day, the death of the officer about an hour ago.

The Capitol police officer who died, was killed by a Trump supporter who hit him over the head with a fire extinguisher during the insurrection.

Capitol Police Officer Dies After Being Assaulted By Extremists In Siege

A Capitol Hill police officer who was assaulted in Wednesday's riot by violent protesters loyal to President Trump has died, a source familiar with the matter tells NPR's Carrie Johnson.

The Department of Justice is opening a federal murder case into the death of the officer, the source said.

More than 50 criminal cases are being opened against others who engaged in violence during the breach of the U.S. Capitol.

The pro-Trump extremists attacked police "with metal pipes, discharged chemical irritants, and took up other weapons against our officers," U.S. Capitol Police said Thursday.

Also Thursday, in a call with reporters, the acting U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, Michael Sherwin, didn't have full details yet but didn't rule out charges of rioting, insurrection and seditious conspiracy.

Forty local cases had been filed with the D.C. Superior Court concerning entry to the Capitol, assault and possessing a firearm.

On the federal level, 15 cases have been filed against individuals accused of illegally entering the Capitol, possessing a firearm or stealing congressional property.

One individual was said to have been carrying a semiautomatic rifle and 11 Molotov cocktails upon arrest.

Sherwin said theft of congressional property could impact national security.

"Electronic items were stolen from senators' offices. Documents, materials were stolen, and we have to identify what was done, mitigate that, and it could have potential national security equities," Sherwin said.

"If there was damage, we don't know the extent of that yet," he added.

Sherwin also said he could not provide information on who was responsible for the two improvised explosive devices that were found at the Democratic National Committee headquarters and the Republican National Committee headquarters, adding that both incidents are being investigated.

Also Thursday, U.S. Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy announced that a "7-foot nonscalable fence" is being erected around the entire U.S. Capitol. It is to remain in place for at least the next 30 days, he said. Additional National Guard units are also being deployed, he added.

Deaths, injuries and arrests

D.C. officials say four people died in the storming of the Capitol, including a woman who was shot inside the building by a Capitol Police officer. Dozens of police officers were injured while trying to control the mob of pro-Trump extremists who temporarily shut down a vote to certify President-elect Joe Biden's win.

<aside id="ad-secondary-wrap" aria-label="advertisement"> </aside> In addition to the officer and the woman who was shot, three people — two men in their 50s and one woman in her 30s — died after separate medical emergencies, said D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and D.C. Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee during a news conference.

Contee said 56 officers were injured, describing "a lot of valiant fighting" to perform their duties despite facing tear gas and other hazards. One officer, he said, was "snatched into a crowd," where he was beaten and tazed repeatedly.

City police officers arrested 70 people on charges related to unrest from Wednesday through 7 a.m. Thursday, Washington's Metropolitan Police Department said. Most of those arrests were for violating curfew, with many also facing charges of unlawful entry.
I don’t condone breaking into the Capitol, but other than that, I did not see violence in the streets agains LEO as we have seen in “peaceful protests”. I am sure there was some, but nowhere near the extent of what we have seen from the liberal protests.
Amidst the sea of awful images from yesterday, this one is inspiring. Representative Andy Kim, a Democrat from New Jersey, helping clean up the capitol rotunda early this morning.

A first generation American, a Rhodes scholar, the son of Korean immigrants, whose father grew up in an orphanage and went on to receive a doctorate in genetics, whose mother was raised by a single mom -- here he is cleaning our nation's capitol from a domestic terrorist attack.

A truly touching moment which captures the promise of this great nation. Props to Rep. Kim for giving us hope during these dire times.


My God, I hope it could be rebuilt or repaired. All those irreplaceable art works....gone.... smh...********!

BTW....I've seen more destruction at a 6yr old's birthday party at Chucky Cheese
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There have been investigations. They are being reported all over. There is no source you'll accept so I'm not going to waste my time.

Elections are run by states. Claims of fraud have been investigated by state governments. The Republican Georgia election official, attorney general and governor say the investigations showed that Trump's claims are false. I don't know what else to tell you. There isn't anything that's going to convince some of you because you want it to be true so badly.

So that would have helped Trump no? Since mail in ballots went overwhelmingly in Biden's favor. Or are you suggesting the USPS cherry picked Trump ballots to hold back?

Show me a non-biased investigation. Why do you oppose a Special Counsel to investigate nationwide fraud? Why are you ok with just Politifact and Detroit Free Press investigations?

Show me a real, thorough investigation. I'll take any. You're proffering spot checks OFTB.

And the mail reference...was an anecdote. Do you not remember the months of fuss over Trump supposedly tearing down the USPS to thwart the election in advance, only to hear countless claims that the USPS is more than adequately prepared to deliver the mail and support the election? Of course you do.

I just find it odd that my wife is now getting Christmas cards post marked from December...after we were all brainwashed to believe the USPS was well equipped to carry the mail. I mean, some of these Christmas cards are only 23 days late.

That statement is more aimed at so many Americans' undenying faith in big Daddy gubmint being able to run things. Weird...can't deliver the mail...but can run healthcare...or elections...right?

<a href='https://postimages.org/' target='_blank'><img src='https://i.postimg.cc/gj5VQkjJ/image.png' border='0' alt='image'/></a>

Well, that didn't take long. Looks like yesterday's events have resulted in an abrupt about face. Like they dumped a bucket of ice water on his head and sobered him up. You saw it happen across the board earlier yesterday, with the likes of McConnell and Lindsey Graham turning on their heels. Props to Kelly Loeffler too, who in defeat, also changed her tune in a hurry, backing away from Hawley & Cruz, who were determined to undermine a free and fair election.

So we finally have the long-awaited concession speech.

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So you mean that after courts refused to hear the cases and the election was certified, he acknowledged it? Trump sure does have a strange habit of following the laws for an alleged dictator.

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They do? Can I see some of it?

Yeah, the Mueller investigation was bullshit I've been saying that since the beginning. Your point is?

No you can't see any of it. That's kind of the point of the protests.
Well, that didn't take long. Looks like yesterday's events have resulted in an abrupt about face. Like they dumped a bucket of ice water on his head and sobered him up. You saw it happen across the board earlier yesterday, with the likes of McConnell and Lindsey Graham turning on their heels. Props to Kelly Loeffler too, who in defeat, also changed her tune in a hurry, backing away from Hawley & Cruz, who were determined to undermine a free and fair election.

So we finally have the long-awaited concession speech.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: Trump delivers concession speech, says new administration will be inaugurated on January 20 <a href="https://t.co/FFhlu1HKfT">pic.twitter.com/FFhlu1HKfT</a></p>— BNO News (@BNONews) <a href="https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1347337416793849858?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
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Real simple douchebag, he fought till the end, in the end he accepted defeat. Nothing more, nothing less, as was HIS RIGHT.
Devastating to read the fall-out from the MAGA seditionists' attack on the Capitol. Really a shameful turn of events to end this presidency. This could all have been avoided, had Trump been reined in earlier.

US Capitol Police officer has died following pro-Trump riot

The details emerging from the violent attack on the Capitol are harrowing:

Where was your so called righteous indignation all spring and summer during REAL RIOTS, & ILLEGAL OCCUPATIONS?
Ha...one last point, my wife just walked in with the mail.

She just got two Christmas cards today...one post marked December 15, the other December 23.

It's January 7.

But we were told, and anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy, the USPS had NO problem delivering ballots effectively for the election.

We ROUTINELY get payments from our customers 3-4months after they were sent.
Where was your so called righteous indignation all spring and summer during REAL RIOTS, & ILLEGAL OCCUPATIONS?

He ignores all of that. It must be a Hungarian thing to ignore that which doesn't fit your narrative. The objective is to attack the other side,project onto them the things for which you're guilty of. When you finally start to retaliate, it's condemn, condemn, oh they're so crazy and horrible. Just like our news media yesterday. I had to turn that **** off. Did they somehow miss this last year?
He ignores all of that. It must be a Hungarian thing to ignore that which doesn't fit your narrative. The objective is to attack the other side,project onto them the things for which you're guilty of. When you finally start to retaliate, it's condemn, condemn, oh they're so crazy and horrible. Just like our news media yesterday. I had to turn that **** off. Did they somehow miss this last year?

It has nothing to do with being or not being Hungarian. It is the way of the left. You see it in democrat politicians and the press, so why not? Saul Alinsky. If it is true, for example, that Antifa infiltrated the protestors at the capital and were the main actors in tearing things up, that is right out of the rules for radicals playbook.

One o the problems with our side is we continue to be too damn dumb to see some of this coming. Not dumb. We actually continue to believe in this country. Maybe a naiveté.
Hubby’s best friend was in DC for business and stopped by the protest. He is a Trump supporter. He said things were pretty calm up until about noon or so. That’s when AnTiFa started moving in. This guy, along with my husband, is from Oregon where AnTiFa makes its home base. He knows all of AnTiFa’s tricks. It’s not a new thing. He said once he saw that, he got out of the protest are, and about an hour later is when **** went south.
Curious to read what the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal has to say, given it's a well-known bastion of far-left liberalism, communism and socialism.

In concise summary, on Wednesday the leader of the executive branch incited a crowd to march on the legislative branch. The express goal was to demand that Congress and Vice President Mike Pence reject electors from enough states to deny Mr. Biden an Electoral College victory. When some in the crowd turned violent and occupied the Capitol, the President caviled and declined for far too long to call them off. When he did speak, he hedged his plea with election complaint.

This was an assault on the constitutional process of transferring power after an election. It was also an assault on the legislature from an executive sworn to uphold the laws of the United States. This goes beyond merely refusing to concede defeat. In our view it crosses a constitutional line that Mr. Trump hasn’t previously crossed. It is impeachable.

If Mr. Trump wants to avoid a second impeachment, his best path would be to take personal responsibility and resign. This would be the cleanest solution since it would immediately turn presidential duties over to Mr. Pence. And it would give Mr. Trump agency, a la Richard Nixon, over his own fate.

This might also stem the flood of White House and Cabinet resignations that are understandable as acts of conscience but could leave the government dangerously unmanned. Robert O’Brien, the national security adviser, in particular should stay at his post.

We know an act of grace by Mr. Trump isn’t likely. In any case this week has probably finished him as a serious political figure. He has cost Republicans the House, the White House, and now the Senate. Worse, he has betrayed his loyal supporters by lying to them about the election and the ability of Congress and Mr. Pence to overturn it. He has refused to accept the basic bargain of democracy, which is to accept the result, win or lose.

It is best for everyone, himself included, if he goes away quietly.
Hubby’s best friend was in DC for business and stopped by the protest. He is a Trump supporter. He said things were pretty calm up until about noon or so. That’s when AnTiFa started moving in. This guy, along with my husband, is from Oregon where AnTiFa makes its home base. He knows all of AnTiFa’s tricks. It’s not a new thing. He said once he saw that, he got out of the protest are, and about an hour later is when **** went south.

Several people in the capitol were identified not as antifa. One guy is the "shaman" of Qanon. Witnesses are saying things went downhill after the announcement that pence wouldn't support trump. Not saying antifa wasn't there and stirring things up, but to say they are too fully blame for the violence is just a scape goat.
Several people in the capitol were identified not as antifa. One guy is the "shaman" of Qanon. Witnesses are saying things went downhill after the announcement that pence wouldn't support trump. Not saying antifa wasn't there and stirring things up, but to say they are too fully blame for the violence is just a scape goat.

I didn’t say they were fully to blame, but they were there. Problem is that this protest was majority- white. AnTiFa is a majority- white protest group. They blended in pretty well. But growing up with AnTiFa in their backyards, the hubs and his friend know what to look for and the friend saw some AnTiFa. They aren’t dumb enough to dress like the Buffalo guy. They blended in...but had black on and had shirts with signaling messages on it.

Anyway...I fully support the arrest and prosecution of whoever is guilty of storming the capital and inciting this violence- regardless of political affiliation. But don’t let the media fool you into thinking it was ALL caused by right-wing nut jobs.
I didn’t say they were fully to blame, but they were there. Problem is that this protest was majority- white. AnTiFa is a majority- white protest group. They blended in pretty well. But growing up with AnTiFa in their backyards, the hubs and his friend know what to look for and the friend saw some AnTiFa. They aren’t dumb enough to dress like the Buffalo guy. They blended in...but had black on and had shirts with signaling messages on it.

Anyway...I fully support the arrest and prosecution of whoever is guilty of storming the capital and inciting this violence- regardless of political affiliation. But don’t let the media fool you into thinking it was ALL caused by right-wing nut jobs.

Sounds good....I hope you are right and everyone involved with the violence gets prosecuted.
But don’t let the media fool you into thinking it was ALL caused by right-wing nut jobs.

Yeah, looks like there were all sorts of 'interesting' folks mixed-in with the MAGA mob made up of an overwhelming majority of Trump supporters.

A DC cop said off-duty cops & soldiers, who were among rioters, flashed badges & ID as they attempted to overrun the building “If these ppl can storm the Capitol with no regard to punishment, you must wonder how much they abuse their power when in uniform.”

Does this strike you as just your garden variety Trump supporter? Wonder what the zip ties are for, if not to take hostages?


Yeah, it was Antifa, for sure.

‘Second revolution begins’: Armed right-wing groups celebrate Capitol attack

Chris Hill, a Marine veteran who leads the 75-member Georgia-based III% Security Force called the attack on the Capitol a “shot heard round the world.”“The second revolution begins today,” Hill said.

“A start to a new beginning brothers! Let’s set the scales straight and if war sets afoot we will rebel!” Zachary Wallace wrote Wednesday in an online forum for members of the Three Percenters group.

“The time for voting and getting a little piece of the pie for our own labors is OVER. The time for action and a reset is NOW. ARE YOU AWAKE YET?” wrote a user identified as “Rodger OH” in the same forum, signing off in Latin “God’s Will,” a rallying cry from the Crusades.

I don't think these folks will take kindly to some trying to blame the usual boogeyman Antifa on this attack on the Capitol.
It's high time we all pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and figure out what's really going on.

It's not that complicated. Just take a look around on Parler and other far-right sites. They're broadcasting their message and intentions in broad daylight, just as they did in the run up to the storming of the Capitol on Jan 6th.

I think it's safe to say, this second time around, the insurrectionists and seditionists won't be handled with kid gloves, chaperoned onto the Capitol grounds like kids on a trip to the local museum.

"The Million Militia March will meet in D.C. on 1/20/2021 to prevent any attempt by the treasonous domestic enemy Joe Biden, or any other member of the Communist Organized Crime Org known as The Democratic Party, from entering the White House."

Amidst the sea of awful images from yesterday, this one is inspiring. Representative Andy Kim, a Democrat from New Jersey, helping clean up the capitol rotunda early this morning.

A first generation American, a Rhodes scholar, the son of Korean immigrants, whose father grew up in an orphanage and went on to receive a doctorate in genetics, whose mother was raised by a single mom -- here he is cleaning our nation's capitol from a domestic terrorist attack.

A truly touching moment which captures the promise of this great nation. Props to Rep. Kim for giving us hope during these dire times.


If I was a Jersey resident,,,Mr. Kim just earned my vote in his next election.