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US Capitol breached

These few sentences show you have no interest in trying to understand anything. You refuse to acknowledge the reasons for Trump, the same way our politicians do. That attitude will not help one iota. The rage will stay long after Trump leaves, because you have never figured out it isn't about Trump. I guess I should excuse that, as Trump himself never realized it wasn't about him.

Our leaders have failed us, ALL of them. While we all need to take a break and perhaps do a little introspection, our leaders need to, perhaps, do it more.

Well said Diver, what those who support Biden don't understand is that Donald Trump was elected because people have lost confidence in our "professional" politicians. We all know they are corrupt, but it has become abundantly clear that they talk out of their ***** when in the public eye, but do nothing for those they serve away from the spotlight. You want to claim that Trump is all about himself - fine, but so are the rest of the ******** in office. It is the only place you can go in with a marginal bank role and come out almost $100,000,000 in offshore accounts! The latest Covid bill should clearly show you they could care less about the normal American. When you send more money out of the country than giving to your own people, your priorities are screwed up. This is what has pissed off many Americans for years. No one voted for Trump because they thought he was a really nice guy - they voted for him for two reason - 1. He wasn't a Washington insider, 2. His plan was to put America and American's first! Neither of those are represented by the democratic party. The other problem I have is something that has somehow gotten misplaced in the American people's priorities - voting for platform. I still can't figure out how people voted for Biden/Harris considering all the negative things they want to do with this country. The things that came out of Kamal's mouth were disturbing, yet here we are. I don't know Kamala - she might be a great lady, personally, but politically - she's a ******* idiot and has no interest in making America better. Biden, with his Chinese ties with hurt our economy, the strength of our nations, and our job market. When I was young, my Grandpa, would preach about examining the platform and choosing the candidate that will do the most good for Americans. Today, people treat our elections like they personally know a candidate. They hate Trump as if Trump slept with their mother, turned her into a *****, and put her out on the street! It's not ******* personal - it's policy! Too many American's voted against Trump, and not for Biden, which is idiotic to say the least!
What happens to those who throw around unfounded, frivolous election fraud allegations? Maybe there's a lesson to be learned here. Good luck to Ms. Powell!

Trump associate Sidney Powell Sued by Dominion Voting Over Election-Fraud Claims

Former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell was sued for defamation by the voting-machine company she repeatedly placed at the center of a vast and unfounded election conspiracy that she claimed switched votes to favor President-elect Joe Biden.

The complaint filed Friday by Dominion Voting Systems Inc. seeks $1.3 billion from Powell, who filed numerous unsuccessful court cases seeking to overturn the election results. She was dumped by the Trump campaign not long after a Nov. 19 press conference in which she claimed that agents from Iran and China infiltrated Dominion’s voting machines to help Biden, and that the software had ties to Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013.

Dominion has repeatedly denied her claims.

The full complaint isn’t yet available on the docket in federal court in Washington where the suit was filed.
Well said Diver, what those who support Biden don't understand is that Donald Trump was elected because people have lost confidence in our "professional" politicians. We all know they are corrupt, but it has become abundantly clear that they talk out of their ***** when in the public eye, but do nothing for those they serve away from the spotlight. You want to claim that Trump is all about himself - fine, but so are the rest of the ******** in office. It is the only place you can go in with a marginal bank role and come out almost $100,000,000 in offshore accounts! The latest Covid bill should clearly show you they could care less about the normal American. When you send more money out of the country than giving to your own people, your priorities are screwed up. This is what has pissed off many Americans for years. No one voted for Trump because they thought he was a really nice guy - they voted for him for two reason - 1. He wasn't a Washington insider, 2. His plan was to put America and American's first! Neither of those are represented by the democratic party. The other problem I have is something that has somehow gotten misplaced in the American people's priorities - voting for platform. I still can't figure out how people voted for Biden/Harris considering all the negative things they want to do with this country. The things that came out of Kamal's mouth were disturbing, yet here we are. I don't know Kamala - she might be a great lady, personally, but politically - she's a ******* idiot and has no interest in making America better. Biden, with his Chinese ties with hurt our economy, the strength of our nations, and our job market. When I was young, my Grandpa, would preach about examining the platform and choosing the candidate that will do the most good for Americans. Today, people treat our elections like they personally know a candidate. They hate Trump as if Trump slept with their mother, turned her into a *****, and put her out on the street! It's not ******* personal - it's policy! Too many American's voted against Trump, and not for Biden, which is idiotic to say the least!

What is so fascinating, and quite frustrating, is they will not even pretend to hear these issues anymore. I guess the idea is that if they acknowledge the issues, then they must have some legitimacy, therefore we will just ignore. They will certainly not acknowledge the blatant hypocrisy they spit out every day.

If it wasn't so sad and enraging, it would almost be funny when you hear the change in attitudes of some of the talking heads on protests. The problem for them, and us I guess, is that today, everything is recorded. It isn't hard to find, which is why there is this push from the left to censor and shut things down. We are such a short attention span society anymore that if the stuff they say can't be found, no one will remember it.

Why I say it is problem for us is that we all would be much less frustrated if we could go through life with our heads in the sand and not concern ourselves with this blatant hypocrisy. I would love to live that way, and would, if they would just let me alone. They've never figured that out, either. We understand their corruption and the little incestuous relations that our elites and ruling class have. We don't like it, but if we are just let to live our lives the way we see fit, we will tolerate it. But no, they gotta blame us for everything. They have to tell us that rights, like freely owning a firearm should be taken away. Just wait to see the rights they are going to try to infringe upon because of what happened on Wednesday.
What happens to those who throw around unfounded, frivolous election fraud allegations? Maybe there's a lesson to be learned here. Good luck to Ms. Powell!

Trump associate Sidney Powell Sued by Dominion Voting Over Election-Fraud Claims

Tibs, you are good, I will give you that. You'd be a hell of a coach. One of the roles of a good coach is to not give credence to certain things, whether they are legitimate of not. I remember Bill Cowher, when he was mic'd up during the playoff game in Indy, when they were looking at Polomalu's pick. He kept telling he players they can't worry about if it is overturned, they gotta move on. Would give no credence to the idea that it was a terrible reversal.

While that is good coaching, I just don't think it will work here. People are frustrated because they are not being listened too. That frustration and anger is only going to grow the more and more they are ignored and marginalized. It will not solve anything.
This is Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick who died after he was attacked by rioters. He was 42. May he rest in peace.


Who Was Brian Sicknick? Capitol Police Officer Who Died Was Iraq War Veteran

Brian D. Sicknick, the U.S. Capitol Police officer who died while "physically engaging with protesters" at the violent riots in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, was an Iraq War veteran in his early 40s, according to local media.

Sicknick, who joined the Capitol police in 2008 and most recently served in the department's first responder unit, died at about 9:30 p.m. on January 7 "due to injuries sustained while on duty," according to a police statement.

"Officer Sicknick was responding to the riots on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol and was injured while physically engaging with protesters. He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.

"The death of Officer Sicknick will be investigated by the Metropolitan Police Department's Homicide Branch, the U.S. Capitol Police and our federal partners," the statement said.

Sicknick was placed on life support in hospital after being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher wielded by a protester at the Capitol on Wednesday, according to a tweet by reporter Alexandra Limon.

His family rushed to the hospital where they were informed Sicknick was on a ventilator with a blood clot on his brain and that "it did not look good," the officer's brother, Craig Sicknick, told the Daily Beast.

Sicknick was a former Air National Guardsman who served in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Enduring Freedom before joining the police force, according to his brother.
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Ha...one last point, my wife just walked in with the mail.

She just got two Christmas cards today...one post marked December 15, the other December 23.

It's January 7.

But we were told, and anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy, the USPS had NO problem delivering ballots effectively for the election.

Thought the same thing. I mailed a package to a friend in NE PA on December 20th, priority mail, and should have arrived on the 24th. The last update from this morning shows the package did reach Kansas City on the afternoon of the 24th, but no updates since then.

I talked with the postmaster on Wednesday in the small Pennsylvania town and she told me that they are just now receiving mail postmarked from the first week in December. She said the distribution center in Philadelphia is so overwhelmed that semi's can't get in or out and that's most likely where the package sits.
This is Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick who died after he was attacked by rioters. He was 42. May rest in peace.


Who Was Brian Sicknick? Capitol Police Officer Who Died Was Iraq War Veteran

Funny as **** there Tibs, where was your ignorant *** posting about the officers that were executed after the BLM Riots this summer. Where was your ignorant *** posting about the cops that were hit in the head by bricks thrown at them during the BLM Riots. So go **** off with your condescending concern about a police officer only when it benefits your bullshit.
Thought the same thing. I mailed a package to a friend in NE PA on December 20th, priority mail, and should have arrived on the 24th. The last update from this morning shows the package did reach Kansas City on the afternoon of the 24th, but no updates since then.

I talked with the postmaster on Wednesday in the small Pennsylvania town and she told me that they are just now receiving mail postmarked from the first week in December. She said the distribution center in Philadelphia is so overwhelmed that semi's can't get in or out and that's most likely where the package sits.

We sent a package to my mother in law on December 8th by priority mail with tracking. This was going from Indianapolis to Arizona. She still has not gotten it. It went from Indy to Virginia to Colorado to Cincinnati to Colorado to Cincinnati to Colorado to California to Arizona back to Colorado where it has been for 4 days. Only a government run program can **** something up that badly.
Funny as **** there Tibs, where was your ignorant *** posting about the officers that were executed after the BLM Riots this summer. Where was your ignorant *** posting about the cops that were hit in the head by bricks thrown at them during the BLM Riots. So go **** off with your condescending concern about a police officer only when it benefits your bullshit.

David Dorn didn't fit the narrative, even though he was a black, retired police officer helping out a friend left bleeding and died on the sidewalk.

Who was David Dorn?
Wanted to share this post from Tuesday from my friend in Rhode Island, who's a retired general. A frighteningly prescient post as Wednesday’s insane rioting bore out at our Capitol.

Heads-up from my old friend in Washington DC ... impossible to predict what will happen with tomorrow’s rally in the Capitol except that it certainly won’t be calm ...


A sight I did not want to see this morning as I returned home from the gym - the “Proud Boys” rolling into DC looking for a fight - this one from Pennsylvania flying the confederate stars and bars and the “don’t tread on me” flag. DC is tense this week; the DC guard has been called out and every DC policeman is on duty for the next two days. The mayor is asking residents to stay away from downtown. The President is repeating his call for these groups to come to DC for a “wild” time in which he promises to participate.
Wanted to share this post from Tuesday from my friend in Rhode Island, who's a retired general. A frighteningly prescient post as Wednesday’s insane rioting bore out at our Capitol.

LMAO, I felt the same way watching all of the BLM domestic terrorists were pouring into downtown Indy after curfew hours when they were destroying and burning down portions of Indianapolis...but those were justified and acceptable to you though. You are a ******* hypocrite, nothing less, and you are probably too stupid to realize your own hypocrisy. I am sure CNN will tell you how to think and respond though.
We sent a package to my mother in law on December 8th by priority mail with tracking. This was going from Indianapolis to Arizona. She still has not gotten it. It went from Indy to Virginia to Colorado to Cincinnati to Colorado to Cincinnati to Colorado to California to Arizona back to Colorado where it has been for 4 days. Only a government run program can **** something up that badly.

I'm not saying USPS cost Trump the election, but it does seem pretty clear they are not the best means of handling the voting process. Of course now that success has been claimed, it will be a SOP.
LMAO, I felt the same way watching all of the BLM domestic terrorists were pouring into downtown Indy after curfew hours when they were destroying and burning down portions of Indianapolis...but those were justified and acceptable to you though. You are a ******* hypocrite, nothing less, and you are probably too stupid to realize your own hypocrisy. I am sure CNN will tell you how to think and respond though.

Yep, what happened at the Capital was disgraceful and those involved in the mayhem should be prosecuted, just as those that did the same all last year should have been, but weren't.

Sad thing is that the media and those leaning left can't see this and continue to spin the narrative to fit their agenda.
LMAO, I felt the same way watching all of the BLM domestic terrorists were pouring into downtown Indy after curfew hours when they were destroying and burning down portions of Indianapolis...but those were justified and acceptable to you though. You are a ******* hypocrite, nothing less, and you are probably too stupid to realize your own hypocrisy. I am sure CNN will tell you how to think and respond though.

The hypocrites are now outraged over the Capitol when the Summer of Love happened all accross the country and they were silent and hiding then because it was mostly their people. This "march" happened for one day and as unfortunate as it was, still paled in comparison to the shitshow that many cities went though.and is till going through. Selective outrage to fit their narrative.
This last 12 months has told me normal Americans will put up with a lot. A LOT. Even the most civilized citizens have a breaking point. A solid year of lockdowns,looting,killing, violence, forced buisness closer, livelihoods destroyed, a life's work destroyed, watching the so called leaders play politics with helping those people, just because they hated the president.

All of this stuff and people are still pretty chill ,other than just bitching. You'd think all hell would have broken loose. People just want their normal lives back and to be left alone. I hope that happens soon.

Welcome to Shitsville, Fucklevania, my man. Let me know when Trumpers start feeling like people of color in this game. 1 yr......? dealing with a lot...frustration ? Multiply that by 70 yrs and im curious what type of protests will unfurl. They stormed the capitol and planted bombs after 1 yr ? Yeah, my money says by year 15 youll see fire and destruction and maybe even more bombs.
The hypocrites are now outraged over the Capitol when the Summer of Love happened all accross the country and they were silent and hiding then because it was mostly their people. This "march" happened for one day and as unfortunate as it was, still paled in comparison to the shitshow that many cities went though.and is till going through. Selective outrage to fit their narrative.

We know that and you are so right. But if you look at this thread, watch how Tibs responds. He ignores anything that may go against his narrative. Now, at the end of the day, who gives a **** what Tibs does. The problem is that our political class, the elites and the press are doing the same thing. That is a powerful combination and the real reason Wednesday happened. But don't expect that acknowledgement.
we had Mueller digging through trash bins and calling up every person who ever got within a 50-mile radius of Trump's circle to investigate anything he could find. that lasted for years and was based on flimsier allegations than the election results many are calling to be investigated.

Mueller located two woman Trump had extramarital affairs with and paid hush money to - in order to undermine and overturn the 2016 election. Yet we cannot even put a low-level street cop in to investigate allegations of cheating in the election process?

i agree with Tim and wig (god, help me) that we'll likely never have another legitimate election again. I don't believe we had one this cycle. Do I believe that Trump would have won without the cheating? well, i don't know. It's like asking if the Patriots would have won against us in the AFC Championship when we had Kordell at QB if they didnt cheat. We all know there was cheating going on there. There's been as much admission by the NFL by staying silent on the subject.

The DNC scoffs at any allegations and brushes it off, laughingly, because what else are they to do? admit it? if they admitted it, they'd be out of their jobs, out of their palatial estates and into 6x9 concrete one-room studios with a ******* in the corner.

for crying out loud, the DNC was screaming about how the election was stolen in 2016, going as far as to point fingers at Russia. Yet the fingers that should have been pointed back were blatantly, willfully ignored by the media. Uranium rights purchasing, Bill Clinton's speech payment, the Clinton Foundation's receipt of millions from Russia... the cheating is THERE. it's painfully ******* obvious unless you wish to not see it.

what happened yesterday was a disgrace. as the dust begins to settle, antifa ***** are being outed as the instigators of the embarassment.

antifa was also said to be the instigators of the BLM protests this summer.

one political side openly denounces them, while the other silently embraces them, providing excuse and end-runs for them. Why? because while antifa is "just an idea", their movement is more along the lines of what the left desires. it might be a wee bit more radical, but it sure pushes the needle for them.

yeah, i'll continue to vote. i have as much confidence of my vote counting for **** in any election going forward as i do the Steelers winning a Super Bowl with Duck at QB, though.

Yall really need to pause on digesting everything you hear from right wing talking pundits... Even Matt Gaetz was hooked on the bait. Interestingly enough folks fail to follow-up on retractions from the source

for example:

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that XRVision facial recognition software identified Antifa members among rioters who stormed the Capitol Wednesday. XRVision did not identify any Antifa members. The Washington Times apologizes to XRVision for the error.

Facial recognition software has identified neo-Nazis and other extremists as participants in Wednesday’s assault on the U.S. Capitol.
LMAO, I felt the same way watching all of the BLM domestic terrorists were pouring into downtown Indy after curfew hours when they were destroying and burning down portions of Indianapolis...but those were justified and acceptable to you though.

See there you go again. Just like Trump, you think if you just repeat lie after lie it somehow becomes true. I never once said any type of violence was justified or acceptable. Never.

I came out in support of the broad BLM movement, in which millions of citizens peacefully marched in cities around the country against racism and police brutality.

I also condemned the violence that spun off of that peaceful movement, when extreme factions began looting and rioting, causing mayhem and destruction.

It may be difficult for you to differentiate between those two things, a legal, peaceful gathering in protest and the illegal, violent acts of looting and rioting, but perhaps you could give it a try. Once you've wrapped your head around it, you can stop slandering me by lying about things I've never said or written.
We know that and you are so right. But if you look at this thread, watch how Tibs responds. He ignores anything that may go against his narrative. Now, at the end of the day, who gives a **** what Tibs does. The problem is that our political class, the elites and the press are doing the same thing. That is a powerful combination and the real reason Wednesday happened. But don't expect that acknowledgement.

He's a joke and a fraud. I blocked his dumb *** again. And he's lived in Hungaria most of his life, but acts like he's in the thick of things here. Pretty comical.
Welcome to Shitsville, Fucklevania, my man. Let me know when Trumpers start feeling like people of color in this game. 1 yr......? dealing with a lot...frustration ? Multiply that by 70 yrs and im curious what type of protests will unfurl. They stormed the capitol and planted bombs after 1 yr ? Yeah, my money says by year 15 youll see fire and destruction and maybe even more bombs.

Hahahaha. I live in Florida. I moved out of PA 32 years ago. You guys can have that stuff. I've crossed off a bunch of states I'll never step foot in again. I've never looked at people on some color code. Just as Americans.

I will live my life as if Washington doesn't exist. It no longer matters to me, do whatever. They can do whatever. Just leave me in peace and stay out of my lane. You only get a certain number of breaths on this planet before you reach your very last.

I'm done wasting mine.
See there you go again. Just like Trump, you think if you just repeat lie after lie it somehow becomes true. I never once said any type of violence was justified or acceptable. Never.

I came out in support of the broad BLM movement, in which millions of citizens peacefully marched in cities around the country against racism and police brutality.

I also condemned the violence that spun off of that peaceful movement, when extreme factions began looting and rioting, causing mayhem and destruction.

It may be difficult for you to differentiate between those two things, a legal, peaceful gathering in protest and the illegal, violent acts of looting and rioting, but perhaps you could give it a try. Once you've wrapped your head around it, you can stop slandering me by lying about things I've never said or written.

But...overwhelmingly most of the people at the rally and protest on Wednesday were peaceful. I have yet to see you acknowledge that. I suspect you won't.
BLM riots had many peaceful protestors, some violent thugs, and probably a sprinkling of right wing extremists stirring the pot. It was all encouraged, supported and egged on by some elected officials

January 6 had many peaceful protestors, some violent thugs, and probably a sprinkling of leftwing extremists stirring the pot. It was all supported, encouraged and egged on by some elected officals.

All of these things can be simultaneously true. If you can't admit that you MIGHT be a hypocrite.

But round and round we go.
The hypocrites are now outraged over the Capitol when the Summer of Love happened all accross the country and they were silent and hiding then because it was mostly their people. This "march" happened for one day and as unfortunate as it was, still paled in comparison to the shitshow that many cities went though.and is till going through. Selective outrage to fit their narrative.

On the flip.... people will suggest youre downplaying or deflecting from this event ? I mean pipe bombs thrown into the mix is a bit serious. Someone wanted to do some serious damage or inflict casualties. And the Capitol Building that houses Congress to boot.... Somebody dodged a huge ******* bullet (no pun intended) on this one. Cause had there been massive injuries, with all the ICU capacity at hospitals maxed or burdened, it would have been bad.

Im all for election investigations thru Congress..I want them just so folks can finally be shown facts and shut the **** up over all of this....but i know that theyll find a whole lot of nothing (as was the case in 2017) but the really interesting drama that will come from this is when we find out Trump hyped or lied about this stolen election BS. Then what ? Folks will have died over bullshit ? Or went to prison over some bullshit ? It will be a fitting end for a lying narcissist if we find out he drummed it all up.