These few sentences show you have no interest in trying to understand anything. You refuse to acknowledge the reasons for Trump, the same way our politicians do. That attitude will not help one iota. The rage will stay long after Trump leaves, because you have never figured out it isn't about Trump. I guess I should excuse that, as Trump himself never realized it wasn't about him.
Our leaders have failed us, ALL of them. While we all need to take a break and perhaps do a little introspection, our leaders need to, perhaps, do it more.
Well said Diver, what those who support Biden don't understand is that Donald Trump was elected because people have lost confidence in our "professional" politicians. We all know they are corrupt, but it has become abundantly clear that they talk out of their ***** when in the public eye, but do nothing for those they serve away from the spotlight. You want to claim that Trump is all about himself - fine, but so are the rest of the ******** in office. It is the only place you can go in with a marginal bank role and come out almost $100,000,000 in offshore accounts! The latest Covid bill should clearly show you they could care less about the normal American. When you send more money out of the country than giving to your own people, your priorities are screwed up. This is what has pissed off many Americans for years. No one voted for Trump because they thought he was a really nice guy - they voted for him for two reason - 1. He wasn't a Washington insider, 2. His plan was to put America and American's first! Neither of those are represented by the democratic party. The other problem I have is something that has somehow gotten misplaced in the American people's priorities - voting for platform. I still can't figure out how people voted for Biden/Harris considering all the negative things they want to do with this country. The things that came out of Kamal's mouth were disturbing, yet here we are. I don't know Kamala - she might be a great lady, personally, but politically - she's a ******* idiot and has no interest in making America better. Biden, with his Chinese ties with hurt our economy, the strength of our nations, and our job market. When I was young, my Grandpa, would preach about examining the platform and choosing the candidate that will do the most good for Americans. Today, people treat our elections like they personally know a candidate. They hate Trump as if Trump slept with their mother, turned her into a *****, and put her out on the street! It's not ******* personal - it's policy! Too many American's voted against Trump, and not for Biden, which is idiotic to say the least!