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US Capitol breached

BLM riots had many peaceful protestors, some violent thugs, and probably a sprinkling of right wing extremists stirring the pot. It was all encouraged, supported and egged on by some elected officials

January 6 had many peaceful protestors, some violent thugs, and probably a sprinkling of leftwing extremists stirring the pot. It was all supported, encouraged and egged on by some elected officals.

All of these things can be simultaneously true. If you can't admit that you MIGHT be a hypocrite.

But round and round we go.

I agree with this. It happens all the time, though. The extreme get all the attention.

I've always thought if you put a handful of sane, rational people in a room of various colors and creeds, with no agendas other than just trying to make things better, with some beer, a lot of problems could be ironed out.
But...overwhelmingly most of the people at the rally and protest on Wednesday were peaceful.

Sure, every single person who attended the Trump rally then turned around and went home right after and didn't march onto the Capitol grounds itself was peaceful. Every single, last person. They were there to support the President, listen to the speeches, to cheer and to applaud. Perfectly normal and acceptable.

Then, when the rally ended and the crowd marched onto the Capitol, pushed back police, broke through barricades and entered the grounds and eventually the Capitol building, the entire procession ceased being peaceful or legal. From that point on, every single person there was breaking the law and participating in an attack on the Capitol, resulting in the death of a police officer and four others. From that point on, everyone there was participating in criminal acts amounting to sedition and insurrection. I imagine they will be charged accordingly.

Sure, every single person who attended the Trump rally then turned around and went home right after and didn't march onto the Capitol grounds itself was peaceful. Every single, last person. They were there to support the President, listen to the speeches, to cheer and to applaud. Perfectly normal and acceptable.

Then, when the rally ended and the crowd marched onto the Capitol, pushed back police, broke through barricades and entered the grounds and eventually the Capitol building, the entire procession ceased being peaceful or legal. From that point on, every single person there was breaking the law and participating in an attack on the Capitol, resulting in the death of a police officer and four others. From that point on, everyone there was participating in criminal acts amounting to sedition and insurrection. I imagine they will be charged accordingly.

You make me laugh. You said there were peaceful protestors throughout this summer. That was the premise. I agree with that assessment. There were peaceful protestors on Wednesday, too. It seems you cannot admit that. Nowhere did I say every person on Wednesday was peaceful. When you ignore things or misstate things or imagine things, it is purposeful or just plain ignorance?
I agree with this. It happens all the time, though. The extreme get all the attention.

I've always thought if you put a handful of sane, rational people in a room of various colors and creeds, with no agendas other than just trying to make things better, with some beer, a lot of problems could be ironed out.

True, but there's no money in that. Cynical? you bet, but not wrong in the observation.
I don't know how many people came to Washington on Wednesday for the rally, but it was many...but I guarantee you if they all rioted as you suggest, a few cops were not going to stop them in any way, shape or form. Did I hear right that estimates are around 100,000 people came to Washington for Wednesday?
On the flip.... people will suggest youre downplaying or deflecting from this event ? I mean pipe bombs thrown into the mix is a bit serious. Someone wanted to do some serious damage or inflict casualties. And the Capitol Building that houses Congress to boot.... Somebody dodged a huge ******* bullet (no pun intended) on this one. Cause had there been massive injuries, with all the ICU capacity at hospitals maxed or burdened, it would have been bad.

Im all for election investigations thru Congress..I want them just so folks can finally be shown facts and shut the **** up over all of this....but i know that theyll find a whole lot of nothing (as was the case in 2017) but the really interesting drama that will come from this is when we find out Trump hyped or lied about this stolen election BS. Then what ? Folks will have died over bullshit ? Or went to prison over some bullshit ? It will be a fitting end for a lying narcissist if we find out he drummed it all up.

Who in the F brings a pipe bomb to a rally or march? I'm not condoning or applauding DC by any stetch, I just want consistency. Anyone that caused harm, violence and death should be locked away for a long, long time.
I don't trust anyone and this past year & one week into 2021 has been a complete cluster. From Covid, to the riots to the election. It's hard to decipher from the truth and lies anymore.
You make me laugh. You said there were peaceful protestors throughout this summer. That was the premise. I agree with that assessment. There were peaceful protestors on Wednesday, too. It seems you cannot admit that. Nowhere did I say every person on Wednesday was peaceful. When you ignore things or misstate things or imagine things, it is purposeful or just plain ignorance?

Re-read what I wrote, maybe you'll better understand a second time around. I agreed with you, that the first part of the rally, during the speeches off to the side of the Capitol, was indeed entirely peaceful.

Everything that happened after the Capitol grounds were breached, was anything but.

So yes, there is a parallel between this - the first part of Trump's rally - and the peaceful, solemn processions this summer, where millions of folks gathered to raise their voices against racism and police brutality. That is what I supported over the summer, just like I obviously support the President to hold peaceful rallies for his supporters.

And just like with BLM and here at the Capitol on Wednesday, extremist factions - seperate from the peaceful protestors - crossed the line and choose a path of criminal activity, causing destruction, mayhem and violence.

I deplore and condemn both acts equally, carried out by extremists on the left, and now on the right. They are two sides of the same coin. Neither of which should be tolerated or have a place in society. They should all be charged, arrested and punished for their actions.

As bad as it was seeing buildings on fire, cops attacked, stores looted and windows busted during the rioting this summer, it bothers me on an even deeper level to see the most hallowed grounds of the Capitol desecrated like this. In an act of political violence spurned on by the sitting President against the legislative branch. Unprecedented in modern history. What type of country cannot protect their elected officials and most sacred building of government? I think we have a lot of soul searching to do, for anyone who doesn't quite grasp the historical signifinace of this.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The office of US Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth McDonough after insurrectionists vandalized it. From CNN correspondent Ali Zaslav. This video has now traversed the world.<br><br>Incited. Predictable. Criminal. Unforgivable.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/DemVoice1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#DemVoice1</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FreshVoicesRise?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FreshVoicesRise</a><a href="https://t.co/5RvVHS7qbX">pic.twitter.com/5RvVHS7qbX</a></p>— #FlipTheSenate &#55356;&#57098;&#55356;&#57098;&#55356;&#57098; (@MdrnWrld) <a href="https://twitter.com/MdrnWrld/status/1347311071229476864?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
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Oh bullshit. Trump calling for a rally and protest and saying it's going to be huge is not an incitement to violence.

Trump spent months, literal months trying to denounce, discourage and stop the violence that was being perpetrated across the country in the name of Black Lives Matter and and he was called a dictator and authoritarian. He never called for violence or destruction or to overthrow the government.

The fact of the matter is the main stream media covered for all the violence, looting, arson, vandalism, murder, you name it as peaceful protests. All coming from the left.

Now when it comes from the right it's "oh my God!! it's treason! it's sedition! it's a coup!"

Bullshit, all bullshit.

And now Democratic leadership is calling for another impeachment?!
They want to invoke the 25th amendment to remove him.? In 13 days?!

Bullshit again. It's all saber rattling and playing to the audience. And American people are eating it all up like candy.

Ask yourself one question:

Who benefits from supposed Trump supporters invading the Capitol?

Clearly it's not Trump as he's been completely vilified.

So does it make sense to incite your followers to attack the capital building?

Look beyond the clothes they wore and more towards the people that they were.

We are all being played for fools by the people in power and nothing will change because we're too damn complacent to do anything about it.
The deaths of three additional seditionists were reported earlier in the day, the death of the officer about an hour ago.

The Capitol police officer who died, was killed by a Trump supporter who hit him over the head with a fire extinguisher during the insurrection.


Did you use the word "seditionist" in 2020? If so, in what context and pertaining to whom?
Re-read what I wrote, maybe you'll better understand a second time around. I agreed with you, that the first part of the rally, during the speeches off to the side of the Capitol, was indeed entirely peaceful.

Everything that happened after the Capitol grounds were breached, was anything but.

So yes, there is a parallel between this - the first part of Trump's rally - and the peaceful, solemn processions this summer, where millions of folks gathered to raise their voices against racism and police brutality. That is what I supported over the summer, just like I obviously support the President to hold peaceful rallies for his supporters.

And just like with BLM and here at the Capitol on Wednesday, extremist factions - seperate from the peaceful protestors - crossed the line and choose a path of criminal activity, causing destruction, mayhem and violence.

I deplore and condemn both acts equally, carried out by extremists on the left, and now on the right. They are two sides of the same coin. Neither of which should be tolerated or have a place in society. They should all be charged, arrested and punished for their actions.

As bad as it was seeing buildings on fire, cops attacked, stores looted and windows busted during the rioting this summer, it bothers me on an even deeper level to see the most hallowed grounds of the Capitol desecrated like this. In an act of political violence spurned on by the sitting President against the legislative branch. Unprecedented in modern history. What type of country cannot protect their elected officials and most sacred building of government? I think we have a lot of soul searching to do, for anyone who doesn't quite grasp the historical signifinace of this.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The office of US Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth McDonough after insurrectionists vandalized it. From CNN correspondent Ali Zaslav. This video has now traversed the world.<br><br>Incited. Predictable. Criminal. Unforgivable.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/DemVoice1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#DemVoice1</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FreshVoicesRise?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FreshVoicesRise</a><a href="https://t.co/5RvVHS7qbX">pic.twitter.com/5RvVHS7qbX</a></p>— #FlipTheSenate ������ (@MdrnWrld) <a href="https://twitter.com/MdrnWrld/status/1347311071229476864?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
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I just wanna know where were the sane minded matureTrump supporters discouraging the mob rushing the capitol building. You often see grounded mature individuals at BLM protests discouraging violence or thwarting agitated protestors going head up with cops with shields and batons. Sometimes it takes that special group of activists to diffuse a standoff thats will inveitably turn violent.
You often see grounded mature individuals at BLM protests discouraging violence or thwarting agitated protestors going head up with cops with shields and batons. Sometimes it takes that special group of activists to diffuse a standoff thats will inveitably turn violent.

LMAO, yeah, they were so successful in SO many cities over last summer.
I just wanna know where were the sane minded matureTrump supporters discouraging the mob rushing the capitol building. You often see grounded mature individuals at BLM protests discouraging violence or thwarting agitated protestors going head up with cops with shields and batons. Sometimes it takes that special group of activists to diffuse a standoff thats will inveitably turn violent.

Perhaps they were all listening to the police, cleared the grounds and starting heading home? Wouldn't that, after all, be the most mature, grounded response?
I just wanna know where were the sane minded matureTrump supporters discouraging the mob rushing the capitol building. You often see grounded mature individuals at BLM protests discouraging violence or thwarting agitated protestors going head up with cops with shields and batons. Sometimes it takes that special group of activists to diffuse a standoff thats will inveitably turn violent.

Not gonna see any because it doesn't fit the narrative.
Re-read what I wrote, maybe you'll better understand a second time around. I agreed with you, that the first part of the rally, during the speeches off to the side of the Capitol, was indeed entirely peaceful.

Everything that happened after the Capitol grounds were breached, was anything but.

So yes, there is a parallel between this - the first part of Trump's rally - and the peaceful, solemn processions this summer, where millions of folks gathered to raise their voices against racism and police brutality. That is what I supported over the summer, just like I obviously support the President to hold peaceful rallies for his supporters.

And just like with BLM and here at the Capitol on Wednesday, extremist factions - seperate from the peaceful protestors - crossed the line and choose a path of criminal activity, causing destruction, mayhem and violence.

I deplore and condemn both acts equally, carried out by extremists on the left, and now on the right. They are two sides of the same coin. Neither of which should be tolerated or have a place in society. They should all be charged, arrested and punished for their actions.

As bad as it was seeing buildings on fire, cops attacked, stores looted and windows busted during the rioting this summer, it bothers me on an even deeper level to see the most hallowed grounds of the Capitol desecrated like this. In an act of political violence spurned on by the sitting President against the legislative branch. Unprecedented in modern history. What type of country cannot protect their elected officials and most sacred building of government? I think we have a lot of soul searching to do, for anyone who doesn't quite grasp the historical signifinace of this.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The office of US Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth McDonough after insurrectionists vandalized it. From CNN correspondent Ali Zaslav. This video has now traversed the world.<br><br>Incited. Predictable. Criminal. Unforgivable.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/DemVoice1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#DemVoice1</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FreshVoicesRise?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FreshVoicesRise</a><a href="https://t.co/5RvVHS7qbX">pic.twitter.com/5RvVHS7qbX</a></p>— #FlipTheSenate ������ (@MdrnWrld) <a href="https://twitter.com/MdrnWrld/status/1347311071229476864?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
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I see that now. The first time I read it I saw it as sarcasm.

Anyway, I agree with the fact that what happened on Wednesday is unacceptable. I hope the perpetrators are caught and punished.

The Capitol building has been desecrated already and often by the lying, corrupt people, on BOTH sides, who work there. They are like the money changers in the Temple. They have been consistently desecrating it for years.
I just wanna know where were the sane minded matureTrump supporters discouraging the mob rushing the capitol building. You often see grounded mature individuals at BLM protests discouraging violence or thwarting agitated protestors going head up with cops with shields and batons. Sometimes it takes that special group of activists to diffuse a standoff thats will inveitably turn violent.

I'm sure there were some, perhaps even many, in the crowd initially who tried to calm folks down, to have them pull back and not attack the Capitol and the police protecting the building. Sadly, it seems the mob that broke through the outer barriers and converged on the building knew exactly why they were there and what they were going to do.

There is not much any sane-minded individual could have done, at that point. As things went south in a hurry, and the rally turned into a wild fracas, a mass psychosis event, with plenty of belligerence, violence and mayhem.

There is no sane voice that will keep people from acting like this.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Some of the pro-Trump rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol defecated inside the building and smeared feces in hallways.<a href="https://t.co/qtvOJGoTWE">https://t.co/qtvOJGoTWE</a></p>— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) <a href="https://twitter.com/NYDailyNews/status/1347314499347509248?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
As bad as it was seeing buildings on fire, cops attacked, stores looted and windows busted during the rioting this summer, it bothers me on an even deeper level to see the most hallowed grounds of the Capitol desecrated like this.

It bothers me to see the Capitol building vandalized too, but to say it bothers you more than seeing the livelihoods of hard-working Americans destroyed and our cities left as shells of themselves is very telling. The Capitol building is not "sacred". It is not a church or cathedral or the castle of a monarch. It houses the work of people who were elected to serve us.

I am not justifying vandalizing it. But it is not any worse or better than destroying regular people's property. Not in this country.
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Ask yourself one question:

Who benefits from supposed Trump supporters invading the Capitol?

Clearly it's not Trump as he's been completely vilified.

So does it make sense to incite your followers to attack the capital building?

You act like everything he does "makes sense". He loves this. He loves that people rioted and vandalized in his name. He said so himself. He said he loves these people and they are very special.

His ego is bigger than any "sense" he has.
I also condemned the violence that spun off of that peaceful movement, when extreme factions began looting and rioting, causing mayhem and destruction.

Sure you did...

When Kaepernick and others protested against police brutality peacefully (and silently) by simply taking a knee, they were ridiculed and attacked mercilessly by Trump and a lot of posters on this board. That was unacceptable to you, how dare he?

To nobody's surprise, as these cases of police brutality continue, a whole lot of folks have gotten tired of peaceful, non-violent protests, as it's gotten them exactly nowhere.

So, as the demonstration and civil uprising continues on its third day in Minneapolis, maybe some of you will begin to understand the level of pent-up anger and emotion felt by these communities.

Oh, and about those right-wing fears and crocodile tears of government overreach, how your Constitutional rights are being trampled on, how the State is gonna come get your guns and and and..... well, it is happening, just not in the way that you imagined.
It bothers me to see the Capitol building vandalized too, but to say it bothers you more than seeing the livelihoods of hard-working Americans destroyed and our cities left as shells of themselves is very telling. The Capitol building is not "sacred". It is not a church or cathedral or the castle of a monarch. It houses the work of people who were elected to serve us. I am not justifying vandalizing it. But it is not any worse or better than destroying regular people's property. Not in this country.

Well, it bothers me that you don't consider the White House, the Supreme Court or the Capitol hallowed ground, symbols of a free and democratic Republic since its founding two centuries ago. That you don't differentiate between these buildings from some random building somewhere housing a Gap store, or a strip mall with a nail salon, a laundromat and a liquor store.

I'm not criticizing or mocking you for feeling that way, just find rather odd.