You make me laugh. You said there were peaceful protestors throughout this summer. That was the premise. I agree with that assessment. There were peaceful protestors on Wednesday, too. It seems you cannot admit that. Nowhere did I say every person on Wednesday was peaceful. When you ignore things or misstate things or imagine things, it is purposeful or just plain ignorance?
Re-read what I wrote, maybe you'll better understand a second time around. I agreed with you, that the first part of the rally, during the speeches off to the side of the Capitol, was indeed entirely peaceful.
Everything that happened after the Capitol grounds were breached, was anything but.
So yes, there is a parallel between this - the first part of Trump's rally - and the peaceful, solemn processions this summer, where millions of folks gathered to raise their voices against racism and police brutality. That is what I supported over the summer, just like I obviously support the President to hold peaceful rallies for his supporters.
And just like with BLM and here at the Capitol on Wednesday, extremist factions - seperate from the peaceful protestors - crossed the line and choose a path of criminal activity, causing destruction, mayhem and violence.
I deplore and condemn both acts equally, carried out by extremists on the left, and now on the right. They are two sides of the same coin. Neither of which should be tolerated or have a place in society. They should all be charged, arrested and punished for their actions.
As bad as it was seeing buildings on fire, cops attacked, stores looted and windows busted during the rioting this summer, it bothers me on an even deeper level to see the most hallowed grounds of the Capitol desecrated like this. In an act of political violence spurned on by the sitting President against the legislative branch. Unprecedented in modern history. What type of country cannot protect their elected officials and most sacred building of government? I think we have a lot of soul searching to do, for anyone who doesn't quite grasp the historical signifinace of this.
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The office of US Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth McDonough after insurrectionists vandalized it. From CNN correspondent Ali Zaslav. This video has now traversed the world.<br><br>Incited. Predictable. Criminal. Unforgivable.<a href="">#DemVoice1</a> <a href="">#FreshVoicesRise</a><a href=""></a></p>— #FlipTheSenate ������ (@MdrnWrld) <a href="">January 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
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