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US Capitol breached


I also condemned the violence that spun off of that peaceful movement, when extreme factions began looting and rioting, causing mayhem and destruction.

Yep, you really condoned that violence and damage...

And yes, this is a protest, a civil uprising by Americans of all colors and creed. There are protests in many cities, not just in Minneapolis. Yes, there is a lot of rage and anger on the streets, understandably so. Buildings are getting lit up, and yeah, there's been some looting. In typical fashion, right-wingers just focus on the looting, call the protestors thugs and criminals, and completely miss the big picture aspect of what is happening.
I'm sure there were some, perhaps even many, in the crowd initially who tried to calm folks down, to have them pull back and not attack the Capitol and the police protecting the building. Sadly, it seems the mob that broke through the outer barriers and converged on the building knew exactly why they were there and what they were going to do.

There is not much any sane-minded individual could have done, at that point. As things went south in a hurry, and the rally turned into a wild fracas, a mass psychosis event, with plenty of belligerence, violence and mayhem.

There is no sane voice that will keep people from acting like this.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Some of the pro-Trump rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol defecated inside the building and smeared feces in hallways.<a href="https://t.co/qtvOJGoTWE">https://t.co/qtvOJGoTWE</a></p>— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) <a href="https://twitter.com/NYDailyNews/status/1347314499347509248?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

These jokers NOT Pro-Trump supporters. They are Antifa and have been recognized as such.
The fact that a few Americans who want government corruption to end were able to storm into Capitol Hill probably has Putin, Xi, the fat kid and the rest of world saying "Holy ****, it's that easy?"
Well, it bothers me that you don't consider the White House, the Supreme Court or the Capitol hallowed ground, symbols of a free and democratic Republic since its founding two centuries ago. That you don't differentiate between these buildings from some random building somewhere housing a Gap store, or a strip mall with a nail salon, a laundromat and a liquor store.

I'm not criticizing or mocking you for feeling that way, just find rather odd.

"Some random building" houses someone's blood sweat and tears, many people's jobs, and bustling thriving cities house many people's long dreamt of and hard earned lifestyles. The fact that you dismiss those things as unimportant says a lot about you.

I didn't say I don't see them as symbols, and I didn't say I don't care if they are vandalized. I just said I care about regular human beings as much as I do about symbols of government.
Well, it bothers me that you don't consider the White House, the Supreme Court or the Capitol hallowed ground, symbols of a free and democratic Republic since its founding two centuries ago. That you don't differentiate between these buildings from some random building somewhere housing a Gap store, or a strip mall with a nail salon, a laundromat and a liquor store.

I'm not criticizing or mocking you for feeling that way, just find rather odd.

Why, because a political building is worth more than the business of an American citizen? Keep talking Tibs, it only goes to show how Un-American you really are. You don't give a flying **** about someone's livelihood, their homes, their families, or their livelihoods, but by God you are against someone destroying a political building. I care far more about an American citizens who had their livelihoods taken from them, their stores destroyed, their savings decimated then I ever will over a symbolic building. America is not here because of a building, the building can be re-built and the government will resume as normal. For a lot of those business owners and employees their lives will not return to normal. The fact that you think any building is "hallowed" and worth more than something that people spent years building, saving for, contributing to, and having it destroyed just shows how out of touch you are with reality.
Sure you did...

Wow, hope you took snacks with you on that deep dive, to search through that many posts. Glad you found this one to support your cause. I'm sure I could pull up posts of mine where I do condemn the violent actions of rioters. But regardless, I tip my hat to you. Job well done to prove a point, I'll give you that.

So what's your take on the violence at the Capitol on Wednesday? The MAGA mob with 3%-ers and Oathkeepers storming the building, breaking ****, attacking cops?

How do you feel about Guiliani calling for 'trial by combat' from the Trump stage at the rally preceding the attack? Or Trump himself telling the riled up crowd to "take back our country" literally right before the seige on the Capitol began?

Do you think that affected the mindset of his most devout, rabid supporters and armed militiamen who had been planning the Jan 6th event for weeks? Even a teeny, tiny bit?

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"Let's have trial by combat": Trump and Republicans repeatedly made false claims about the election and encouraged unrest ahead of violent scenes in the Capitol today. <a href="https://t.co/Tbn2HmEdjM">pic.twitter.com/Tbn2HmEdjM</a></p>— Zach Purser Brown (@zachjourno) <a href="https://twitter.com/zachjourno/status/1346957892423831556?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 6, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
I didn't say I don't see them as symbols, and I didn't say I don't care if they are vandalized. I just said I care about regular human beings as much as I do about symbols of government.

Yeah, but you begged the question, put words into my mouth. Re-read what I wrote. I clearly said the violence against businesses bothered me plenty... I simply dared say the attack on the Capitol had a different level of significance, due to the symbolic and political nature of it. You somehow equated that with me ******** on working people and their livelihood.

Some day I'll come to understand you a bit better, as I have a creeping suspicion you like to confront me at every turn, just to confront me. For whatever reason. I'll leave that to you.
Wow, hope you took snacks with you on that deep dive, to search through that many posts. Glad you found this one to support your cause. I'm sure I could pull up posts of mine where I do condemn the violent actions of rioters. But regardless, I tip my hat to you. Job well done to prove a point, I'll give you that.

So what's your take on the violence at the Capitol on Wednesday? The MAGA mob with 3%-ers and Oathkeepers storming the building, breaking ****, attacking cops?

How do you feel about Guiliani calling for 'trial by combat' from the Trump stage at the rally preceding the attack? Or Trump himself telling the riled up crowd to "take back our country" literally right before the seige on the Capitol began?

Do you think that affected the mindset of his most devout, rabid supporters and armed militiamen who had been planning the Jan 6th event for weeks? Even a teeny, tiny bit?

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"Let's have trial by combat": Trump and Republicans repeatedly made false claims about the election and encouraged unrest ahead of violent scenes in the Capitol today. <a href="https://t.co/Tbn2HmEdjM">pic.twitter.com/Tbn2HmEdjM</a></p>— Zach Purser Brown (@zachjourno) <a href="https://twitter.com/zachjourno/status/1346957892423831556?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 6, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

Like everything you ever say, there is always a BUT or a SO afterwards...
The only person that can make you commit a crime is yourself, but that again involves accountability and responsibility for your own actions, something the left has NO concept of. Everyone is always a victim and someone else is always to blame for your choices and actions.
Yeah, but you begged the question, put words into my mouth. Re-read what I wrote. I clearly said the violence against businesses bothered me plenty... I simply dared say the attack on the Capitol had a different level of significance, due to the symbolic and political nature of it. You somehow equated that with me ******** on working people and their livelihood.

Some day I'll come to understand you a bit better, as I have a creeping suspicion you like to confront me at every turn, just to confront me. For whatever reason. I'll leave that to you.

LOL. I've ignored probably 90% of your posts in this thread.

If you know anything about me you know that I confront anything I disagree with no matter who says it and no matter if those people represent the consensus here or are the outlier. Perhaps you are hyperfocused on my comments directed you for some reason.
Yeah, but you begged the question, put words into my mouth. Re-read what I wrote. I clearly said the violence against businesses bothered me plenty...

I already showed where your lying *** rationalized the violence and destruction...but you have more waffles than IHOP.

Wow, hope you took snacks with you on that deep dive, to search through that many posts. Glad you found this one to support your cause. I'm sure I could pull up posts of mine where I do condemn the violent actions of rioters. But regardless, I tip my hat to you. Job well done to prove a point, I'll give you that.
Like everything you ever say, there is always a BUT or a SO afterwards...
The only person that can make you commit a crime is yourself, but that again involves accountability and responsibility for your own actions, something the left has NO concept of. Everyone is always a victim and someone else is always to blame for your choices and actions.

Ok, so that covers your views on wether or not Trump and his team incited the crowds. Duly noted.

And how about the first part.

So what's your take on the violence at the Capitol on Wednesday? The MAGA mob with 3%-ers and Oathkeepers storming the building, breaking ****, attacking cops?
LMAO, I felt the same way watching all of the BLM domestic terrorists were pouring into downtown Indy after curfew hours when they were destroying and burning down portions of Indianapolis...but those were justified and acceptable to you though. You are a ******* hypocrite, nothing less, and you are probably too stupid to realize your own hypocrisy. I am sure CNN will tell you how to think and respond though.

Just because you dont agree with their message doesnt make them domestic terrorists. Give me ONE GOVERNMENT AGENCY that lists BLM as a terrorist organization. Just one.
Btw, here is an opportunity to do your civic and patriotic duty, to share this far and wide and help apprehend the perpetrators.

The FBI is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying individuals who made unlawful entry into the U.S. Capitol on January 6. Call 1-800-CALL-FBI (225-5324) to report tips, or visit fbi.gov/USCapitol to submit relevant photos, videos, or tips. You can also contact your local FBI office or the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

You can view the FBI's seeking information posters by visiting http://ow.ly/NwO950D30I5, http://ow.ly/gYDD50D30I6, http://ow.ly/qz3750D30I8, and http://ow.ly/KutQ50D30I9.


Just because you dont agree with their message doesnt make them domestic terrorists. Give me ONE GOVERNMENT AGENCY that lists BLM as a terrorist organization. Just one.

I don't need the government or media to tell me what I can judge and see with my own eyes. Our government showed that if you act like a thug, burn, loot, and commit violence, we will pander to you and paint your name on public streets. BLM was DIRECTLY involved in all aspects of the destruction of American property and violence against police, guard units, and other citizens. That is the very definition of domestic terrorism.
Ok, so that covers your views on wether or not Trump and his team incited the crowds. Duly noted.

And how about the first part.

Coming from a republican and a conservative, if you criticized the rioting, looting, and destruction caused by Antifa, BLM...etc. yet support what is going on in the Capitol then you are a hypocrite. If you supported the rioting, looting, and destruction caused by Antifa, BLM...etc and now condemn the actions at the Capitol, you are also a hypocrite.
Wow, hope you took snacks with you on that deep dive, to search through that many posts. Glad you found this one to support your cause. I'm sure I could pull up posts of mine where I do condemn the violent actions of rioters. But regardless, I tip my hat to you. Job well done to prove a point, I'll give you that.

Really not that difficult to find..there are a plethora of examples throughout this board of your hypocrisy.

This is what happens, after decades of disproportionate police brutality against minority communities, when a man gets murdered by cops in broad daylight for allegedly writing a bad check for $20. The resulting backlash and the pent-up anger is understandable and not surprising.
Oh bullshit. Trump calling for a rally and protest and saying it's going to be huge is not an incitement to violence.

Trump spent months, literal months trying to denounce, discourage and stop the violence that was being perpetrated across the country in the name of Black Lives Matter and and he was called a dictator and authoritarian. He never called for violence or destruction or to overthrow the government.

The fact of the matter is the main stream media covered for all the violence, looting, arson, vandalism, murder, you name it as peaceful protests. All coming from the left.

Now when it comes from the right it's "oh my God!! it's treason! it's sedition! it's a coup!"

Bullshit, all bullshit.

And now Democratic leadership is calling for another impeachment?!
They want to invoke the 25th amendment to remove him.? In 13 days?!

Bullshit again. It's all saber rattling and playing to the audience. And American people are eating it all up like candy.

Ask yourself one question:

Who benefits from supposed Trump supporters invading the Capitol?

Clearly it's not Trump as he's been completely vilified.

So does it make sense to incite your followers to attack the capital building?

Look beyond the clothes they wore and more towards the people that they were.

We are all being played for fools by the people in power and nothing will change because we're too damn complacent to do anything about it.

Trump is a narcissist ...wouldnt you agree ? What feeds a narcissist on more than anything ? A psychological need for esteem and admiration. Trump has strong grips over his base...wouldnt you agree ? I guarantee you, if he were to go to Twitter right now and tell folks to "rise up on 1/20/21 and revolt against the "Deep State" and fight for this nations survival and make them bleed", you will have no less than 1,000 of his whackiest nutcases locked and loaded geared for a blood bath..and a bath in blood it would be.

BTW, Trump made over 250 million in donations keeping this election fraud myth afloat. Talk about getting played. Hes always gonna mine for suckers. But in some cases theyll just offer themselves...no mining necessary.
I know this is a serious discussion, but look at those pictures. I did chuckle a little. Some of them are just dumb *****. Whether or not you agree with the mask thing, if you are going to storm the Capitol, wouldn't it behoove you to wear one, if for nothing more than to conceal your identity?

And maybe not take pictures of yourself there on your cell phone.
I don't need the government or media to tell me what I can judge and see with my own eyes. Our government showed that if you act like a thug, burn, loot, and commit violence, we will pander to you and paint your name on public streets. BLM was DIRECTLY involved in all aspects of the destruction of American property and violence against police, guard units, and other citizens. That is the very definition of domestic terrorism.

Then we can label MAGA a domestic terrorist group.....based off the actions two days ago. Cuz it was DIRECTLY INVOLVED WITH the aforementioned in addition to planting explosive ordinances.