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US Capitol breached

Who the hell are you referring to? Nobody thinks breaking into the capital is a "good thing," and that we should "understand the violence."

But for **** sake, the garbage differential standard is something I am not going to take any more. Seriously, if you think I am going to link arms with the same lying, disgusting, vile millionaires who recently said "You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives," "protesters should not let up," "I just don't know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there should be," "If you see anybody from the cabinet ... push back on them and tell them they're not welcome here anymore, anywhere," "I say we knock off Trump and then go after Pence. We have the power," and where one overtly racist organization - BLM - gets hundreds of millions of dollars in donations and treated by the press with kid gloves, you are nucking futs.

Do I chastise people bursting into our capital, destroying property? Sure. Always have.

But some of you buttwipes - you know who you are - were basically silent about billions - BILLIONS, with a "b" - in property damage and 43 murders stemming from protests following the death of a career criminal who had OD'ed on fentanyl before being arrested. You think you can invoke Alinsky's rule number 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” You impose rules on conservatives, the taxpayers, the ones who pay the bills while ignoring those rules completely.

So if you expect me to scream from the mountains until my lungs burn about one day of protests, sorry. No can do. I can change my book of rules just like the left.

Are you responding to the wrong post? Nothing you said relates to my post that you quoted at all.
It’s always been a strange, unexplainable phenomena on the board to observe the rampant whataboutism which is so constant and prevalent around here, thread after thread.

I mean, here we are, a mere 48 hours after an unprecedented attack on the Capitol, and all you guys seem interested in discussing are events from the past, that have no connection to the topic at hand. We’re two weeks out from a presidential handover, a transfer of political power now wrought with chaos and violence caused by the outgoing party. Yet you somehow want to draw a parallel with a civil rights / police brutality issue that happened over a half a year ago. All the while skimming over the current topic, not addressing its ramifications, for which this thread was started to begin with.

So very strange.

The current topic is that someone inside the Capitol ordered the police to let them past the barricades or somehow made that happen and it is on video. This happened just as real objections were being raised and were about to be seconded by a Senator formalizing them. The timing is way more than coincidental and only help one side period. Now none of this excuses the behavior of those who broke in but it does raise the question of who allowed it and I think that answer is pretty clear at least on circumstantial evidence. The breech of the Capitol was good for Democrats alone and Bad for Republicans. Hmmmmm.[video]https://www.facebook.com/groups/290998502278141/permalink/453981672646489/[/video]
I didn't realize that MAGA was a non-profit organization...oh wait, that's just BLM. So, feel free to label a campaign slogan as a domestic terrorist.

MAGA is a cult...a radicalized right-wing semi religious/political cult with Donald Trump as its sole central leader.
Nobody has to defend or call out anything because NOBODY here is excusing or condoning what occurred at the Capitol building. The reason that "the same level of outrage you all showed this summer during the BLM riots, cranked up to the same 10+ volume as then" that much outrage was showed over the summer is because ignorant dumb ***** like yourself continued to condone and excuse the damage and violence that was occurring around the country. Nobody is falling for your bullshit because nobody is condoning the violence at the Capitol, as much as you keep trying to imply or solicit the same response.

Good God. I really hope my posts on this board don't serve as a weather vane for you, the true north to which you set your moral compass. I mean, where are your priorities right now? To concern yourself with the fact the supporters of an outgoing President violently stormed the Capitol two days ago, or what some random dude is typing away on an internet message board, digging up his posts from six months ago?

Believe me, I've seen the tepid response by you and others in this thread. You seem to think it's plenty good enough that nobody is 'excusing or condoning' what occurred at the Capitol. You also don't seem particularly upset by it.

What's your best guess what the reaction would be, if a bunch of Muslim Americans, Black Lives Matter or hardcore leftist Antifa activists pulled of an attempted coup like this? To violently overrun barricades and police at the nation's Capitol with the singular purpose of disprupting Congress from carrying out its Constitutional duties?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you all would be sitting back, content with not 'excusing or condoning' that type of event, and just leaving it there.

I'll tell you one thing, most of them would probably be dead, shot right there on the grounds or in the Capitol itself.
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Good God. I really hope my posts on this board don't serve as a weather vane for you, the true north to which you set your moral compass. I mean, where are your priorities right now? To concern yourself with the fact the supporters of an outgoing President violently stormed the Capitol two days ago, or what some random dude is typing away on an internet message board?

Believe me, I've seen the tepid response by you and others in this thread. You seem to think it's plenty good enough that nobody is 'excusing or condoning' what occurred at the Capitol. You also don't seem particularly upset by it.

What's your best guess what the reaction would be, if a bunch of Muslim Americans, Black Lives Matter or hardcore leftist Antifa activists pulled of an attempted coup like this? To violently overrun barricades and police at the nation's Capitol with the singular purpose of disprupting Congress from carrying out its Constitutional duties?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you all would be sitting back, content with not 'excusing or condoning' that type of event, and just leaving it there.

THe police were letting people in through the original barricades and waving them in. Watch the video I posted.

Secondly after endless straight nights of watching cities burn and not seeing outrage from the left how are we supposed to respond? Seriously we have been told for almost a year that burning federal buildings is no big deal and that we don't need the National Guard to deal with it. In fact go ahead and completely take over a part of a city, ehh no problem. You want us to lose our minds over this?
Good God. I really hope my posts on this board don't serve as a weather vane for you, the true north to which you set your moral compass. I mean, where are your priorities right now? To concern yourself with the fact the supporters of an outgoing President violently stormed the Capitol two days ago, or what some random dude is typing away on an internet message board, digging up his posts from six months ago?

Believe me, I've seen the tepid response by you and others in this thread. You seem to think it's plenty good enough that nobody is 'excusing or condoning' what occurred at the Capitol. You also don't seem particularly upset by it.

What's your best guess what the reaction would be, if a bunch of Muslim Americans, Black Lives Matter or hardcore leftist Antifa activists pulled of an attempted coup like this? To violently overrun barricades and police at the nation's Capitol with the singular purpose of disprupting Congress from carrying out its Constitutional duties?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you all would be sitting back, content with not 'excusing or condoning' that type of event, and just leaving it there.

I'll tell you one thing, most of them would probably be dead, shot right there on the grounds or in the Capitol itself.

I'm still waiting for them to burn down churches, businesses, tear down statues, beat innocent people in the street and tear people out of their cars to REALLY be outraged, then we'll be even. . . deal?
Good God. I really hope my posts on this board don't serve as a weather vane for you, the true north to which you set your moral compass. I mean, where are your priorities right now? To concern yourself with the fact the supporters of an outgoing President violently stormed the Capitol two days ago, or what some random dude is typing away on an internet message board, digging up his posts from six months ago?

Believe me, I've seen the tepid response by you and others in this thread. You seem to think it's plenty good enough that nobody is 'excusing or condoning' what occurred at the Capitol. You also don't seem particularly upset by it.

What's your best guess what the reaction would be, if a bunch of Muslim Americans, Black Lives Matter or hardcore leftist Antifa activists pulled of an attempted coup like this? To violently overrun barricades and police at the nation's Capitol with the singular purpose of disprupting Congress from carrying out its Constitutional duties?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you all would be sitting back, content with not 'excusing or condoning' that type of event, and just leaving it there.

I'll tell you one thing, most of them would probably be dead, shot right there on the grounds or in the Capitol itself.

What are you talking about? BLM rioters stormed and vandalized tons of places, many local government buildings included. Did police shoot a lot of them dead? I must have missed that,
Good God. I really hope my posts on this board don't serve as a weather vane for you, the true north to which you set your moral compass. I mean, where are your priorities right now? To concern yourself with the fact the supporters of an outgoing President violently stormed the Capitol two days ago, or what some random dude is typing away on an internet message board, digging up his posts from six months ago?

Believe me, I've seen the tepid response by you and others in this thread. You seem to think it's plenty good enough that nobody is 'excusing or condoning' what occurred at the Capitol. You also don't seem particularly upset by it.

What's your best guess what the reaction would be, if a bunch of Muslim Americans, Black Lives Matter or hardcore leftist Antifa activists pulled of an attempted coup like this? To violently overrun barricades and police at the nation's Capitol with the singular purpose of disprupting Congress from carrying out its Constitutional duties?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you all would be sitting back, content with not 'excusing or condoning' that type of event, and just leaving it there.

I'll tell you one thing, most of them would probably be dead, shot right there on the grounds or in the Capitol itself.

No they wouldn't they would be celebrated on CNN and MSNBC as heroes.
What's your best guess what the reaction would be, if a bunch of Muslim Americans, Black Lives Matter or hardcore leftist Antifa activists pulled of an attempted coup like this? To violently overrun barricades and police at the nation's Capitol

You mean like the riots that you excused and condoned last summer? You can't find one person on here that is defending what happened at the Capitol building, so you continue to make up bullshit what if scenarios and crying about a lack of rage apparently. The only reason that there was any rage last summer is because dumbasses like you decided to justify, excuse, and condone the violence that was occurring. If you never showed up to spew your complete and utter bullshit, the thread about the riots would have been about 3 pages, people would have said how ridiculous and stupid it was, and it would have passed. You and the rest of your liberal friends defending and justifying the destruction, theft, and vandalism of property is what led to a 60 page thread. You have already showed everyone here what you believe and stand for when you justified BILLIONS of dollars in damage to peoples homes, businesses...etc. by stating that what occurred at the Capitol was worse. Quit your ******* waffling, hypothetical scenarios, pandering, and hypocritical bullshit.
On January 6, the day Congress certified the electors, thousands of Trump supporters rallied in D.C. and were peaceful. Unfortunately, though, as the rally ended, hundreds stormed and breached Congress resulting in death, injuries and vandalism. Anecdotes abound that Antifa was involved. Time and Investigation may tell. The images were shocking, with the Democrats now calling for Trump’s ouster, scant days before the end of his term.

The hypocrisy is stunning. The left’s outrage a cacophony of chutzpah. Without condoning or downplaying the mob’s violent behavior, please spare me. We have watched America’s Democrat-controlled inner cities up in flames for months. The burning, looting and arson went in unabated and were dismissed as “mostly peaceful” protests. We have seen murder cases spike. We have seen police stations, stores and cars looted and burned. All, mostly without recourse.

What happened in DC is serious and dangerous. But, observing obnoxious Trump staffers leaving in protest, mere days before their expiration dates as Trump is drawn and quartered virtually, is repugnant and maddening.

Democrats caused the siege, not Trump. Democrats allowed their cities to be attacked and burned for months. They did not protect their own citizens and they persecuted and prosecuted citizens who attempted to protect themselves. As Republican officials were attacked and harassed, Democrats said and did nothing in protest.

Lawlessness was a campaign tactic. It worked… as did their dangerous “Defund the Police” push, which didn’t seem like such a smart idea while under siege.

And somehow the cries of the Capitol being a sacred place, while true, ring hollow.

  • A looted and torched store is sacred to the people who sweated and sacrificed to create it.
  • An attacked and bombed police station is sacred to those who work from there protecting others.
  • A private home, assaulted and menaced by an angry, crazed mob is sacred to the owners who have sacrificed and toiled to own it.

Yall really need to pause on digesting everything you hear from right wing talking pundits... Even Matt Gaetz was hooked on the bait. Interestingly enough folks fail to follow-up on retractions from the source

for example:

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that XRVision facial recognition software identified Antifa members among rioters who stormed the Capitol Wednesday. XRVision did not identify any Antifa members. The Washington Times apologizes to XRVision for the error.

Facial recognition software has identified neo-Nazis and other extremists as participants in Wednesday’s assault on the U.S. Capitol.

you quote that to say that facial recognition software has NOW identified Neo-Nazies and other extremists as participants? I'd bet you were one of those scoffing when facial recognition software was claiming antifa cucks were behind this ****.

If you're capable of it, read more. There are more posters here that are saying antifa was in the crowd - each one providing different links to back up their claim. I have a personal relation with someone who was in the crowd - who said this **** was being done by a very small crowd of individuals. You can scroll back through this very thread and find "MAGA idiots" who were attempting to stop the breaking of windows at the Capitol Building. Again, a very small crowd was doing this.

Yet, if you're capable of putting information together without bias - called impartiality, which you've not shown you're capable of doing - it sure as **** seems like this was "off". There are not a lot of security guards at the Capitol Building, despite this protest being planned for quite some time. You'll call this a conspiracy theory, and then post the image of the cops in battalion gear for a BLM protest and ask for someone to explain the difference. You're playing right into their hands by doing this.

Second most secure building in the country was breached by idiots with a flag pole and a skateboard.

and you're buying that.

Maybe you should venture out to Area 51 and find the aliens, since security is so easily breached.
The current topic is that someone inside the Capitol ordered the police to let them past the barricades or somehow made that happen and it is on video. This happened just as real objections were being raised and were about to be seconded by a Senator formalizing them. The timing is way more than coincidental and only help one side period. Now none of this excuses the behavior of those who broke in but it does raise the question of who allowed it and I think that answer is pretty clear at least on circumstantial evidence. The breech of the Capitol was good for Democrats alone and Bad for Republicans. Hmmmmm.[video]https://www.facebook.com/groups/290998502278141/permalink/453981672646489/[/video]

And they did so somehow knowing their safety was assured?
What are you talking about? BLM rioters stormed and vandalized tons of places, many local government buildings included. Did police shoot a lot of them dead? I must have missed that,

Surely you read what I wrote. What would happen if armed BLM, Antifa, or Muslim American insurgents tried to storm the United States Capitol building (located at First St SE, Washington, DC), in order to disrupt Congress from carrying out its Constitutional duty in verifying States votes for the Presidency. Just like Trump's supporters did 48 hours ago.

That's what I'm talking about.
Surely you read what I wrote. What would happen if armed BLM, Antifa, or Muslim American insurgents tried to storm the United States Capitol building (located at First St SE, Washington, DC), in order to disrupt Congress from carrying out its Constitutional duty in verifying States votes for the Presidency. Just like Trump's supporters did 48 hours ago.

That's what I'm talking about.

How many POC were killed by police or government agents in your glorious peaceful protests last summer genius? How many police departments were ordered to stand down, retreat, or not use force against the rioters? Your false narrative is simply that, no matter how many times you say it, it doesn't make it true.
Secondly after endless straight nights of watching cities burn and not seeing outrage from the left how are we supposed to respond?

Listen to your heart. I would think any American would be deeply hurt and troubled by an attack against the Capitol, regardless of which side the attack was coming from.

Perhaps not.
Surely you read what I wrote. What would happen if armed BLM, Antifa, or Muslim American insurgents tried to storm the United States Capitol building (located at First St SE, Washington, DC), in order to disrupt Congress from carrying out its Constitutional duty in verifying States votes for the Presidency. Just like Trump's supporters did 48 hours ago.

That's what I'm talking about.

Uh, maybe you missed it but BLM protesters stormed and smashed windows in City Hall in Philly, burned a historic church in DC, defaced the Lincoln Memorial and the World War II Memorial and destroyed many other monuments, stormed and vandalized federal buildings around the country....no one was shot dead like the woman in the Capitol was on Wednesday.
Uh, maybe you missed it but BLM protesters stormed and smashed windows in City Hall in Philly, burned a historic church in DC, defaced the Lincoln Memorial and the World War II Memorial and destroyed many other monuments, stormed and vandalized federal buildings around the country....no one was shot dead like the woman in the Capitol was on Wednesday.

I think you fail to see the significance of a joint session of Congress being held in the building, with majority leaders of the House & Senate, along with the Vice President.

It's not often you can just 'walk up' on a gathering like that armed and with ill intentions, in the strongest, most powerful country on the planet, like the MAGA mob just did.

And then proceed to overrun the barricades and police, force the VP out and the entire building to be evacuated and run roughshod in the chambers of the House and Senate, then proceed to stroll right out, taking selfies along the way.
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Listen to your heart. I would think any American would be deeply hurt and troubled by an attack against the Capitol, regardless of which side the attack was coming from.

Perhaps not.

What the hell are you talking about? Nobody has a right to break into our government structures, or damage property not belonging to them. Nobody.

But once again, the stench of hypocrisy wafts off you and your ilk like the nauseating fumes of a skunk's fart. Specifically, your side - politicians included, buddy - did not criticize BLM and antifa and instead asked that we "understand" why the protests happened, "come to grips" with what had caused the rioters to riot, and supported giving hundreds of millions of dollars to a racist front group (BLM) behind many of the riots.

And now suddenly you're "outraged" and weepingly moral? Yeah, no.

How about dozens of politicians ask us to "understand the rage" and tell the protesters to keep protesting, and support hundreds of millions of dollars donated to the Proud Boys? How about that?

Because then we might be getting into the same neighborhood here. Not all the way, but perhaps the same zip code.

And of course you will sob into your blanky about the "violence" and demand an IMMEDIATE denunciation of the miscreants! Funny how these demands and the overt effort to silence criticism arise when Captain Dementia and the Blowjobs are about to take the stage. Coincidence, I'm sure.
Lest we forget what the steps of Congress looked like during the BLM protests in DC.

Well, it bothers me that you don't consider the White House, the Supreme Court or the Capitol hallowed ground, symbols of a free and democratic Republic since its founding two centuries ago. That you don't differentiate between these buildings from some random building somewhere housing a Gap store, or a strip mall with a nail salon, a laundromat and a liquor store.

I'm not criticizing or mocking you for feeling that way, just find rather odd.

tell me this, Tibs ...

if a "random building somewhere housing a Gap store, or a strip mall with a nail salon, a laundromat and a liquor store" is lit up and burned to the ground, who pays? not "pay" as in who pays to fix it, but whose lives are disrupted? who might not be able to make their rent payment? car payment? child support payment?

if a government building is lit up and burned to the ground, does ANY - even ONE - goddamned politician miss so much as a paycheck?