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US Capitol breached

Lest we forget what the steps of Congress looked like during the BLM protests in DC.


post 439, Tibs. Thanks.

you quote that to say that facial recognition software has NOW identified Neo-Nazies and other extremists as participants? I'd bet you were one of those scoffing when facial recognition software was claiming antifa cucks were behind this ****.

If you're capable of it, read more. There are more posters here that are saying antifa was in the crowd - each one providing different links to back up their claim. I have a personal relation with someone who was in the crowd - who said this **** was being done by a very small crowd of individuals. You can scroll back through this very thread and find "MAGA idiots" who were attempting to stop the breaking of windows at the Capitol Building. Again, a very small crowd was doing this.

Yet, if you're capable of putting information together without bias - called impartiality, which you've not shown you're capable of doing - it sure as **** seems like this was "off". There are not a lot of security guards at the Capitol Building, despite this protest being planned for quite some time. You'll call this a conspiracy theory, and then post the image of the cops in battalion gear for a BLM protest and ask for someone to explain the difference. You're playing right into their hands by doing this.

Second most secure building in the country was breached by idiots with a flag pole and a skateboard.

and you're buying that.

Maybe you should venture out to Area 51 and find the aliens, since security is so easily breached.
if a government building is lit up and burned to the ground, does ANY - even ONE - goddamned politician miss so much as a paycheck?

That's not the real issue here. The fact an armed, angry mob of insurgents overran the Capitol unfettered and unimpeded, many carrying large backpacks, during a joint session of Congress, the national security threat posed by that may have far surpassed anything we've ever seen in this country.
That's not the real issue here. The fact an armed, angry mob of insurgents overran the Capitol unfettered and unimpeded, many carrying large backpacks, during a joint session of Congress, the national security threat posed by that may have far surpassed anything we've ever seen in this country.




Tibs: Here to make the dumbest of the dumb appear brilliant in comparison.
I think you fail to see the significance of a joint session of Congress being held in the building, with majority leaders of the House & Senate, along with the Vice President.

It's not often you can just 'walk up' on a gathering like that armed and with ill intentions, in the strongest, most powerful country on the planet, like the MAGA mob just did.

And then proceed to overrun the barricades and police, force the VP out and the entire building to be evacuated and run roughshod in the chambers of the House and Senate, then proceed to stroll right out, taking selfies along the way.

I don't fail to see the significance of anything. The police were clearly caught off guard and undermanned. Do I believe they would have just opened fire on a large mob of BLM protestors doing the same thing? No. Would they shoot if someone was about to get close to the occupants of the building? Yeah, probably. JUST LIKE THEY DID WEDNESDAY.
Lest we forget what the steps of Congress looked like during the BLM protests in DC.


Duh, that was after days of rioting looting and destruction of property. Do you think this wouldn't be the case right now if the MAGA crowd was still there trying to destroy things? Do you think there aren't going to be heavily armed contingents all around the inauguration?
Tibs: Here to make the dumbest of the dumb appear brilliant in comparison.

You're right, I should have stated that differently.

Suffice to say, there's probably good reason why nobody's breached the Capitol building since 1814. And back then, it was British troops, not the deranged supporters of a sitting President. Let's hope it doesn't happen again for another 200 years. Maybe we can agree on that.
Duh, that was after days of rioting looting and destruction of property. Do you think this wouldn't be the case right now if the MAGA crowd was still there trying to destroy things? Do you think there aren't going to be heavily armed contingents all around the inauguration?

The Jan 6th 'storming of DC' event was loudly amplified for at least two weeks beforehand, on Parler and other far-right sites. Trump himself planned his rally for that day, when Pence would be overseeing the counting and veryfying States' votes in Congress. He had also spent the weeks following the election riling-up the base with his Stop the Steal nonsense. Sure, nobody thought the MAGA mob would be batshit crazy enough to actually storm and breach the Capitol, but let's call it what it was, a stupendous security and intelligence failure by all involved.
And to underscore the nauseating lying idiocy of the lapdog bootlickers known as the fourth estate:


"First violent protest in years." Yeah, you betcha there chief.




I mean, if there's enough time to print t-shirts to announce your intentions and to commemorate the event - January 6, 2021 - you probably have time to reinforce the Capitol for a joint session of Congress for the veryfying of votes. But maybe I'm asking for too much.


If the capitol storming was domestic terrorism then so was BLM riots. They burned police stations, cars, businesses, and destroyed countless other things causing over 1 billion in damage. Both cases were dead wrong, but you can not really differentiate one from another. The media bias on this one is way out there.
The Jan 6th 'storming of DC' event was loudly amplified for at least two weeks beforehand, on Parler and other far-right sites. Trump himself planned his rally for that day, when Pence would be overseeing the counting and veryfying States' votes in Congress. He had also spent the weeks following the election riling-up the base with his Stop the Steal nonsense. Sure, nobody thought the MAGA mob would be batshit crazy enough to actually storm and breach the Capitol, but let's call it what it was, a stupendous security and intelligence failure by all involved.

I'm happy to call it a stupendous security and intelligence failure. You're trying to call it overt racism.

I mean they shot and killed an unarmed white woman for climbing into a window.
If the capitol storming was domestic terrorism then so was BLM riots. They burned police stations, cars, businesses, and destroyed countless other things causing over 1 billion in damage. Both cases were dead wrong, but you can not really differentiate one from another. The media bias on this one is way out there.

Pffft, you crazy, man. The media are JACK, 100% unimpeachable.


I mean, if there's enough time to print t-shirts to announce your intentions and to commemorate the event - January 6, 2021 - you probably have time to reinforce the Capitol for a joint session of Congress for the veryfying of votes. But maybe I'm asking for too much.

yet you're failing to again see that these ******* were allowed in. the ******* "security" moved barricades, opened doors, etc.
and you continue to not see what is right in front of you.
At the end of the day, what happened, happened. There's nothing anyone can do to change it.

This will be Trump's enduring legacy. As with everything else, he brought this upon himself. It won't be whatever successes he achieved during four years in office, his trade policies, backing out of the Paris accord or the Iran deal, it won't be the tax cuts or the elimination of regulations. Nor will it be his southern border wall, or the possiblity of peace in the Middle East.

Due to his utterly selfish actions as a petty, sore loser, he opened a big can of whoop *** and unleashed it upon himself and the nation.

And that big can of whoop *** turned out to be the hardcore MAGA base itself, really, the only group of constituents Trump ever seemed to care about.

The MAGA movement that will go down in infamy.

Trump supporters murdered a Capitol Police officer in their armed insurrection and attempted coup. They beat him to death with a fire extinguisher.

They violently attacked other officers at the doors and inside the US Capitol, sending many to the hospital.

Trump supporters set live bombs in DC on Wednesday.

Trump supporters were arrested with Molotov cocktails inside the US Capitol building.

Trump supporters brought guns into prohibited federal space and buildings.

Trump supporters wore anti-Semitic and racist shirts along with MAGA hats, side by side with Trump and Nazi flags.

Trump supporters chanted "Where's Mike Pence?" as they ran through the halls of Congress looking to punish him for not overthrowing the election as Trump demanded.

There were Trump supporters on the "inside," too. Politico reports "One current Metro D.C. police officer said in a public Facebook post that off-duty police officers and members of the military, who were among the rioters, flashed their badges and I.D. cards as they attempted to overrun the building. “If these people can storm the Capitol building with no regard to punishment, you have to wonder how much they abuse their powers when they put on their uniforms,” the officer wrote."

6 Republican lawmakers, that we know of, were among the people who violently tried to overthrow Congress and the national election by storming the US Capitol building. This is a direct violation of the 14th Amendment. None of them have resigned or been forced to resign by their constituents.

Trump supporters stole a computer full of national security secrets from a Congressman, US mail from the Speaker of the House, and the total amount of information stolen, copied, or destroyed still needs to be determined.

Trump supporters showed just how easy it is to overtake the US government to our enemies. Did other governments have people in with the crowd- did they plant surveillance equipment or steal our secrets? Do they have a blueprint to overthrow our government now? How many hours of time will it take to make sure everything is safe and secure?

Trump and his family laughed and partied while the mob rolled from the White House to the US Capitol. Repeated exhortations to "fight", engage in "combat", never surrender, make them pay, etc. They directly incited the violence and refused to calm emotions despite pleas from the colleagues. They only started to try to distance themselves when lawyers pointed out the obvious legal peril they were in because of their words and actions.

Trump supporters now, in a coordinated campaign, refuse to take accountability for their actions and baselessly blame a completely invented "Antifa" for all the violence. They were led to the Capitol based on the lie of widespread voter fraud. No demands for Trump's arrest, resignation, impeachment, or 25th Amendment from the majority of Republicans. No demands to have the Proud Boys and other violent extremists to finally be brought to justice.

And this is how we got here, to this sad and shameful moment, two weeks from Inauguration Day.

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I'm happy to call it a stupendous security and intelligence failure. You're trying to call it overt racism.

I mean they shot and killed an unarmed white woman for climbing into a window.

I think there is something fishy about the security situation. Congress was in session with Pence there. The protests were planned and broadcast with alot of prior warning. There is no way they could not have anticipated potential troubles. If anything the secret service should have had it planned out. Another thing protestors were gathering for a while which would have given additional security time to show up before things turned ugly.
you're one willfully inflammatory son of a *****, if nothing else.
Those people rioting that supposedly love Trump sure ****** him good and proper. Kiss the election challenges goodbye, kiss any hope of a productive end to the Presidency goodbye. It's ******* dead as dog ****. They killed it all in one swoop. Nice job **** heads.

Rioting is how the leftists solve their problems. This is what happens when you lower yourself to their level and you, unlike them, don't have an entire media and all social media platforms on your side. Fair or not, you can't do it. .
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Those people rioting that supposedly love Trump sure ****** him good and proper. Kiss the election challenges goodbye, kiss any hope of a productive end to the Presidency goodbye. It's ******* dead as dog ****. They killed it all in one swoop. Nice job **** heads.

Yeah, I know, right? Before ******* Trump and his insanity, (D)ims played completely within the rules, never lodged bullshit claims against Trump, treated conservatives fairly and respectfully and like Americans with whom they had mere political disagreements, always respected voting, never encouraged illegal voting fraud, never were involved in documented voting fraud, stood up for the process, demanded that all Americans - ALL of us - obey the same rules, and always, always, always obeyed the rules they put in for us.

******* Trump.

Rioting is how the leftists solve their problems. This is what happens when you lower yourself to their level and you, unlike them, don't have an entire media and all social media platforms on your side. Fair or not, you can't do it.

Since lefties now control all all three branches of government, including the courts, I guess that rioting is the way to go.

See, if rioting did not work, then why the **** is a diaper-wearing dementia patient President and an actual ********** Vice-president?
Warning: This is the protester being shot and the video is pretty graphic.

Shows the officer with is semi out in front of him, walk two steps into the hallway, fire from the semi, and hit the woman in the throat.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">GRAPHIC FOOTAGE: Police fatally shoot a Trump supporter inside the Capitol building. This is a sickening crime that should be prosecuted as such. <a href="https://t.co/X8JK7HplJ7">pic.twitter.com/X8JK7HplJ7</a></p>— Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) <a href="https://twitter.com/dancohen3000/status/1347076676342185984?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Yikes, holy ****, the shooter put a round into the woman while at least three members of the Capital police are directly behind her, not to mention the other protesters.

The shooter is simply lucky the round did not hit one of the cops. I am going to say with 100% confidence that the shooter was NOT aiming for the woman's neck. Every training class I have been in - or rather my neighbor - teaches to shoot center mass, because it's a bigger target and reduces the chances of a miss or a through-and-through that seeks another target.

That means the shooter is purely lucky to have hit the target at all, and luckier not to have a through-and-through that hit somebody behind the woman. Also seems lucky to have shot a 9mm since a .45 likely would have torn through the woman's neck and found the next target behind her.
Yikes, holy ****, the shooter put a round into the woman while at least three members of the Capital police are directly behind her, not to mention the other protesters.

The shooter is simply lucky the round did not hit one of the cops. I am going to say with 100% confidence that the shooter was NOT aiming for the woman's neck. Every training class I have been in - or rather my neighbor - teaches to shoot center mass, because it's a bigger target and reduces the chances of a miss or a through-and-through that seeks another target.

That means the shooter is purely lucky to have hit the target at all, and luckier not to have a through-and-through that hit somebody behind the woman. Also seems lucky to have shot a 9mm since a .45 likely would have torn through the woman's neck and found the next target behind her.

Yeah, he shot in fear, not control.