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US Capitol breached

Because this is what Apple and Google are asking Parler to moderate.

Is this the big liberal push to silence conservative voices? Really?

Sounds to me the right needs to get its house in order, and apply some sort of self-control mechanism which doesn't embrace the murder of public officials, calls for insurgency and the like.

Wanna talk about **** like that? Get a ******* walkie talkie.
But planning BLM riots on Twitter and Facebook is just fine. Get the **** out of here with your state controlled media bullshit.
When will the madness end?

Parler users are leaving en-masse to move to Gab. For those who don't remember, Gab became famous for its role in the Synagogue massacre.
Well, I see Tibs showed up and now the whole thread has turned into a battle of the memes. How trite and lame.

I think more than anything is that I am so tired of the hyperbole that this is some unprecedented "Day of Infamy". What a bunch of ****.

The media and politicians are taking this WAY over the top. It was certainly serious. People died, which is always unfortunate. But no more than what the world experiences to violence every 2 minutes (there are 1.6 million deaths to violence every year in the world). We have such a tendency it seems in this digital world with so many visceral and instant access images to lose sight of perspective.

Was anyone really worried this was a serious coup-de-ta? Taking selfies and stealing souvenirs? It certainly wasn't organized. There weren't leaders or chains of command or orders being given during the incident. It was a mob of protesters that found it much too easy to accomplish what they did.

There was NO DOUBT the biggest error of the day was not Trump nor his speech. It was the lack of security around the Capital building while a full session of Congress (both chambers) was in session over an obviously hot button issue. This never would have happened had the correct amount of security and guardsman been in place. The lack of security practically INVITED some of these protestors into the building in my opinion. And of course, once one person runs onto the field and gets away with it, EVERYONE runs onto the field.

To me it had much more the look of rushing a field after a football game than an organized, overthrow attempt at anyone's life (of course there were probably a few with serious malice in their heart, but who knows for sure). Even the famous QAnon guy in Viking attire seems more concerned in getting his picture taken than doing harm.

In my perspective we need to back away from the constant news cycle of "worst thing ever" and "can you believe it" and overanalysis of bad situations.

Even the BLM riots and marches were overblown, by just about everyone on both sides. The left claimed this was some revolutionary moment of change (not really). The right claimed it was the fall of our civilization to mob violence (not really).

I will stand by what I always say. The punishment needs to fit the crime and we need to administer justice equally and fairly across all demographics.

All those involved in riots during black lives matter are just as guilty as those who entered the Capitol. They made those criminal choices. No one else. They can't blame anyone else. Not politicians. Not emotion. Not right/wrong delusions of grandeur. Not some false sense of "doing it for a greater cause".

It just saddens me that situations of and actions that are CLEARLY criminal and kind of brushed over by political positioning. There was downright sympathy for many of the protestors over the summer. How many people on television said "I know where their anger comes from. I FEEL for them." Tibs knows he heard this countless times. But if a protest on the right crosses the line and enters criminal activity? Where is the sympathy for their anger? Where is the empathy of understanding their pain?

I certainly don't hear that from anyone on TV like I did all summer.

Obviously this all boils down to whether you believe in the CAUSE to march in the first place. For many, marching for Trump on January 6th was already grounds for ridicule and admonishment. You were already (before even picking up a stone) guilty of being uneducated, on the wrong side of history, an extremist, or a successionist. The violence just solidified those pre-conceived notions. In some ways, the violence and rioting and looting during BLM marches did the same things for any pre-conceived notions of the that cause as well.

But again, it goes back to perspective. Maybe I'm just old enough now not to jump to great heights of anger over news stories anymore. Or be completely shocked like the newscasters all acted (and boy, did they act it up).

What would have been a much greater story would be if this little "riot" led to large spread militia organization. Or we find that instead of taking selfies, a truly organized attempt with multiple people (leaders and soldiers) got in and killed a congressman or took hostages.

But none of that is happening. Not even close, really. There are small cells of so-called "organized" right wing groups, but I see very little organization at all. That so-called "plot" to kidnap the Governor of Michigan was practically keystone cop-like. It was a farce.

And I don't see much organization on the left either. Honestly, the greatest danger to BLM moment is how many people get caught trying to skim money off that cause more than anything. It's already been caught like 5-6 times already.

Ehh... Tibs is overreacting like he always does. And you guys are all feeding him.

We are in this era of just pictures from cameras everywhere. And almost instant coverage with multiple opinions. We have made the news into Reality TV. And it's just sad how many play that game.
Now that's a President if there ever was one.

How is a nation supposed to sleep easy at night for the next two weeks, knowing the President has been deemed too dangerous be allowed to use ******* Twitter?

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">After close review of recent Tweets from the <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@realDonaldTrump</a> account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.<a href="https://t.co/CBpE1I6j8Y">https://t.co/CBpE1I6j8Y</a></p>— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) <a href="https://twitter.com/TwitterSafety/status/1347684877634838528?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

Spoken like a true Communist, Stalin and Mao would be proud.
. The huge social media platforms are what they are. Same set of rules for everyone. You're coming from the left, or the right, same rules apply.

I don't get the constant fear and paranoia.

You truly are a delusional clown of the leftist cult.
Ehh... Tibs is overreacting like he always does.

Yup, nothing to it. Five people didn't just die two days ago in the Capitol. Guns, bombs and molotov cocktails weren't confiscated. Arrest warrants haven't been put out for dozens of insurgents, including a handful of Republican lawmakers who took part in the siege. Trump wasn't just been shitcanned across all social media platforms for inciting violence and sedition. There isn't real talk of a 2nd impeachement, or an increased call for his resignation.

None of this is happening.

This is just whoop de do, run of the mill stuff, going on right now.

And twitter didn't just release the following statement:

Plans for future armed protests have already begun proliferating on and off-Twitter, including a proposed secondary attack on the US Capitol and state capitol buildings on January 17, 2021.

I hope DC is fully prepared this time, for whatever is to come.
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The huge social media platforms are what they are. Same set of rules for everyone. You're coming from the left, or the right, same rules apply.

That is seriously the funniest thing you've ever posted Tibs.
That is seriously the funniest thing you've ever posted Tibs.

If you can catch your breath from laughing for a minute, tell me how what I wrote is not true.
If you can catch your breath from laughing for a minute, tell me how what I wrote is not true.

Has the censorship applied equally to conservatives and liberals? You can't possibly believe that. You have Twitter censoring Hunter Biden stories that are based on his own ******* emails and videos.
Just curious, is this acceptable content to you guys, that should be allowed to be freely propagated online under the 1st amendment?


Funny the I saw worse from CNN and MSNBC commentators on the air.
Censorship is nothing to celebrate. What we are witnessing is nothing but raw weaponization of technology to crush all ideological dissent. And now they finally have the political cover to get away with it - perhaps permanently. This post is NOT about Trump. I am not defending him. But, if anyone thinks they will be satisfied with silencing him alone they are more than naïve.

Some will say, "Facebook, Twitter, Google are private companies... they should be able to do what they want. If you don't like them don't use them." Do you understand that they basically OWN the Internet? Apple and Google have now teamed up to effectively kill any competition who does not do exactly what they say by blocking their apps. Now it's not just a matter of finding an alternative to Facebook, Twitter and Youtube for your content and communication. Now it's a matter of finding an alternative to iOS and Android devices - between the two they have literally 100% of the market share.

Right now there is NO alternative. Big Tech completely has us all over a barrel. ALL of us. We would basically need to revert to pre-Internet days to circumvent their control over us.

It's impossible to overstate how much of a disaster this is for our civil liberties.
Because this is what Apple and Google are asking Parler to moderate.

Is this the big liberal push to silence conservative voices? Really?

Sounds to me the right needs to get its house in order, and apply some sort of self-control mechanism which doesn't embrace the murder of public officials, calls for insurgency and the like.

Wanna talk about **** like that? Get a ******* walkie talkie.
Vile Tibs, you useful idiot,

FB/Google have tried and convicted some app because they got some complaints.

That is how cancel culture works for you people.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
I just wanna know where were the sane minded matureTrump supporters discouraging the mob rushing the capitol building. You often see grounded mature individuals at BLM protests discouraging violence or thwarting agitated protestors going head up with cops with shields and batons. Sometimes it takes that special group of activists to diffuse a standoff thats will inveitably turn violent.

This has to be the stupidest thing I have seen you post yet, and there have been many before this.
Within the scope of the larger mob which advanced on the Capitol, it seems there was a plot to carry out a military-style coup, organized by a small group of militiamen.

This was well-planned in advance. Don't know how you could consider this anything but a brazen act of sedition and insurrection, to disrupt the Constitutionally mandated counting of the votes to advance a Presidential election.

I wonder if we'll find out the real story here, the truth of who was behind this.

If this were true, there would have been dead cops and politicians everywhere. The facts do not support your claim Comrade. A coup is not done with selfies, it is accomplished with death and destruction.
I don't understand why you guys even pay any attention to that Soros troll. It was pretty evident to anyone actually paying attention to the people doing the damage at the Capitol that they were interlopers ( probably paid by the same guy that pays Tibsy ). Now it is coming out and it all will come out eventually that this coup was orchestrated and who paid for it. Hopefully I'll still be alive to see it.

I know this is a futile argument but I told y'all from the get go that these were antifa interlopers that caused the damage at the Capital but the media and the internet censors will never admit this, never show this and will make it all about Trump.

The coup d'é·tat has been successful and America is about to pay the bill.


If this is a repeat ..I apologize, I just couldn't stomach going through all the Tibsy posts you guys copy for me to have to see....disgusting.

Again...Like bus I just can't stand not commenting on this blatant fiasco of so called news.
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The media:
“This has been the worst assault on our democracy. What happened on January 6th, 2021 will go down in history as the worst day for

Conservatives and non-sheep:
“Pretty sure that November 3, 2020 was the biggest assault to our freedoms and democracy.”

Which side are you on?
Censorship is nothing to celebrate. What we are witnessing is nothing but raw weaponization of technology to crush all ideological dissent. And now they finally have the political cover to get away with it - perhaps permanently. This post is NOT about Trump. I am not defending him. But, if anyone thinks they will be satisfied with silencing him alone they are more than naïve.

Some will say, "Facebook, Twitter, Google are private companies... they should be able to do what they want. If you don't like them don't use them." Do you understand that they basically OWN the Internet? Apple and Google have now teamed up to effectively kill any competition who does not do exactly what they say by blocking their apps. Now it's not just a matter of finding an alternative to Facebook, Twitter and Youtube for your content and communication. Now it's a matter of finding an alternative to iOS and Android devices - between the two they have literally 100% of the market share.

Right now there is NO alternative. Big Tech completely has us all over a barrel. ALL of us. We would basically need to revert to pre-Internet days to circumvent their control over us.

It's impossible to overstate how much of a disaster this is for our civil liberties.

And they've been waiting to do this for years......a couple decades actually. This riot was just the excuse they needed to crush all the liberties they couldn't get away with crushing before. Don't let any of them tell you they are upset that the riot happened because it's an act. They are simply gleeful. Any time they can enforce their power to crush the voice of anyone they disagree with, they are overjoyed. But Conservatives are the Fascists right?
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Who still thinks we aren't being censored? Do Liberals not see the severity of what is happening? Do you not really believe that with Democrats "making lists" and with these escalating actions that we are NOT headed for the loss of Free Speech, and dare I say worse...making Conservative thought illegal?

Twitter Permanently Suspends President Donald Trump

Google suspends Parler social networking app from Play Store

Facebook Deletes Page for “Walk Away” Movement

Emails Show Facebook Banned Users at Hunter Biden’s Request

Reddit Bans Pro-Donald Trump Forum

Conservative Journalist Banned From Facebook for Covering Capitol Hill Siege

Apple Threatens to Ban Parler From App Store

This site censors people as well, I don’t recall you ever being outraged by that.
Just curious, is this acceptable content to you guys, that should be allowed to be freely propagated online under the 1st amendment?


Yes I think that’s acceptable content. Just like all the various AntiFa stuff on Facistbook is acceptable. It’s peoples rights to say those things if they choose. That’s how FREE SPEECH WORKS. Short of actual credible threats there is nothing to moderate.

Tibs we know you communists hate us and that’s okay we hate you back. You thought you could use political violence to intimidate us and we are starting to fight back. That’s all the big tech censorship is, an effort to keep regular Americans from knowing they aren’t alone and are capable of resisting the attempted communist takeover.