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US Capitol breached

Reading this thread, it dawns on me many of you aren't even aware of what the hardcore MAGA base is up to. Which is a good thing, as it proves you guys do just support the President from a distance, and aren't caught up in the bat-**** crazy, seditious cesspool that surrounds the President at its core.

This recent pushback against Trump and his orbit by social media companies - who btw are legally responsible for content on their sites - has been due specifically to content which breaks user rules on those platforms. They have been fraught with calls to arms and violence. What type of company - or country - would allow that to go on unchecked?

Here is Trump-darling lawer Lin Wood, chiming in.

So when you "left" did you simply stop using it or did you go an unsubscribe from everybody then delete your account? I'm guessing you just stopped using it so you should still count as a follower to everybody you following previously.

I seriously doubt all these people deleted their accounts. Most would have simply let them lay dormant.

I just deactivated my account. I suspect a lot of other people are doing the same.
Reading this thread, it dawns on me many of you aren't even aware of what the hardcore MAGA base is up to. Which is a good thing, as it proves you guys do just support the President from a distance, and aren't caught up in the bat-**** crazy, seditious cesspool that surrounds the President at its core.

This recent pushback against Trump and his orbit by social media companies - who btw are legally responsible for content on their sites - has been due specifically to content which breaks user rules on those platforms. They have been fraught with calls to arms and violence. What type of company - or country - would allow that to go on unchecked?

Here is Trump-darling lawer Lin Wood, chiming in.


Aware of everything. What good does it do to censor these people though? Isn't it better to be able to see what they're up to? All this will do is drive them underground. I don't need anyone telling me what I should and shouldn't be able to see.

Our state of affairs this year as told through star wars.
Aware of everything. What good does it do to censor these people though? Isn't it better to be able to see what they're up to? All this will do is drive them underground. I don't need anyone telling me what I should and shouldn't be able to see.

yes you do. Your bettors will decide for you
Again, I don't understand the surprise or why Tibs picks the most vile of tweets to demonstrate some "revolution". Those trolls have been on the internet forever. Both left and right.

Part of the WHOLE POINT of the internet is pure, uncensored opinions and information. Why is it such a surprise to you Tibs that you get extremes with that? Why is that so frightening to you? You don't think opinions like that existing BEFORE the internet? Before Twitter or Facebook?

I think your fear is that the internet creates a smaller world where we are all in touch with each other, thus like-minded individuals (no matter how vile) can start to "group together". But how is it that you think the solution is censorship? What great power is in CHARGE of that censorship? And haven't you learned enough from history that when you GRANT THAT POWER to someone, that it is almost always abused?

What is your point with cut/pasting vile messages off the internet? That it exists? Everyone here KNOWS it exists. Are you trying to imply it only exists in the demographic of "Trump Supporters"? You know the answer to that one I hope.

Remember when our government created the Patriot Act because it was so easy for Islamic Extremists to communicate via cell phones and the internet? Do you agree with that degree of surveillance in the name of "National Security". I think we've all evolved to the point that the Patriot Act was a bit over the top and infringed on our rights, no? Or are you of the position The Patriot Act was necessary?

I'm kind of curious your views on freedom vs. National Security angle because I can't really pin you down on this one. You seem to support extreme censorship and regulation when it's against right-wing extremism but do you want that same lithmus test be applied to ANY National Security issue? And who exactly do you put in charge of this to decide? Public opinion and pressure? Social Media companies? Goverment (Congress)? Government (Executive Branch)? Goverment (Intellligence)?

Honestly, I want to debate this with you bit.
It's not that complicated, del. Because this is happening within the context of violence being borne out at the Capitol, with evidently more on the way next week.

“Plans for future armed protests have already begun proliferating on and off-Twitter, including a proposed secondary attack on the US Capitol and state capitol buildings on January 17, 2021,” Twitter’s announcement said, noting two recent Trump tweets it said were “likely to inspire others to replicate the violent acts that took place on January 6, 2021.”
When you see scenes like this play out at the Capitol, and people egging them on, inciting and calling for violence, it seems a line is crossed that shouldn't be crossed. That's my view on it.

Warning, this is disturbing to watch.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&#55357;&#56881;The domestic terrorists CRUSHED a police officer in a door as they forced their way into the Capitol as part of their violent attempted coup.<br><br>ARREST AND CHARGE EVERY ONE OF THESE TRAITORS.&#55358;&#56620;<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GOPSedition?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#GOPSedition</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrumpCoupAttempt?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TrumpCoupAttempt</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrumpTreason?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TrumpTreason</a> <br> <a href="https://t.co/1Uz6REGrNU">pic.twitter.com/1Uz6REGrNU</a></p>— Dena Grayson, MD, PhD (@DrDenaGrayson) <a href="https://twitter.com/DrDenaGrayson/status/1347757056984551425?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 9, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

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It's not that complicated, del. Because this is happening within the context of violence being borne out at the Capitol, with evidently more on the way next week.

The idea that the security detail on inauguration day won't be insanely high is kind of comical to me.

They made a blunder with security on January 6th. That won't happen again. No matter how many insurrectionists show up. Again, I am not of the opinion, based on what I saw this week, that these so-called conservative revolutionaries are all that coordinated or organized. They are rough groups of like-minded individuals, yes. But that is a LONG way away from a militia organized enough to try and start a violent revolution against the military of the U.S.

And there has been no indication that the military is planning on sticking with Trump in some sort of revolution. If you look around the world, true revolutions almost ALWAY start when the military becomes divided and breaks away from the Legislative/Executive branches of government (even if those branches are a autocracy or dictatorship).

Your fear is just misplaced in my opinion. And based on your fear, I think you are jumping to allowing some serious infringements of liberty and freedom. That is a very slippery slope that you should consider.
The only people who should be hauled off to prison are those calling for violence and engaging in and inciting an armed insurrection against the Republic.

The fact Trump and his supporters are sore losers who resort to violence and incite mobs to attack the Capitol to try to overturn an election is your problem, not mine.

The fact Trump and MAGA can't abide by the Constitution is your problem, not mine.

Stop passing the buck and look around in your own camp, if you want to understand what is causing all of this.

Tibs when did Trump incite people to riot and be violent? Do you have an unedited transcript or video? I checked his speech the day if the democrat sponsored insurrection and I didn't hear it. He also told people to go home after the pot was stirred by the leftist agents.
Tibs when did Trump incite people to riot and be violent? Do you have an unedited transcript or video? I checked his speech the day if the democrat sponsored insurrection and I didn't hear it. He also told people to go home after the pot was stirred by the leftist agents.

Yeah, I think the media is kind of hyping this angle up. Easy to say, hard to counter. Exactly the type of headline the media loves.
The idea that the security detail on inauguration day won't be insanely high is kind of comical to me.

They made a blunder with security on January 6th. That won't happen again. No matter how many insurrectionists show up. Again, I am not of the opinion, based on what I saw this week, that these so-called conservative revolutionaries are all that coordinated or organized. They are rough groups of like-minded individuals, yes. But that is a LONG way away from a militia organized enough to try and start a violent revolution against the military of the U.S.

And there has been no indication that the military is planning on sticking with Trump in some sort of revolution. If you look around the world, true revolutions almost ALWAY start when the military becomes divided and breaks away from the Legislative/Executive branches of government (even if those branches are a autocracy or dictatorship).

Your fear is just misplaced in my opinion. And based on your fear, I think you are jumping to allowing some serious infringements of liberty and freedom. That is a very slippery slope that you should consider.

So what if there’s more security? That doesn’t assure there won’t be more violence and bloodshed. That’s the big problem in dealing with extremists, if people are willing to die, there’s not a lot you can do to stop them.
Feds say police found a pickup truck full of bombs and guns near Capitol insurrection as wide-ranging investigation unfurls

An Alabama man allegedly parked a pickup truck packed with 11 homemade bombs, an assault rifle and a handgun two blocks from the US Capitol building on Wednesday for hours before authorities ever noticed, according to federal prosecutors.

Another man allegedly showed up in the nation's capital with an assault rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition and told acquaintances that he wanted to shoot or run over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, prosecutors said.

The revelations are some of the most unsettling details federal prosecutors have made public this week as they detail the extent of the arsenal available to aid pro-Trump rioters who stormed the Capitol. Other individuals have been accused of taking guns and ammunition onto Capitol grounds and more charges are expected to come as a wide-ranging investigation unfurls.

The details about the weapons cache in the pickup truck were contained in federal documents charging Lonnie Leroy Coffman of Falkville, Alabama, with federal offenses. A bomb squad detected the arsenal during the scramble to secure the federal complex after it was overrun by pro-Trump rioters and other bombs around Washington, D.C., were found.

The Department of Justice announced charges against 13 Capitol riot-related defendants on Friday, including a West Virginia lawmaker and a man who entered House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office and sat at her desk.

The insurrection on Capitol Hill has shaken the nation's capital and the descriptions of the charges are adding to a growing understanding of the extremist elements of the crowd.
Ironically enough, the deranged MAGA base is now going after Republicans, particularly VP Mike Pence, not just Democratic leaders.

'Hang Mike Pence' trends on Twitter

This is what happens when a sitting President feeds his lunatic base with lie after lie regarding the outcome of the election. That was followed by lie after lie about what Pence could - or could not - do to sabotage the Constitutional process of counting States votes. Trump whipped his base into a frenzy, then unleashed them on the Capitol on Wed, then sat back and watched in glee.

Here, let esteemed citizen Alex Jones explain Trump's role in the storming of the Capitol.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Here’s Alex Jones admitting the orders were coming from Donald Trump. <a href="https://t.co/madYgIQuNv">pic.twitter.com/madYgIQuNv</a></p>— Andrew Kimmel (@andrewkimmel) <a href="https://twitter.com/andrewkimmel/status/1347942363340029953?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 9, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp><samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp><iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.96fd96193cc66c3e11d4c5e4c7c7ec97.html?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fsteelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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Just to be clear. I do think the media is guilty of inciting people using the opposite of censorship - sensationalizing.

There was no need to continue to show the George Floyd video for weeks on end.
There’s no need for a story about a woman falsely claiming that a black kid stole her iphone to be an ongoing National news story.
There’s no need for a story about a woman falsely claiming that a black man is threatening her to be an ongoing National news story.
You can add this to Trump's legacy. Unanimously banned across all social media platforms for spreading lies and inciting violence on his way out the door. The petulant child, the sore loser, who couldn't accept defeat like a man and chose chaos and mayhem over patriotism and decency.


A president hasn't refused to attend the inauguration of his successor in 152 years. Donald Trump will change that

Trump will become the first outgoing president to refuse to attend the inauguration of his successor since 1869 when President Andrew Johnson stayed in the White House as Ulysses S. Grant was sworn in as the 18th president.

"It's crucial for the peaceful transfer of power. It's about respect," said presidential historian Kate Andersen Brower. She pointed to the nation's last two one-term presidents, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter, who both attended inaugurations after losing elections. Brower said they took their losses "very personally, but there's always an understanding that the country is more important than your ego. That's obviously not the case here."
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So where did he tell people to be violent and riot?

I couldn't tell you. Not sure what his final tweets said before he got knee-capped, as those tweets were deleted.

But it's been going on for years, ramped up with lies about election fraud, then a call for his supporters to converge on DC on the 6th. Alex Jones explains further, in the clip above.

You may find this an interesting read.

Three key factors that drive far-right political violence

After the assault on the U.S. Capitol building Wednesday, many members of Congress — including several Republicans — openly condemned President Trump for his role in inciting violence. Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) declared that Trump “bears responsibility for today’s events by promoting the unfounded conspiracy theories that have led to this point.” Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) stated that there was “no question that the president formed the mob, the president incited the mob, the president addressed the mob. He lit the flame.”

Research on right-wing violence in political science and related fields does suggest that while the president is not solely responsible for these events, his actions are probably a precipitating cause. Based on this research, here are three factors that increase the risk of right-wing violence, along with two that do not.

Distrust in government is an important factor

One of the key features of far-right ideology in the United States is distrust of mainstream political figures and institutions. This is not the general skepticism of government that is central to Republican ideology, but it is a complete rejection of any legitimate legal authority as well as a strong anti-democratic disposition. Though adherents of this sort of thinking are growing in influence within the Republican Party, we and most scholars consider this a separate ideology from traditional center-right conservatism.

This extreme political cynicism legitimizes the belief that political violence is necessary to defend their rights. It fuels a distrust in elections as a mechanism for settling policy disputes, even before any effect from fabricated stories of election corruption. It also makes people less willing to trust political institutions to constrain their opponents.

The right-wing movement has a long history of legitimizing vigilante justice using this logic, which may help explain why a YouGov poll Wednesday found that 30 percent of Republicans viewed the D.C. mob as “patriots,” and 45 percent approved of the storming of the U.S. Capitol.

Perceived victimhood matters

A second key feature of the far right, and one that Trump hasrepeatedly exploited, is the belief in “white victimhood” or “aggrieved entitlement.” This is the message promoted on right-wing social media, and emphasizes the victimization of the traditionally dominant White Christian male, with empowered women, minorities and immigrants becoming the villains. Dylann Roof, the gunman responsible for the 2015 Charleston church massacre, justified his attack by claiming it was necessary retaliation against violence that Black people carry out against Whites.

Despite what many may think, this isn’t a story of economic hardship — it is a fear of lost privilege. Many modern right-wing adherents come from the relatively successful middle class. Indeed, although men are more likely to engage in violence, White middle-class women from the suburbs are one of the fastest-growing groups of believers of QAnon and other right-wing conspiracy theories.

And divisive election rhetoric matters

Research in other countries has linked right-wing violence to heightened political competition, arguing that divisive language — used by politicians to mobilize their base — helps normalize the perception that a group is under threat and violent action is necessary. While violence may not be a politician’s goal, individuals exposed to even “mild violent metaphors” are more likely to support political violence against opposing groups than those who receive more neutral messages.

Our research on right-wing terrorism in the United States finds something similar. Drawing on data on instances of right-wing attacks from 1970 to 2016, we found that this violence was more likely to happen in counties that were electorally competitive — that is, places where Democratic and Republican votes were roughly equivalent.

While Trump has received considerable criticism for his use of polarizing language, his has not been the only voice fueling the fire. Right-wing organizations and individuals play an important role, especially groups like the Proud Boys, QAnon adherents and other right-wing social media influencers who helped coordinate this riot. In the lead-up to Wednesday, right-wing social media sites said people should “take the hill or die trying.”
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Ah Tibs,

Your faux outrage over political violence is laughable after months of BLM and AntiFa destroying cities with their "Mostly Peaceful Protests" the only reason you are upset about this is because the right is starting to find the balls to fight back. And this is precisely why we will be in another civil war within a year. Oh well you always have to deal with communists by shooting them eventually.
I just want to state for the record that I'm not down with any kind of violent resistance or starting a civil war talk. If that's the direction this site is going to go in I'm out for good (yes, yes I know most of you don't give a rat's ***, save your comments, I just wanted to be on record.)
I just want to state for the record that I'm not down with any kind of violent resistance or starting a civil war talk. If that's the direction this site is going to go in I'm out for good (yes, yes I know most of you don't give a rat's ***, save your comments, I just wanted to be on record.)

God what a Drama Queen you are.

Nobody wants it but those of us who are smart enough to see it coming know it is almost inevitable at this point.
I couldn't tell you. Not sure what his final tweets said before he got knee-capped, as those tweets were deleted.

But it's been going on for years, ramped up with lies about election fraud, then a call for his supporters to converge on DC on the 6th. Alex Jones explains further, in the clip above.

I'm sure the tweets to violence would be out there for all to see. How do you know they are lies about the election fraud? The fact there were 125% more votes in Detroit than registered voters sounds pretty suspicious to me. I think there is more to it than probably both of us see. I also did not see where Trump called for a big rally and organized it. I'll be honest I do not know who organized it but he said it was a grass roots thing and not organized by his campaign or the RNC. If he called for violence and riots I would be calling for his ouster as well but just the repetition of media outlets and social media clamoring he incited violence has as much substance as Trump saying he won the election. You can say it a million times but it is not true.

Take care of yourself Tibs. Be good.
I just want to state for the record that I'm not down with any kind of violent resistance or starting a civil war talk. If that's the direction this site is going to go in I'm out for good (yes, yes I know most of you don't give a rat's ***, save your comments, I just wanted to be on record.)

None of us want to see violence, OFTB. I just want to see the Steelers beat the Browns tomorrow night.