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US Capitol breached

The thing I find most shocking (well, actually I don't) is how Liberals like Tibs are so intentionally or unintentionally blind. One only needed to pass a basic parenting course to realize this cause and effect and how actions lead to reactions.

If a child whines and cries for something and gets it, the child will continue to whine and cry to get her way.

If a child swings at another kid, likelihood is the other kid will swing back.

When a child stoops in his behavior, those around him are likely to stoop in theirs.

I like to believe much of this began with Harry Reid. Harry was the first to truly try to weaponize a rule in Congress to "get his enemies." Then it was exacerbated when Obama used arrogance in his White House, making claims like "Elections have consequences" as a taunt to his political opponents.

What did they expect was going to happen as a result? They stooped. They lowered the bar. They changed the rules to fight dirty. Did they expect Republicans wouldn't do the same?

Sure enough, when the time and opportunity came, Republicans used the nuclear option Harry Reid began. Republicans stooped to their level.

Now fast forward to the past 4 years. Never-ending stooping and lowering the bar. Attacks on the President non-stop. The way Kavanaugh was treated in his confirmation hearings. Last year, the never-ending riots that the Left whole-heartedly refused to condemn and in fact supported. They excused the violence. While calling Trump gatherings super-spreader events, maligning them, they called BLM marches, protests, riots "necessary" and minimized the COVID risks. You can find countless, never-ending examples of the bar being lowered in the past 4 years, of stooping.

The question is, are Democrats stupid, or is this by design? I think the latter but that is my opinion. Regardless, no one can or should be surprised that Conservatives are now protesting. We've been told and shown that's the way to effect change. And after seeing a year of condoned violence, who can say they didn't see this coming? The media said for a year it was acceptable. It was only when the polls were getting closer that Dems finally said "violence is inexcusable (half-heartedly).

We all knew this was going to happen. We can all see why it is now happening on both sides.

The issue is the selective outrage that Tibs and his leaders all show right now...."My violence is justified, yours is not."

The right side of history? I laugh. What you're saying is "join my violent movement, yours is the wrong violent movement."


I know quite a few people who are Lefties. Not all are as far Left as Tibs, Flog and IQ21, Ditzburgh and the like. Most are just left of center - which, from my experience - shows they are compassionate about human life and want the best for everyone, even if it means that they give up a little bit. I can see the idea behind it.

You have plenty. You could easily give up some to help others who are not as fortunate.

While this is true, it also diminishes the value of a person who has either worked for or inherited an amount (regardless of that amount). It also places more of a value on the person who has not risen above the hardships they faced in their lives.

That's not to say that those on the right are not compassionate. Not at all. I know just as many people who'd give what they can to someone in need on the right as I do on the left.

I have no issue with those people.

The jackasses of the Left (see the above, bolded) will paint anyone to the right of their beliefs to equate with those to the far reaches of the Right. Both sides have extremes. When this grouping or profiling occurs, those on the Right will respond in kind. Thus, all of the Left is now full-bore Commie (such as those above, bolded).

It should also be considered that those who are full on Left are also the same who support all 5,367+ genders and feel that all races *except white, asian and especially not orange* have a harder life than other races (white, asian and especially orange). In order to set the life scale equal, the white race must give monetary awards to the groups deemed to have a harder life. Yet while they themselves do not personally contribute their hard-earned income to some fictious fund, they want the government to do so. The only way the government can do this is by racial discrimination, taxing non-white, asian and orange.

Thus, these people are calling for governmental segregation.

It should also be considered that those who are full-on Left are also the same who support all 5,367+ genders and feel that all races *except white, asian and especially not orange* can also be found as being either beta males or butch fem-nazis who hate all aspects of the male gender (but embraces the 5,366 others). These people also want to legislate against anything they deem as "patriarchy", finding as such in common, every day words such as "awoman", "womyn" and the like.

These are the people that are 100% unreasonable. See the above, bolded.

As said above, I know plenty of people on both sides of the political spectrum. It does help keep me grounded. I do not believe that all things on the right are right, nor are all things on the left evil. However, I do believe Leftism is evil, as peculiar as that is.

Yet, what I see in MY circle of friends, idiots and an ogre, is that people who lean more conservative just want to be left the **** alone. they don't want their taxes raised - to give money to the 5,366 genders that have somehow just sprung forth, nor do they want the government infringing in their every day lives. they also value life itself. While this is not to say that the left does NOT value life, the left is the side that is called "baby killers" since they sponsor abortion.

it should also be considered that the left hypocritically called American soldiers returning from Vietnam "baby killers" yet somehow want to align themselves with veterans and champion their cause. Their hypocrisy knows no limits. Nor does it know shame.

On that topic, I'm against abortion in certain aspects. Most aspects. I see a baby, a zygote, what have you as human life. That one life might be the person who figures out sustainable energy, how to save the planet from "climate change", how to get the great barrier reef to regrow, etc and so forth.

in conclusion, i do believe that there is intelligence on both sides of the aisle. I also see the raging hypocrisy in a leftie calling a Trump supporter a mindless jackass while they're hanging on every word uttered by Nancy Pelosi as she chews her dentures.
You would justify it, and businesses would pay that mob hundreds of millions of dollars. Because that is exactly what ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

I think you need to take that delusional, far-right conspiracy talk to Parler..... oh wait.
Funny what happens when the President and his men spew lies for weeks about election fraud, then rile up their seditionist base to violently attack the Capitol to stop the counting of States votes, as mandated by the Constitution.

Strange, isn't it, to live in a society which holds people accountable for their words and actions.

I wish it did Pelosi and many others would also be in trouble but it doesn't and you know that. The only people ever "held accountable" are the ones liberals don't like. That is a fact.
More like Pelosi and Schumer. You really think they are doing the right for the Country? Is this unifying and healing? Is this going to make 70,000,000 people say ok we like you now?

I’m thinking half of that 70,000,000 warmed up to us a little last Wednesday.
Will Biden be impeached?

Democrats have lowered the bar for impeachment so low that, by any fair reading, calls for Biden’s impeachment can’t be dismissed. After all, they involve corruption, abuse of power, spying on a political opponent, and covering up sexual assault.

Let’s review.

Huntergate. As we pointed out in this space, the evidence of corruption stemming from information discovered on son Hunter Biden’s laptop is serious and involves the “Big Guy.” Joe has already been caught in one lie about his knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings. “Any of this being true should disqualify Joe Biden from the presidency,” we wrote a while back. And it might have, had the press not buried the story. A poll after the election found that almost 5% of Biden voters say they wouldn’t have voted for him had they known about the scandal – more than enough to cost Biden his wins in battleground states.

Ukrainegate. While Democrats impeached Trump on the entirely baseless charge that he threatened to withhold funds from Ukraine unless they investigated Hunter Biden’s role in a corrupt energy company, Biden bragged about threatening to withhold funds to get a prosecutor investigating that company fired.

Spygate. As PJ Media noted recently, Biden appeared to play a role in the FBI’s effort to derail Trump’s presidency by railroading Michael Flynn. “He was part of an Oval Office meeting discussing the investigation, and earlier this week a list of top Obama officials who requested Flynn’s unmasking was revealed … and Joe Biden was on this list.”

Readegate. Tara Reade’s sexual assault claim against Biden would have consumed his campaign if he were a Republican. Instead, Biden stonewalled. He refused to allow a search of his Senate records held at the University of Delaware to check Reade’s claim that she filed a complaint at the time. The media dutifully lost interest. Coverup, anyone?

Fraudgate. It’s virtually impossible that the current litigation will result in a reversal of the election. But investigations into the legitimacy of the vote counts in states where Biden won by razor-thin margins ought to continue. If fraud occurred, the public must know about it. If Biden or anyone in his campaign knew about it, they should be held accountable.
And just like that,
Parler is gone. Big tech has come together to shut down a competing platform. That is the clearest definition of a monopoly you could ever witness. As of yesterday, Parler was the #1 app on play store. As of last night around 1:00 a.m. - Parler was effectively dead.

If you cannot understand the implications of this, there is literally no ******* hope for you.

When I tried to explain this to some left-leaning friends of mine on Facebook they were delighted to say hell it's a business's right to decide who they do business with.

I fail to see what is so funny about stomping on our civil liberties as long as Donald Trump gets exiled from the public eye. And I can't believe they can be so myopic and not realize just how dangerous a precedent is being set.

One can easily see that the goal is to control all information in the information world.
I’m thinking half of that 70,000,000 warmed up to us a little last Wednesday.

Why would anyone with functioning braincells warm up to you Communist *****
When this is all said and done, it's likely Trump will end up 'retiring' to Russia, the only country that will have him, outside of perhaps Israel or Saudi Arabia. Putin will welcome home his prodigal son with open arms.

Calls grow to ban 'dangerous criminal' Donald Trump from visiting Scotland

A growing number of politicians across Scotland have backed calls to bar Donald Trump from entering Scotland and the UK in the wake of recent violence in Washington DC, describing him as a “dangerous criminal” who should face prosecution.

At least four MSPs across three parties have now supported an outright ban on the outgoing US president from flying into the country, intensifying the pressure on home secretary Priti Patel to stop Mr Trump from travelling here.
I think you need to take that delusional, far-right conspiracy talk to Parler..... oh wait.

So should Obama be charged? In Elko, Obama tried to anticipate his critics and called on the crowd of about 1,500 to sharpen their elbows, too.

“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face,” he said.

Or Waters? “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents.”

Or Booker? Booker, who has been mentioned as a possible 2020 presidential election candidate, was speaking Wednesday at the National Conference on Ending Homelessness in Washington, D.C.

He concluded his address by encouraging people not to be passive, and to instead “go to the Hill today.”

“Please, get up in the face of some congresspeople,” he said.

Or this? And it is still on twitter!!!!
When I tried to explain this to some left-leaning friends of mine on Facebook they were delighted to say hell it's a business's right to decide who they do business with.

I fail to see what is so funny about stomping on our civil liberties as long as Donald Trump gets exiled from the public eye. And I can't believe they can be so myopic and not realize just how dangerous a precedent is being set.

One can easily see that the goal is to control all information in the information world.
If he wanted to, he could address the people right now. As in immediately.
Why would anyone with functioning braincells warm up to you Communist *****

Another far-right seditionist who belongs in the dark corners of Parler... why not check in with your brethren there? Oh, wait.
If he wanted to, he could address the people right now. As in immediately.

Exactly, Trump could hold non-stop live news conferences between now and the Inauguration. which would be broadcast live to the four corners of the country, and the world.

Yet he chooses to hide in the shadows, plotting his next move.
Keep marching, Comrade!

The only one doing any marching, is Trump's violent MAGA mob, carrying out seditionist attacks on the Capitol and the Constitution.

Looks like they're plotting and planning for a second round starting January 17th.

It's high time to face the reality of what is happening, splash some cold water on your face.
The only one doing any marching, is Trump's violent MAGA mob, carrying out seditionist attacks on the Capitol and the Constitution.

Looks like they're plotting and planning for a second round starting January 17th.

It's high time to face the reality of what is happening, splash some cold water on your face.

Sure Comrade. You just keep celebrating people's free speech getting crushed by government sponsored media Comrade. At least your true feelings about what you love have finally come out in the open.....not like we all didn't know already but a little transparency is a nice change. Thanks for your honesty Comrade.
And the hits keep coming. This being a State and not a Federal charge, would not be pardonable.

It's also fascinating to consider how AG Barr abruptly resigned at the end of December. Makes you wonder how much Barr knew about what Trump, Guiliani and the rest of the seditionists were cooking up and thought to himself, heeeellll no, I want no part of this.

Speaking of hits, one of your leftist cult leaders is getting hammered today:

Twitter, Inc. (TWTR)
NYSE - Nasdaq Real Time Price. Currency in USD

48.13 -3.35 (-6.51%)
Another far-right seditionist who belongs in the dark corners of Parler... why not check in with your brethren there? Oh, wait.

Be a good Commie, go pray to the Stalin poster hanging over your bed.
Sure Comrade. You just keep celebrating people's free speech getting crushed by government sponsored media Comrade. At least your true feelings about what you love have finally come out in the open.....not like we all didn't know already but a little transparency is a nice change. Thanks for your honesty Comrade.

Tibby's a good little Commie soldier for his left wing cult.
The only one doing any marching, is Trump's violent MAGA mob, carrying out seditionist attacks on the Capitol and the Constitution.

Looks like they're plotting and planning for a second round starting January 17th.

It's high time to face the reality of what is happening, splash some cold water on your face.

Splash some cold water on yours. Liberty is dying and it isn't all about Trump. Totalitarianism is becoming a mainstream thing! People on the left are like the Galactic Senate in Star Wars cheering for the creation of their own doom. Trump is the patsy being used to justify the creation of the first Democratic Empire or Oligarchy with Biden as it's puppet.

Funny looking back George had it right in his SJW ways but had it aimed at the wrong side.
If he wanted to, he could address the people right now. As in immediately.

There's that myopia I was talking about.

It's not about banning Donald Trump, it's about banning platforms based on political ideology. How soon before they decide to ban platforms based on the color of your skin or your religion or your "preferred gender "?

You can't see just how dangerous it is?

We're talking Communist China, North Korea level dangerous. Especially if the same people in charge of those monopolistic information services or putting billions of dollars into the pockets of their government stooges?

So go ahead and make your jokes about Trump but this has become far far greater than him.
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Sure Comrade. You just keep celebrating people's free speech getting crushed by government sponsored media Comrade. At least your true feelings about what you love have finally come out in the open.....not like we all didn't know already but a little transparency is a nice change. Thanks for your honesty Comrade.

Be a good Commie, go pray to the Stalin poster hanging over your bed.

Tibby's a good little Commie soldier for his left wing cult.

Who knew we had so many seditionists on the board supporting a violent far-right insurrection against America and the Republic? I sure didn't.
Who knew we had so many seditionists on the board supporting a violent far-right insurrection against America and the Republic? I sure didn't.

Funny you are supporting a violent far left totalitarian regime who will stomp out all dissension.

Leftists Propose ‘Re-Education Camps,’ ‘Firing Squads,’ Banning Talk Radio to ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
November 20, 2020 Niamh Harris News, US 7 Comments
Democrats propose re-education prisons to deprogram millions of Trump supporters
Democrat supporters responded to a Twitter thread asking “how do you deprogram 75 million people?” by demanding that Trump supporters are sent to “re-education camps” and that all conservative talk radio should be banned.

“No seriously…how *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook?” asked David Atkins, a regional director for California Democrats.

“We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South,” he warned.

Atkins went on to smear Trump supporters as a “conspiracy theory fueled belligerent death cult against reality & basic decency” before creepily stating, “People are gonna try to figure out how to defend themselves.”

Summit.news reports: While asserting the moral high ground, many of the response in the thread demanded outright tyranny or yet more censorship as a means of ensuring “the good guys” have their way.

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One verified user called for “Nuremberg trials.”

“I would look at Germany and see what they did about Nazis. Because you’re dealing with the same mentality,” said another.

“Reeducation camps for those salvageable,” said another. Firing squad for irredeemable malcontents. Round up entire families to ensure the disease doesn’t spread.”

Reeducation camps for those salvageable.

Firing squad for irredeemable malcontents.

Round up entire families to ensure the disease doesn't spread.

— Sari Not Sari GigaCharlatan Dr. Musk for Prison (@xenomorpher1) November 19, 2020
“Generally speaking, I believe re-education camps are a good thing,” added another.

Another called for the removal of “radio talk show hosts from airwaves through rigorous application of hate speech laws.”

“Cut them off completely. End the flow of false information suddenly and immediately,” said another, calling for all right-wing news outlets to “die.”

Another respondent called for “banning Trump flags.”

Start by banning trump flags like we should have done with the confederate flag. One of our many mistakes and why we failed at Reconstruction. We should not allow a hate symbol to be flown with pride in our democracy. Germany got that one right after WWII

— philadelphiamoderate (@philade92850022) November 19, 2020
Splash some cold water on yours. Liberty is dying and it isn't all about Trump. Totalitarianism is becoming a mainstream thing! People on the left are like the Galactic Senate in Star Wars cheering for the creation of their own doom. Trump is the patsy being used to justify the creation of the first Democratic Empire or Oligarchy with Biden as it's puppet. Funny looking back George had it right in his SJW ways but had it aimed at the wrong side.

Lebanon, Trump and others were banned for breaking specific user policy rules by these private companies, after multiple warnings. User policy rules, which are equally applicable, across the board, for all users. Parler was given ample opportunity to moderate calls for violent crimes on their platform, they chose not to. These private companies, in a free market capitalist economy, decided to deep-six them off their platforms.

It is exactly the opposite of what would happen under totalitarian rule, where such moves would be made top-down, by the government.

Trump and his followers simply cannot 1. follow the rules, 2. take responsibility for their words and actions 3. deal with consequences of their words and actions.

The Woe is me vibe is overbearing, coming from the right. Sorry, that is how I see it.
More chilling rhetoric:

AOC, Leftists Call for “Lists” of Trump Supporters, Want Them to “Burn”
by Luis Miguel November 7, 2020

AOC, Leftists Call for “Lists” of Trump Supporters, Want Them to “Burn”
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AP Images)
It looks like “burying the hatchet” isn’t in the liberal playbook.

The Left in America has for months been preparing for the possibility of a Trump reelection win with threats of violence. But they’re apparently poised to be just as vengeful and vindictive if they win.

Voices on the Left, including Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), are calling for lists to be kept of Trump supporters so that they can be ostracized and otherwise punished when the election is over.

“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?” Ocasio-Cortez asked on Twitter. “I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”