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US Capitol breached

Lebanon, Trump and others were banned for breaking specific user policy rules by these private companies, after multiple warnings. User policy rules, which are equally applicable, across the board, for all users. Parler was given ample opportunity to moderate calls for violent crimes on their platform, they chose not to. These private companies, in a free market capitalist economy, decided to deep-six them off their platforms.

It is exactly the opposite of what would happen under totalitarian rule, where such moves would be made top-down, by the government.

Trump and his followers simply cannot 1. follow the rules, 2. take responsibility for their words and actions 3. deal with consequences of their words and actions.

The Woe is me vibe is overbearing, coming from the right. Sorry, that is how I see it.

You are trying to justify the extinction of liberty Tibs and it is chilling. Read what AOC wants. Read what I posted. The left is ******* crazier by far and more evil than anything on the right.
When I tried to explain this to some left-leaning friends of mine on Facebook they were delighted to say hell it's a business's right to decide who they do business with.

I fail to see what is so funny about stomping on our civil liberties as long as Donald Trump gets exiled from the public eye. And I can't believe they can be so myopic and not realize just how dangerous a precedent is being set.

One can easily see that the goal is to control all information in the information world.
unless you're baking a cake
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Who knew we had so many seditionists on the board supporting a violent far-right insurrection against America and the Republic? I sure didn't.

Who knew this board had a flag burning, America hating, Communist Stalin lover, who supports Antifa thugs and BLM criminals that burn down buildings, rob businesses, create armed CHOP zones and murder police officers.

Answer: anyone who has interacted with Tibby the leftist clown.
More chilling rhetoric:

AOC, Leftists Call for “Lists” of Trump Supporters, Want Them to “Burn”
by Luis Miguel November 7, 2020

AOC, Leftists Call for “Lists” of Trump Supporters, Want Them to “Burn”
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AP Images)
It looks like “burying the hatchet” isn’t in the liberal playbook.

The Left in America has for months been preparing for the possibility of a Trump reelection win with threats of violence. But they’re apparently poised to be just as vengeful and vindictive if they win.

Voices on the Left, including Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), are calling for lists to be kept of Trump supporters so that they can be ostracized and otherwise punished when the election is over.

“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?” Ocasio-Cortez asked on Twitter. “I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”

AOC is Tib's hero and comrade in arms.
C'mon guys, this activity is absolutely uncalled for. I can understand the minor quips about losing the Presidency; but this is an outright coup!!!

Kevin, with all due respect, what do you call what has been levied against this duly elected President since he descended the escalator in 2015? Clue: not 'bipartisanship'.

With regard to 'coups', 'breaches of the capitol', etc, there is much video of the 'polices' opening the gates and doors and welcoming the peeps inside. There was also abundant knowledge that blm and antifa were going to 'cross dress' and co opt the extravaganza. Much video and testimony was forthcoming. It is also reported that numbers of laptops went missing in the festivities. Some initial reports had it at 7, then 12, now 22, and pelosi's was among them.

Standing back from all this activity and looking at it with a trained eye, I see that three groups converged. One that went to redress their grievances, which is ensconced by the 1st Amendment. They were polite, orderly and American. Another group was evil, disorderly and unamerican, there to disrupt the former's rights and create the narrative that 'Trump told his followers to siege the capitol and blah, blah, blah...'. The third, I read, were SF, there to blend in, and seize things that would incriminate, eg some numbers of laptops. How cool is that? Murica! Pew, pew, pew!

For years we've quietly and patiently watched the tools of the left rape and pillage mindlessly as they took TVs, Gucci stuff and anything that wasn't bolted down. The Trumpsters that went to (actually) peacefully redress their grievances took selfies.

AOC is Tib's hero and comrade in arms.

A rich irony here is that Tib's father actually fought the 'comrades'. Evidently it skips a generation.
The Trumpsters that went to (actually) peacefully redress their grievances took selfies.

You can't possibly believe that, seeing the mountains of evidence of photos and videos of what happened at the Capitol. Or the fact police officers were brutally attacked by the frenzied mob. Therefore, one can only assume you're being purposefully misleading. The only question is, why?
Stay safe, everyone!

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">New: FBI has information indicating “armed protests” being planned at all 50 state capitols & US Capitol in Washington DC in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s Inauguration January 20, according to an internal bulletin obtained by CNN. <a href="https://twitter.com/ZcohenCNN?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@ZcohenCNN</a> reports</p>— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) <a href="https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/1348744740494323713?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 11, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
When I tried to explain this to some left-leaning friends of mine on Facebook they were delighted to say hell it's a business's right to decide who they do business with.

I too have dealt with these morons. I'm not sure where the talking point came from, but they are all repeating it, across social media and on the airwaves - "It's the right of a business to make these decisions."

So I ask...back in the days when we communicated via telephone and the US Mail service, would you have supported cutting off people's telephones? Ma Bell was its own company. Would you have felt the same?

It's a bullshit, hack argument. We communicate much more today via social platforms. To be denied use of those platforms is no different than the Government cutting off your telephone in the 1980s because they didn't like your views.
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You can't possibly believe that, seeing the mountains of evidence of photos and videos of what happened at the Capitol. Or the fact police officers were brutally attacked by the frenzied mob. Therefore, one can only assume you're being purposefully misleading. The only question is, why?

"You can't possibly believe that...". Why can't I? You believe your narrative.

Stay safe, everyone!

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">New: FBI has information indicating “armed protests” being planned at all 50 state capitols & US Capitol in Washington DC in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s Inauguration January 20, according to an internal bulletin obtained by CNN. <a href="https://twitter.com/ZcohenCNN?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@ZcohenCNN</a> reports</p>— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) <a href="https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/1348744740494323713?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 11, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

Me thinks that any "armed protestors" will be US Army regulars there to secure the prems against actual "armed protestors" (read: highly funded and trained insurgents). Tibs, you familiar with the term 'color revolution'? We're watching one play out. My money is on the Good Guys.
The only one doing any marching, is Trump's violent MAGA mob, carrying out seditionist attacks on the Capitol and the Constitution.






It's high time to face the reality of what is happening, splash some cold water on your face.

Trump was impeached by the House. The fact the GOP-majority in the Senate saved his skin does not change, or diminish the fact he was fully impeached. And now, he'll be impeached for a second time, being the only President in history impeached twice. Quite the legacy.

Can a President be partially impeached? Serious question.
I bet you'd just love to send us all to the Gulags wouldn't you?

You would hope not, but frankly his thrill at muting criticism, censoring speech, bitterness in general, and Madame Defarge level of irrational desire for revenge make me believe otherwise.
Stay safe, everyone!

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">New: FBI has information indicating “armed protests” being planned at all 50 state capitols & US Capitol in Washington DC in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s Inauguration January 20, according to an internal bulletin obtained by CNN. <a href="https://twitter.com/ZcohenCNN?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@ZcohenCNN</a> reports</p>— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) <a href="https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/1348744740494323713?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 11, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

LOL, only a moron uses fake news CNN as a source.

Besides according to your leftist cult buddies:

There's that myopia I was talking about.

It's not about banning Donald Trump, it's about banning platforms based on political ideology. How soon before they decide to ban platforms based on the color of your skin or your religion or your "preferred gender "?

You can't see just how dangerous it is?

We're talking Communist China, North Korea level dangerous. Especially if the same people in charge of those monopolistic information services or putting billions of dollars into the pockets of their government stooges?

So go ahead and make your jokes about Trump but this has become far far greater than him.

I see your point. I’d rather he wasn’t banned either, from anything. He’s so damn entertaining.
Call a press conference. Say what ya gotta say
I see your point. I’d rather he wasn’t banned either, from anything. He’s so damn entertaining.
Call a press conference. Say what ya gotta say

I truly don't believe they would give him the air time. Why bother? They intentionally stopped airing the daily Coronavirus briefings. Absolutely refused to cover them. When he televised a plea for the protestors to go home, most networks wouldn't share it and Twitter and Facebook took it down.
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Hey Phinnster. I've gone back a few pages in this thread, and it's perfectly clear you have absolutely nothing to add to the conversation.

All you're left with, is doling out slurs and personal attacks like a petulant child. So why don't you back up that big 'ol mouth of yours? Go and sift through the 11,000+ posts of mine on this board and list all the times I've supported either 'communism' or 'socialism' in any which way.

Since you call me a communist in every post, surely you'll find plenty of material to back up that claim.

Take your time, I'll be here for you at the end. When you do come back, do what any real man would do and apologize for your ongoing vile personal attacks.

And that goes for anyone else throwing around the term 'communist' to attack anyone on the board who doesn't agree with Trump.

Otherwise, do yourself a favor, shut the **** up and stop slandering others.

Or maybe, have you thought about actually discussing the topics in these threads? Crazy idea, I know, but perhaps you could give it a shot.
Can a President be partially impeached? Serious question.

No, just impeached. As Trump was, and evidently will be again for a second time in the next 48 hours. My bad for writing 'fully' impeached. He was impeached, plain and simple.
Lebanon, Trump and others were banned for breaking specific user policy rules by these private companies, after multiple warnings.

Horseshit. Trump did not "incite violence" and the claim he did so is a lie told by lying liars. He no more "incited violence" than did the hundreds - no, thousands - who implored Americans to "resist" and "fight" and "get in their face" and "not stop" and "pressure them" and "oppose them" when talking about the President, including dozens of politicians.

Parler was given ample opportunity to moderate calls for violent crimes on their platform, they chose not to.

So you ever visit Parler, even once? No. So you are just spewing regurgitated bullshit from the Ministry of Propaganda.

Parler is a public forum that did not censor speech, nothing more. It was targeted because it was overtaking Twitter, a tech monopoly that lubes political ******** with their money and power.

And you worry about some guy sitting in Pelosi's chair, claiming that to be an "assault on freedom"? Grow up and stop lying. The real enemy is a media that is absolutely without honesty, and tech giants telling politicians what they can and cannot say. So go ahead and keep jerking off to your Goebbels poster, but spare me the details.

It is exactly the opposite of what would happen under totalitarian rule, where such moves would be made top-down, by the government.

These moves are being made by the people much, much more powerful than the government - the multi-billionaire tech class.

Funny how during a pandemic, they seemed to become even wealthier while working with their bootlicking underling politicians on their payroll. Coincidence, I'm sure.
Are you making a First Amendment argument? Because it sorta sounds like that’s your angle. But his right to free speech has not been impinged. When people are banned from posting here, is it a freedom of speech issue?
Are you making a First Amendment argument? Because it sorta sounds like that’s your angle. But his right to free speech has not been impinged. When people are banned from posting here, is it a freedom of speech issue?

That is what Tibs is claiming - private businesses are not subject to the 1st amendment.

Except when they are able to stay in business only due to immunity granted by Congress and then use their power to quash competition. These monopolies are censoring speech, thereby losing their claims to be a mere "platform," and have now taken overt steps to crush the competition. They deserve to be sued into oblivion.
Stay safe, everyone!

New: FBI has information indicating “armed protests” being planned at all 50 state capitols & US Capitol in Washington DC in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s Inauguration January 20, according to an internal bulletin obtained by CNN. @ZcohenCNN reports— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) January 11, 2021

The Sky is falling!!
The Sky is FALLLING!!


Beacon of Fear: Vile Comrade Tibs, Useful Idiot

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
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Here's a clue. If your side winning depends on completely silencing the other side and crushing their freedom of speech, you are on the opposite ******* side of liberty. Period.

I get where you guys are coming from, but all I can say over and over again, is that these social media platforms kicked Trump off for violating their user policy. Nothing more nothing less. You can argue this is some huge, liberal take-over, but I'm not seeing it. Twitter, FB, Youtube at al allow a wide-spectrum of political views and discussions. Inciting violence seems to be a red line that will get you banned. It'll get you banned if you're a liberal Democrat, a far left anarchist, a moderate, or someone who doesn't follow politics at all.

Parler, as noted, was given notice by Amazon to implement a moderation policy to remove 'extreme' and 'violent' content, aka calls to murder public officials and the like. They refused, so Amazon dropped them. Parler is now faced with finding a web server company who'll host them, or perhaps, be faced with figuring out a way to get violent, dangerous content off their site in order to get back online.

Conservatives, Trump supporters, Republicans haven't been banned en masse from anything. The mass exodus from twitter was voluntary, done in protest. Nobody is 'completely silencing the other side.' That's simply a fairy tale being spun by Trump and his supporters with hurt feelings and chapped hides.