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US Capitol breached

Shout it from the rooftops, Tim. Post it in huge, bold, red letters. As long as you're convinced of it, who cares what the rest of America thinks? Like the corporations, who are cutting off all ties with him, one after the other. Or Congress, who are impeaching him, or the DC State District attorney, looking to charge him. Or Republican leaders like Mitch McConnell and even Kevin McCarthy, who have grown tired of the constant lying and crying about election fraud. They know full well that led to this historical low point, the MAGA mob storming the Capitol.

I know the drill on this board. As is the case with everything else, the teeny, tiny sliver of MAGA diehards have it right. You always know the truth. And the rest of the world is engaged in a huge conspiracy. They are pulling the wool over our eyes, with the help of a complicit media. Yeah, that's exactly what's happening. :jagoff:
This may end up being the biggest blow to Trump yet. His long-time bank, the murky & nefarious Deutsche Bank abruptly cutting ties, with all that massive outstanding debt? This may be more of a blow than impeachment, or getting kicked off Twitter or the PGA ****-canning the contract w his golf courses. I would hate to be a piece of furniture or electronic device anywhere near Trump right now, as it'd likely be thrown through a window.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Deutsche Bank will not do business in the future with President Trump or his companies in the wake of his supporters’ assault on the U.S. Capitol, the New York Times reported <a href="https://t.co/8xoUTE7uHR">https://t.co/8xoUTE7uHR</a> <a href="https://t.co/stjxhZxmEt">pic.twitter.com/stjxhZxmEt</a></p>— Reuters (@Reuters) <a href="https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/1348971740383293442?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 12, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

Your ecstatic cheerleading of all things anti-Trump seems a bit sycophantic Tibs. You really need to take a step back and look at things a bit more objectively.
Guess I will have to be here more. Just got a 7 day timeout on Facebook defending Big Ben's Honor. I only called him a Jackass after he said worse. ******* Bills fans, bad as liberals.
Shout it from the rooftops, Tim. Post it in huge, bold, red letters. As long as you're convinced of it, who cares what the rest of America thinks? Like the corporations, who are cutting off all ties with him, one after the other. Or Congress, who are impeaching him, or the DC State District attorney, looking to charge him. Or Republican leaders like Mitch McConnell and even Kevin McCarthy, who have grown tired of the constant lying and crying about election fraud. They know full well that led to this historical low point, the MAGA mob storming the Capitol.

I know the drill on this board. As is the case with everything else, the teeny, tiny sliver of MAGA diehards have it right. You always know the truth. And the rest of the world is engaged in a huge conspiracy. They are pulling the wool over our eyes, with the help of a complicit media. Yeah, that's exactly what's happening. :jagoff:

It wouldn’t matter if Trump explicitly told the terrorists to force their way into the Capitol and kill, Tim would explain it away as being akin to a “locker room pep talk” not to be taken literally. Much like he explained away “You can do whatever you want, grab em by the *****”.
It wouldn’t matter if Trump explicitly told the terrorists to force their way into the Capitol and kill, Tim would explain it away as being akin to a “locker room pep talk” not to be taken literally. Much like he explained away “You can do whatever you want, grab em by the *****”.

Says the non-contributing dipshit who had zero ******* problems with Maxine Waters DIRECTLY instructing her followers to attack Conservatives, which they did.

"My Violence is Justified. Yours is Not."
. Or Congress, who are impeaching him, or the DC State District attorney, looking to charge him. Or Republican leaders like Mitch McConnell and even Kevin McCarthy, who have grown tired of the constant lying and crying about election fraud.

In fairness Tibs, I don't know if I would be holding any of the above examples of people doing the right thing. Those are examples of political expedience. Republicans are in the minority and they have to play ball and they know it. The rest is stuff they've been trying to do for the last four years. Hell, I don't even bat an eye at impeachment anymore. Much like the term 'racist' it gets used so often and so incorrectly it carries little weight anymore.
It wouldn’t matter if Trump explicitly told the terrorists to force their way into the Capitol and kill.

I'll type slowly, Did Trump say anything remotely like this ? Yes or no?

If your answer is yes, please post the exact quote and source.
It wouldn’t matter if Trump explicitly told the terrorists to force their way into the Capitol and kill, Tim would explain it away as being akin to a “locker room pep talk” not to be taken literally. Much like he explained away “You can do whatever you want, grab em by the *****”.

Yeah, including Trump's 'perfect call' with Ukranian President Zelensky.

To some, like Tim and a handful of others, Trump is the hybrid love-child of Mother Teresa, Honest Abe Lincoln and Saint Francis of Assisi. It's actually pretty entertaining, watching them twist and turn defending him, regardless of truth, reality and the facts on the ground. It is an ongoing example of the mass psychosis, perhaps even some form of hypnosis, that Trump holds over his flock.
World Leaders Denounce Big Tech Censorship of President Donald Trump

Political elites worldwide have criticized big tech companies for banning President Donald Trump from their social media platforms.

At present, the president has been banned from Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, Reddit, and Instagram.

Twitter permanently removed Trump’s account, saying that his recent posts were in violation of the “Glorification of Violence Policy.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel called Twitter’s ban on Trump “problematic,” and said that freedom of opinion is an essential right of “elementary significance,” her spokesperson, Steffen Siebert, said on Jan 11.

“This fundamental right can be intervened in, but according to the law and within the framework defined by legislators—not according to a decision by the management of social media platforms,” Siebert said.

“Seen from this angle, the chancellor considers it problematic that the accounts of the U.S. president have now been permanently blocked,” he said.

Members of the French government agreed.

Clement Beaune, the junior minister for European Union affairs
, said he was “shocked” a private company made this kind of decision.

“This should be decided by citizens, not by a CEO,” he told Bloomberg TV on Monday. “There needs to be public regulation of big online platforms.”

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire also condemned the move and said that tech giants were part of a digital oligarchy that was a threat to democracy.

Manfred Weber, the leader of the European People’s Party—a centre-right political party—echoed Beaune and called for Big Tech firms to be regulated.

“We cannot leave it to American Big Tech to decide how we can or cannot discuss online. Today’s mechanisms destroy the compromise searching and consensus-building that are crucial in free and democratic societies. We need a stricter regulatory approach,” he wrote on Twitter on Jan. 11.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We cannot leave it to American Big Tech to decide how we can or cannot discuss online. Todays mechanisms destroy the compromise searching and consensus building that are crucial in free and democratic societies. We need a stricter regulatory approach. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CapitolHill?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#CapitolHill</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/POLITICOEurope?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@POLITICOEurope</a> <a href="https://t.co/ouJwTCT5B1">https://t.co/ouJwTCT5B1</a></p>— Manfred Weber (@ManfredWeber) <a href="https://twitter.com/ManfredWeber/status/1348575093505589250?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 11, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Meanwhile, Norway’s left-wing Labor Party leader Jonas Gahr Støre said that Big Tech censorship threatens political freedom around the world.

He said Twitter needs to apply the same standard globally that it did to Trump.

“This is a line where freedom of expression is also at stake,” said Støre. “If Twitter starts with this sort of thing, it means that they have to go around the world and look at other people completely astray, and shut them out.”

The Australian government has also called the ban on Trump an act of “censorship.”

Acting Prime Minister Michael McCormack said, “There’s been a lot of people who have said and done a lot of things on Twitter previously that haven’t received that sort of condemnation or indeed censorship. I’m not one who believes in that sort of censorship.”

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said he was uncomfortable with Twitter’s ban on Trump. “Those decisions were taken by commercial companies, but personally, I felt uncomfortable with what they did,” he said.

Quoting Voltaire’s famous line: “I may not agree with what you say, but I defend the right to say it,” Frydenberg said that freedom of speech is fundamental to a democratic society.

Fellow Liberal Party member and senator, Alex Antic, said he will push for a Senate Select Committee into Big Tech’s influence and censorship of political ideas when the Australian Parliament resumes next month.

Antic told The Epoch Times on Jan. 12 that he is concerned that Big Tech can so easily censor one side of the debate.

“Our democratic process is founded on our ability to share ideas freely and to be exposed to challenging and opposing viewpoints. It is crucial to the integrity of that process that Big Tech companies do not censor one side of the debate,” Antic said.

Mexican President Manuel López Obrador also echoed his global counterparts, with Reuters reporting that he said it was a bad sign when private companies try to censor opinion.

Obrador said a “court of censorship like an inquisition to manage public opinion.”

“I don’t like anybody being censored or taking away from the right to post a message on Twitter or Face(book),” he said.

In Russia, the opposition leader, Alexey Navalny, who is an outspoken anti-corruption campaigner, said he believed the ban was an unacceptable form of censorship and was based not on a genuine need but rather Twitter’s political preferences.

In a thread posted on the platform on Jan. 10, Navalny said: “Don’t tell me he was banned for violating Twitter rules. I get death threats here every day for many years, and Twitter doesn’t ban anyone.”

He noted that this pattern had been seen before in both Russian and China when big companies utilise their position to become a government best friend and enabler when it comes to state-based censorship laws.

“This precedent will be exploited by the enemies of freedom of speech around the world. In Russia as well. Every time when they need to silence someone, they will say: ‘this is just common practice, even Trump got blocked on Twitter,’” he wrote on Twitter.
World Leaders Denounce Big Tech Censorship of President Donald Trump.

Anything short of inciting a violent mob to carry out an insurrection against the nation's Capitol in an effort to overturn a free & fair election, I agree with them wholeheartedly.
<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.96fd96193cc66c3e11d4c5e4c7c7ec97.html?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fsteelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe>
The rally/protest was orchestrated by Trump. I think it’s clear he viewed it as his last chance to prevent the election from being finalized. He invited his supporters to town on that specific date, promising that it “will be wild”. I don’t think anything he said on that day was the specific reason people stormed the Capitol. Many showed up that day very well prepared to take over the Capitol & disrupt the business being carried out by Congress. But I also think it’s clear he had a pretty good idea what would happen. Is he guilty of inciting the riot & insurrection? I don’t know. I’ll leave that to legal scholars & the courts to determine. I wonder though, does the Capitol get breeched that day if Trump doesn’t influence it? Even if he doesn’t explicitly say “go kill Mike Pence” or anything akin to that?
So what producs doi need to boycot? I dont use twitter sol dont see them.
Have the protesters who were arrested been charged with insurrection yet? They should be right?
Anything short of inciting a violent mob to carry out an insurrection against the nation's Capitol in an effort to overturn a free & fair election, I agree with them wholeheartedly.
<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.96fd96193cc66c3e11d4c5e4c7c7ec97.html?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fsteelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe>

No one gives a **** what you agree with.
No one gives a **** what you agree with.

Ok, Champ, thanks for pointing that out. I guess that settles it, end of conversation, nothing further to debate.
Ok, Champ, thanks for pointing that out. I guess that settles it, end of conversation, nothing further to debate.

You don't debate. You are a typical leftist. You ignore what doesn't it the narrative. How do you even debate that?

If it wasn't so sad and frustrating, it would be funny when you watch our political class and press so vehemently denounce what they saw last Wednesday and match that up with their comments from the summer. The hypocrisy is so overwhelming I just chuckle some. If we had an even remotely honest press, this hypocrisy would be exposed, because it is so blatant and because these idiots have to find a camera and talk. It's all on tape to be found. And still they get away with it.
Anything short of inciting a violent mob to carry out an insurrection against the nation's Capitol

Which he did not do. You've been asked 100 times to provide the words he used to incite a riot. You cannot. Even the Compost said "Trump’s speech included no overt calls for his supporters to actually enter the Capitol or resort to violent means."

So therefore you agree that this censorship of Trump and the thousands of other Conservatives is wrong. Incredibly, dangerously, "we should all be very scared right now" wrong.

now, now, Timmy. scrape the bottom of the barrel when arguing with Tibs, but don't go through the barrel.
*admin warning*
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I wonder though, does the Capitol get breeched that day if Trump doesn’t influence it? Even if he doesn’t explicitly say “go kill Mike Pence” or anything akin to that?

He had influence over the events of that day even of he didn't explicitly call for any of that stuff. Maybe he knew what would happen, but I tend to think Trump lacks common sense about a lot of things and while he thought he would get his base fired up, I don't think he intended THAT. I think he intended for that group to go down to the capitol and make a ruckus, be heard, make a mess out in the yard. But he failed to recognize that the nation is sitting on a powder keg right now, and intentionally or not, he is doing his part to light the fuse. No, our entire political class isn't helping, and they are about 75% of the reason everyone, both left and right, are pissed off about being American right now.

Maybe he wants his supporters to start firing shots and kick Civil War 2.0 into gear, I don't know. But based on intel, it seems like **** is going down here pretty soon regardless of what Trump wants. People have been pushed to the edge, and I think this is out of anyone's control now. **** is going to be interesting starting Saturday. I am hoping that I don't have to see Americans killing other Americans, but I am afraid that's the next step.
Anything short of inciting a violent mob to carry out an insurrection against the nation's Capitol in an effort to overturn a free & fair election, I agree with them wholeheartedly.
<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.96fd96193cc66c3e11d4c5e4c7c7ec97.html?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fsteelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe>

No, you don't. You have never said one word - not a syllable - criticizing Google for targeting and censoring The Federalist, or Dennis Prager's YouTube series that had millions of views, or The American Spectator, or Twitter banning and "shadow banning" conservatives like Josh Hawley, Candace Owens, and suppressing the 100% accurate stories about Hunter and Joe and their China deals.


You instead are just fine with it. So stop lying. You are thrilled with attacking and targeting and punishing and silencing every conservative voice.

And you are too stupid to realize that your band of soy-boys are playing with fire.
I am still struck that almost a week out, no politician, from either party has had the forethought to do what needs to be done to tone things down a bit. They should be out there apologizing to the American people for their contributions to the problems we have. But none of them are introspective enough. I certainly wish any Republican would have the realization that if many of them governed as they campaigned, Donald Trump never is.
I am still struck that almost a week out, no politician, from either party has had the forethought to do what needs to be done to tone things down a bit. They should be out there apologizing to the American people for their contributions to the problems we have. But none of them are introspective enough. I certainly wish any Republican would have the realization that if many of them governed as they campaigned, Donald Trump never is.

Yes, of course those damn Republicans should be apologizing.

Right after the (D)im party apologizes about slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, etc. Right the **** after.
Yes, of course those damn Republicans should be apologizing.

Right after the (D)im party apologizes about slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, etc. Right the **** after.

You are damn right I want them apologizing. I demand it. I have been voting for them for years. I am madder at them than I am the Dems. I know that devil. It is the Repubs who have been promising one thing and delivering something else. Those son of a *******. They want to be all righteously indignant with Trump now, but they are the reason he is and was. They need to know that.