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US Capitol breached

Go right ahead, pull the trigger. You know you want to. It would be a huge relief for a lot of you, would cause people to jump with joy.

Just do it, get it over with. You'll be considered a folk hero until the end of time.

He said "if" and it was indeed a question. I'm very curious as to the answer. If this board was to censor a long time poster because they feel his rhetoric is divisive, inciteful, over the line...would the narratives you all spew change?

I'm of the mindset that Liberals nationwide aren't going to change their stance on this selective abuse of powers over speech until it is done to them. Because for now, these abuses serve your goals so ya'll justify it as reasonable. When does it become unreasonable?
I do think there are a handful of posters here who toe the line with far right ideology, they'd probably be the first ones to admit it, and proudly so. But it was wrong to label the entire board in that manner, even if it happened five years ago.

And that's fine. You're as AltLeft as anyone I've encountered.

We welcome all here, as it should be...everywhere.
Tibs - you became defensive at being silenced on this board. this very small part of the internet. you're a private person. very few people of the world's population even know of your existence. yet you were emotional and enraged.

yet, interestingly enough, you expect a different reaction from a man who is known around the world as the POTUS when his voice is removed from those who elected him.

please, discuss your glaring hypocrisy.
He said "if" and it was indeed a question. I'm very curious as to the answer. If this board was to censor a long time poster because they feel his rhetoric is divisive, inciteful, over the line...would the narratives you all spew change?

I'm of the mindset that Liberals nationwide aren't going to change their stance on this selective abuse of powers over speech until it is done to them. Because for now, these abuses serve your goals so ya'll justify it as reasonable. When does it become unreasonable?

Further to this post and prior posts I have made...

When does this stop?

I mentioned Harry Reid weaponizing the nuclear option. Then Republicans felt inclined to stoop and use it.

Obama arrogantly said "Elections have consequences." What did Republicans do when they got the White House? Executive orders, I have a pen I'll use it, similar arrogance.

Now that Big Tech is silencing those they disagree with, does anyone rightfully believe that's the end? Seriously? What do you think is going to happen?

It's going to spawn an industry of alternate information sources funded by, run by, those who support the Right.

What about Gab?
What about Telegram?
What about MeWe?

The left totalitarians can work in conjunction to silence them. Eventually, the Right will figure it out. Like Parler is.

Parler has a right-leaning web-hosting service they are lining up. What happens when Parler decides "fair is fair" and remove and silences Liberals in knind? What about the other sites when they do so? What about this site and if Steeler Nation began banning people they disagree with?

The Left is advocating a behavior. Eventually, the Right will repeat it. And it will become pervasive. "We don't allow your kind here."

We will all then further be in silos. Airing our grievances and differences will cease. We will speak in vacuum tight echo chambers. More distrust will be fomented. The "other side's" sources and reporting will wholly be discounted by the opposite side.

Division will massively increase as a result.

What's the next step? The Left will...mark my words...work to "illegalize" any of these venues. Thought speech will be upon us.

Violence will ensue.

I think it's high time here locally all step up and agree what we've seen over the past week regarding silencing dissenting voices is a very dangerous path to begin treading.
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Since Tibs et al will say "WND you freak" here's another link


PBS lawyer seen on video calling for children of Republicans to be put in reeducation camps

Remember, PBS runs on your tax dollars.

Meanwhile, Twitter is a private company and can decide to keep people like this around

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Michael Beller should have been given a promotion not fired.<br>He was right</p>— Lee (@MsLeeFoster) <a href="https://twitter.com/MsLeeFoster/status/1349082388186374144?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 12, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">well......<br><br>he's not wrong <a href="https://t.co/cD9f2NSs3o">pic.twitter.com/cD9f2NSs3o</a></p>— Christie371 (@christie371) <a href="https://twitter.com/christie371/status/1349064759073759234?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 12, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">But evidence suggests that maybe we should (re education) them#</p>— matua#2 (@Renatusboo) <a href="https://twitter.com/Renatusboo/status/1349100871976689665?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 12, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Further to this post and prior posts I have made...

When does this stop?

I mentioned Harry Reid weaponizing the nuclear option. Then Republicans felt inclined to stoop and use it.

Obama arrogantly said "Elections have consequences." What did Republicans do when they got the White House? Executive orders, I have a pen I'll use it, similar arrogance.

Now that Big Tech is silencing those they disagree with, does anyone rightfully believe that's the end? Seriously? What do you think is going to happen?

It's going to spawn an industry of alternate information sources funded by, run by, those who support the Right.

What about Gab?
What about Telegram?
What about MeWe?

The left totalitarians can work in conjunction to silence them. Eventually, the Right will figure it out. Like Parler is.

Parler has a right-leaning web-hosting service they are lining up. What happens when Parler decides "fair is fair" and remove and silences Liberals in knind? What about the other sites when they do so? What about this site and if Steeler Nation began banning people they disagree with?

The Left is advocating a behavior. Eventually, the Right will repeat it. And it will become pervasive. "We don't allow your kind here."

We will all then further be in silos. Airing our grievances and differences will cease. We will speak in vacuum tight echo chambers. More distrust will be fomented. The "other side's" sources and reporting will wholly be discounted by the opposite side.

Division will massively increase as a result.

What's the next step? The Left will...mark my words...work to "illegalize" any of these venues. Thought speech will be upon us.

Violence will ensue.

I think it's high time here locally all step up and agree what we've seen over the past week regarding silencing dissenting voices is a very dangerous path to begin treading.

Nice avatar!
Jeez, pulling up a post from 2016....

Let me take this opportunity to apologize for my reckless comment five years ago. I don't think this is a neo nazi board and I should never have characterized it as such.

I do think there are a handful of posters here who toe the line with far right ideology, they'd probably be the first ones to admit it, and proudly so. But it was wrong to label the entire board in that manner, even if it happened five years ago.

Go right ahead, pull the trigger. You know you want to. It would be a huge relief for a lot of you, would cause people to jump with joy.

Just do it, get it over with. You'll be considered a folk hero until the end of time.

No I don't want you gone. Then I have to go back to annoying Tim like I did in the spring just to keep him entertained.
No I don't want you gone. Then I have to go back to annoying Tim like I did in the spring just to keep him entertained.


Jeez, pulling up a post from 2016....

You know, I saw a young girl get kicked out of college for some **** she said on snapchat at 14. I have seen any number of athletes get held to account for **** they said on twitter when they were 12. Apparently, it doesn't matter how long ago a person said something (if they're white, anyway), or how much they might have matured since then. Burn them at the stake.

It kinda sucks when **** you said years ago is thrown right back in your face, doesn't it? Maybe you didn't feel that way, but you said it, and that's all that matters. Just playing by the rules the left has laid out.
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Tibs still on here gaslighting like he didn’t applaud AntiFa violence and compare them to a Higgins Boat full of GIs landing at Normandy I see.

Communists are gonna follow the communist play book just like Stalin.
You know, I saw a young girl get kicked out of college for some **** she said on snapchat at 14. I have seen any number of athletes get held to account for **** they said on twitter when they were 12. Apparently, it doesn't matter how long ago a person said something (if they're white, anyway), or how much they might have matured since then. Burn them at the stake.

It kinda sucks when **** you said years ago is thrown right back in your face, doesn't it? Maybe you didn't feel that way, but you said it, and that's all that matters. Just playing by the rules the left has laid out.

Most excellent observation. I had not considered that angle. As Liberals love a social media lynching for past comments and ruining lives for them, why shouldn't this likewise be judged equally?
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Most excellent observation. I had not considered that angle. As Liberals love a social media lynching for past comments and ruining lives for them, why shouldn't this likewise be judged equally?

It just sucks that **** you said at 12 destroys your career and life at 22. Who the hell knew the gravity of their words at 12-18? We are trying to create a politically correct, woke, zero defect citizenry where every single person thinks alike. Sorry...thinks correctly. **** with the censorship and cancel culture is more like North Korea than America. And Joe Biden is talking about unity. Stop the world. I want to get off.
It just sucks that **** you said at 12 destroys your career and life at 22. Who the hell knew the gravity of their words at 12-18? We are trying to create a politically correct, woke, zero defect citizenry where every single person thinks alike. Sorry...thinks correctly. **** with the censorship and cancel culture is more like North Korea than America. And Joe Biden is talking about unity. Stop the world. I want to get off.

Keep in mind that if you didn't even do or say it, they'll still say you did.

After they impeach Trump, you know they'll be going back after Kavanaugh.
Let's not compare anyone to nazi guards.

My post was edited.

The words now shown do not relate to anything I wrote.

I do not want a single reader here to think that I upbraided Tim. I did not. That was not me.

I have no idea why/how the term nazi got into my post. It was probably unintentional, but it says nazi. It would have made more sense to remove my post, but that didn't happen.

That ain't right. It is offensive when others change your words to include nazi.

I'm fairly certain that if I have ever used the term nazi, it was in response to some leftists' comments about contributors to this site. I do not think those soldiers in Tim's pic were nazis. I could be wrong, but I am starting to just not give a ****.


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So after attacking the 1st Ammendment with great success will now go after the 2nd Ammendment.

I never figured it would be through very large companies that someone got total control of the largest open means of communication we have. They even have protection by congress. Pretty damn slick.
Even the French are shocked at what's going on here.
Oppression at its finest.
You know, I saw a young girl get kicked out of college for some **** she said on snapchat at 14. I have seen any number of athletes get held to account for **** they said on twitter when they were 12. Apparently, it doesn't matter how long ago a person said something (if they're white, anyway), or how much they might have matured since then. Burn them at the stake.

It kinda sucks when **** you said years ago is thrown right back in your face, doesn't it? Maybe you didn't feel that way, but you said it, and that's all that matters. Just playing by the rules the left has laid out.

How about things that were said a week ago? I encourage you to go back and read what was posted in the beginning of this thread as well as the Election Day 2020 thread. Support for the terrorists, some of whom were indeed Neo-Nazis. Race baiting of the creator of this thread.
Tibs gets inserted into a hypothetical situation and loses his ****.
wherefore art thou Tibs?
I think of a line from Jurassic Park when I thin of Twitter and all this other crap everyone is into today. It isn't good.

The old guy was being questioned about creating these dinosaurs, and the Jeff Goldblum character says, "You were so busy seeing if you could, you never took the time to see if you should." Or something like that. To me this defines a lot of technology today.