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US Capitol breached

How about things that were said a week ago? I encourage you to go back and read what was posted in the beginning of this thread as well as the Election Day 2020 thread. Support for the terrorists, some of whom were indeed Neo-Nazis. Race baiting of the creator of this thread.

Yep, and he got banned for that race baiting, did he not? As far as supporting those protestors, while I disagree with supporting those ********, who am I to tell someone who they can and can't support? And those people throwing their support (some of them, anyway) were called out for it. Should we have put them in jail? That's not how America works.

Look, some people are racist ********. All the cancelling and slogans and woke bullshit is never going to get rid of it. And you are certainly never going to get rid of it by tearing down one race in an effort to raise another one. You may drive it underground, but some people have cold dark souls that simply can't be fixed.

The point is that people have lost livelihoods as adults for **** they said on twitter or FB or snap at 14. I was merely pointing out the irony that someone that seems to support that sort of cancel culture would be indignant that someone would do it to him.
Yep, and he got banned for that race baiting, did he not? As far as supporting those protestors, while I disagree with supporting those ********, who am I to tell someone who they can and can't support? And those people throwing their support (some of them, anyway) were called out for it. Should we have put them in jail? That's not how America works.

Look, some people are racist ********. All the cancelling and slogans and woke bullshit is never going to get rid of it. And you are certainly never going to get rid of it by tearing down one race in an effort to raise another one. You may drive it underground, but some people have cold dark souls that simply can't be fixed.

The point is that people have lost livelihoods as adults for **** they said on twitter or FB or snap at 14. I was merely pointing out the irony that someone that seems to support that sort of cancel culture would be indignant that someone would do it to him.

Biden's highlight reel is splattered with **** he said that hasn't been called on. Well, wait, I do remember someone during the Democratic Primaries called him out on his racist comments. What ever happened to that? I wonder if she swept it under the carpet. . .
I think of a line from Jurassic Park when I thin of Twitter and all this other crap everyone is into today. It isn't good.

The old guy was being questioned about creating these dinosaurs, and the Jeff Goldblum character says, "You were so busy seeing if you could, you never took the time to see if you should." Or something like that. To me this defines a lot of technology today.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with social media as a platform for communication globally. It should be a platform for free speech be everyone involved. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...etc. SHOULD be held harmless from what people post on their platform, as they are nothing more than a library. The problem that has been created, thanks to this cancel culture, is that anytime anyone on the left is offended they want to censor and remove items so they can feel good again. The more that governments and businesses cater to this ideology, the worse it gets and the more they expect. That pretty much describes liberals to a T, every time you accommodate or give them an inch, they try and take a mile. So now you have social media deciding what is and what is not factual, many times based only on individual opinions, they are controlling what can be said, and who can say it. This makes them a publisher of the information, and as such, they should now be liable for any and all information posted on their platform. The best thing that social media could have done was to do absolutely nothing. If people don't like what they read, keep scrolling. If someone makes an actual threat, report it to law enforcement. But like Commie Tibs said, to the socialist/communist party, you speak the way they deem acceptable and about what they deem acceptable of you will not be allowed to speak.
Tibs gets inserted into a hypothetical situation and loses his ****.
wherefore art thou Tibs?

Typical, predictable Tibs behavior. When his side loses something major, when he gets scolded, when he exposes himself badly with error or embarrassment, he disappears.

I've never understood this, but that's what he does. I *think* he believes time away may make people forget. We never forget though, i.e. American Patriot Michael Avenatti.

Of course he will come back, say "I have a life, I was busy, one of my businesses needed attention, I wasn't hiding, sometimes I need time away from this cesspool...blah blah blah."

Seems Tibs got is panties in a wad yesterday (I'm guessing this is why Nazi train photos may have been removed? I don't know) and in the end got exposed for being a Liberal hypocrite. Unnerved that someone would tie him to commentary he made in 2016, Sarge's reply was epic. One of the most logical beatdowns using logic I've seen, exposing deep hypocrisy. It was epic.

I'm sure he's embarrassed (hell, EYE would be after all that) and is taking a little "hide under the bed hope they forget" break.

And yes, also comical he won't address the hypothetical. Coward.
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Addressing a hypothetical requires logical thinking skills, cause and effect reasoning. Liberals don’t have that. They react on emotion. This is actually a huge problem today and the current education system is making it worse. Today’s kids need to be TOLD everything. It is documented that they have trouble with reading comprehension, with detecting irony or sarcasm. They are basically a bunch of Ron Burgendys who believe what’s on the prompter and don’t go past that thought. It’s why the lefty journalists use the same talking points. You can go broadcast to broadcast and hear the same exact phrasing over and over. If you ask somebody what’s 2+2 and they answer 5, maybe you can work with that. You can show them logically where they miscalculated. But what happens when you ask what’s 2+2 and they answer Jello. How do you even start to explain where they went wrong in their logic? Then if you try to say it’s not Jello, they will scream at you and then point to something on the internet that says the answer is Jello and you must be some kind of racist for saying otherwise.
Addressing a hypothetical requires logical thinking skills, cause and effect reasoning. Liberals don’t have that. They react on emotion. This is actually a huge problem today and the current education system is making it worse. Today’s kids need to be TOLD everything. It is documented that they have trouble with reading comprehension, with detecting irony or sarcasm. They are basically a bunch of Ron Burgendys who believe what’s on the prompter and don’t go past that thought. It’s why the lefty journalists use the same talking points. You can go broadcast to broadcast and hear the same exact phrasing over and over. If you ask somebody what’s 2+2 and they answer 5, maybe you can work with that. You can show them logically where they miscalculated. But what happens when you ask what’s 2+2 and they answer Jello. How do you even start to explain where they went wrong in their logic? Then if you try to say it’s not Jello, they will scream at you and then point to something on the internet that says the answer is Jello and you must be some kind of racist for saying otherwise.

I laughed reading that because it's funny and shook my head simultaneously because so much of it is true.
I’m here, Tim. What’s the problem? Got tired of posting images of Jews being loaded onto wagons during the Holocaust?

Gonna rejoin the rest of civilized society and discuss the topic of this thread, the attack on the US Capitol and the ensuing fall out and ongoing events?

Or, will you revert to your usual tactics of attacking those who disagree with you? And join the ranks of those calling people ‘communist’ post after post?

What shall it be?
And join the ranks of those calling people ‘communist’ post after post?

What shall it be?

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

You are the one that said, if you talk the way we want you to and talk about what we allow you to, then you will be allowed to speak. What else would you call that.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with social media as a platform for communication globally. It should be a platform for free speech be everyone involved. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...etc. SHOULD be held harmless from what people post on their platform, as they are nothing more than a library. The problem that has been created, thanks to this cancel culture, is that anytime anyone on the left is offended they want to censor and remove items so they can feel good again. The more that governments and businesses cater to this ideology, the worse it gets and the more they expect. That pretty much describes liberals to a T, every time you accommodate or give them an inch, they try and take a mile. So now you have social media deciding what is and what is not factual, many times based only on individual opinions, they are controlling what can be said, and who can say it. This makes them a publisher of the information, and as such, they should now be liable for any and all information posted on their platform. The best thing that social media could have done was to do absolutely nothing. If people don't like what they read, keep scrolling. If someone makes an actual threat, report it to law enforcement. But like Commie Tibs said, to the socialist/communist party, you speak the way they deem acceptable and about what they deem acceptable of you will not be allowed to speak.

I disagree with you to a point. Social media funnels you into rabbit hole. Advertisements, suggested friends, etc all set to re-enforce beliefs. I've pretty much gotten off of facebook, as it's nothing but a civil war on there.
I’m here, Tim. What’s the problem? Got tired of posting images of Jews being loaded onto wagons during the Holocaust?

Gonna rejoin the rest of civilized society and discuss the topic of this thread, the attack on the US Capitol and the ensuing fall out and ongoing events?

Or, will you revert to your usual tactics of attacking those who disagree with you? And join the ranks of those calling people ‘communist’ post after post?

What shall it be?

that's what we're trying to do.
you going to join us in discussing the hypothetical as posed yesterday before you buried your head under your comforter?
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

You are the one that said, if you talk the way we want you to and talk about what we allow you to, then you will be allowed to speak. What else would you call that.

I specifically narrowed my comments to curbing users who are ‘inciting and plotting an armed insurrection against the Rebublic.’

I realize that’s too nuanced for you to grasp, but try to wrap your head around it anyway. Maybe it’ll work the second time around.
For those who have not seen this extraordinary message signed by all the most senior military uniformed leaders of our U.S. constitutional democracy ...

Posted specifically for the lingering MAGA, 'stop the steal, election fraud' crowd.

Again, ask yourself, are you with Trump, or do you stand with America?

It's a crystal clear choice, and has been from the moment the States' votes were ratified and counted in Congress.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with social media as a platform for communication globally. It should be a platform for free speech be everyone involved. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...etc. SHOULD be held harmless from what people post on their platform, as they are nothing more than a library. The problem that has been created, thanks to this cancel culture, is that anytime anyone on the left is offended they want to censor and remove items so they can feel good again. The more that governments and businesses cater to this ideology, the worse it gets and the more they expect. That pretty much describes liberals to a T, every time you accommodate or give them an inch, they try and take a mile. So now you have social media deciding what is and what is not factual, many times based only on individual opinions, they are controlling what can be said, and who can say it. This makes them a publisher of the information, and as such, they should now be liable for any and all information posted on their platform. The best thing that social media could have done was to do absolutely nothing. If people don't like what they read, keep scrolling. If someone makes an actual threat, report it to law enforcement. But like Commie Tibs said, to the socialist/communist party, you speak the way they deem acceptable and about what they deem acceptable of you will not be allowed to speak.

I know, and I think you are mostly correct. What I do not like is that you can just throw your opinions out there hiding behind a computer screen. Some see this as a positive. I don't. One of the important lessons in life is you cannot always say what is on your mind any time you want. If you did that before twitter or facebook or whatever, you might take a punch in the mouth. It was a valuable lesson, one in which I learned myself, and one that isn't being taught enough today.
‘inciting and plotting an armed insurrection against the Rebublic.’

Does that also apply to BLM "peaceful protests" in which government and federal buildings were desecrated, vandalized, and/or destroyed?
For those who have not seen this extraordinary message signed by all the most senior military uniformed leaders of our U.S. constitutional democracy ...


I eon't know anything about any of the men that signed that. And they all may be outstanding. However, one of the things I have learned over the years is that there are too many entirely unimpressive people in leadership positions all over the country. I would assume that has effected the military as well. When you have a Marine General, Mattis, stating he hopes under a new administration we drop the America First model, it is hard to process. I don't know if I could see someone like Chesty Pueller saying something like that.
Does that also apply to BLM "peaceful protests" in which government and federal buildings were desecrated, vandalized, and/or destroyed?

Sure thing. If people are using social media to plan and carry out violent attacks, they should be summarily banned and content turned over to the authorities. Who by the way, would already be requesting such content stemming from any investigation.

What's the big mystery here?
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The mystery is that BLM has been given every benefit of the doubt, empathy, approval of their cause, etc. While Trump supporters have not.

Look I disagree with BOTH of these sides right now. I strongly disagree with BLM and many of the policies they stand for. I strongly disagree with the current Trump supporters that contest the election or think Biden did not win.

But the reaction of the media and so-called "power brokers" in this country when each of these sides commits violence is VASTLY different. And that bothers people.

Now I would argue, two wrongs don't make a right. So just because BLM seems to get a pass to do violence, doesn't mean you need to prove a point by committing violence too. I have, and continue to hope, that any conservatism movement in this country remain peaceful and win by being the better side and BY THE MERIT OF OUR MESSAGE.

But I understand the frustration at how differently each side is treated right now. And how that creates anger. And as Star Wars teaches - anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering.

There is just too much anger right now. The anger that erupted during BLM seemed to be applauded. The anger of Trump supporters continues to be ridiculed. That type of disparity is the MAIN concern right now over the next 60-90 days, but even once the media moves on to something else will continue to brew under this country's fabric until changes are made to Big Media, Big Washington and now Big Tech.

All the things they keep doing, thinking they are righteously doing what is best, is causing the problem to continue. And no one seems the wiser.
National Guard sleeps on the floor of Congress because there are so many death threats from Trump supporters. This is how Trump made America great--he unleashed a wave of terrorism from his deranged followers and now our government officials can't feel safe.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I spotted the National Guard sleeping in the hallways of the Capitol as I walked in this morning. <a href="https://t.co/PzVpQCo5yU">pic.twitter.com/PzVpQCo5yU</a></p>— Daniella Diaz (@DaniellaMicaela) <a href="https://twitter.com/DaniellaMicaela/status/1349352529868578816?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 13, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
I’m here, Tim. What’s the problem? Got tired of posting images of Jews being loaded onto wagons during the Holocaust?

Gonna rejoin the rest of civilized society and discuss the topic of this thread, the attack on the US Capitol and the ensuing fall out and ongoing events?

Or, will you revert to your usual tactics of attacking those who disagree with you? And join the ranks of those calling people ‘communist’ post after post?

What shall it be?

First, I'm curious...how bad did it sting/hurt when words you posted 4 years ago were used against you to expose your vile nature and hypocrisy?

Did you feel like the young student athlete lady kicked out of the University of TN for singing along with a rap song and using the "N" word way back when she was 14?

Sucks *** doesn't it, having your past words used against you? Embarrassing as **** I'm sure. Fortunate for you, you don't lose your future, face nation-wide ridicule and have to enter the witness protection program.

There is no issue of posting images of Nazi trains when you tie it to the censorship and totalitarianism we are facing today, warning this is where we are heading if we don't stop what's going on today. Unfortunately, it was misinterpreted that this was aimed at me calling you a Nazi and thus removed. I stand behind it's context.

And please you vile, spinning, despicable hypocrite - accuse NO ONE here for attacking you because of a difference of opinions. That is the core of your existence on this board.

I have been discussing the topic of this thread since the beginning. Encourage you to go back and read my sage musings. Reality is you dismiss others' discussions on the topic. Instead you get behind your virtual megaphone, and shout and shout and shout and listen to yourself trying to drown out others' voices.

Sure thing. If people are using social media to plan and carry out violent attacks, they should be summarily banned and content turned over to the authorities.

Yep, your idiocy shows no bounds. Last year, Twitter and FaceBook WERE used all year long to coordinate the violent insurrections all across the country. All year long.

Next Up: Tib's 'Well That's Different' Argument

Didn't hear you say "that should have been stopped." No condemnation of Twitter, et al for allowing it, no admission there is a wild hypocritical standard going on in Big Tech. Nada. Crickets
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First, I'm curious...

I'm curious how you feel that as we sit here right now, Donald J. Trump is in the process of being impeached, for a second time.

Do you agree with Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders, who have stepped up to support impeachment?

As opposed to the first time around, this seems to have the chance to be a bi-partisan venture.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), the third-highest ranking Republican leader in the House:

"On January 6, 2021 a violent mob attacked the United States Capitol to obstruct the process of our democracy and stop the counting of presidential electoral votes. This insurrection caused injury, death and destruction in the most sacred space in our Republic. <aside class="story-enhancement">
</aside>"Much more will become clear in coming days and weeks, but what we know now is enough. The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution.

"I will vote to impeach the President."
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I'm curious how you feel that as we sit here right now, Donald J. Trump is in the process of being impeached, for a second time.

Do you agree with Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders, who have stepped up to support impeachment?

As opposed to the first time around, this seems to have the chance to be a bi-partisan venture.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), the third-highest ranking Republican leader in the House:

Yeah, great deflection Tibs!! LOL

If you want to engage in dialogue, first address points made to you instead of deflecting them and changing subjects.


We know you're embarrassed today, it's ok.
Glenn Greenwald says tech giants, not Parler, hosted the majority of Capitol Hill riot planning

Journalist and former civil rights lawyer Glenn Greenwald spoke to Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night about the power of big tech and the scapegoating of Parler in the wake of the Capitol Hill riot.

"Of the first 13 people arrested by the FBI in connection with the event at the Capitol, a total of zero were active users of Parler. The overwhelming amount of planning for that event, the overwhelming amount of advocacy for people to go there and to breach the Capitol was done on Facebook, and on YouTube, and on Twitter," Greenwald asserted.

"This is one of the ironies is that Google is one of the monopolies that wants to police our discourse and control our thinking and rule our politics that kicked Parler off of its app at the exactly the time that Parler had gone to number one," he continued.

"Google said, we will not allow you on our service," Greenwald said, when "the reality is the service that Google owns, YouTube, played a much greater role."

Parler has faced heavy criticism in the wake of the pro-Trump Capitol Hill riot which left five people dead, with opponents alleging that the platform's lax moderation allowed extremists to organize the riot. The platform was subsequently removed from the Google play store and the Apple app store on the same day, with Amazon following shortly after by kicking Parler off of its web servers entirely, sending the website offline. Parler has since taken up an anti-trust suit against Amazon.

The censoring and removal of Parler at the hands of the three tech giants has caused the three big tech companies, Apple, Google, and Amazon, to face accusations of abusing monopolistic market power. No evidence has arisen thus far showing that any of the rioters organized the raid on the Capitol over Parler.


How many times has Tibs spread disinformation again saying Parler was used to support what they call an insurrection?
Why are you so upset Tibs? Don't you remember posting this in defence of the blm/antifa rioters?

Your hypocrisy is free entertainment.

Protesting is as old as America herself. Sometimes things spin out of control. Hopefully this continues to evolve into a peaceful movement, and that includes on part of the police and national guard being deployed around the country.
