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US Capitol breached

What a ******* joke.
The "violent riot" at the Capitol. An officer killed an innocent woman because YOUR guys purposefully took a peaceful protest and created chaos.

You are such a horrible ******* person for advocating this, Tibs. People like you got that woman killed. Yes. You.

If I had my way, I'd pull a twitter on you and ban you for hate speech and advocating the murder of innocent American citizens. Cause that's what you do. It really is. You're a horrible, hateful person that doesn't have an issue in the world with murdering innocent people who simply don't agree with your point of view.

Don't waste your ******* time arguing. I have blocked you due to your excessive hate-filled speech.
Hopefully this continues to evolve into a peaceful movement,

Exactly, just like I said, plain and simple.

There is a HUGE difference between peaceful protest, and a violent uprising. I've stated that over and over again, that I support the right to peaceful protest for all - left, right and everything in between.

Everything else having to do with this topic is being brought upon by the constant, incessant moral outrage - cranked up to 11 - by those on the right.

Be my guest, have at it, if that's what rocks your boat.
What a ******* joke. The "violent riot" at the Capitol. An officer killed an innocent woman because YOUR guys purposefully took a peaceful protest and created chaos.
You are such a horrible ******* person for advocating this, Tibs. People like you got that woman killed. Yes. You. If I had my way, I'd pull a twitter on you and ban you for hate speech and advocating the murder of innocent American citizens. Cause that's what you do. It really is. You're a horrible, hateful person that doesn't have an issue in the world with murdering innocent people who simply don't agree with your point of view. Don't waste your ******* time arguing. I have blocked you due to your excessive hate-filled speech.

Too bad you won't see this, since you have me blocked, you proud crusader and champion of free speech and expression. lol

You have gone straight off the deep end, wig. I hope you're safe and find your way back, at some point.
Yeah, great deflection Tibs!! LOL

If you want to engage in dialogue, first address points made to you instead of deflecting them and changing subjects.

We know you're embarrassed today, it's ok.

That is classic Tibs and why he embtrrasses himself here so frequenty.

Instead of addressing the points made he introduces strawmen and red herrings thinking we'll ignore the previous post that made him look like a fool.
I guess data like the data below should remind us to wait before we judge and get all of the facts.

Rush to judgement? Three crucial questions remain unanswered about Capitol siege

What did Nancy Pelosi know? A prior plot or spontaneous riot? Were there inside facilitators?

Since the weekend, major bombshell revelations already have substantially revised the initial story of a spontaneous mob overrunning an unsuspecting Capitol police force.

The FBI admitted Tuesday it received information ahead of the Jan. 6 tragedy suggesting some participants were planning a "war" on the Capitol, including killing officers and distributing maps of the complex. It alerted Washington D.C. law enforcement through the joint terrorism task force alert system. It also "disrupted" the travel plans of some of the suspected trouble-makers.

"We developed some intelligence that a number of individuals were planning to travel to the D.C. area with intentions to cause violence," Assistant Director Steven M. D'Antuono said. "We immediately shared that information, and action was taken."

The New York Police Department is reported to have given the Capitol Police similar intelligence warnings of impending violence.

The chief federal prosecutor in Washington declared Tuesday he is pursuing conspiracy charges, signaling the attacks on the Capitol involved multiple acts and multiple conspirators working in concert with each other. The prosecutor talked about the planting of carefully constructed IEDs as one such act. In other words, there was pre-planning for some elements of last Wednesday's chaos.

And the official timeline of events constructed by the New York Times through videos shows protesters began breaching the perimeter of the Capitol a full 20 minutes before Trump finished his speech.

This new evidence raises the first compelling question that remains unanswered. How could Trump incite an attack that had already been pre-planned and was in motion before his speech ended?

A senior intelligence official told Just the News he has found no evidence that the president, the White House or the National Security Council was alerted in formal intelligence briefings to the pre-warnings or suspicions of violence the FBI and NYPD have admitted they had.

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik told Just the News on Tuesday it appeared the FBI and NYPD did their job in alerting the Capitol Police, but the evidence of a pre-planned attack would undercut the current narrative that Trump had incited a spontaneous insurrection.

"By all accounts, the FBI, NYPD and other authorities did exactly what they should have done by conducting interviews and making notifications to the Washington D.C. authorities," Kerik said. "If these reports are true, you cannot incite a group that already pre-planned acts of violence by days or weeks, and it raises serious questions as to what security precautions were taken at the Capitol as a result."

The second major question that remains unanswered is: What did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the other leaders in Congress know — and when did they know it — about the possibility for violence and the Pentagon's pre-attack offer to send National Guardsmen to reinforce the Capitol Police?

The U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who resigned after the attack, told The Washington Post that security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early request to call in the National Guard ahead of a protest.

Finally, there is this troubling third question: Were there facilitators inside the Capitol and outside it who instigated or enabled the attack to be carried out?

Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) one of the House's longest serving and most respected members, first raised this question a few days ago. He aptly noted that protesters were able to locate and penetrate his unlisted, unmarked office within minutes, raising the possibility they had inside help.

And video taken contemporaneously shows officers and other people opening doors to rushing rioters and some people — purported by the filming cameramen to be leftist anarchists —smashing windows and urging protesters to jump into the Capitol.

Identifying any insider help and the motives will be the final and perhaps most delicate task investigators face.
That is classic Tibs and why he embtrrasses himself here so frequenty. Instead of addressing the points made he introduces strawmen and red herrings thinking we'll ignore the previous post that made him look like a fool.

Shocking, this can't be Phinnster. Managed to type up two whole sentences without calling me a communist a single time! This post needs to be printed-out, framed, and put in the SN Hall of Fame. It may the the first, and last of its kind.
Exactly, just like I said, plain and simple.

There is a HUGE difference between peaceful protest, and a violent uprising. I've stated that over and over again, that I support the right to peaceful protest for all - left, right and everything in between.

Everything else having to do with this topic is being brought upon by the constant, incessant moral outrage - cranked up to 11 - by those on the right.

Be my guest, have at it, if that's what rocks your boat.

Very telling you ignored this part, but not a surprise:

Protesting is as old as America herself. Sometimes things spin out of control.

I guess things just spun out of control right Tibs?

The image you posted equates the BLM/Antifa riots to the Boston Tea Party, funny you're not using that comparison this time. Hmmm I wonder why?.
I'm curious how you feel that as we sit here right now, Donald J. Trump is in the process of being impeached, for a second time.

Do you agree with Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders, who have stepped up to support impeachment?

As opposed to the first time around, this seems to have the chance to be a bi-partisan venture.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), the third-highest ranking Republican leader in the House:

I don't agree with any of them for the simple fact that NONE of them are doing any of it for the right reasons. This is being done to grab power through political expedience.
Shocking, this can't be Phinnster. Managed to type up two whole sentences without calling me a communist a single time! This post needs to be printed-out, framed, and put in the SN Hall of Fame. It may the the first, and last of its kind.

Don't flatter yourself Tibs, there's a good reason we refer to you as a Communist. Your lack of self-awareness is fascinating.
Pretty funny, and telling, how much time you guys spend bellyaching about what a purported communist, (or is it fascist? I can't keep track), anti-American ******* living in Hungary thinks or says, someone who's opinion nobody gives a **** about, someone who's deemed to be a paid-Soros troll, et al.

Yet, you go through my posts with a fine-toothed comb and hang on my every word, going back years and years.

Why not opine on recent events, for instance the ongoing impeachment proceedings happening right now, in the House chambers? Or the fact the country is reeling from MAGA's attack on the Capitol, the halls of Congress filled with national guardsmen, awaiting this weekend's events?

Why is the reality of this so difficult for you to stomach and to address? Why is it so comforting for you instead, to turn on a fellow American who posts on this board, and let that consume your attention and energy?

Because right now, truth and reality is painful and uncomfortable, for anyone still willing to support Trump & MAGA.

I get it. And that's what I see in all your posts attacking me and my every word, pulling up old posts of mine from years ago. It is the ultimate cop-out, strawman and distraction. A desperate attempt to keep yourselves from facing the music.

I can't say I blame you.
Last edited:
Tibs in here gaslighting again. I’m old enough to remember Obama purging every officer of field grade rank and above who would not agree to lead troops against American civilians. All those “Gentlemen” are Obama holdovers.
Interesting to see many here still arguing there's no connection between Trump and the violent attack on the Capitol last week.

If that's the case, why are so many long-time contributors and supporters turning their backs on Trump & the Republicans who continue to support him? Is this all some huge liberal conspiracy? Leftists pulling the strings in corporate America? Or are these companies listening to their conscience and doing what they feel is right?

A list of companies halting donations to GOP members of the Coup Caucus:

American Airlines
American Express
Best Buy
Black Rock
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
Boston Scientific
Charles Schwab
Commerce Bank
Ernst & Young
General Electric
Goldman Sachs
JPMorgan Chase
Marathon Petroleum
Marriot International
Morgan Stanley
Smithfield Foods
I'm curious how you feel that as we sit here right now, Donald J. Trump is in the process of being impeached, for a second time.

Do you agree with Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders, who have stepped up to support impeachment?

As opposed to the first time around, this seems to have the chance to be a bi-partisan venture.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), the third-highest ranking Republican leader in the House:

ALL of the Repubs who are siding with the Dims calling for peach mint again are doing so for purely political reasons. Trump is out of office in a week, even if this peach pie burns. So by siding with their Dim clones (they're all the same) they see it as a way of extending an olive branch publicly. So that they might be able to negotiate better since they're the minority now.

yet the Repubs who are not siding with the Dims are showing some ******* backbone. I applaud them for standing for their morals and beliefs.
Interesting to see many here still arguing there's no connection between Trump and the violent attack on the Capitol last week.

If that's the case, why are so many long-time contributors and supporters turning their backs on Trump & the Republicans who continue to support him? Is this all some huge liberal conspiracy? Leftists pulling the strings in corporate America? Or are these companies listening to their conscience and doing what they feel is right?

A list of companies halting donations to GOP members of the Coup Caucus:

American Airlines
American Express
Best Buy
Black Rock
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
Boston Scientific
Charles Schwab
Commerce Bank
Ernst & Young
General Electric
Goldman Sachs
JPMorgan Chase
Marathon Petroleum
Marriot International
Morgan Stanley
Smithfield Foods

goddammit, Tibs. you're one delusionary ****, arent you?

companies have been distancing themselves from Trump since he beat Queen ***** at her own game. This is nothing new. Nothing exciting. Absolutely nothing worth rubbing yourself for. Why should I give a **** about this? It's all a dog whistle for the progressive Left to spend their money with these companies. nothing more.
Drunk Nancy in 2016

Just remember, this form of accusation against an election are just fine. Riling up the violent Liberal base with this rhetoric was ok. Twitter still allows this tweet to exist on their platform.

Nothing to see here...
Speaking of backbone, Rep. Newhouse is the sixth Republican to put country over party, and stand with the Republic. Kudos to him.

Republican Rep. Dan Newhouse announces he is voting to impeach Trump even though he thinks the articles are "flawed."

He says there is "no excuse" for Trump's actions; he says Trump "misinformed and inflamed a violent mob."

Newhouse says he and others should've spoken up sooner.
Wow, hell may just freeze over. Rep. Kevin McCarthy speaking the truth. Never thought we'd live to see this day.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Kevin McCarthy: "Some say the riots were caused by antifa. There is absolutely no evidence of that. And conservatives should be the first to say so."<a href="https://t.co/zkLk4S6s53">pic.twitter.com/zkLk4S6s53</a></p>— The Recount (@therecount) <a href="https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1349426245067534337?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 13, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Wow, hell may just freeze over. Rep. Kevin McCarthy speaking the truth. Never thought we'd live to see this day.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Kevin McCarthy: "Some say the riots were caused by antifa. There is absolutely no evidence of that. And conservatives should be the first to say so."<a href="https://t.co/zkLk4S6s53">pic.twitter.com/zkLk4S6s53</a></p>— The Recount (@therecount) <a href="https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1349426245067534337?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 13, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

I think there were a few BLM or ANTIFA agitators but they do not get my blame people acted stupidly. Who gets my blame is the faceless person behind the scene who took advantage of the situation and made sure the crowd had opportunity to get close enough to disrupt the session helping the Democrats fight off the contesting of several States that was about to happen. When the barriers were moved to allow the crowd access directly to the building with Cops waving them forward as seen on video I knew something was up. There was no scenario where a politician supporting Trump or Trump himself had anything positive to gain from this leading me to firmly believe it was a crime of opportunity by a Democrat to stop the proceedings. This is backed up by the actions of the Sergeant at Arms.
Pretty funny, and telling, how much time you guys spend bellyaching about what a purported communist, (or is it fascist? I can't keep track), anti-American ******* living in Hungary thinks or says, someone who's opinion nobody gives a **** about, someone who's deemed to be a paid-Soros troll, et al.

Yet, you go through my posts with a fine-toothed comb and hang on my every word, going back years and years.

You truly are blind. No sense of self-awareness.

The people on Twitter who are the most vile, the most concerning, the most radical draw the most scrutiny. Same on nearly every social platform. Those who have a camera stuck in their face and utter the craziest bullshit receive the highest amount of backlash. The extremes in society always draw the most ire and scrutiny.

Likewise here, your rhetoric and personal attacks and off-the-plantation ideas and commentary garner you similar scrutiny.

Pat yourself on the back if you like. I suppose you will regardless.
Edit to put the Establishment before the people of the United States.

Sure, have it your way. Call it what you want.

I'll take the Establishment over a seditious, violent mob plotting to murder our elected officials and carry out an insurrection against the Republic every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

And contrary to what you all think, I'd feel exactly the same way if the insurrectionists were from the left or the right. The madness must stop.
Pretty funny, and telling, how much time you guys spend bellyaching about what a purported communist, (or is it fascist? I can't keep track), anti-American ******* living in Hungary thinks or says, someone who's opinion nobody gives a **** about, someone who's deemed to be a paid-Soros troll, et al.

Yet, you go through my posts with a fine-toothed comb and hang on my every word, going back years and years.

Why not opine on recent events, for instance the ongoing impeachment proceedings happening right now, in the House chambers? Or the fact the country is reeling from MAGA's attack on the Capitol, the halls of Congress filled with national guardsmen, awaiting this weekend's events?

Why is the reality of this so difficult for you to stomach and to address? Why is it so comforting for you instead, to turn on a fellow American who posts on this board, and let that consume your attention and energy?

Because right now, truth and reality is painful and uncomfortable, for anyone still willing to support Trump & MAGA.

I get it. And that's what I see in all your posts attacking me and my every word, pulling up old posts of mine from years ago. It is the ultimate cop-out, strawman and distraction. A desperate attempt to keep yourselves from facing the music.

I can't say I blame you.

Ohh noes,

Tibs is upset we're exposing his blatant hypocrisy.

Poor baby.
Interesting to see many here still arguing there's no connection between Trump and the violent attack on the Capitol last week.

If that's the case, why are so many long-time contributors and supporters turning their backs on Trump & the Republicans who continue to support him? Is this all some huge liberal conspiracy? Leftists pulling the strings in corporate America? Or are these companies listening to their conscience and doing what they feel is right?

A list of companies halting donations to GOP members of the Coup Caucus:

American Airlines
American Express
Best Buy
Black Rock
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
Boston Scientific
Charles Schwab
Commerce Bank
Ernst & Young
General Electric
Goldman Sachs
JPMorgan Chase
Marathon Petroleum
Marriot International
Morgan Stanley
Smithfield Foods

Tibs cheerleading for the 1% is hilarious.