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US Capitol breached

The National Guard has been brought in to heighten security throughout the U.S. Capitol as the House debates a second Trump impeachment and prepares for the presidential inauguration of Joe Biden on January 20. There are barricades set up protecting the Capitol, and anyone entering will be checked for badges, asked questions, and have to enter through a metal detector. According to House security, this is the first time troops have set up camp overnight in the U.S. Capitol since the Civil War in the 1860s.

Matt Gaetz lit it up. Bravo sir

One of my Supervisors got called up from the Delaware National Guard and is serving there right now..

As much as I don't like it...but since the summer riots and now this ...I think a strong military presence is needed at critical locations throughout the country going forward for some time....

God Bless him and God Bless America!
Sure, have it your way. Call it what you want.

I'll take the Establishment over a seditious, violent mob plotting to murder our elected officials and carry out an insurrection against the Republic every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

And contrary to what you all think, I'd feel exactly the same way if the insurrectionists were from the left or the right. The madness must stop.

Yeah sure you would. Please cite evidence of your outrage when this was going a mere few months ago, I'll wait:

Sure, have it your way. Call it what you want.

I'll take the Establishment over a seditious, violent mob plotting to murder our elected officials and carry out an insurrection against the Republic every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

And contrary to what you all think, I'd feel exactly the same way if the insurrectionists were from the left or the right. The madness must stop.


Don't worry Tibs is gonna provide all the posts where he expressed the same horror during the hundreds of riots that took place last year.
Great! Makes them even more so the Party of the people and the Democrats the Party of big business and Wall street, as we have known all along.

Strange that you supported Trump’s deficit funded tax cut for corporations and the wealthy.
Hey Tibs why are you crying about a protest and civil uprising?

What a petty thing to be wondering about during a civil uprising and protest.

Strange that you supported Trump’s deficit funded tax cut for corporations and the wealthy.

Tibs would appreciate it if you stayed on topic.
The gift that keeps on giving.

And yes, this is a protest, a civil uprising by Americans of all colors and creed. There are protests in many cities, not just in Minneapolis. Yes, there is a lot of rage and anger on the streets, understandably so. Buildings are getting lit up, and yeah, there's been some looting. In typical fashion, right-wingers just focus on the looting, call the protestors thugs and criminals, and completely miss the big picture aspect of what is happening.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I’m glad people are FINALLY SPEAKING UP AND RAISING THEIR VOICES! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlackLivesMatter?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BlackLivesMatter</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlackLivesMater?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BlackLivesMater</a> <a href="https://t.co/U7IoFsZydT">pic.twitter.com/U7IoFsZydT</a></p>— ���� ♡⁷ ⟭⟬ (@cafeeyoongi) <a href="https://twitter.com/cafeeyoongi/status/1266315951395540992?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 29, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Yeah sure you would. Please cite evidence of your outrage when this was going a mere few months ago, I'll wait:

Sure, I'll pull up all my posts from the past when Democrats and those on the left were plotting to murder elected officials and carry out an armed insurrection against the Republic by storming the Capitol in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election.

Oh wait, I can't do that, cause that never happened. In fact, it hasn't happened in over two hundred years.

It's sad and ominous to see the nation's capital teeming with National Guardsmen, there to protect our seat of government from violent extremists.

Islamic terrorists sent by Al Qaeda, supporters of Osama bin Laden or some other foreign adversary?

Nope, far right domestic terrorists, MAGA supporters, radicalized by the sitting President. Simply unfathomable.

History will weigh heavily on the words and actions of all Americans at this moment of peril, particularly those elected officials in government, who have a solemn, Constitutional duty to rein in an out-of-control President.
Tibs, can you please take your radical hatred and violence mongering and go somewhere else?

Don't you have some skinheads to rile up somewhere so they can do your nefarious dirty work?
Which is worse:
Dims memories or Dims selective memories?

Islamic terrorists sent by Al Qaeda, supporters of Osama bin Laden or some other foreign adversary?

Nope, far right domestic terrorists, MAGA supporters, radicalized by the sitting President. Simply unfathomable.

certainly you know why you don't hear from ISIS, Daesh, etc anymore, right?
Which is worse:
Dims memories or Dims selective memories?


And this is precisely why I say another Civil War is coming. We may already be in a silver war that simply hasnt gone Kinetic yet.
The gift that keeps on giving.

A one-trick pony if there ever was one. Pull up all my posts, knock yourself out. I've freely admitted I supported - and will continue to support - the broad civil rights movement, and will always stand against police brutality, regardless of race. I've also made it clear, over and over, that I support the right to peaceful protest, and denounce any type of violence, on any side.

As I've pointed out, it's all too obvious these current events are too much for you to digest, or to address honestly. You cannot face the fact Trump lost this election, and that Joe Biden will soon be sworn in as President. You can't accept the sad fact MAGA radicals stormed the Capitol, wreaking havoc, murdering police, threating the Vice President and members of Congress. You cannot stomach the fact Trump lied to and deceived his supporters about election fraud, and consequently incited an angry mob of his supporters.

It is all too much for you to bear. Hence, we see you wilting under pressure, time and again.

I'm sorry this is happening to you. The sooner you face the truth and begin digesting the facts, the sooner you'll be able to wrap your head around what is happening. I wish you nothing but the best in that endevour.
Sure, I'll pull up all my posts from the past when Democrats and those on the left were plotting to murder elected officials and carry out an armed insurrection against the Republic by storming the Capitol in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election.

Oh wait, I can't do that, cause that never happened. In fact, it hasn't happened in over two hundred years.

It's sad and ominous to see the nation's capital teeming with National Guardsmen, there to protect our seat of government from violent extremists.

Islamic terrorists sent by Al Qaeda, supporters of Osama bin Laden or some other foreign adversary?

Nope, far right domestic terrorists, MAGA supporters, radicalized by the sitting President. Simply unfathomable.

History will weigh heavily on the words and actions of all Americans at this moment of peril, particularly those elected officials in government, who have a solemn, Constitutional duty to rein in an out-of-control President.

Thousands of violent thugs in DC assaulted police for days on end, torched buildings (even a church) and tried to storm the White House, it was so bad authorities even had to escort the president to safety in the Presidential bunker.

Republican politicians were also attacked by Biden voters in Washington after the RNC.

I'm sure those events upset you greatly, looking forward to reading those posts where you condemned these criminals. Take your time.
Go right ahead, pull the trigger. You know you want to. It would be a huge relief for a lot of you, would cause people to jump with joy.

Just do it, get it over with. You'll be considered a folk hero until the end of time.

A one-trick pony if there ever was one. Pull up all my posts, knock yourself out. I've freely admitted I supported - and will continue to support - the broad civil rights movement, and will always stand against police brutality, regardless of race. I've also made it clear, over and over, that I support the right to peaceful protest, and denounce any type of violence, on any side.

As I've pointed out, it's all too obvious these current events are too much for you to digest, or to address honestly. You cannot face the fact Trump lost this election, and that Joe Biden will soon be sworn in as President. You can't accept the sad fact MAGA radicals stormed the Capitol, wreaking havoc, murdering police, threating the Vice President and members of Congress. You cannot stomach the fact Trump lied to and deceived his supporters about election fraud, and consequently incited an angry mob of his supporters.

It is all too much for you to bear. Hence, we see you wilting under pressure, time and again.

I'm sorry this is happening to you. The sooner you face the truth and begin digesting the facts, the sooner you'll be able to wrap your head around what is happening. I wish you nothing but the best in that endevour.

Tibs, I know it hurts and embarrasses you when we point out your raging hypocrisy, if you don't want us to continue stop making it so easy.
I'm sure those events upset you greatly, looking forward to reading those posts where you condemned these criminals. Take your time.

Always looking backwards, unwilling to face the realities of the here and now. Unwilling - or unable - to discuss current events regarding the election and the attack on the Capitol.

Understood. It's a tactic as old as politics itself.

Funny, I've never read posts from you condemning the violent acts of the Manson cult. Where are those posts? You must be a huge Manson fan and fully support the brutal murders carried out by his followers. I also haven't seen your posts condemning the vile acts of Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy. You're one sick ******* supporting these mass murderers. You should hang your head in shame. I've searched up and down this board, not a single post from you denouncing Jeffrey Dahmer. You must be a huge fan. Makes me sick to my stomach that you worship these brutal, blood-thirsty mass murderers. Shameful and reprehensible.

See how that works. Easy peezy.
Always looking backwards, unwilling to face the realities of the here and now. Unwilling - or unable - to discuss current events regarding the election and the attack on the Capitol.

Understood. It's a tactic as old as politics itself.

Funny, I've never read posts from you condemning the violent acts of the Manson cult. Where are those posts? You must be a huge Manson fan and fully support the brutal murders carried out by his followers. I also haven't seen your posts condemning the vile acts of Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy. You're one sick ******* supporting these mass murderers. You should hang your head in shame. I've searched up and down this board, not a single post from you denouncing Jeffrey Dahmer. You must be a huge fan. Makes me sick to my stomach that you worship these brutal, blood-thirsty mass murderers. Shameful and reprehensible.

See how that works. Easy peezy.

Last time I checked this board wasn't created when the events you cited occurred, unlike those incidents, the riots of 2020 were discussed here in depth, you posted many times in those threads, please provide the messages where you condemned the attack on the White House, the assault of hundreds of police officers and the torching and looting of many small businesses. Again I'll wait.
Funny, I've never read posts from you condemning the violent acts of the Manson cult. Where are those posts? You must be a huge Manson fan and fully support the brutal murders carried out by his followers. I also haven't seen your posts condemning the vile acts of Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy. You're one sick ******* supporting these mass murderers. You should hang your head in shame. I've searched up and down this board, not a single post from you denouncing Jeffrey Dahmer. You must be a huge fan. Makes me sick to my stomach that you worship these brutal, blood-thirsty mass murderers. Shameful and reprehensible.

See how that works. Easy peezy.

This has to go down as one of your top 5 moronic posts of all time.

Let me see if I can make it 1st grade simple for you.

Manson's actions are not affecting us today. He didn't start a movement. He didn't change cultural thinking. His isolated acts of lunacy were just that. Isolated, and he's been removed from influencing society.

Contrarily, what has happened over the past decade, two decades, three decades politically DOES matter today.

Abortion - still a lightning rod in this country decades later that still embroils us nationally in debate and conflict

Obama's Presidency - the things he did, the legislation he enacted, the words he used STILL affect us to this day. His divisive words enraged a base of our population and has lingering effects. We saw much of that last year

How Democrats and Republicans have handled "Governing" - what Harry Reid did during Obama's Presidency led to negative reactive behaviors that have us at a point where Dems are going to stack courts, make 3 other states out of Democratic strongholds, and roll back legislation out of spite. Like dominoes falling we are watching reaction after reaction to past actions

The riots, last year and current. They are intertwined, whether you will honestly admit it or not. People are angry and protesting now, following example of what our leaders endorsed last year.

Maxine Water's words...drove people to action.

A Congressman being shot by a Liberal still affects people mentally today. Coupled with the attacks on countless others like Rand Paul. Seeing Congressmen surrounded and harassed in the streets of DC last year affects behavior and thinking THIS year.

Sorry, you don't get to dismiss the past when the past laid the foundation for where we are. It is ingrained in where we are, why we are where we are, and must be addressed along with the issues facing us now because they are 100% material to the current toxic environment we live in.
Last time I checked this board wasn't created when the events you cited occurred, unlike those incidents, the riots of 2020 were discussed here in depth, you posted many times in those threads, please provide the messages where you condemned the attack on the White House, the assault of hundreds of police officers and the torching and looting of many small businesses. Again I'll wait.

As opposed to you, I'm interested in discussing the topic of this thread, and the events of this day, as they continue to play out with each passing hour. You can hold remedial class on your own, and hash out your grievances and hurt feelings with what was said by who, relating to events in the past. I'll leave that type of bellyaching all to you. If truly that's where your priorities are right now, again, knock yourself out, parsing and rehashing my every post from over the years on this board.

Can't say I don't feel sorry for you a little, that's a petty and sad way to go through life. But again, whatever rocks your boat.
Funny, I've never read posts from you condemning the violent acts of the Manson cult. Where are those posts? You must be a huge Manson fan and fully support the brutal murders carried out by his followers.

Tried to look back to posts from 1969 about the Manson murders. Could not find them for some reason. Oh, but I did see that a Kamala Harris fan was quarterbacking the Steelers that year.


You should hang your head in shame. I've searched up and down this board, not a single post from you denouncing Jeffrey Dahmer.

False. If you bothered to look, you would find that I specifically noted in the Chinese virus thread that Dahmer was going to ignore the government restrictions and have family for dinner.

And I was appalled. APPALLED.

See how that works. Easy peezy.
