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US Capitol breached

As opposed to you, I'm interested in discussing the topic of this thread, and the events of this day, as they continue to play out with each passing hour. You can hold remedial class on your own, and hash out your grievances and hurt feelings with what was said by who, relating to events in the past. I'll leave that type of bellyaching all to you. If truly that's where your priorities are right now, again, knock yourself out, parsing and rehashing my every post from over the years on this board.

Can't say I don't feel sorry for you a little, that's a petty and sad way to go through life. But again, whatever rocks your boat.

Tibs, if you can't see why we all laugh at your selective feigned outrage now after you excused all the thuggary of the past year I can't help you.

I guess using your idiotic rationale, we should forget anything Trump did last year and focus on how the Biden crime family gets billions from China. Right?

I know it's hard for a member of the leftist cult, but do try to be a little more consistent with your views, even just a wee bit, then we might start taking you semi seriously.

As somebody previously posted, an actual journalist, Glenn Greenwald, obtained the identities of the first 13 arrested for participating in the January 6, 2021 protests and found that exactly zero were active users of Parler. ZERO. NONE.


Therefore, the supposed justification that Google and Amazon gave for attacking that platform is a provable lie.

Those entities simply used the protests as a means to attack a competitor.
I know it's hard for a member of the leftist cult, but do try to be a little more consistent with your views, even just a wee bit, then we might start taking you semi seriously.

I'm gonna attempt the impossible and try to understand your logic. Since you're clearly having sleepless nights, tossing and turning in the wee hours of the morning, obsessing over what I've posted - or haven't posted - on this board over the years, let me try to get this straight.

If I had indeed written numerous forceful posts criticizing violent BLM activists and denounced the looting and rioting in Minnesota and other cities around the nation last summer.... if this board would have been filled with such posts by me.... that would now, in January 2021... affect or change your views on the attack on the Capitol in exactly which way? How would it change your views on Trump's lies regarding election fraud? Or change your views on how the MAGA base erupted in anger and stormed the Capitol? What is the relevance of what I post, or do not post, to how you ascertain and undertstand these current events?

I'll answer my own question. They don't affect you at all, one way or another. You are simply using this entire discussion of what a 'hypocrite' I am to distract from the uncomfortable truth of what an utter shitshow the Trump presidency has become. It's a deep dive down a rabbit hole, to somehow argue, that I can't possibly be truly upset of what's happening with MAGA and the violence at the Capitol, because I wasn't at least this upset by street looting and rioting by mostly minorities this summer. It is the definition of false equivalence.

But I do commend you for stubbornly keeping at it and pushing the narrative.
Tibs, you're absolutely getting what we like to refer to as...flogged. Perhaps if you ask nicely Flog will provide you with some butt salve and a toilet donut.
Tibs, you're absolutely getting what we like to refer to as...flogged. Perhaps if you ask nicely Flog will provide you with some butt salve and a toilet donut.

What a let down. Come on, Indy, you can do better than that. Where's your usual onslaught of curse words and slurs? You're slipping, old man.

Which is worse:
Dims memories or Dims selective memories?


But that's ancient history, Supe. We can't be dwelling on the past few centuries when these things are happening at this very moment.
Tibs, you're absolutely getting what we like to refer to as...flogged. Perhaps if you ask nicely Flog will provide you with some butt salve and a toilet donut.

What a let down. Come on, Indy, you can do better than that. Where's your usual onslaught of curse words and slurs? You're slipping, old man.

Sorry, Tibs, but I laughed at Indy's post. Pretty good.

And look, I have to give Tibs kudos for hanging tough in this thread. I also legitimately ask him to comment on the fact that the claims Parler somehow played a key role in the January 6 protests are a lie and in fact Twitter was the social media platform used by those arrested for their roles in taking the protest to one involving property destruction and violence.

Shouldn't Twitter be de-platformed? Serious question.
Ladies and Gentlemen, President Donald J. Trump has been impeached for the second time. 232-197.

Way to go Donald, you're the best. First President in the history of the United States to manage to get himself impeached not once, but twice.

If that's not winning, I don't know what is.


As somebody previously posted, an actual journalist, Glenn Greenwald, obtained the identities of the first 13 arrested for participating in the January 6, 2021 protests and found that exactly zero were active users of Parler. ZERO. NONE.


Therefore, the supposed justification that Google and Amazon gave for attacking that platform is a provable lie.

Those entities simply used the protests as a means to attack a competitor.
It is convenient of large corporate interests to do the bidding of the incoming US government, whilst being roundly criticized globally, from all points along the political sphere.

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LOL! Dude, Tibs wasn’t serious, he was pointing out the absurdity of your strawman argument.

Don't bother... it's waste of time to engage in banter around here. Everything is a monolithic, set in stone, black or white, up or down, left or right with this group. There are no shades of grey, never ever. Guys like you and me are considered evil, filthy, communist liberals who hate America and want to burn the country to the ground. Nothing will ever change that view. It is locked and loaded until the end of time.

It is what it is. Oh well.
Tibs, you're absolutely getting what we like to refer to as...flogged. Perhaps if you ask nicely Flog will provide you with some butt salve and a toilet donut.
Vile Comrade Tibs, Useful Idiot commands Flog to follow instructions like a serf, or a lesser among equals. I doubt he has to ask nicely.

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As somebody previously posted, an actual journalist, Glenn Greenwald, obtained the identities of the first 13 arrested for participating in the January 6, 2021 protests and found that exactly zero were active users of Parler. ZERO. NONE.


Therefore, the supposed justification that Google and Amazon gave for attacking that platform is a provable lie.

Those entities simply used the protests as a means to attack a competitor.

Glenn Greenwald is just a right-wing, Trump-loving lackey though. Can't trust anything he says.

Oh wait.
Ladies and Gentlemen, President Donald J. Trump has been impeached for the second time. 232-197.

The Senate is not even in session, Tibs. The impeachment does literally nothing. Nothing. They may as well have voted to demand Trump change his hair color. Trump leaves in one week.

So what's the point? Congress has nothing better to do? So maybe they should not get paid for this month, saving the taxpayers millions.
So maybe they should not get paid for this month, saving the taxpayers millions.

They have spent four years refusing to Govern, but instead to blatantly attempt a coup. Maybe they should give back 4 years of pay? $175,000 x how many Congressmen x 4 years could be used to actually pay Americans the relief they were due instead of Burma.
As we let the ramifications of Trump's second impeachment sink in, let's do our part as citizens and help round up the MAGA criminals still on the loose.

The #FBI continues to search for the individuals involved in the violence at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. We ask for the public’s help in identifying people depicted in our new poster. If you see someone familiar, submit a tip at http://fbi.gov/USCapitol. http://ow.ly/GQwN50D7GDl

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Silicon Valley defenders: If you don't like Big Tech's censorship, just start your own social media platform with rules you want.<br><br>Parler: OK, we did. We're the country's most popular app!<br><br>Amazon/Apple/Google: We're uniting to take you off the internet with our monopoly power. <a href="https://t.co/LCaQIvovF0">pic.twitter.com/LCaQIvovF0</a></p>— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) <a href="https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1348667107807002629?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 11, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
And to clear up this dumbass misnomer.... here's this blurb from that far-left, liberal rag, Forbes.

FBI: No Evidence Antifa Involved In Capitol Chaos

FBI Assistant Director Steven D’Antuono said Friday there is no evidence that antifa activists were involved in the violent riots in and around the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, debunking the baseless conspiracy theory propagated by several prominent Republican lawmakers and right-wing pundits that anti-fascist leftists—not a pro-Trump mob—were responsible for death and destruction at the Capitol.

Yet another complete fallacy and diversionary tactic by the right summarily exposed and dismissed. Nice try but no cigar.

MAGA owns this ****, and will, until the end of time. The good 'ol boys got riled up, attacked the Capitol like a bunch of savages and ended up getting their man Trump impeached. Cue up the Darwin awards!
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Silicon Valley defenders: If you don't like Big Tech's censorship, just start your own social media platform with rules you want.<br><br>Parler: OK, we did. We're the country's most popular app!<br><br>Amazon/Apple/Google: We're uniting to take you off the internet with our monopoly power. <a href="https://t.co/LCaQIvovF0">pic.twitter.com/LCaQIvovF0</a></p>— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) <a href="https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1348667107807002629?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 11, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Yes, but they are helping the guvmint, so its ok.

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MAGA owns this ****, and will, until the end of time. The good 'ol boys got riled up, attacked the Capitol like a bunch of savages and ended up getting their man Trump impeached. Cue up the Darwin awards!

Your entire reason for living is gone next week. What then? You don't have anything constructive to say, have not for four years.

And keep poking the bear. Protesters were not weeping and cowering on the House floor; your heroes were.
The Senate is not even in session, Tibs. The impeachment does literally nothing. Nothing. They may as well have voted to demand Trump change his hair color. Trump leaves in one week.

So what's the point? Congress has nothing better to do? So maybe they should not get paid for this month, saving the taxpayers millions.

This is where I have an issue with the vindictive morons in DC, instead of working on confirming Biden's cabinet, they are obsessed with taring and feathering Trump. Petulant children, each and every single one of them.
Sarge said it best in one of his posts, we shouldn't be at one another's throat, but at those of the 536 that represent us in Washington. They are the ones that divide this country.
And keep poking the bear. Protesters were not weeping and cowering on the House floor; your heroes were.

Well, well, look what comes out of the woodwork. Finally someone willing to step up and show support for the armed, seditionist mob, screaming 'hang Mike Pence,' while breaking through doors and windows, ransacking offices, brutally attacking and murdering Capitol police.

Let your true colors shine, for the world to see.
And to clear up this dumbass misnomer.... here's this blurb from that far-left, liberal rag, Forbes.

FBI: No Evidence Antifa Involved In Capitol Chaos

Yet another complete fallacy and diversionary tactic by the right summarily exposed and dismissed. Nice try but no cigar.

MAGA owns this ****, and will, until the end of time. The good 'ol boys got riled up, attacked the Capitol like a bunch of savages and ended up getting their man Trump impeached. Cue up the Darwin awards!

The same FBI that changed documents to charge Flynn and lied? The same FBI that used false information to obtain illegal FISA warrants? Yeah That settles it. The top political arm of the FBI is part of the problem not the solution TIbs.
Strange that you supported Trump’s deficit funded tax cut for corporations and the wealthy.

Funny you twist and lie what the tax cut really was. I got more money back and my Companies owner got more money back and hired me and others with the saving he is getting in taxes. My customers trend toward the more wealthy side and guess what they have been doing? Spending more of their own money not sent to the government on fixing up their homes making them more energy efficient and helping my Company grow and hiring 10 more install crews in a year and a half. that is about 30+ good paying jobs created and a lot of it thanks to tax savings. Those 30 new employees making more money are then doing what? Paying taxes. smaller slice of individual pie but now a bigger pie. Everyone benefits. Taxes go up we sell less houses do not become more energy efficient tax revenue falls. Funny how it works.

Also almost everyone who pays taxes benefitted from the cuts except for a rare few who had outrageous itemizations.