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US Capitol breached


Growing up we feared being overrun by Russians, not our own government. Makes you wonder if the two are actually related these days.

Growing up we feared being overrun by Russians, not our own government. Makes you wonder if the two are actually related these days.

Governments have killed over 170 Million of their own people over the past 100 years.

When our framers made the Constitution, they made it specifically so Americans would be free from tyranny, primarily. Not for threats from overseas or neighboring countries. To protect us from our Government becoming "that" Government.

Todays Liberals, Progressives (first cousins of Communists) bolster our Government to become the very Government we fled when settling here. They don't see it. They are re-creating that which we ran from and founded this great country upon.

History always repeats itself.
Lots of republicans making the stupid calculation that denouncing Trump will somehow get them votes down the line. How? How do you figure that? Sure, it will help them short term by getting some good publicity from the media and getting invited to parties again, but seriously, how do they see this translating to votes later?

Trump had overwhelming support from Republican voters and got a large amount of Dems, including a very sizeable number of minority votes. Why? Because he was not running on the tired establishment republican platform. He was a true populist, actually trying to solve the problems of working people.

That's his great sin that offended Dems and establishment Reps. He actually did things. Meaningful things and not just empty promises. He started looking at government contracts with somebody's brother in law's company charging 10 times what they should. He started asking why departments needed so many people. He started trying to actually reduce the bureaucracy, AKA the swamp. A bunch of unskilled, unelected hacks whose only skill is sucking the gov teet.

This second impeachment is as meaningless as the first. In fact, it actually helps Trump. It further solidifies him as a sympathetic figure to those who voted for him. Only partisan hacks and simpletons see this as a so called "insurrection". Particularly in light of months of BLM riots where far worse was not just tolerated, but championed as patriotic.
Lots of republicans making the stupid calculation that denouncing Trump will somehow get them votes down the line. How? How do you figure that? Sure, it will help them short term by getting some good publicity from the media and getting invited to parties again, but seriously, how do they see this translating to votes later?.

These yahoos are in it for themselves. They could give less than a crap about losing in the primary. I'm sure their family is set for life by that long list of corporations that Tibs listed earlier. Wait a minute.....I thought big companies were bad.....

Interesting to see many here still arguing there's no connection between Trump and the violent attack on the Capitol last week.

If that's the case, why are so many long-time contributors and supporters turning their backs on Trump & the Republicans who continue to support him? Is this all some huge liberal conspiracy? Leftists pulling the strings in corporate America? Or are these companies listening to their conscience and doing what they feel is right?

A list of companies halting donations to GOP members of the Coup Caucus:

American Airlines
American Express
Best Buy
Black Rock
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
Boston Scientific
Charles Schwab
Commerce Bank
Ernst & Young
General Electric
Goldman Sachs
JPMorgan Chase
Marathon Petroleum
Marriot International
Morgan Stanley
Smithfield Foods

Thanks for posting this Tibs. I'll be fueling up at Exxon tomorrow, shopping at Food Lion, and shipping via FedEx. (Smithfield is owned by China now so no big surprise there..) You have a good day.
I'm gonna attempt the impossible and try to understand your logic. Since you're clearly having sleepless nights, tossing and turning in the wee hours of the morning, obsessing over what I've posted - or haven't posted - on this board over the years, let me try to get this straight.

If I had indeed written numerous forceful posts criticizing violent BLM activists and denounced the looting and rioting in Minnesota and other cities around the nation last summer.... if this board would have been filled with such posts by me.... that would now, in January 2021... affect or change your views on the attack on the Capitol in exactly which way? How would it change your views on Trump's lies regarding election fraud? Or change your views on how the MAGA base erupted in anger and stormed the Capitol? What is the relevance of what I post, or do not post, to how you ascertain and undertstand these current events?

I'll answer my own question. They don't affect you at all, one way or another. You are simply using this entire discussion of what a 'hypocrite' I am to distract from the uncomfortable truth of what an utter shitshow the Trump presidency has become. It's a deep dive down a rabbit hole, to somehow argue, that I can't possibly be truly upset of what's happening with MAGA and the violence at the Capitol, because I wasn't at least this upset by street looting and rioting by mostly minorities this summer. It is the definition of false equivalence.

But I do commend you for stubbornly keeping at it and pushing the narrative.

Exposing your glaring hypocrisy is easy and free entertainment, no one is losing sleep Sparky.

Find those posts yet?
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">There are more US troops deployed on Capitol Hill now than in Iraq or Afghanistan. The 15,000 mobilized for Inauguration equals 3 times the number of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.</p>— Jennifer Griffin (@JenGriffinFNC) <a href="https://twitter.com/JenGriffinFNC/status/1349380049191972871?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 13, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

And they are all there to protect us from the President and his followers. Mind-numbing.

There were 100 000 troops deployed around the country to protect innocent business and civilians from thuggish Biden supporters who were being egged on by several members of the Democrat party, you didn't seen to care there, in fact you excused their criminal behaviour, so your present indignation is laughable.
There were 100 000 troops deployed around the country to protect innocent business and civilians from thuggish Biden supporters who were being egged on by several members of the Democrat party, you didn't seen to care there, in fact you excused their criminal behaviour, so your present indignation is laughable.

You'd think he'd appreciate there only being 5K troops in Iraqistan thanks to Trumps leadership and not wanting the US to be authoritarian, colonialists, and the World Police. Guess not.
Is the mayor of Moscow coming to the inauguration?

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LOL, he probably has a reserved seat beside Chinese President Xi Jinping and Hunter Biden.
You know...I think they're deploying the troops to protect the Capitol from the anarchists who have been raiding cities across America this past year under the media driven guise of protecting it from the evil Conservatives. The same ones who defend law enforcement, the rule of law and the military. Stew on that.
While all the troops are in D.C., turn the focus on to twitter and facebook headquarters. As the democrats would say, "burn it to the ground". Can't fly to, or book a room in, Washington, D.C.? Then fly to silicon valley and make your stand where the real power lies.

Imagine that massive communication companies protected by the federal government going after political dissenters in the country.

They'll be here before long at the given rate.
Imagine that massive communication companies protected by the federal government going after political dissenters in the country.

They'll be here before long at the given rate.


And they think we are too stupid to see it. Yet another reason why I believe the current cold civil war is about to turn hot.
Imagine that massive communication companies protected by the federal government going after political dissenters in the country.

They'll be here before long at the given rate.


Former Prosecutor Reviews 'Incitement' Allegations Against Trump, Says Dems Have Big Problems

The buzzword of the last week or so for Democrats and the mainstream media has been “incitement.”

When Democrats talk about the breaching of the Capitol that took place last Wednesday, they couch their “incitement” allegations against President Trump in no uncertain terms. In their view, he did it, needs to be impeached, and kept from being able to hold public office again. Many supposedly “objective” reporters and news outlets have done the same, and without adding qualifiers to their reporting like “Democrats allege” or “legal experts say” and so forth.
But while The Usual Suspects are lining up lawyers to try and back up their claims that the speech Trump gave Wednesday amounted to inciting supporters to riot, and while it is assumed in media/Dem circles that the acting Attorney General may be considering whether or not to file charges against Trump, there are other legal eagles who are weighing in with much different takes. Their takes – at least in my view from the cheap seats – sound sane and far more Constitutionally grounded.

Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, a former assistant attorney general for the District of Columbia from 2007-2009, penned a piece in the Wall Street Journal in which he states that Trump’s speech doesn’t come close to rising to the level of “incitement” and that what he said is protected speech under the Constitution.

He started off by detailing his creds on the issue at hand:
The president didn’t commit incitement or any other crime. I should know. As a Washington prosecutor I earned the nickname “protester prosecutor” from the antiwar group CodePink. In one trial, I convicted 31 protesters who disrupted congressional traffic by obstructing the Capitol Crypt. In another, I convicted a CodePink activist who smeared her hands with fake blood, charged at then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in a House hearing room, and incited the audience to seize the secretary of state physically. In other cases, I dropped charges when the facts fell short of the legal standard for incitement. One such defendant was the antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan.

After citing DC law on incitement and provocation, which was based on a 1969 Supreme Court case, Shapiro pointed out that Trump’s speech fell short of the requirements under DC law:

The president didn’t mention violence on Wednesday, much less provoke or incite it. He said, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

District law defines a riot as “a public disturbance . . . which by tumultuous and violent conduct or the threat thereof creates grave danger of damage or injury to property or persons.” When Mr. Trump spoke, there was no “public disturbance,” only a rally. The “disturbance” came later at the Capitol by a small minority who entered the perimeter and broke the law. They should be prosecuted.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley has made similar arguments, as my colleague Nick Arama previously reported.

Another elephant in the room that the Democrats and the media are reluctant to mention is the timeline issue. According to CBS News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge, the first pipe bomb was said to have been found at the RNC around 12:45 as Trump was still giving his speech:
#CapitolBuilding From Acting US Attorney Michael Sherwin – two pipe Bombs, one near RNC + second, DNC “not a hoax” + “were viable,” ongoing forensics to identify bombmaker + whether timers rigged for max casualties IMAGES first reported @CBSNews pic.twitter.com/d4Sdg4SWy2

— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) January 7, 2021

#CapitolHill NEW: Law enforcement report from 1/7 obtained @CBSNews lays out – what appears to be – a significant timeline. First pipe bomb at RNC called in at approximately 1245 as POTUS spoke at rally with a second device at DNC called in approximately 1315. NOTE: Timing + pic.twitter.com/G6qGWLbTB7

— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) January 10, 2021

From that alone, along with the rioter who came prepared with zip ties, we can perhaps glean that the storming of the Capitol was likely pre-planned. In other words, it doesn’t seem likely that random rallygoers were just standing around listening to Trump’s speech and then getting “incited” enough to leave and then make and plant pipe bombs.

There’s still a lot we don’t know and are still learning, but the “Trump incitement” argument is falling apart by the minute. That won’t stop revenge-minded Democrats in Congress, however, but as the Ben Shapiro saying goes, facts don’t care about your feelings.
Typical, predictable Tibs behavior. When his side loses something major, when he gets scolded, when he exposes himself badly with error or embarrassment, he disappears. I've never understood this, but that's what he does. I *think* he believes time away may make people forget. We never forget though, i.e. American Patriot Michael Avenatti. Of course he will come back, say "I have a life, I was busy, one of my businesses needed attention, I wasn't hiding, sometimes I need time away from this cesspool...blah blah blah." Seems Tibs got is panties in a wad yesterday (I'm guessing this is why Nazi train photos may have been removed? I don't know) and in the end got exposed for being a Liberal hypocrite. Unnerved that someone would tie him to commentary he made in 2016, Sarge's reply was epic. One of the most logical beatdowns using logic I've seen, exposing deep hypocrisy. It was epic. I'm sure he's embarrassed (hell, EYE would be after all that) and is taking a little "hide under the bed hope they forget" break. And yes, also comical he won't address the hypothetical. Coward.

Just curious a day later, if you've managed to wipe the egg off your face? How much of an *** do you have to be to type up that amount of soppy bullshit? Because I didn't immediately respond to something on the board? Holy ****.

Your obsession and infatuation with me is beyond anything close to normal. Do you keep an Excel spreadsheet, logging my posts with my comings and goings? Really, who gives a rat's *** about this stuff?

I'll check in and check out of this board however I see fit. I'll leave and never come back, how's that? Or maybe I will come back, a month later. Hmm, maybe six months, a year? Nah, how 'bout a week later? Or, maybe I won't leave at all, but continue to haunt and torment your soul with my political takes.

Ha ha, it's pure comedy to live in someone's head like this. Though I have to admit, it's a bit creepy too. I wouldn't be shocked if a guy like Tim is on the neighborhood watch list.
I wouldn't be shocked if a guy like Tim is on the neighborhood watch list.

Vile Comrade Tibs, Useful Idiot, are you making some sort of veiled threat to put Tim/others here on some internet list?

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Vile Comrade Tibs, Useful Idiot, are you making some sort of veiled threat to put Tim/others here on some internet list?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk

He certainly is the type of guy to turn in his neighbors to the state. Better hide in the attic and start your diary.
I'm not a mathematician , but it took them only a week to draw up Impeachment papers, but it took them 8 months to give the American people $600 during a pandemic? Keep bowing down to the politicians in DC. They get off as we fight amongst eachother for their "honor" and good name. It's laughable and sad.
I'm not a mathematician , but it took them only a week to draw up Impeachment papers, but it took them 8 months to give the American people $600 during a pandemic? Keep bowing down to the politicians in DC. They get off as we fight amongst eachother for their "honor" and good name. It's laughable and sad.

mathematicians and their sinister cousins - actuaries - are the dredges of society and should be pushed back upon and told they are not no longer welcome anywhere.
Tibs, I know there is a lot taking up your time. the "incitement of violence" by President Trump, the boogeyman, finding Bigfoot, aliens, etc. So I'm pasting this here so you can see it as you quite obviously missed it.

A one-trick pony if there ever was one. Pull up all my posts, knock yourself out. I've freely admitted I supported - and will continue to support - the broad civil rights movement, and will always stand against police brutality, regardless of race. I've also made it clear, over and over, that I support the right to peaceful protest, and denounce any type of violence, on any side.

As I've pointed out, it's all too obvious these current events are too much for you to digest, or to address honestly. You cannot face the fact Trump lost this election, and that Joe Biden will soon be sworn in as President. You can't accept the sad fact MAGA radicals stormed the Capitol, wreaking havoc, murdering police, threating the Vice President and members of Congress. You cannot stomach the fact Trump lied to and deceived his supporters about election fraud, and consequently incited an angry mob of his supporters.

It is all too much for you to bear. Hence, we see you wilting under pressure, time and again.

I'm sorry this is happening to you. The sooner you face the truth and begin digesting the facts, the sooner you'll be able to wrap your head around what is happening. I wish you nothing but the best in that endevour.

then, you've no idea what you're doing. you're supporting this on pure emotion. you do not understand the ramifications of the civil rights movement, nor the history of such. allow me to delve further and drop some knowledge on you. please, read on.

Malcolm X said:
“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man. Let me explain what I mean by the white liberal. In America there is no such thing as Democrat or Republican anymore. In America you have liberals and conservatives. The only people living in the past who think in terms of I’m a Democrat or Republican, is the American Negro. He’s the one that runs around bragging about party affiliation. He’s the one that sticks to the Democrat or sticks to the Republican. But white people are divided into two groups, liberals and conservative. The Democrats who are conservative, vote with the Republicans who are conservative. The Democrats who are liberal vote with the Republicans that are liberal. The white liberal aren’t white people who are for independence, who are moral and ethical in their thinking. They are just a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. The same as the white conservative is a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. They are fighting each other for power and prestige, and the one that is the football in the game is the Negro, 20 million black people. A political football, a political pawn, an economic football, and economic pawn. A social football, a social pawn. The liberal elements of whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro. Getting sympathy of the Negro, getting the allegiance of the Negro, and getting the mind of the Negro. Then the Negro sides with the white liberal, and the white liberal use the Negro against the white conservative. So that anything that the Negro does is never for his own good, never for his own advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal. The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros, and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked, or deceived by the white liberal then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man. The only way that our problem will be solved is when the black man wakes up, clean himself up, stand on his own feet and stop begging the white man, and take immediate steps to do for ourselves the things that we have been waiting on the white man to do for us. Once we do for self then we will be able to solve our own problems’ "The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the "smiling" fox. One is the wolf, the other is a fox. No matter what, they’ll both eat you.”


oh, but Malcolm X also did not trust white conservatives. Yet he pinpointed precisely what it is about the white liberals to not like. I hate using any Malcolm X quote, since i consider the man to be rather racist in his own regard. Yet, that is where you have pushed this conversation, Tibs.

Though Malcolm X held similar disdain and lack of trust for Republicans whom he felt would exploit and deceive just as the Liberal Democrats given the chance, he clearly saw Liberal Democrats as the greatest danger to African Americans. African Americans should heed the warnings of Malcom X even today as the Liberal deception and exploitation of ethnic minorities has all but rendered the minority family unit severely damaged and minority communities in virtual social bondage. It is unfortunate, except that we can now reference four decades of little to no progress when Progressives have been in charge. We need only point to some of the country's largest cities, typically run by Progressive Democrats, to see the deterioration of minority communities. Cities like Flint, Michigan, Chicago, Illinois, Newark, New Jersey, Baltimore, Maryland and St Louis, Missouri have all been historically run by Democrat Mayors dating as far back as 1927 in the case of Chicago. These cities rank among the highest in crime rates, poverty rates, corruption and fiscal irresponsibility.

With truly significant progress made within the African American community over the past several decades, why then does there appear to be more obstacles to continued African American success? How is it that this dilemma seems to happen primarily in Progressive Democrat led cities where the African American populations and African American poverty is at its largest? In 2017, African American spending power was at an all-time high between $1.1 and $1.3 trillion and expected to hit $1.5 trillion by 2021. African Americans represent approximately 12% of the U.S. population with over 35 thousand millionaires.

With this level of power and influence in the U.S., why have African Americans not broken the stranglehold Progressive Democrats have on them? History suggests that it was a combination of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act being signed into law by President Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1964 and 1965.

These were two milestone laws meant to end segregation in public places and stop African American voter suppression. So why would LBJ, a segregationist and racist, sign anti-segregation and anti-discrimination acts into law when he spent the previous twenty years in congress opposing civil rights?

The short answer is deception and bigotry. The truth of the matter is President Johnson knew that if he were able to get these acts passed into law that he and the Democrat party would secure the Black vote for years to come. They were correct. In short, winning the African American vote meant an easier and quicker route to power.

Lyndon Johnson did not hold African Americans in a positive light, but if he could win them over and increase democrat power by signing redundant acts that had been previously signed into law several times prior, well, why the hell not?

Others argue that Republican presidents in the early 1900s lost favor among African Americans due to lack of action to improve the African American condition, even though Americans were fast-growing weary of civil rights battles. However, African Americans continued to vote republican and remained at parity with African Americans votign democrat until the election of Harry S. Truman, who earlier desegregated the Army and fought against racial bias in federal employment in the mid-1900s. However, Harry Truman was also a racist and segregationist. He despised African Americans and Asians..

Up until 1964, between 30 and 40 percent of African Americans voted Republican. It was President Lyndon B. Johnson signign the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act that won him 94 percent of the Black Vote. Republicans have struggled to win more than 10-15 percent of the Black vote ever since.

if you are truly someone with an open mind about American politics and the political football game, read L.I.E.S. by Henry T. Chriss.
if you are truly someone with an open mind about American politics and the political football game, read L.I.E.S. by Henry T. Chriss.
ok, thanks for the tip Supe, I’ll check out the book.
It's all about re-election.

They were preceded by the gaslighting from Tillerson, Mattis, Kelly, Bolton, TRUMPs Supreme Court and Bill Barr and TRUMPs Justice Department none of whom were seeking re-election.