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What are the odds Cam proves worth $22 mill in 2024?

I agree with everything you say except Cam's salary doesn't prevent us from getting another WR, or any other player for that matter. Yes you can kick money down the road with restructuring contracts, but that comes into effect in future years. You're only able to do that to a certain extent before it destroys any chance at a championship in the future.

I think the Steelers are currently (with a couple of small additions)a likely playoff team like last season and if things break right could win a playoff game. But we're not a Superbowl contender unless we somehow add a fairly big name or two. You can tell which players care about that. At this point I'd sadly have to say Cam isn't one of them.

Perceived contender.

Smith’s offense hasn’t even ran a play yet, time will tell us what we need to know.

A lot of things have to fall our way. OL coach needs to better his past history of starting out like molasses. The Russ needs to show us he isn’t sack happy and can pass over the middle as well.

We defenately are headed in right direction with players, so now the coaching needs to step up.

Salute the nation
OL coach needs to better his past history of starting out like molasses. The Russ needs to show us
I got to "The Russ" and was like, "WTF does Russ Grimm have to do with it?" (note to self, read the entire sentence.)

OL coach has his hands full. That said, he has a line full of young bucks and a couple of solid vets. Jones should adapt much faster this year even if they change some terminology. Semo and Daniels can be good mentors for Troy and Zack. Yes, there will be a learning curve, but I like the people they have in place to make it happen
So if you don't want guys at that price, what the hell is the point of demanding Cam take a pay cut? Just for the sake of it?
Yea, just because our team is so well stacked at WR and CB, no possibly way to improve there.
He was never worth the money. Never put the team on his back to win a pivotal game like Joey porter sack in the superbowl run. Or troys unbelievable scoop interception or james harissons superbowl pick 6. Those guys were difference makers. Legends. The Steelers did those guys dirty in the end. Atleast troy and deebo.
Point is whether or not he is or was ever worth the money makes no difference. The NFL is all about money. They signed the contract they need to make good on the money. Every penny. Fair is fair.
If he wants a new contract adjust to his current market value or let him sit out.
He was never worth the money. Never put the team on his back to win a pivotal game like Joey porter sack in the superbowl run. Or troys unbelievable scoop interception or james harissons superbowl pick 6. Those guys were difference makers. Legends. The Steelers did those guys dirty in the end. Atleast troy and deebo.
Point is whether or not he is or was ever worth the money makes no difference. The NFL is all about money. They signed the contract they need to make good on the money. Every penny. Fair is fair.
If he wants a new contract adjust to his current market value or let him sit out.
What makes Cam think he is 27 y/o, or even 30, he's simply not nor should he be paid like he is. It turns out he's just a delusional greedy prick. Did you read his follow up comments on this? He's as delusional as ever.
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He was never worth the money. Never put the team on his back to win a pivotal game like Joey porter sack in the superbowl run. Or troys unbelievable scoop interception or james harissons superbowl pick 6. Those guys were difference makers. Legends. The Steelers did those guys dirty in the end. Atleast troy and deebo.
Point is whether or not he is or was ever worth the money makes no difference. The NFL is all about money. They signed the contract they need to make good on the money. Every penny. Fair is fair.
If he wants a new contract adjust to his current market value or let him sit out.
Players get cut every year because of money. Why should Cam be any different? Thinking about it ...he did just win the Walter Payton award. There is that.
What makes Cam think he is 27 y/o, or even 30, he's simply not nor should he be paid like he is. It turns out he's just a delusional greedy prick.
There is an article by one of the writers on the site that said Cam mentioned he has seen all the negative posts by fans and it will be fun this year because he screen shot them all. Look lole he plan on having a career year and earning every penny of his contract this season.
There is an article by one of the writers on the site that said Cam mentioned he has seen all the negative posts by fans and it will be fun this year because he screen shot them all. Look lole he plan on having a career year and earning every penny of his contract this season.
Greybeard needs to pay less attention to the social media and his podcast and focus on football.
There is an article by one of the writers on the site that said Cam mentioned he has seen all the negative posts by fans and it will be fun this year because he screen shot them all. Look lole he plan on having a career year and earning every penny of his contract this season.
And then we will get to the season and watch him standing on the sideline, having took himself out of the game for half the plays.
There is an article by one of the writers on the site that said Cam mentioned he has seen all the negative posts by fans and it will be fun this year because he screen shot them all. Look lole he plan on having a career year and earning every penny of his contract this season.
Hope he does, it means better D play for our team
From a fans perspective, football is a passion. For the players and owners it's a business.
I'm not going to hate on Cam, considering what he has meant to my team, simply because he's looking out for his best interest.
Yea, just because our team is so well stacked at WR and CB, no possibly way to improve there.
You say that. Ok. Who? This is important. Who can they get that will improve the team at either position at this point? The only route left probably is the trade route. Maybe some guys shake loose in June or at the end of camp, but it is rare to get a Joe Haden. So depending on that may not be the best strategy.

So again, you are left with the trade route really. So before you even get to Cam, you have to figure out how high a pick you are wiling to give up to get a Metcalf or Sutton, for example. Then, more than likely they will want their contracts redone. How far are you willing to go here in draft capital and salary?
I agree with everything you say except Cam's salary doesn't prevent us from getting another WR, or any other player for that matter. Yes you can kick money down the road with restructuring contracts, but that comes into effect in future years. You're only able to do that to a certain extent before it destroys any chance at a championship in the future.

I think the Steelers are currently (with a couple of small additions)a likely playoff team like last season and if things break right could win a playoff game. But we're not a Superbowl contender unless we somehow add a fairly big name or two. You can tell which players care about that. At this point I'd sadly have to say Cam isn't one of them.
Good points. I don't like kicking salary down the road either for a 35 year old player.
Perhaps I have to articulate better. I would be all for getting a player or two that would turn the Steelers into a SB contender, and if that means parting ways with Cam, fine. But that is going to take a lot of $ and draft capital to get that at this point. Are they willing to do that? Would we be OK with that as fans? If not, I would think any lower tier type of player they could make work whatever Cam's salary is.
Perhaps I have to articulate better. I would be all for getting a player or two that would turn the Steelers into a SB contender, and if that means parting ways with Cam, fine. But that is going to take a lot of $ and draft capital to get that at this point. Are they willing to do that? Would we be OK with that as fans? If not, I would think any lower tier type of player they could make work whatever Cam's salary is.
It's hard to say how much capital it would take to get a top player. Sometimes the ability to take on a big contract is enough to lower the price considerably.

Even then a lot of things would have to fall into place.
You say that. Ok. Who? This is important. Who can they get that will improve the team at either position at this point? The only route left probably is the trade route. Maybe some guys shake loose in June or at the end of camp, but it is rare to get a Joe Haden. So depending on that may not be the best strategy.

So again, you are left with the trade route really. So before you even get to Cam, you have to figure out how high a pick you are wiling to give up to get a Metcalf or Sutton, for example. Then, more than likely they will want their contracts redone. How far are you willing to go here in draft capital and salary?
Aren't you the guy who was defending Cam from the get go, before he dropped his "new contract demands?" And you're still defending the guy? OK.
Perhaps I have to articulate better. I would be all for getting a player or two that would turn the Steelers into a SB contender, and if that means parting ways with Cam, fine. But that is going to take a lot of $ and draft capital to get that at this point. Are they willing to do that? Would we be OK with that as fans? If not, I would think any lower tier type of player they could make work whatever Cam's salary is.
6 of Cam's $22 mill is already spent. But that does leave $16 mill of cap $. You can get a really good player for $16 mil, especially when the odds are that we aren't gonna get that much production out of Cam this year. Even if he's healthy, he takes himself out of half the plays.
I'm a cretin? You are an @sshole just trying to pick a fight. How the hell could Cam be a hypocrite at that time? Wouldn't it be the prudent thing to do to let it play out before you call him a hypocrite? And yes, Cam has been wonderful. But now we are getting a clearer picture. That was the point of everything I said at the time, and you damn well know it.

1) Right now there may not be any better additions to be made, unless you want to trade high draft picks. Save $16 million for what? You'd cut Cam, save $16 million, trade a higher pick for Sutton, and pay him 17+ million? And you think he's gonna come here and not want a rework of his contract?
2) When they need flexibility, they will find it. They have proven that over and over again.
You're a cretin for suggesting that I don't have any point in "demanding" (your word, not mine) that Cam take a paycut, when I clearly outlined my reasoning. Yet you continue to insist that $16 million in additional cap space would have no effect on the team. Yes, indeed Cam has proved to be the hypocrite almost everybody except you thought he was months ago. And now, of course, you're just a backpedaling asshoIe.

1) You have no idea what Denver would take for Sutton, and he has no say in reworking his contract if he's traded. They are backed up against the cap wall because of the Russell Wilson contract debacle. You continue to pull bullshlt out of the air.
2) Yeah, they'll find it, all right. Don't be surprised when Omar cuts your hero.
I know he did. I think you should take a pay cut from you employer. What say you?

Did Ben go into Rooney's office and voluntarily ask for a pay cut?
I say that since you know nothing about my employment situation, and nothing about my performance at work, you'd have to be a cretin to think that I should take a pay cut.

I don't know. Did Cam tell fans to go screw themselves?
Say what? What the hell are you saying I said or didn't say? Are you drinking or something tonight? I know I never said Cam would do what Ben ultimately did. All I said, and said consistently, was give it time and see how it plays out. Did you just become a fan of this team? You know how they do things. They were never going to deal with Cam's contract until later, because they didn't need to. They only will when/if they need to. That really isn't Cam's call.
I just distinctly remembered you defending Heyward tooth and nail in a thread right after the season, and how I got sick of your bullshlt then. I searched for it, and found it. Whatever, guy. You've never admitted when you're wrong, and I don't expect you to start now.
You're a cretin for suggesting that I don't have any point in "demanding" (your word, not mine) that Cam take a paycut, when I clearly outlined my reasoning. Yet you continue to insist that $16 million in additional cap space would have no effect on the team. Yes, indeed Cam has proved to be the hypocrite almost everybody except you thought he was months ago. And now, of course, you're just a backpedaling asshoIe.

1) You have no idea what Denver would take for Sutton, and he has no say in reworking his contract if he's traded. They are backed up against the cap wall because of the Russell Wilson contract debacle. You continue to pull bullshlt out of the air.
2) Yeah, they'll find it, all right. Don't be surprised when Omar cuts your hero.

I say that since you know nothing about my employment situation, and nothing about my performance at work, you'd have to be a cretin to think that I should take a pay cut.

I don't know. Did Cam tell fans to go screw themselves?

I just distinctly remembered you defending Heyward tooth and nail in a thread right after the season, and how I got sick of your bullshlt then. I searched for it, and found it. Whatever, guy. You've never admitted when you're wrong, and I don't expect you to start now.
I have no reason to backpedal for two reasons. I am indifferent to what you think about my opinion. My reaction is because I really don't understand how you came to the conclusions you have about what I have been saying. I actually think anyone that can actually hold more than one thought in their head at a time would read over what I have said and realized it was a very reasoned opinion.

You are right as it pertains to Sutton. I am speculating as what it would take. But it hasn't happened yet, which leads me to believe they may be demanding more than the Steelers want to give at this point, if he is really in the mix. Maybe Omar has something up his sleeve. We'll see. And, many times a condition upon trading for someone is a contract rework. Maybe it would be for less in the first year even, who knows. But it happens a lot. Isn't part of Sutton's discontent in Denver his contract?

If Omar cuts Cam, so be it. Unlike some you, I am not emotionally over the top about Cam Heyward. I do wonder where it comes from. Again, he has been a damn good player and community member. In most situations, this gets a player some leeway. But not Cam. Why? I do admit I have been taken back at the vitriol toward the guy.

There is probably some things we don't know about Cam's situation contractually as well. This is a guy who the season before last had 10 sacks. We don't know how bad he was hurt or how well he is recovering. There is a lot we don't know and see. As for Cam telling fans to screw themselves, for the love, stop being so sensitive. If you where him, what would you do? "Yes, yes, I agree with the fans. Cut my salary!" C'mon.

Lastly, when I defended Heyward I was consistent on saying it was too early to pass judgement as we did not know where this was going to go. that was my main point all the time. You have to know that after all your research. I even know I said at least once that if we are in a position later in which Heyward is not willing to take a reduction, then yes, he would be a hypocrite. So I am not wrong. It perplexes me how you got so offended by what I have been saying. I guess because I just didn't up and agree right away? I presented other thoughts that didn't align with yours? Does it matter that much if at the end of the day we come to the same conclusion?
Aren't you the guy who was defending Cam from the get go, before he dropped his "new contract demands?" And you're still defending the guy? OK.
Yes, I've defended Cam. But I know that at least one point I even stated that I would agree with you that if we get to a point where it appears he won't take a cut, then yes, he would be a hypocrite. it may have been the only time you ever put a like on one of my posts. Hahaha. But I repeat, I just thought at the time, in March, it was too early to make assertions.
6 of Cam's $22 mill is already spent. But that does leave $16 mill of cap $. You can get a really good player for $16 mil, especially when the odds are that we aren't gonna get that much production out of Cam this year. Even if he's healthy, he takes himself out of half the plays.
That's fair. But I ask again...who? Who is out there as this point that they can get without (probably) giving up some higher draft capital to get? Do you want to do that?
Greybeard needs to pay less attention to the social media and his podcast and focus on football.
Maybe Heyward doesn't have the self motivation anymore. Some players self motivate. Have an inner drive to be the best. They want that SB ring. While others criticize fellow players on their team to take paycuts. They need to look at social media platforms to get that extra push. I say to each their own. If Heyward can take his play a few notches up by reading and taking screenshots so be it. Hopefully it helps his run defense this year.
That's fair. But I ask again...who? Who is out there as this point that they can get without (probably) giving up some higher draft capital to get? Do you want to do that?
Why do we need to have to bring someone else in this year? Cap space rolls over year to year. Omar isn't just looking at this season. He is looking towards the years ahead. Or hopefully he is. Why hold onto an old beat up player a year to long with a $16 mill cap hit just because that one player isn't out there THIS year?
Hope he does, it means better D play for our team
I would like Cam focus on stopping the run more this year. Maybe add 50 lbs onto his frame. Just clog up the middle of the defense to let our fast and athletic LBers ball out. It seems our DL only think about getting those sack totals up lately. At least that it what the eye test says anyways.