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What are the odds Cam proves worth $22 mill in 2024?

I would like Cam focus on stopping the run more this year. Maybe add 50 lbs onto his frame. Just clog up the middle of the defense to let our fast and athletic LBers ball out. It seems our DL only think about getting those sack totals up lately. At least that it what the eye test says anyways.
He is being payed way too well just to be a run stuffer. He claims his injury held back his on the field play. Now he has a chance to show it. I prefer they work out some short term friendly deal but I would cut him before I ask him to bulk up. IMO that wouldn’t be getting the best bang for the buck. As you need those inside guys capable of pressuring QBs. Keeps your D not dependent on outside pressure…
Maybe Heyward doesn't have the self motivation anymore. Some players self motivate. Have an inner drive to be the best. They want that SB ring. While others criticize fellow players on their team to take paycuts. They need to look at social media platforms to get that extra push. I say to each their own. If Heyward can take his play a few notches up by reading and taking screenshots so be it. Hopefully it helps his run defense this year.
Conditioning will help his run defense. All that other motivational crap won't help unless it's equal to the work put in.

At 35 years old, you'd better be working hard on your body.
Why do we need to have to bring someone else in this year? Cap space rolls over year to year. Omar isn't just looking at this season. He is looking towards the years ahead. Or hopefully he is. Why hold onto an old beat up player a year to long with a $16 mill cap hit just because that one player isn't out there THIS year?
That is a good point. I'd be fine with that. However, unless I missed it, that option was not raised in the context of this discussion. It was always about bringing someone in.

I've thought of this conversation and laughed. You can have opposing thoughts, can't you? For example, my daughter is a wonderful young woman. She worked her way through school, got her degree, has an excellent job and 5 months ago became a mother. She is doing a great job with that as well. I believe that. However, at the same time I can look at my son-in-law, chuckle and say, "Good Luck! She's a pain in the @ss!"

With that in mind, I can defend Cam Heyward from what I think is ridiculous, like calling him a hypocrite before we even know what will happen with his contract, and at the same time have no problem if they move on from him. If I would read tomorrow that they cut him, I'd think Wow! and begin to look at who they'd replace him with or what big time player they might bring in. It's the way it is. I just don't have the same loyalty to these guys maybe I did with the 70s guys or Ben, Troy and Hines because they haven't won anything. I have also defended Tomlin from what I feel is the ridiculous. I think he is a great coach. But I can think that and at the same time think he should not be the coach of the Steelers anymore. It's been long enough. It's time for a change. I'm just perplexed why that is an issue.
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The process is FAR from over; we got cuts coming up where some decent players will emerge as FAs. And then there's these:

Now wait. I thought the perimeters of this was players who could take the Steelers to another level. I'm not so sure any of those players on the list do that. Would they be better to some degree with a JC Jackson or Xavien Howard? I guess. Do those guys play slot? But I don't know that it takes them to another level. And I don't know if opening a hole at DE is worth just getting marginally better somewhere. If they can get that big talent, and they have to cut Cam Heyward to do so and don't have to lose high draft capital, I am on board.

The bolded is absolutely right, which is why back in March I was saying over and over again not to jump to conclusions at that point about Cam Heyward and his contract. There is a bit of clarity now, so it looks like you may be correct, Cam Heyward seems to be a hypocrite. But I always conceded that it was a possibility if given the time to let it play out.
Cam not being at OTAs is not that big of a deal. I recall Ben missing a year due to vacation.
Cam not being at OTAs is not that big of a deal. I recall Ben missing a year due to vacation.
Here I thought the reason why Cam was skipping OTAs was he wanted an extension. I wonder why Cam didn't just say he was on vacation?
The DL can't gel without Cam. Get in there Cam. Jam up and jelly tight.
my point is a vet missing OTAs is not a big deal. missing training camp would be a problem
Lol....I know what your point was but Ben being on a vacation and Cam wanting a new contract is like total opposite ends of the spectrum. Kind of laughable example you thru out there....no?
Lol....I know what your point was but Ben being on a vacation and Cam wanting a new contract is like total opposite ends of the spectrum. Kind of laughable example you thru out there....no?
Yes if your QB the leader of your team can say, hey **** OTAs I am on Vacation, then a Vet who wants a new contract can stay away from OTAs.
Yes if your QB the leader of your team can say, hey **** OTAs I am on Vacation, then a Vet who wants a new contract can stay away from OTAs.
Yep yep. You are spot on.:rolleyes:

Just like Cam stated Ben should take a pay cut to help the team. Since Ben did I am sure Cam will. Oh wait.....
Contact money be damned. . To give him walking papers, just kills our defense
Going off of what? Last season? He missed a large portion of the season hurt and play another large portion hurt. And our defense wasn't anything special. The year or two before last season same results but he played in every game. Maybe it is scheme. In the end Cam isn't a game changer on our D. Whether he olays or doesn't our run defense has sucked.
He is being payed way too well just to be a run stuffer. He claims his injury held back his on the field play. Now he has a chance to show it. I prefer they work out some short term friendly deal but I would cut him before I ask him to bulk up. IMO that wouldn’t be getting the best bang for the buck. As you need those inside guys capable of pressuring QBs. Keeps your D not dependent on outside pressure…
Our old 3-4 with all beefy linemen used to work just fine with relying on pressure from OLB. As a matter of fact, it was a better D than capt. Tomfoolery puts on the field, who doesn't comprehend what a real NT looks like in a 3-4 D. Those Dick Lebeau/Cowher Ds were superior to what goofball puts on the field, which is consistently the most expensive D in the NFL ranking in the 20's.
Our old 3-4 with all beefy linemen used to work just fine with relying on pressure from OLB. As a matter of fact, it was a better D than capt. Tomfoolery puts on the field, who doesn't comprehend what a real NT looks like in a 3-4 D. Those Dick Lebeau/Cowher Ds were superior to what goofball puts on the field, which is consistently the most expensive D in the NFL ranking in the 20's.
Times change cooch. DL’s defense was exposed. Now you have to get with the times. But one thing that hasn’t changed is that pressuring the QB works. If you do it effectively. I see undersized players is their new experiment in regards to the position. Thing is they still have to be able to stop the run simultaneously.

And yeah the D hasn’t lived up to billing, we shall see what transpires.
Our old 3-4 with all beefy linemen used to work just fine with relying on pressure from OLB. As a matter of fact, it was a better D than capt. Tomfoolery puts on the field, who doesn't comprehend what a real NT looks like in a 3-4 D. Those Dick Lebeau/Cowher Ds were superior to what goofball puts on the field, which is consistently the most expensive D in the NFL ranking in the 20's.
Loved that defense. A. Smith to me is the most underrated Steeler of all time. But the NFL has changed since then. Rules favor offenses way more than they did then
Loved that defense. A. Smith to me is the most underrated Steeler of all time. But the NFL has changed since then. Rules favor offenses way more than they did then
Agreed on both, but I'm not so sold that the old 3-4, with a legit NT, couldn't still fair better today than Tomfoolish's hybrid Tampa D is doing today. He spends THE most on D and gets so-so results: 21st in yards given up. #1 in $ spent. 19th in rushing yards given up. That's not Pgh football as far as I'm concerned. Gimme a Dick LeBeau D with a Hampton or Joel Steed at NT in there. Tomlin is aloof to that D.
Agreed on both, but I'm not so sold that the old 3-4, with a legit NT, couldn't still fair better today than Tomfoolish's hybrid Tampa D is doing today. He spends THE most on D and gets so-so results: 21st in yards given up. #1 in $ spent. 19th in rushing yards given up. That's not Pgh football as far as I'm concerned. Gimme a Dick LeBeau D with a Hampton or Joel Steed at NT in there. Tomlin is aloof to that D.
They need to change the scheme. I only coached HS football but can read what they are doing. god knows NFL caliber coaches see right through it
Agreed on both, but I'm not so sold that the old 3-4, with a legit NT, couldn't still fair better today than Tomfoolish's hybrid Tampa D is doing today. He spends THE most on D and gets so-so results: 21st in yards given up. #1 in $ spent. 19th in rushing yards given up. That's not Pgh football as far as I'm concerned. Gimme a Dick LeBeau D with a Hampton or Joel Steed at NT in there. Tomlin is aloof to that D.
I think the 3-4 could still hold up today.
A legit NT really does let the linebackers get creative with blitzing
They need to change the scheme. I only coached HS football but can read what they are doing. god knows NFL caliber coaches see right through it
Once again, that falls on the head coach, like so, so many things do.