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What is happening at the Southern Border, and why (D)ims should be jailed for this


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
The depraved (D)ims have made the crisis on the Southern border. And to anyone who once denied it was a crisis ...

A medical professional on the border in Texas told Big League Politics that the crisis is reaching fever pitch, with three individuals now quarantined at a privately-owned hospital in El Paso with an unknown disease. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not even been able to identify the disease the three migrants have, as the military guards the quarantine area.

“There were some Congolese people caught crossing the border, it was suspected they had Ebola. In one facility there are three patients being held because they don’t know what they have. The CDC have been here to assess them. They are isolated, they only have certain specialists who can see them,” the medical professional tells Big League Politics.

“We’ve had an outbreak of mumps over here.”

“What scares me is what happens if we someone come over here with Ebola. We only need one person, and there’s a pandemic.”

“There was a female, 10 years old, who was found with 20 different types of semen inside her body. She was dispatched to a family member. The girl who was with her who was supposedly a family member was not really a family member, just someone who bought her from her family in Guatemala. These are real problems that exist here on the border. There are some people who are trying to leave jugs of water out here for them. A lot of these people come to this country needing help,” the professional stated.

Migrants are obtaining “Rent-A-Kids,” and since Border Patrol cannot perform DNA tests to determine if children are related to adults most of the human traffickers get into our country.


All caused by the insane asylum policy that Congress can fix TODAY, but simply won't - solely for photo ops and political purposes.

The (D)'s responsible should be in jail.
There was a female, 10 years old, who was found with 20 different types of semen inside her body.

That's ******* nasty!
******* Trump!

Sickening. ******* criminals.
Thomas Homan, President Donald Trump’s pick for “border czar,” weighed in on the Democrats’ first presidential debate with harsh words that accused the left of selling a deceitful message about the cages used to house children at the border to open America to all crossers — legal, illegal, whatever.

And he’s right.

As Homan also said: It’s not Trump who’s responsible for creating the cages at the border — the same cages the left is busily portraying as concentration camp-like. No, that honor belongs to former President Barack Obama, Homan said. And who would know better than Obama’s own executive associate director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement for almost four years? Yes, that’s Homan, too.

On Fox, he issued Democrats a challenge: Come do a Freedom of Information Act request and see.

The line forms on the left, oh ye presidential hopefuls of the far left.

This isn’t the first time Homan has spoken bluntly about the border lies being perpetrated by liberals.

At a recent Center for Immigration Studies’ conference, Homan said first, these so-called cages are not the brainchild of the Trump administration — they’re facilities that were “built under the Obama administration,” the Washington Examiner reported. Second, they weren’t intended for children; the fact that children are now being used as political pawns and blatant pathways to citizenship for whole families is a relatively new border battle. And third, the chain link fencing the left likes to sensationalize as cages is really a protective measure to keep the little kids away from the adults — you know, the drug cartel, gang-banging, sex trafficking types that could harm these children.


Well, point number four is the obvious.

That’s the one that goes: Democrats know all this. They’re just using the sad sack pictures and stories of these border crossers to score political points — and to open borders wide to all.


(D)im policies encouraged the mass illegal immigration. (D)im politicians are keeping those policies in place, no matter the rape and loss of life, as a political weapon. (D)im politicians should be jailed for human trafficking.
Liberals - Jim Carrey
Border Patrol - Jeff Daniels
American Taxpayer - Middle Guy

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The depraved (D)ims have made the crisis on the Southern border. And to anyone who once denied it was a crisis ...

A medical professional on the border in Texas told Big League Politics that the crisis is reaching fever pitch, with three individuals now quarantined at a privately-owned hospital in El Paso with an unknown disease. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not even been able to identify the disease the three migrants have, as the military guards the quarantine area.

“There were some Congolese people caught crossing the border, it was suspected they had Ebola. In one facility there are three patients being held because they don’t know what they have. The CDC have been here to assess them. They are isolated, they only have certain specialists who can see them,” the medical professional tells Big League Politics.

“We’ve had an outbreak of mumps over here.”

“What scares me is what happens if we someone come over here with Ebola. We only need one person, and there’s a pandemic.”

“There was a female, 10 years old, who was found with 20 different types of semen inside her body. She was dispatched to a family member. The girl who was with her who was supposedly a family member was not really a family member, just someone who bought her from her family in Guatemala. These are real problems that exist here on the border. There are some people who are trying to leave jugs of water out here for them. A lot of these people come to this country needing help,” the professional stated.

Migrants are obtaining “Rent-A-Kids,” and since Border Patrol cannot perform DNA tests to determine if children are related to adults most of the human traffickers get into our country.


All caused by the insane asylum policy that Congress can fix TODAY, but simply won't - solely for photo ops and political purposes.

The (D)'s responsible should be in jail.

No less than 20 men raped that child. I'm sure many of them are in the country now. Yet reason 1,267,345 i hate that party. Bunch of ******* frauds.
We need some sort of fence like I've seen in another country.
Remember, there is no crisis at the border....because they are just walking across carrying luggage...


VIDEO: Hundreds of Haitians, Africans wade through Rio Grande, stroll into USA — carrying luggage!

Groups of hundreds of Africans, Haitians and others from Central and South America continue to trudge across the U.S.- Mexico border in record numbers, despite promises from Mexico to help stop the massive migration.

Footage from the Del Rio Sector of the border in Texas shows scores are making their way in mini-caravans, with many arriving well-dressed in designer clothes, toting luggage and backpacks with their children in tow....

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/USBP?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#USBP</a> Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended 2 large groups of over 100 in 2 days. Total of 3 large groups this fiscal year. More info: <a href="https://t.co/sojY5Xy8NN">https://t.co/sojY5Xy8NN</a> <a href="https://t.co/eYGo1sKUO9">pic.twitter.com/eYGo1sKUO9</a></p>— CBP South Texas (@CBPSouthTexas) <a href="https://twitter.com/CBPSouthTexas/status/1144335481703976960?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 27, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">At the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, several migrants were spotted climbing a fence as Border Patrol agents looked on <a href="https://t.co/BKK6BNsS4g">pic.twitter.com/BKK6BNsS4g</a></p>— TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) <a href="https://twitter.com/tictoc/status/1144266907161387008?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 27, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I'll repeat it, the Republican needs their own Micheal Moore. Not only would he make millions, the truth the media omits, fails to report, or distorts would be there for the nation to see.

Show the USA citizens hurt by crimes committed at the hands of illegal immigrants. Let's hear their stories

Show the raping in the culture moving north

Show USA families ruined by the illegal hardcore drugs from Mexico

Show the jobs taken

Show the tax budget spent on foreigners, while 1 in every 6 of our kids needs help.

Video can be very powerfull. So whomever this person is, they need to emerge and starting rolling their cameras and interview the victims. Eyes will be opened. And change can happen.
And then there's this...

‘It Is Our Fault’: El Salvador President Takes Responsibility for Deaths of Father and Daughter at Rio Grande
By Brian Min | July 3, 2019

The new president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, on Monday claimed responsibility for the deaths of a Salvadoran father and his daughter who drowned crossing the Rio Grande River attempting to reach the U.S.

The father, Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez, and his 23-month-old daughter, Valeria, became famous throughout the U.S. due to a photo, taken by journalist Julia Le Duc, that depicts them lying face down in shallow water along the bank of the Rio Grande, the father’s black shirt pulled up to his chest with the little girl tucked inside.

Democratic congressmen and Democratic presidential candidates blah, blah, blah...

At a news conference in San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador, President Bukele announced, “We can say President Trump’s policies are wrong; we can say Mexico’s policies are wrong. Oscar and his daughter died, but they were seeking asylum in Mexico for two months.”

“They [Óscar and Valeria] fled, they fled our country. It is our fault. We haven’t been able to provide anything. Not a decent job, not a decent school. What if this little girl would [have] had a decent school here, a decent health care system for her and her family, a decent house with water supply, a job for his [her] parents, for his [her] mother and his [her] dad, a decent job?,” he added.

Salvadoran President Bukele did note to the BBC that he still condemns the treatment of migrants in the U.S. and Mexico, but kept emphasizing that El Salvador had to “focus on making our country better, making our country a place where nobody has to migrate."

Governments in Central America have historically done little to discourage emigration due to the large number of remittances obtained by emigrants: in 2018 alone, Salvadorans abroad sent nearly $5.5 billion, nearly 20% of El Salvador’s GDP, in remittances back to their home country.

Unlike past leaders, President Bukele, who was elected in February 2019, vowed to curb the emigration of Salvadorans. Recently, the number of Salvadorans coming to the U.S. has increased significantly.

The number of Salvadorans apprehended at the U.S. border has nearly doubled to more than 60,000 compared to inflows from the previous year.

President Bukele promises to tackle employment opportunities, poverty, and insecurity to allow Salvadorans to seek a better life at home.

At the end of March, President Trump cut off all direct, annual foreign assistance, roughly $615 million, to the Northern Triangle nations of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, claiming that, despite “taking our money,” Northern Triangle countries are “doing absolutely nothing” to prevent emigration.

The State Department initially softened the blow of President Trump’s cut by providing roughly $432 million in June from the 2017 budget to the Northern Triangle for anti-gang, education, and health initiatives that “were too far advanced to end them,” according to Fox News.

The State Department planned on withholding only $370 million from the fiscal year 2018 budget as well, potentially due to similar reasons.

Regardless of the exact amount of money being cut, it may initially appear that President Trump’s reduction in funding may have prompted President Bukele to actively attempt to stem the tide of emigrants from El Salvador by improving its political and social institutions.

However, President Bukele had been consistently making the case for improvements in El Salvador before President Trump’s threats.

In his first public speech since becoming president, which was at the conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation on March 13, President Bukele underlined the importance of economic growth and development in El Salvador.

In his speech, he also stated that he wanted to improve U.S.-El Salvador relations and emphasized the importance of “providing opportunities back home” by “luring private investment.”

“We don’t want any handouts. Actually we are ready to refuse aid if it will jumpstart commerce. We do want to do business with the United States,” President Bukele added.

Although President Trump might not have prompted El Salvador to action like he did with Mexico in the past, it is still a good sign moving forward that El Salvador and the U.S. will continue to pursue the same goals. Perhaps President Trump should restore funding to El Salvador to demonstrate to Guatemala and Honduras that he is serious about the migration crisis and willing to provide rewards to those who actively help combat it.
I'll repeat it, the Republican needs their own Micheal Moore. Not only would he make millions, the truth the media omits, fails to report, or distorts would be there for the nation to see.

Show the USA citizens hurt by crimes committed at the hands of illegal immigrants. Let's hear their stories

Show the raping in the culture moving north

Show USA families ruined by the illegal hardcore drugs from Mexico

Show the jobs taken

Show the tax budget spent on foreigners, while 1 in every 6 of our kids needs help.

Video can be very powerfull. So whomever this person is, they need to emerge and starting rolling their cameras and interview the victims. Eyes will be opened. And change can happen.

we have one. James Woods.
We need to bear in mind that AOC is a waitress that recently became a congressperson, ze, ji, X, whatever. She's new at this. She'll get better as she grows old and demented like the others.

she's up for re-election in 2020.
The pictures of mini AOC are much funnier.
In her district, NYC, she will win easily. Much Auntie Maxine, she has a job for life.

Her poll numbers in her district are horrible. I could see a Dem challenger knocking her off.
Her poll numbers in her district are horrible. I could see a Dem challenger knocking her off.

Really? That's the only way we'll get rid of her. Maybe from losing the Amazon deal. No point in a Republican even running there.
Speaking of which, and the never-ending respect for free speech by the lefties:

Leftists doxxed her family. Thereafter, "The family of a young girl who went viral for mocking Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shut down all of her social accounts Wednesday, after receiving death threats and harassing phone calls."


If Antifa would have gotten hold of her they would have beaten her up with glee too.

Just ask 21, she would have deserved it.
If Antifa would have gotten hold of her they would have beaten her up with glee too.

Just ask 21, she would have deserved it.

She should have known better, or something.