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Why are liberals so opposed of Republicans?

there are tons of people wanting to adopt children....willing to put up living and medical expenses for women who can not handle a child....

your last comment is just ******* idiotic

Agree with Coolie, that the last point was a swing and miss.

Adoptions are great, my HS gf had a baby and gave it up for adoption before I ever met her. I also think, it’s difficult and not something someone should be forced to do.

Bottom line, dealing with any pregnancy in any way (abort, carry and adopt, carry and keep, miscarriage) is very difficult. People should have the choice and freedom on how to that, and have their choice treated with some level of dignity.
Agree with Coolie, that the last point was a swing and miss.

Adoptions are great, my HS gf had a baby and gave it up for adoption before I ever met her. I also think, it’s difficult and not something someone should be forced to do.

Bottom line, dealing with any pregnancy in any way (abort, carry and adopt, carry and keep, miscarriage) is very difficult. People should have the choice and freedom on how to that, and have their choice treated with some level of dignity.

Maybe they should practice birth control and avoid the situation all together. Then one can easily plan their own parenthood.
2 things. 1. Kids make bad decisions, it’s part of growing up. It’s called development. Abstinence does not work.
Again, this is typical liberal bullshit where there is no responsibility or accountability for anything you do. Kids shouldn't be having sex if they are to immature or irresponsible to take care of their responsibilities that comes from their decisions.
At least I used a condom when I was young and never got a girl pregnant.
SO you made a choice not to have unprotected sex...
2. We all know that there are other scenarios where women get pregnant (failed contraception, rape, incest). People talk about having an abortion like it’s an easy choice. I bet you most women who opt for one don’t do so lightly. It’s a hard choice, but it’s their choice.
Nobody is denying that there are extenuating circumstances where abortion may very well be justified, but they should be the exception to the rule. Failed contraception is just another excuse. If you don't know that NO form of contraception is 100% reliable then you probably should not be having sex in the first place. Again, personal responsibility is something that liberals have a hard time understanding.

You can’t force someone to carry out a pregnancy they don’t want.
Then don't have sex. Using abortion as a form of birth control when there are families more than willing to adopt and care for children is just an excuse to be promiscuous with no responsibility or accountability for the consequences.

In the same way that restricting gun laws won’t eliminate murder or gun deaths, Making abortion illegal won’t eliminate abortion, will only drive abortions into back rooms and make it more dangerous for women.
You don't think having to go to someones basement to have a coat hanger scrape out your uterus wouldn't be a deterrent for a great number of women?

Finally, take a look at the freakonomics study that showed a correlation between a decrease in crime rates 18 years after abortions were made more widespread in certain states. I have seen firsthand (as someone who for over 15 years, did community behavioral health with Medicaid recipients, working with children and families) what happens when people birth, keep and “raise” kids they aren’t invested in. Behavioral problems, school problems, drug use, family discord all leading to a disproportionate consumption of public resources.
Go look at the studies done by Harvard, Yale, and the University of Chicago that completely debunks that study as being biased towards a certain outcome and not factoring in several variables that also play into crime rates. Again, if you are not invested in raising a child open your mouth and not your legs.
Like the same dignity given to the unborn fetus?

This is always the issue I have. There is no winning this argument. I agree with most of Del's position previous. But abortion has been around so long, that many have stopped even considering the baby a human. I have nothing against 3Hypo personally, but he dismisses utterly the point that we are talking about a life. For those in favor of abortions, they have rationalized away the life of the child. It's as if they pretend they aren't even discussing a life. The whole focus is on mom.

Abortion involves two lives. Every...time.
would you be charged with the death of the fetus if you killed the mother....the answer is Yes....

Libs hate it when those cases get to court too.
25 weeks. That's the number now that has the greatest chance of survival in a NICU and gives the baby a chance for a normal life. Before that time, the lungs aren't developed enough, they will never develop properly and their lifespan will drop dramatically.

For me abortions are 2 phases. 1 is religious, and one is fiscal. For religion, being raised Catholic, I'd never have an abortion. But there are many more religions in this country then christian, and it is not a good habit to force religious beliefs on the secular. They will never see abortion the same way as the religious, thus the divide.

Fiscally, it is irresponsible to get rid of abortions. #1 you will be eliminating jobs. #2 abortions will still exist, but they won't be regulated and they will be more expensive. #3 more complications will happen if abortions are illegal, further taxing the health system trying to get those would be mothers back to wellness.
I think it’s a unborn human. I also think if you don’t want to carry it to term, you have the right to abort it. Plain and simple.

Then it's murder.

If a person kills a pregnant woman and the baby dies he is charged with 2 murders is he not?
See my post before that. Fetus has no rights.

Sure they charge people with murder. It sounds gratuitous to me tbh. I stand by my position. I’m sure the same goes for you.
See my post before that. Fetus has no rights.

Sure they charge people with murder. It sounds gratuitous to me tbh. I stand by my position. I’m sure the same goes for you.

So then how could a killer be charged with murder for the death of a fetus?
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So then how could a killer be charged with murder for the death of a fetus?

Because it didn't happen in an abortion clinic.
In my experience, there are two major types of liberals.

One is the do-gooders. They feel guilty at their relative success in life, for some reason believe they don't deserve it, and honestly have the misguided notion that they can engender success in other people by sharing their own good fortune. These are nice people, they mean well, but they just can't comprehend that some people really are just lazy, they are takers, they would rather do whatever they feel like doing than what they need to do to be successful, and they would happily bleed other people dry of every last cent if they could. Curiously a lot of these folks drive big expensive SUVs and live in great school districts and claim they would gladly pay more in taxes if it would only help a few people, but when you ask them why they don't do that since there's no law against paying extra taxes, they will hastily change the subject

The second is the elitists. They believe that most of you dumb, unwashed, backwards ***, redneck working class stiffs are just completely incapable of making any intelligent decisions and need someone else to control everything for you. They love to act like they care about America's working class when actually they view you with sneering contempt. A la Hollywood limousine liberals and Hillary Clinton types who rail against big corporations and inequality while taking millions in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs. These are the folks who watch Bill Maher and Rachel Maddow and consider themselves highly intellectual and enlightened and feel superior to everyone who doesn't believe exactly like they do in terms of politics and religion.

There's overlap between the two but the common denominator is that liberals are mostly just the height of hypocrisy. I don't think I've ever met a liberal who actually practices what he or she preaches in terms of sharing what he has with other people. Most of them will pull a few bucks out of their 400.00 handbags to give to a homeless person who will spend it on drugs and then act like they just saved the world.
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I see abortion as delayed parenting rather than murder, since many of the later children would not be born if we forced
people to carry the earlier pregnancies to term. Most people are capable of having many more children than they do, is it murder if you don't have as many children
as possible?

So you see individual human beings as totally replaceable. If your mom decided to kill you, no biggie, she could just have another. It's not murder if she replaces you with another kid. Is that your position? That a genetically unique human being has no particular worth, as long as the head count stays the same?
Exactly. Human beings are biological organisms. They are totally replaceable. We are all just dogs in the machine.

The law says killing a living, breathing human is murder. The law does not define abortion as murder. Abortion, not murder.
Exactly. Human beings are biological organisms. They are totally replaceable. We are all just dogs in the machine.

The law says killing a living, breathing human is murder. The law does not define abortion as murder. Abortion, not murder.

Right, because laws are always correct. The notion that a black person was not a human being and no different from livestock was the law once. I guess you still believe that too?

A fetus is a living human being in an early stage of development.

My daughters will be heading off to college in the fall. They were born at 27 weeks. At that gestational age they could be legally aborted for any reason. I can assure you, they are the same individual human beings they were at that time. As were the 24, 25 and 26 weekers who they shared the NICU with.

You should go visit one sometime to disabuse yourself of the hogwash that a fetus is not a living human being.
Besides on some social issues, I don't have a problem with conservative or Republican politics.

Unfortunately, the Bannon/Trump/Breitbart/Fox political movement has little to do with anything conservative or Republican. The Republican party of old has died a sad, sudden death. The likes of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Hoover, Eisenhower and Reagan would turn in their graves if they saw what this party has become. And they would chase Trump out of the WH and this current abomination of the GOP right out of Congress.

What does any of that have to do with you being a judgmental *******?

Because many don't agree with you, immediately you judge them.

That makes you a ******** .

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It's funny how isolated the right wing views on this board are, in that they hardly represent the views of most Americans. I spent the past few weeks in Colorado, and sure it's mostly a blue state, but I travelled up and down, including the high mountain areas, the suburbs, met with a bunch of working class people. Turns out my anti-Trump stance is nothing compared to how overwhelmingly opposed people are to Trump and what he represents. I figured I'd at least run into a few Trump supporters who will point out to me his tax cuts, deregulation policy, etc. as positives. Everyone I met and spoke to were vehemently opposed to everything Trump represents, they feel he's a national embarrassment. The best I got was some people 'knew some Trump supporters who voted for him' but have since soured on the President. The mass exodus of Republicans who are bowing out from re-election also speaks to that.

In any case, kudos to the hard core base as represented here on the board. You guys have been unwavering in your support, though it seems the signing of the omnibus bill has even some of you grumbling a bit.

These midterm elections I'm afraid will fully expose the realities of this presidency. And in the background, Bob Mueller keeps churning along, silent but deadly.

You are one dumb ******** if you think Colorado represents the mainstream.

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No, I beleive black people are people, I just think that abortion is not murder and the law seems to agree with me.
No, I beleive black people are people, I just think that abortion is not murder and the law seems to agree with me.

Sorry but like most arguments for abortion that's completely nonsensical.

If someone kills a 27 week baby lying in an incubator, that's killing a person and it's murder. But if they kill that very same baby at the exact same age who is inside a mother's uterus, it's not a person and not murder. Why? because the law says so. That's your argument.
