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Wig has Arrived!


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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I would like very much to understand more about the facts of the Orlando shooting.

How were so many people killed and injured so quickly with no adequate response? It seems to me that Navy Seals would be hard pressed to kill as efficiently. But I'll wait for more evidence. I merely point out that this **** stinks to us "conspiracy guys" at first impression. I'm just sayin'.

Oh look, another "Crazy Fundamentalist" with a really weak motive that went apeshit and killed an absolute boatload of people. Why? Well he's Muslim. NO he's not. He's angry because he saw to gay guys kissing in front of his son so he went a little nuts and decided to kill all the gheys! NOPE, he was maybe a little ghey himself. Uh... The FBI was watching him and DisneyWorld sent some info in on him cause they said he had 5 different facebook accounts and had done a bunch of searches recently on other shooters and on the nightclub.

No WAIT. His wife said she had some prior intel about his plans. But we don't know for sure what that means. It's about the GUNS people. NO - it's about the crazy Muslims... All about the MUSLIMS! Hey, let's look at that footage inside the club! What? There's no footage that we know of? Oh, course not. It's a gay club. Footage is, you know... frowned upon. Sure, we can buy that. I mean, who the hell wants to see that? (Except the owner who has liability issues up the ***, pardon the pun because he owns a nightclub where people go and drink alcohol and could be attacked or otherwise bothered). One would EXPECT he'd have cameras to cover his ***. But he doesn't. Ok. Moving on.

Good news - there were armed guards. Bad news - apparently they were killed first. Worse news, nobody heard those inept guards being killed. Still WORSE news, that ****** owner seemingly didn't have a back door. (No back door in a gay club. The ironies NEVER END)! So it must have been a fish bowl and the victims must have just been sitting there waiting for a seemingly endless stream of bullets to kill some 50 of them and injure 50+ more.

In my best spongebob voice, "Time Passes"...

Of course, the evil shooter(s) end up dead. They always end up dead somehow. Damn it anyway. If only the police could have caught the perpetrators of this heinous crime and had an opportunity for questioning. But alas. How much easier for the court system now that the everything is neatly tied up. Thank you Lee Harvey. We couldn't have done it without you.

And now there's a NEW outcry for gun control. Does anyone care WHAT kind of guns were used? Does anyone CARE that it seems ridiculous that one or even 2 shooters would have had to be freaking RAMBO plus to kill that many people and wound that many more that quickly with ANY kind of gun? No! We just want to ban some damn guns.

And if we can stir up some anti-Muslim sentiment while were at it! AWESOME! (We call that a "Two-fer").

Now Hillary can cry for Gun Control and the Donald can get all red in the face for exporting anybody who doesn't make over $100k a year and have the proper skin-tone. And due to incidents like this, more and more Americans will eat it with a spoon.

I'm not quite to the "tin foil" stage yet, but there are definitely some oddities regarding this club shooting. Too many victims, too poor a response from emergency services.

A bomb would have made sense. Shooting 100+ people before being stopped? Hard to imagine. I mean honestly, do the math there. Think that through. Do you truly think you could round up a couple hundred people in a large room and shoot over 100 of them without anybody stopping you? Even if you got all the "armed ones" first? It stinks man. It just stinks.
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I have nothing concrete to add, but these recent mass shootings / terrorist attacks do seem a bit bizarre to me, be it Sandy Hook, the Paris attacks and now this one in Orlando. I guess the thing that sticks out to me the most, is how calm everyone seems to be minutes, or even hours after so much trauma and bloodshed has occured. My sense is people would be completely wigging out, screaming, running around, total mayhem and chaos would ensue. But we see images of people quietly carrying the injured around, and public officals making solemn statements 15-20 minutes after such a devastating attack. Maybe it's just shock; people are so shocked at what's happening they can't really process it, thus they turn passive and quiet.
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My sense is people would be completely wigging out, screaming, running around, total mayhem and chaos would ensue. .

I'm not surprised that you think that way. That's what weak people do. The rest of us clean our guns.
I'm not surprised that you think that way. That's what weak people do. The rest of us clean our guns.
Oh boy we have another wannabe hero weekend warrior. Maybe you're right. When you were slow dancing with your Latin lover at the Pulse on Sunday night, you would have had the foresight to pack your whole arsenal in your butt-hugging spandex pants somewhere.
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I would like very much to understand more about the facts of the Orlando shooting.

How were so many people killed and injured so quickly with no adequate response? It seems to me that Navy Seals would be hard pressed to kill as efficiently. But I'll wait for more evidence. I merely point out that this **** stinks to us "conspiracy guys" at first impression. I'm just sayin'.

Sorry to cut you short, but you just don't understand the details. There is no conspiracy here!

Terrorists armed with an assault rifle look for crowded enclosed areas with no cops around. This is what we saw in San Bernardino and Orlando. I fear such soft targets full of people will be attacked in the future.

In a crowded night club, armed with an assault rifle, one nut can kill dozens of people. This Jihad type in Orlando ( He was Muslim and the survivors heard him shouting out Muslim phrases ) was a trained security guard. Not exactly a navy seal, but he knew what he was doing.

Some takeaways that prove he was a Muslim Jihad type:

#1 According to the Director of the FBI, Mateen had “links to al-Qaida, Hezbollah, and the Islamic State“.

#2 Mateen’s father has openly expressed support for the Taliban on YouTube.

#3 He made pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and 2012.

#$ He claimed to personally know the Boston Marathon Bombers.

#5 According to the FBI, Mateen has “been on the radar before“, he was interviewed by them three separate times, and they conducted a 10-month investigation of his activities in 2013.

#6 The President refuses to call it what it is, Radical Islam, meanwhile he blasted Christians for the Crusades and violence that happened a few centuries ago.

#7 If he was gay, he's not getting 69 virgins. Not sure why Omar Matten failed to realise the Koran says homosexuals should be put to death.

More here:

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I have nothing concrete to add, but these recent mass shootings / terrorist attacks do seem a bit bizarre to me, be it Sandy Hook, the Paris attacks and now this one in Orlando. I guess the thing that sticks out to me the most, is how calm everyone seems to be minutes, or even hours after so much trauma and bloodshed has occured. My sense is people would be completely wigging out, screaming, running around, total mayhem and chaos would ensue. But we see images of people quietly carrying the injured around, and public officals making solemn statements 15-20 minutes after such a devastating attack. Maybe it's just shock; people are so shocked at what's happening they can't really process it, thus they turn passive and quiet.

In France, they are now attcking the Police. This is a line not even the mob, kkk, black panthers or any other group would cross. Its very bad
Oh boy we have another wannabe hero weekend warrior. Maybe you're right. When you were slow dancing with your Latin lover at the Pulse on Sunday night, you would have had the foresight to pack your whole arsenal in your butt-hugging spandex pants somewhere.

I thought you meant Americans in general, not just the gays who were at the scene.
Coach that is all well and good, but I'll bet you a beer, at the end of the day this Mateen dude will turn out to be nothing but a pathetic loser, someone who had deep, serious issues (closeted homosexual, alcoholic) who simply snapped and figured he could wash his sins clean by doing a panicked, last minute alignment with ISIL et al. He will go down in US history as one of the most notorious mass murderers of all time, but I doubt he thought he'd get this far. He was a scumbag loser son of a ***** who was grappling with his gayness while trying to raise a kid and conform to his dad's expectations. A sick, sick ************? Yes. A real jihadist terrorist? Highly unlikely, based on everything I've read thus far.
#1 According to the Director of the FBI, Mateen had “links to al-Qaida, Hezbollah, and the Islamic State“.
and yet, our top domestic surveillance team, perhaps the best surveillance team on the planet was unable to determine ahead of time what his plan or motive was even though there are now reports that DisneyWorld sent warnings ahead of time about the alleged gunman's suspicious activities leading up to the shooting. So literally Mickey ******* Mouse is doing a better job than the FBI? Is that your official stance on point # 1 then?

#2 Mateen’s father has openly expressed support for the Taliban on YouTube.
Damning evidence there. What does it mean? Could it be... disinformation? Maybe his Dad, I don't know, supports the Taliban. What about son? Let's ask him. Oh, we CAN'T, cause he's DEAD. That's inconvenient.

#3 He made pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and 2012.
I've gone to Dallas, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and other southern states. I do not profess to be a KKK member. On the other hand the alleged (Love that word) may very well have been a Muslim. I don't discount the possibility whatsoever. I merely wonder how he managed to kill 50 people and wound 50+ more before anybody did a thing to stop him. You'd think SOMEBODY would have made an effort. You'd suspect after 10 or 15 people a couple guys would have thought to themselves, "Hey man, I don't think this crazy ************'s gonna stop. Maybe 10 or 15 of us should rush him..." Nah, ultimately it was a FAR better plan to stay in place and wait it out. Clearly that worked out better.

#$ He claimed to personally know the Boston Marathon Bombers.
Hey, let's corroborate with him or the Boston Bombers. Ah nuts. It seems he's DEAD and the bombers are unfortunately unavailable for comment. However you seem to have some in depth knowledge of the alleged gunman. Perhaps you'd like to arrange an interview with the obviously "sharp as a tack" FBI. I'm sure they'd love to hear your insight on ALL the people the alleged gunman knew.

#5 According to the FBI, Mateen has “been on the radar before“, he was interviewed by them three separate times, and they conducted a 10-month investigation of his activities in 2013.
Awesome! Let's have some pretzels!

#6 The President refuses to call it what it is, Radical Islam, meanwhile he blasted Christians for the Crusades and violence that happened a few centuries ago.
and your point would be...?

#7 If he was gay, he's not getting 69 virgins. Not sure why Omar Matten failed to realise the Koran says homosexuals should be put to death.
Classic disinformation. What you're about to see is about 25 different "stories". Things will be spun in as many ways as possible in order to confuse people. That's why the ORIGINAL footage is critical. Anything that can be recorded from LIVE television when the event happened is the absolute BEST coverage you can possibly have. For example, Supe's point about medical personnel being far from the scene and injured people being moved TOWARD the club... Watch as THAT video disappears shortly. Also watch as the narrative on the shooter morphs.

Soon a story will emerge that best meets the agenda of ALL the politicians. Regardless of how the crime was carried out, in a political arena it will be used to further agendas and the "facts" will be discarded and ignored utterly in order to move the people toward an agenda that better meets the goals of those in power. It's no secret whatsoever that the government wants fewer weapons in the hands of the citizenry and more in the hands of the military. If you disbelieve that, you're foolish and naive. And if you further believe that the government wants that because they believe it is in the "citizenry's" best interest you're flat out deluding yourself on an epic scale. The government wants control of the populace. This doesn't necessarily have to be dark and foreboding, mind you. It's "possible" a kind and benevolent government will rule with a gentle and loving hand while caring for the people and keeping us safe from harm. On the other hand, we're one really ****** leader away from being a 3rd world country that's ruled by a despot and we'd be left with no capability whatsoever to defend ourselves much less fight back.

How does the government go about disarming the best armed citizenry in the world? They convince them over a period of 2 or 3 decades that the very weapons they've armed themselves with are dangerous and are the very root of the harm that is befalling their cities and homes. The government contrives (or at the very least capitalizes upon) a threat that mobilizes the citizenry. In some cases that threat is foreign. Muslims and radical Islamic Terrorism. That forces us to increase our military, fund more soldiers, increase our military bases here and abroad. In some cases those threats are domestic. This forces us to look at our own warts. The very weapons that we "USED" to think kept us safe. Now we begin to realize they are being used against us. That they can't be regulated and managed by a government overtaxed by an ever-broadening web of evil and "crazyness". The only way to stop this problem is to reduce the capability of people susceptible to violence, rage and indiscretion to get the guns that perform these heinous acts.

But... the horrible truth is, we're seeing that ANYONE can perform these acts. A random stranger in a theater. A young isolated boy in an elementary school, two brothers who decided to randomly maim dozens of people at a race. Well, we can look at the brothers and say - they had radical religious ties. They were crazy. And the teenage boy, well he was crazy too. And the weirdo who shot up the theater - c'mon, that dude is CLEARLY ******' crazy. But in the end, how do you tell who's crazy? How do you tell if your neighbor who has slightly darker skin than you, who speaks with an accent you can't quite place... how do you know he isn't "one of them?"

You don't. So in 5 more years, after 7 or 8 more horrific events, we get to a place where, beaten down and exhausted the American people finally can't resist the filibustering any more. Somewhere in Hillary's 2nd term or during Trump's memoir writing after his first term the laws will REALLY start to tighten up. Meanwhile the military will have been growing and growing all along. And we will have rejoiced. Because Al Queda is OUT THERE. Because ISIS is OUT THERE. And one day, in the midle of the night the armored vehicles are going to come back home. And we're all going to wake up and it's going to be announced that we don't really need a primary election. However we don't need to worry about it, because things are going to go on pretty much the same as they have.

That would be the start. That's how we conspiracy theorists roll.
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Stop it Wig, you're scarin' me.

Frog in a pot of water.

That's how you have to look at things. Never look at the here and now, always the 15 years from now...
wig... posted in the orlando shooting thread...

why were the victims being carried towards Pulse? yeah, the majority of the cops and ambulances were down there, but don't ambulances tend to go towards victims and not the other way around?

watch the video, pause it, then cross-ref the address 1912 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32806 on google maps.


Odd. I make any mention of anything like this and you guys fall out of the sky to claim "tin foil conspiracy nut" yet in this thread you all are expressing thoughts like I usually have.

There are many things that stink about this, but the most obvious is to ask "What agendas would be aided by this?"

When investigating a crime, the first thing you do is to ask who the crime act benefits and whose agenda it will best serve.

Do you find it believable that the claimed suspect really benefitted from this? I don't. He had a little boy but he didn't have the natural drive to make sure his son was taken care of? No, he went off over seeing two guy kiss to the point on thinking it was right to kill 50 innocent people?

So what agenda would be aided by this? Gun grabbing agenda. Constant fear mongering agenda, allowing for continued wars in the Middle East, all against countries who Israel hates. And, of course, the US spy agenda on its own people, loss of freedoms and liberties.

You don't think it's strange that guys were carrying a supposed shot man (the man with red shoes) TOWARDS the bar, not away from it, and at one point set the guy down (who had no problem standing on his own, after supposedly taking a .223 round in the thigh) and that they begin smiling and laughing at that point? Doesn't seem totally out of line?

Just listen to the typical talking heads to determine the agenda. How many different people said, "We are at war" the past 3 days? They were all saying it. It is an agenda and it ain't a decent, moral one.
Oh boy we have another wannabe hero weekend warrior. Maybe you're right. When you were slow dancing with your Latin lover at the Pulse on Sunday night, you would have had the foresight to pack your whole arsenal in your butt-hugging spandex pants somewhere.

Thats funny

A lot of other guys would really think he's packing. Lol

And to add to this post. A lot of these mass shootings are bizarre. Sandy Hook was cruel. But this one and the Paris attacks. People were calm. Almost too calm. Dafuq? Wig is on to something

And to add to this post. A lot of these mass shootings are bizarre. Sandy Hook was cruel. But this one and the Paris attacks. People were calm. Almost too calm. Dafuq? Wig is on to something

It was late and they were all ****** up on Ecstasy.
Gun grabbing agenda--possibly.
Fear mongering---possibly an opportunity for the presidental nominees to get some needed support.

Think about the islamic problem sweeping europe. Once it starts hitting here and you have no guns cause obummer is calling for gun control. Then what? There is a lot of weird little pieces that correlate together, but make us sound like a conspiracy nut. I'll bite my tongue for now. But do have an intrigued mind
why were the victims being carried towards Pulse? yeah, the majority of the cops and ambulances were down there, but don't ambulances tend to go towards victims and not the other way around?]

Maybe they did what most people without the capacity to defend themselves would do and got the hell as far away from the crazy ****** as possible. And the reason they returned to the ambulances (rather than ambulances coming to them) may be either the ambulance personnel were more concerned with the critically wounded and dying at the scene (note some of the returning wounded were taken away in police utes not ambulances), or may not even have been aware of the location of all wounded who had been able to escape the scene. You can't seriously be implying that all those people in the video were part of some conspiracy can you?
Odd. I make any mention of anything like this and you guys fall out of the sky to claim "tin foil conspiracy nut" yet in this thread you all are expressing thoughts like I usually have.

There are many things that stink about this, but the most obvious is to ask "What agendas would be aided by this?"

When investigating a crime, the first thing you do is to ask who the crime act benefits and whose agenda it will best serve.

Do you find it believable that the claimed suspect really benefitted from this? I don't. He had a little boy but he didn't have the natural drive to make sure his son was taken care of? No, he went off over seeing two guy kiss to the point on thinking it was right to kill 50 innocent people?

So what agenda would be aided by this? Gun grabbing agenda. Constant fear mongering agenda, allowing for continued wars in the Middle East, all against countries who Israel hates. And, of course, the US spy agenda on its own people, loss of freedoms and liberties.

You don't think it's strange that guys were carrying a supposed shot man (the man with red shoes) TOWARDS the bar, not away from it, and at one point set the guy down (who had no problem standing on his own, after supposedly taking a .223 round in the thigh) and that they begin smiling and laughing at that point? Doesn't seem totally out of line?

Just listen to the typical talking heads to determine the agenda. How many different people said, "We are at war" the past 3 days? They were all saying it. It is an agenda and it ain't a decent, moral one.
i posted this in the same ******* thread, dipshit.
maybe if you were flogging yourself over Heath Evan's bench presses, you'd have seen that.
Maybe they did what most people without the capacity to defend themselves would do and got the hell as far away from the crazy ****** as possible. And the reason they returned to the ambulances (rather than ambulances coming to them) may be either the ambulance personnel were more concerned with the critically wounded and dying at the scene (note some of the returning wounded were taken away in police utes not ambulances), or may not even have been aware of the location of all wounded who had been able to escape the scene. You can't seriously be implying that all those people in the video were part of some conspiracy can you?
I fully agree that people would have run like hell. 100% agree with that.
Problem is, Orlando is not a small little podunk town. Literally SIX blocks away is a hospital. Watch the video and you'll see that not only are the wounded being carried towards Pulse, but also towards that hospital. And a fire department. Firefighters are trained in CPR, but not full medical emergencies. All that aside, the police vehicles that did take those wounded went literally back in front of Pulse and not, say, down a different street to avoid any stray gunfire. I mean, it doesnt make sense that they put the wounded back into a dire situation even for a second.

As for the number of people killed, I can buy that. Bullets don't just lodge into a body. Some can exit. Also, consider that the guy was in the club for 3 hours prior to cops storming the place. That's an awful long time to empty a magazine and reload - even if the killer only had one magazine (which is unlikely).

So I guess my issue is the rescue/emergency service was not as it should have been, IMO.

I agree, though, that the guy was likely a ****** up individual with conflicting internal stories. He was likely gay and fighting that along with his father's and his religion's expectations.

Still, doesnt give him liberty to take someone else's life.
Coach that is all well and good, but I'll bet you a beer, at the end of the day this Mateen dude will turn out to be nothing but a pathetic loser, someone who had deep, serious issues (closeted homosexual, alcoholic) who simply snapped and figured he could wash his sins clean by doing a panicked, last minute alignment with ISIL et al. He will go down in US history as one of the most notorious mass murderers of all time, but I doubt he thought he'd get this far. He was a scumbag loser son of a ***** who was grappling with his gayness while trying to raise a kid and conform to his dad's expectations. A sick, sick ************? Yes. A real jihadist terrorist? Highly unlikely, based on everything I've read thus far.


Did you not read his quotes which are standard with Radical Islam? Did you not see who his father was and what he said? Did you not see him referenced the Islamic bombers in Boston? Did you not hear the survivors say they heard him shouting out Islamic phrases?

You're too smart to dismiss this. He was a radical Islamist. The president will never say it ( As it would unite the nation against a common enemy ) but he was. Review the information, please.

Was this guy a loser, socially speaking? He had a job, a wife, a child and was married, so I'll say not he was not your classic loner type but that's only my guess based on what we know.

I'm sure he was a radical Islamists.

Did you not read his quotes which are standard with Radical Islam? Did you not see who his father was and what he said? Did you not see him referenced the Islamic bombers in Boston? Did you not hear the survivors say they heard him shouting out Islamic phrases?

You're too smart to dismiss this. He was a radical Islamist. The president will never say it ( As it would unite the nation against a common enemy ) but he was. Review the information, please.

Was this guy a loser, socially speaking? He had a job, a wife, a child and was married, so I'll say not he was not your classic loner type but that's only my guess based on what we know.

I'm sure he was a radical Islamists.

There's absolutely no doubt that he was. Aside from all that, he went on two pilgrimages to Mecca and he pledged his allegiance to ISIS, for crissakes!

Isis is at war with us. Here in the USA, the Muslim population is but a small percentage, yet they carry out an importantly larger percentage of these terror attacks. Boston, San Bernardino, Orlando, NY City 9-11 to list a few examples. Muslim terrorism is a world problemFrance, Belgium, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, etc... It's a huge world problem and lord help us if they get dangerous WMD's....I guarantee you they will use it if possible.

This is the problem. It MUST be addressed.

You do not understand Radical Islam, Sharia law, or the code of the Koran. It has hate, sexism, anti-gay, submission, laws that allow mutilation or torture, rape, and dislike for Christians and Jews in its DNA. They also want to impose this code on others. When someone believes in this, there is a good chance to become radicalized. Anyone willing to give their life, as these shooters know they will, can't be reasoned with.

Below is a list of Muslim terrorist attacks since 2013. There are so many, the news here hardly reports them unless they happen here.

Pakistan January 10, 2013 – January 2013 Pakistan bombings. 130 dead 270 injured.
Algeria January 16, 2013 – In Amenas hostage crisis. 67+ dead.
Pakistan February 16, 2013 – February 2013 Quetta bombing. At least 110 people were killed and 200 injured after a bomb hidden in a water tank exploded at a market in Hazara Town.
India February 21, 2013 – 2013 Hyderabad blasts, two bomb blasts killed 16 people and injured 119.
Iraq March 19, 2013 – 19 March 2013 Iraq attacks 98+ dead 240+ injured.
United States April 15, 2013 – Boston Marathon bombings. Two brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnev, planted two bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. The blast killed 3 and injured 183 others.[55]
Turkey May 11, 2013 – Reyhanlı bombings, killed 52 people and wounded 140.
United Kingdom May 22, 2013 – Two men with cleavers kill British soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich.[56][57]
Niger France May 23, 2013 – Battle of Agadez and Arlit. Two coordinated attacks perpetrated by Islamists affiliates targeted the two Niger towns of Agadez and Arlit. 26 dead, 30+ wounded.
France May 23, 2013 – 2013 La Défense attack. An Islamic extremist wielding a knife attacked and wounded a French soldier in the Paris suburb of La Défense. 1 wounded.
Iraq May 27, 2013 – 27 May 2013 Baghdad bombings. 71 dead 224 injured.
Pakistan June 15, 2013 – June 2013 Quetta attacks by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. 26 dead 20+ injured.
Pakistan June 22, 2013 – 2013 Nanga Parbat tourist shooting. 11 dead 2 injured.
India July 7, 2013 – A series of ten bombs explode in and around the Mahabodhi Temple complex, in Bodh Gaya, India. 5 wounded.
Afghanistan United States September 13, 2013 – 2013 attack on U.S. consulate in Herat. 2 dead 20 injured.
Kenya September 21, 2013 – Westgate shopping mall attack, 67 killed, 175 wounded.[58][59][60]
Pakistan September 22, 2013 – Peshawar church attack, 80–83 killed, 250 wounded.
Nigeria September 29, 2013 – Gujba college massacre. 44 students killed by Boko Haram
China October 28, 2013 – A 4x4 vehicle crashed into a crowd and burst into flames in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, 5 killed, 38 wounded.
Yemen December 5, 2013 – At the 2013 Sana'a attack at least 56 people died and 162 were wounded.
Pakistan January 19, 2014 – 2014 Bannu bombing by Taliban. 26 dead 38 injured.
Nigeria February 14, 2014 – Borno Massacre at least 200 killed by Boko Haram[61]
China March 1, 2014 – A group of 8 individuals attacked civilians at Kunming Railway Station, 28 dead, 143 wounded.
Nigeria April 14, 2014 – The April 2014 Abuja bombing by Boko Haram. 88+ dead 200+ injured.
China April 30, 2014 – Two assailants attacked passengers and detonated explosives at the Ürümqi railway station, 3 dead, 79 wounded.
Nigeria May 20, 2014 – Jos bombings at least 118 killed and over 56 injured[62]
China May 22, 2014 – Two SUVs which carried 5 assailants were driven into a street market in Ürümqi and up to a dozen explosives were thrown at shoppers through the windows of the SUVs. The cars then crashed into shoppers and collided into each other and exploded, 39 dead, 90+ wounded.
Belgium May 24, 2014 – Jewish Museum of Belgium shooting. Gunman opened fire at the Jewish Museum in Brussels killing 4 people.
China July 28, 2014 – Attack in southern Xinjiang left 37 civilians dead and another 13 injured. A gang armed with knives and axes attacked a police station and government offices in Elixku Township, and some moved onto Huangdi Township, attacking civilians and smashing vehicles as they passed.[63]
Syria August 2014 – ISIL fighters massacred some 700 people, mostly men, of the Shu'aytat tribe in Deir ez-Zor Governorate.[64]
Pakistan August 15, 2014 – 2014 Quetta Airbase attack, twelve militants dead.
Australia September 23, 2014 – 2014 Endeavour Hills stabbings. Numan Haider, an Afghan Australian stabbed two counter terrorism officers in Melbourne, Australia. He was then shot dead.[65]
Russia October 5, 2014 – 2014 Grozny bombing. 5 officers and the suicide bomber, were killed, while 12 others were wounded.[66]
Canada October 20, 2014 – 2014 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu ramming attack. Lone attacker used his car to run over two Canadian soldiers. 1 killed, 1 injured
Canada October 22, 2014 – 2014 shootings at Parliament Hill, Ottawa. Lone attacker shot a soldier at a war memorial and attacked Parliament. 1 killed, 3 injured.[67]
Israel October 22, 2014 – A Hamas terrorist rammed his vehicle into a group of people waiting at a light rail station in Jerusalem. 2 killed 8 wounded.[68]
United States October 23, 2014 – Zale H. Thomson, also known as Zaim Farouq Abdul-Malik, attacked four New York policemen in the subway with a hatchet, severely injuring one in the back of the head and injuring another policeman in the arm before being shot to death by the remaining officers, who also shot a civilian.[69]
Israel November 5, 2014 – In the November 2014 Jerusalem vehicular attack a Hamas operative deliberately drove a van at high speed into a crowd of people. 4 killed 13 wounded.
Israel November 10, 2014 – An Israeli IDF soldier was stabbed to death by a Lone wolf jihadist.[70]
Israel November 18, 2014 – 2014 Jerusalem synagogue attack 5 dead. 7 injured.
Nigeria November 28, 2014 – Kano bombing. Around 120 people were killed and another 260 injured.[71][72][73][74]
United Arab Emirates December 1, 2014 – A burqa-clad woman stabs a 47-year-old American teacher to death in a mall restroom in Abu Dhabi. She later plants a bomb outside the home of an Egyptian-American doctor, which was safely dismantled.[75]
Russia December 4, 2014 – 2014 Grozny clashes. 26 total dead, including 14 policemen, 11 Jihadist from Caucasus Emirate, 1 civilian[76]
Philippines December 9, 2014 – In the 2014 Bukidnon bus bombing 11 people died and 43 were injured.
Australia December 15–16, 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis. A lone gunman, Man Haron Monis, held hostage ten customers and eight employees of a Lindt chocolate café at Martin Place in Sydney. Police treated the event as a terrorist attack at the time. It was however designated as a terrorist attack by the state government but Monis' motives have subsequently been debated. 3 dead 4 injured.
Pakistan December 16, 2014 – 2014 Peshawar school massacre. Over 140 people dead, including at least 132 children.[77]
Yemen December 16, 2014 – 2014 Rada' bombings. Two suicide car bombers rammed their vehicles into a Shiite rebels' checkpoint killing 26, including 16 students.[78]
Nigeria December 18, 2014 – 2014 Gumsuri kidnappings. Boko Haram insurgents killed 32 men and kidnapped at least 185 women and children.[79]
Syria December 18, 2014 – Mass grave of 230 Tribesmen killed by ISIL found in Eastern Syria.[80]
France December 20, 2014 – 2014 Tours police station stabbing. A man yelling Allahu Akbar attacked a police office with a knife. He was killed and three police officers were injured.[81]
France December 21, 2014 – 2014 Dijon attack. A man yelling Allahu Akbar ran over 11 pedestrians with his vehicle. 11 injured
Nigeria December 22, 2014 – Boko Haram insurgents bombed a bus station in the city of Gombe, killing at least twenty people.[82]
Iraq December 2014 – ISIL militants execute 150 women Iraqi province of Al-Anbar, some of whom were pregnant at the time, who refuse to marry their fighters.[83]
Iraq December 24, 2014 – A suicide bomber killed 33 people and wounded 55 others in Madaen, about 25 km (15 miles) south of Baghdad.[84]
Somalia December 25, 2014 – Al-Shabaab attack in Mogadishu leaves 9 dead.[85]
Cameroon December 28, 2014 – Boko Haram attacks village in Cameroon leaving 30 dead.[86]
Afghanistan January 5, 2015 – A car packed with explosives drove up to the headquarters of EUPOL Afghanistan, a European police-training organization, in Kabul and detonated. Taliban claimed responsibility. 1 killed 16 wounded.[87]
Iraq January 6, 2015 – Two suicide bombers attacked a mosque in the town of Al-Jubba while Iraqi soldiers were resting, killing 10 soldiers plus the two attackers. Clashes following the bombings left 13 security personnel dead and 21 wounded.[88]
France January 7–9, 2015 – A series of five attacks in and around Paris kill 17 people, plus three attackers, and leave 22 other people injured.
Nigeria January 8, 2015 – 2015 Baga massacre. Boko Haram attacks town of Baga in northern Nigeria killing at least 200 people. Another 2000 are unaccounted for.[89]
France January 9, 2015 – The Porte de Vincennes hostage crisis kills 4 and injures 9 people.
Lebanon January 10, 2015 – In the 2015 Jabal Mohsen suicide attacks 9 people died and 30+ were wounded.
Egypt January 29, 2015 – January 2015 Sinai attacks. 44 killed, several wounded.
Pakistan January 30, 2015 – Suicide bomber killed at least 55, injuring at least 59 in a Shiite mosque in southern Pakistan.[90]
Pakistan February 13, 2015 – Heavily armed militants killed at least 19 people and wounded more than 40 after they stormed into a Shiite mosque during Friday Prayer in a suburb of Peshawar.[91]
Denmark February 14–15, 2015 – 2015 Copenhagen shootings. A gunman opened fire at the Krudttoenden café and later at the Great Synagogue in Copenhagen, killing two civilians and injuring five others.[92]
Nigeria March 7, 2015 – Five suicide bomb blasts leave 58 dead and 143 wounded in the 2015 Maiduguri suicide bombing.
Pakistan March 15, 2015 – Suicide bombers kill at least 15 people in attacks on two churches in Lahore.[93]
Tunisia March 18, 2015 – Bardo National Museum attack. Militants linked to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) attack the Bardo National Museum with guns, killing 21 people and injuring around 50.[94]
Yemen March 20, 2015 – 2015 Sana'a mosque bombings. 135 killed in bombings on several mosques by ISIL.[95]
Libya March 25, 2015 – ISIL affiliates, The Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries in Libya carried out suicide bombings in the city of Benghazi. Twelve were killed and 25 wounded. Five additional dead during attacks with a local militia.[96]
Somalia March 27, 2015 – Makka al-Mukarama hotel attack. 20+ dead 28 wounded.
Kenya April 2, 2015 – 148 people—most of them Christian students—killed in Al-Shabaab's Garissa University College attack before Easter weekend Holidays.[97][98]
Saudi Arabia April 8, 2015 – In the city of Riyadh two policemen are shot dead. ISIL is blamed to be behind the attack.[99][100]
Somalia April 14, 2015 – Militants of Al-Shabaab attack a government building in Mogadishu in the 2015 Ministry of Higher Education attack. 17 dead 15 wounded.
Iraq April 17, 2015 – A series of bombings by the ISIL occurred through Baghdad. 40+ killed 59+ injured.[101]
Iraq April 17, 2015 – A car bomb exploded at the entrance of the US consulate in Erbil, Iraq. ISIL took credit for the attack. 3 killed 5 wounded.[102]
Afghanistan April 18, 2015 – A suicide bomb detonated in front of a bank in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. ISIL claims responsibility. 33 killed 100+ injured.[103]
France April 19, 2015 – A 32-year Frenchwoman is murdered by a gunman whose plot to attack a church is foiled shortly after.[104]
Somalia April 20, 2015 – A minivan of UN workers was bombed by Al-Shabaab in the Puntland region of Somalia. 9 dead 4 injured.[105]
Bosnia and Herzegovina April 27, 2015 – At the Zvornik police station terrorist attack in the city of Zvornik, Republika Srpska, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, an armed member of a wahhabist movement opened fire on the police. In the shooting, a police officer was killed, two others were injured, and the attacker was killed by police.[106]
Iraq May 3, 2015 – Two car bombs were detonated ten minutes apart in Baghdad, Iraq. Nineteen were killed and an unknown number wounded. ISIL claimed responsibility for the attacks.[107]
United States May 3, 2015 – Two gunmen attacked the Curtis Culwell Center during a 'Draw Muhammad' cartoon art exhibit in Garland, Texas . 2 dead (perpetrators) 1 injured.[108][109][110][111][112]
Afghanistan May 3, 2015 – Taliban militants overran checkpoints in Warduj, killing 17 policemen.[113]
Afghanistan May 4, 2015 – A government bus was attacked by a suicide bomber in Kabul, killing one person and injuring 15 others.[114]
Iraq May 10, 2015 – Two car bombs were detonated ten minutes apart in Baghdad, Iraq and surrounding towns of Taji and Tarmiyah. ISIL claims responsibility. 14 were killed and wounding 30.[115]
Afghanistan May 10, 2015 – A bus carrying Afghan government employees was attacked in Kabul by a suicide bomber, killing 3 people and injuring 10. Taliban claimed responsibility.[116]
Pakistan May 13, 2015 – A bus carrying Shia Muslims was attacked by six armed gunman who rode up in motorcycles. Several Islamist groups claim responsibility. 45 dead 13 injured.[117]
Afghanistan May 14, 2015 – A hotel that was hosting a cultural event was attacked by Taliban fighters in Kabul leaving 14 dead including an American, an Italian, and 4 Indians.[118]
Afghanistan May 17, 2015 – A Taliban suicide attack near the entrance of Hamid Karzai International Airport targeting a European police training vehicle. 3 dead 18 injured.[119]
Afghanistan May 19, 2015 – A suicide car bombing detonated in the parking lot of a Justice Ministry building in the diplomatic section of Kabul, killing 4 people wounding 42.[120]
Libya May 21, 2015 – A suicide bomber detonated his explosives at a military checkpoint outside of Misrata killing himself and two guards.[121]
Saudi Arabia May 22, 2015 – A suicide bomber attacked a Shia mosque during prayer in the al-Qadeeh village. ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack. 21 dead +90 injured.[122]
Afghanistan May 25, 2015 – Taliban militants killed 19 policemen and six soldiers during a siege at a police compound in Nawzad District of Afghanistan.[123]
Kenya May 26, 2015 – Al-Shabaab militants attacked two police patrols which turned into a gun battle north of Garissa, 5 police officers were injured but they were able to kill both of the attackers.[124]
Iraq May 28, 2015 – Two car bombs were set off minutes apart targeting the Cristal Grand Ishtar Hotel and the Babylon. 10 killed and 30 wounded.[125]
Saudi Arabia May 29, 2015 – A suicide bomber attacked a Shia mosque in Dammam detonating the bomb in the parking lot. 4 killed, unknown injured.[126]
Iraq June 1, 2015 – Three suicide bombers in humvees attacked an Iraqi police station in the Tharthar region in Northern Anbar Province. 41 dead, 63 wounded.[127]
Turkey June 5, 2015 – 2015 Diyarbakır rally bombings – Twin bombing of a Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) rally. 4 dead, over 100 injured.[128][129]
Iraq June 13, 2015 – Four suicide SUV car bombs went off in an Iraqi police station in the Hajjaj near Tikrit and Baiji. 11 dead, 27 injured.[130]
France June 26, 2015 – Saint-Quentin-Fallavier attack – Beheading in a factory near Lyon, head marked with Arabic writing and Islamist flags. Gas canisters planted provoked a fire. 1 dead, 11 injured.[131]
Kuwait June 26, 2015 – 2015 Kuwait mosque bombing – 27 people killed in explosion at Shia Imam Sadiq mosque in Kuwait City, medical sources tell Al Jazeera. Claimed by ISIL
Tunisia June 26, 2015 – 2015 Sousse attack – Attack in Tunisia against two tourist hotels, over 28 people died.
Somalia June 26, 2015 – Battle of Leego (2015) Attack on AMISOM base in Somalia with a car bomb, assault rifles and RPGs, causing over 30 military deaths.
Nigeria June 26–30, 2015 – Boko Haram kills at least 200 people as they gun down and bomb villages, mosques, and other public space.[132]
Israel June 29, 2015 – 2015 Shuvat Rachel shooting shooting attack on civilian car, 1 death.
Nigeria July 5, 2015 – Two bombs explode at an elite restaurant and mosque, killing at least 15 people in Jos.[133]
Nigeria July 7, 2015 – A bomb explodes in a government office in Zaria, killing 20 people.[134]
Cameroon July 13, 2015 – 2 suicide bombers explode in a bar in the town of Fotokol and kill 13 people, including a soldier from Chad who was killed in the second explosion.[135]
United States July 16, 2015 – 2015 Chattanooga shootings
Nigeria July 17, 2015 – Two Nigerian towns are attacked by two suicide bombers, killing 62 people.[136]
Turkey July 20, 2015 – 2015 Suruç bombing Suicide bombing killed 33 people and injured 104 in Kurdish majority city of Suruç. ISIL claims responsibility.[137]
Nigeria July 22, 2015 – A series of explosions at two bus stations in Gombe kill about 40 people.[138]
Cameroon July 26, 2015 – A suicide bomber kills at least 14 people at a popular nightclub in Maruoa, just three days after 2 suicide bombers killed 20 people in the same town.[139]
India July 27, 2015 – 2015 Gurdaspur attack Three Islamic terrorists of Pakistani origin from Indian-administrated Kashmir disguised in army uniforms attacked the Dina Nagar police station in Gurdaspur District of Punjab, India. The attack resulted in the deaths of 3 policemen, 4 civilians and 15 others were injured. All 3 attackers were killed by the Indian security forces.[140]
Nigeria August 11, 2015 – 47 people are killed as explosions erupt at a crowded market in the town of Sabon Gari.[141]
Iraq August 13, 2015 – 2015 Baghdad market truck bombing A truck bomb in a Baghdad market killed more than 70 and injures 200.[142]
France August 21, 2015 – 2015 Thalys train attack Shooting and stabbing in train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris injures 5. The incident is believed by French police to be an Islamist terrorist attack.[143]
Nigeria August 28–30, 2015 – Boko Haram members massacre 79 people in 3 different Nigerian villages. 68 alone were killed in the village of Baanu.[144]
Nigeria September 10, 2015 - Explosion at a refugee camp for people fleeing Boko Haram kills at least 2.[145]
Iraq September 17, 2015 – Two suicide bombings in Baghdad killed 10 and injured 55. ISIL claims responsibility.[146]
Germany September 17, 2015 – Rafik Y, an Islamist of Iraqi descent attacked and injured a police officer with a knife in Berlin. 1 injured, 1 dead (perpetrator).[147]
Nigeria September 21, 2015 – At least 54 people were killed by multiple explosions in Nigeria.[148]
Yemen September 24, 2015 – A bomb attack on a Shia mosque in Sana'a killed 25 and injured dozens more during prayers for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. Claimed by ISIL.[149]
Bangladesh Italy September 29, 2015 – Three men on a motorbike shot and killed an Italian aid worker. The attack has been claimed by ISIL.[150]
Nigeria October 1, 2015 – Multiple suicide bombings by Boko Haram in North-East Nigeria killed 14 people (including the bombers) and injured 39.[151]
Israel October 1, 2015 – Gunmen opened fire on a car near Nablus on the northern West Bank, killing a man and woman. 4 of their 6 children were also in the car and witnessed the attack, but were uninjured. The attackers have been praised by Hamas.[152][153]
Australia October 2, 2015 – 2015 Parramatta shooting. A NSW Police Force civilian employee was shot dead outside NSW Police Force headquarters on Charles Street, Parramatta, Sydney by a 15-year old lone gunman. The gunman then engaged with NSW Police Special Constables in a shootout before being killed, 2 dead.[154]
Bangladesh Japan October 3, 2015 – A Japanese man was shot and killed in a similar fashion to an Italian aid worker killed 4 days earlier. The attack has been claimed by ISIL.[155]
Iraq October 3, 2015 – In Baghdad, two suicide bombings in Shiite majority neighbourhoods kill at least 18 people and injure 61. Attack claimed by ISIL.[156]
Afghanistan October 5, 2015 – Two suicide bombings in Kabul targeted an Afghan intelligence centre. 3 people were injured in the attack, claimed by the Taliban.[157][158]
Somalia October 7, 2015 – Militants of Al-Shabaab ambushed and killed the nephew of Somalia's president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. 2 dead.[159]
Turkey October 10, 2015 – In the 2015 Ankara bombings 102 people were killed and over 400 others injured. According to two high ranked sources in the Turkish security forces ISIL is most likely responsible.[160][161]
Chad October 10, 2015 – Multiple suicide bombings in Chad killed 33 people and injured 51. The attack is believed to be the work of Boko Haram.[162]
Afghanistan United Kingdom October 11, 2015 – A bomb attack in Kabul, targeting a British military convoy injured 7 Afghan civilians. The attack has been claimed by the Taliban.[163]
Nigeria October 22, 2015 – 20 people were killed in the northeast state of Borno, Nigeria in a Boko Haram attack.[164]
Nigeria October 23, 2015 – Two separate mosques were attacked by suicide bombers, killing 42 in Nigeria.[165]
Niger October 28, 2015 – Boko Haram militants attack a village in Niger, gunning down 13 people and allegedly burning down houses and cars during the rampage.[166]
Egypt Russia October 31, 2015 – Bomb on board a Russian jet brings it down in Sinai, bound for St Petersburg, killing 224 people.[167]
Lebanon November 12, 2015 – Twin suicide bombings kill 42 people in the capital city of Beirut.[168]
France November 13, 2015 – A series of terrorist attacks in Paris kill 137, and wound 368. They involved a series of coordinated attacks which consisted of mass shootings and suicide bombings. This incident was the most fatal event on French soil since World War II.[169]
Iraq November 13, 2015 – A Suicide bomber kills at least 21 at a Shia funeral.[170]
Philippines Malaysia November 17, 2015 – A Malaysian national is beheaded by Abu Sayyaf in the southern Philippines.[171]
Nigeria November 17, 2015 – A suicide attack at a market in Yola killed more than 30 people and hospitalised more than 80. The attack is thought to be the work of Boko Haram.[172]
Bosnia and Herzegovina November 18, 2015 – A lone wolf Islamist killed two soldiers and injured civilians in Sarajevo. 3 dead 5 wounded.[173]
Nigeria November 18, 2015 – Two explosions rock a phone market in Kano killing at least 15 people and injuring more than 100. Boko Haram is suspected to be behind it.[174]
Mali November 20, 2015 – Bamako hotel attack. Gunmen yelling "Allahu Akbar" storm a hotel in Bamako, Mali. At least 19 killed, and more than 160 were taken hostage.
Iraq November 20, 2015 – A Suicide bomber detonates inside a Shiite mosque killing 10 people, other bombings in the area killed another 5 people.[175]
Cameroon November 21, 2015 – Suicide bombers affiliated with Boko Haram kill at least 10 in northern Cameroon.[176]
Nigeria November 22, 2015 – 8 people among women and children demise when a female suicide bomber is reduced to pulp.[177]
Tunisia November 24, 2015 – At least 12 people were killed in a bus bombing in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. ISIL claimed responsibility for this attack that targeted a bus transporting members of the Presidential Guard.[178]
Egypt November 24, 2015 – In the November 2015 Sinai attack which occurred a day after the second round of parliamentary elections closed, militants attack a hotel housing election judges in the provincial capital of al-Arish in Egypt's North Sinai. 7 dead, 10+ wounded[179]
Niger November 25, 2015 – Boko Haram invades a village and shoots indiscriminately residents and also fire rockets, killing 18.[180]
Nigeria November 27, 2015 – 21 killed in Boko Haram suicide attack on a Shia procession in Nigeria[181]
Egypt November 28, 2015 – Islamist gunmen killed four security personnel in an attack at a police checkpoint in Saqqara. 4 dead[182]
Mali November 28, 2015 – Militants fired rockets on a MINUSMA peacekeeping forces base in northern Mali. Ansar Dine claimed responsibility. 3 dead, 20 wounded.[183]
United States December 2, 2015 – In the 2015 San Bernardino attack, married couple Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik shot and killed 14 people and injured 22 others in a killing spree that the FBI was investigating as "act of terrorism".[184][185]
Chad December 5, 2015 – Four female suicide bombers from the militant Islamist group Boko Haram attacked the Chadian island of Koulfoua on Lake Chad, killing at least 15 people and injuring 130.[186]
Yemen December 6, 2015 – The governor of the southern port city of Aden in Yemen, Jaafar Mohammed Saad, was killed in a car bomb attack. The assassination was claimed by ISIL.[187]
Afghanistan December 8, 2015 – In the 2015 Kandahar Airport attacks several Taliban members attacked the Kandahar Airport and surrounding area. 70+ killed, 35 injured.[188][189]
Egypt December 8, 2015 – An explosive device by Islamists targeting a military convoy went off in Rafah. 4 dead 4 injured.[190]
Iraq December 9, 2015 – A suicide bomber detonated his explosives in the doorway of a Shiite mosque. 11+ dead 20 injured.[191]
Afghanistan Spain December 11, 2015 – In the 2015 Spanish Embassy attack in Kabul, Taliban militants detonated a car bomb and stormed a guesthouse near the Spanish embassy. 6 dead, several injured.[192]
Syria December 11, 2015 – In the Tell Tamer bombings three truck bombs by ISIL killed up to 60 people and injured more than 80 in the town of Tell Tamer.[193]
Syria December 12, 2015 – Islamists detonated a car bomb near an hospital in central Homs. 16 killed, 54 injured.[194]
Iraq December 12, 2015 – A millitant detonated his explosives in a truck at an Iraqi position near the Saudi border. 6 dead, 14 injured.[195]
Nigeria December 13, 2015 – Boko Haram Islamists, at least some using machetes, attacked residents of the villages of Warwara, Mangari, and Bura-Shika. 30 killed and 20 injured[196]
Afghanistan December 21, 2015 – A suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed six and wounded three in Kabul, Afghanistan near Bagram Airfield.[197]
Nigeria December 26, 2015 – Boko Haram gunmen raided Kimba village in northern Nigeria, opening fire on residents and torching their homes. 14+ killed.[198][199]
Afghanistan December 28, 2015 – A Taliban suicide bomber killed at least one person and wounded 33 in an attack on a road near a school close to Kabul International Airport.[200]
Nigeria December 28, 2015 – Fourteen Islamist female suicide bombers aged 12–18 attempted to simultaneously attack the city of Maiduguri. Seven of the bombers were shot dead by Nigerian forces while three menaged to escape and detonate themselves in Baderi general area and near a Mosque, killing 26 people and wounding another 85.[201]
Pakistan December 29, 2015 – A suicide bomber detonated his explosives in the front entrance of a regional branch of the National Database and Registration Authority in the northwestern city of Mardan, Pakistan. The blast killed 26 people and more than 50 were wounded.[202]
Russia December 29, 2015 – A gunman opened fire on a group of local residents who were visiting a viewing platform at the fortress in Derbent, Dagestan, southern Russia, killing one and injuring 11. ISIL claims responsibility.[203]
Afghanistan January 1, 2016 – A Taliban suicide bomber detonated himself in a French restaurant called 'Le Jardin' in Kabul. 2 dead 15 injured.[204]
India January 2, 2016 – In the 2016 Pathankot attack suspected Jaish-e-Mohammed militants attacked an Indian air base killing 7 security force members. Several injured.[205]
Iraq January 3, 2016 – Five Islamist suicide bombers attack an Iraqi military base. 15 dead and 22 injured.[206]
Afghanistan January 4, 2016 – A Militant drove a truck packed with explosives to the armored gates of a compound for civilian contractors near Kabul's airport before detonating. 30 people injured, including children.[207]
Libya January 7, 2016 – In the Zliten truck bombing Islamist militants detonated a truck bomb at the police training camp al-Jahfal in the coastal town of Zliten, Libya. 50+ dead 100+ wounded.[208]
France January 7, 2016 – In the January 2016 Paris police station attack an Islamist from Morocco wearing a fake explosive belt attacked police officers with a meat cleaver. He was shot dead.[209]
Libya January 7, 2016 – A car bombing at a checkpoint in the Libyan oil port of Ras Lanuf left seven people dead and 11 wounded.[210]
Egypt January 8, 2016 – In the 2016 Hurghada attack two militants armed with a melee weapon and a signal flare stormed the Bella Vista Hotel. 3 injured.[211]
France January 11, 2016 – A 15-year old Turkish ISIL supporter attacked a teacher from a Jewish school in Marseille with a machete. 1 injured.[212]
Iraq January 11, 2016 – ISIL gunmen detonate suicide vests in a shopping mall, killing at least 20 and wounding more than 40 people.[213]
Turkey January 12, 2016 – In the 2016 Istanbul bombing an ISIL suicide bomber kills 10 tourists and injures 15 more in the historical centre of Istanbul.[214]
Indonesia January 14, 2016 – In the 2016 Jakarta attacks 4 assailants kill 2 and injure 24 in a terrorist attack in Jakarta. The attack was orchestrated and financed from ISIL in Syria.[215]
Somalia January 15, 2016 – In the El Adde attack, Al-Shabaab terrorists attack a African Union Kenyan army base in El-Adde. 63+ killed, several injured.[216]
Burkina Faso January 15, 2016 – In the 2016 Ouagadougou attack Islamist gunmen armed with heavy weapons attacked the Cappuccino restaurant and the Splendid Hotel in the heart of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. 20+ killed. 15+ injured.[217]
Pakistan January 21, 2016 – At least 22 killed in attack on Bacha Khan University, Pakistan. The Taliban claim responsibility for the attack.[218]
Somalia January 22, 2016 – Al-Shabab attack on beachside restaurant leaves 20 dead.[219]
Cameroon January 25, 2016 – Suspected Boko Haram insurgents have blown themselves up in a market in Cameroon, killing at least 25 people and injuring 62 others.[220]
Nigeria January 30, 2016 – Boko Haram gunmen raided a Nigerian village, at least 65 people were killed and 136 others injured.[221]
Ivory Coast March 13, 2016 – In the 2016 Grand-Bassam shootings Al Qaeda gunmen stormed 3 hotels in the beach resort city of Grand-Bassam in the Ivory Coast, leaving 18 people dead.[222]
Iraq March 20, 2016 – In Anbar, Iraq, ISIL suicide bombers kill at least 24 at municipal building[223]
Belgium March 22, 2016 – 2016 Brussels bombings includes two suicide bombings in Brussels Airport and one bombing in Brussels Metro that resulted in 35 deaths and more than 300 wounded.[224]
Yemen March 25, 2016 – Three ISIL suicide bombers strike security checkpoints in the Yemeni city of Aden, killing 26 people.[225][226]
Iraq March 25, 2016 – 30 people killed and 95 injured after a suicide bomber blew himself up at a football stadium in Iskandariya, south of Baghdad. ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack.[227][228]
Pakistan March 27, 2016 – The 2016 Lahore suicide bombing targeted Christians who had gathered on Easter in Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park. The blast, by Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a Pakistani Taliban faction, killed at least 70 people and injured 300 others.[229][230]
Afghanistan April 19, 2016 – The April 2016 Kabul attack targeted a security team responsible for protecting government VIPs in Kabul, Afghanistan. The attack killed 64 people and wounded 347. It was the Taliban's biggest attack on an urban area since 2001.[231]
Bangladesh April 23, 2016 – Attackers hacked a university professor to death in the city of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack stating that they assassinated him "for calling to atheism in the city of Rajshahi in Bangladesh".[232][233]
Bangladesh April 25, 2016 – Two gays rights activists were hacked to death in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka. An Al-Qaeda affiliated group claimed responsibility for the attacks and stated they killed the two as they were "pioneers of practicing [sic] and promoting homosexuality in Bangladesh".[234][235]
Iraq May 11, 2016 – At least 40 people were killed and 60 injured in a car bomb attack on a market in Baghdad. ISIL claims responsibility.[236]
United States June 12, 2016 – At least 50 people were killed and 53 injured in a mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The shooter, Omar Mateen, pledged allegiance to ISIL.[237][238]
France June 14, 2016 - Two french citizens, a police officer and his wife were stabbed to death in Magnanville, France by a man swearing his allegiance to ISIS.[239]