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Will Blackwell's Grandma

steel shinin

Active member
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Just a random story I thought I'd share. A friend asked me today if I've ever met a Steelers player. I have a few and one Grandma. I live in Vegas and I've met Jerome Bettis at the Venetian a while back and I've met Yancey Thigpen as well. But meeting Will Blackwell's Grandma was the best.

I met her when I was working at one of the hospitals in town back in around 2003. She noticed my Steelers lanyard and we started chatting it up about football. She told me her grandson had played for the Steelers and that he was a star player. I was waiting for her to say any number of Steeler greats and I would have been none too surprised to hear any......but then she told me that her grandson was......Will Blackwell. At the time Blackwell had already been waived injured by the Rams.....and sure enough his Grandma was talking about how about how good he was going to be there as well.

My biggest mistake upon hearing that this was in fact Will Blackwell's Grandma was saying that...."He could have been pretty good if he wasn't hurt so much......"

Her face turned a shade of mad that you will only see out of a Grandma with unconditional love. She tore me a new one I'll just say that much. In her mind Will Blackwell was the best Steelers receiver that ever lived and honestly I was kind of embarrassed that I hit her with the de facto fan response. This was his Grandma and the right thing to do would have been to just give him some props and keep it moving. I learned that day that there are two types of player careers.......the real ones and the ones for Grandma's. I will never be making that mistake again. I thought she was going to hop out of her bed and put me in a sleeper hold. I was just glad I didn't call him by his adopted fan name......Will Getwell. I may not be typing this right now.
Lol that's funny. Even.if he wasn't injured all the time he still would've sucked.
Just a random story I thought I'd share. A friend asked me today if I've ever met a Steelers player. I have a few and one Grandma. I live in Vegas and I've met Jerome Bettis at the Venetian a while back and I've met Yancey Thigpen as well. But meeting Will Blackwell's Grandma was the best.

I met her when I was working at one of the hospitals in town back in around 2003. She noticed my Steelers lanyard and we started chatting it up about football. She told me her grandson had played for the Steelers and that he was a star player. I was waiting for her to say any number of Steeler greats and I would have been none too surprised to hear any......but then she told me that her grandson was......Will Blackwell. At the time Blackwell had already been waived injured by the Rams.....and sure enough his Grandma was talking about how about how good he was going to be there as well.

My biggest mistake upon hearing that this was in fact Will Blackwell's Grandma was saying that...."He could have been pretty good if he wasn't hurt so much......"

Her face turned a shade of mad that you will only see out of a Grandma with unconditional love. She tore me a new one I'll just say that much. In her mind Will Blackwell was the best Steelers receiver that ever lived and honestly I was kind of embarrassed that I hit her with the de facto fan response. This was his Grandma and the right thing to do would have been to just give him some props and keep it moving. I learned that day that there are two types of player careers.......the real ones and the ones for Grandma's. I will never be making that mistake again. I thought she was going to hop out of her bed and put me in a sleeper hold. I was just glad I didn't call him by his adopted fan name......Will Getwell. I may not be typing this right now.

SUPER kewl story !!!! Thanks for sharing with us!

Salute the nation
Back around that time I remember people referring to him as Will Blackmail as he had to have pics of someone in higher places for hanging onto the roster as long as he did....................
Just a random story I thought I'd share. A friend asked me today if I've ever met a Steelers player. I have a few and one Grandma. I live in Vegas and I've met Jerome Bettis at the Venetian a while back and I've met Yancey Thigpen as well. But meeting Will Blackwell's Grandma was the best.

I met her when I was working at one of the hospitals in town back in around 2003. She noticed my Steelers lanyard and we started chatting it up about football. She told me her grandson had played for the Steelers and that he was a star player. I was waiting for her to say any number of Steeler greats and I would have been none too surprised to hear any......but then she told me that her grandson was......Will Blackwell. At the time Blackwell had already been waived injured by the Rams.....and sure enough his Grandma was talking about how about how good he was going to be there as well.

My biggest mistake upon hearing that this was in fact Will Blackwell's Grandma was saying that...."He could have been pretty good if he wasn't hurt so much......"

Her face turned a shade of mad that you will only see out of a Grandma with unconditional love. She tore me a new one I'll just say that much. In her mind Will Blackwell was the best Steelers receiver that ever lived and honestly I was kind of embarrassed that I hit her with the de facto fan response. This was his Grandma and the right thing to do would have been to just give him some props and keep it moving. I learned that day that there are two types of player careers.......the real ones and the ones for Grandma's. I will never be making that mistake again. I thought she was going to hop out of her bed and put me in a sleeper hold. I was just glad I didn't call him by his adopted fan name......Will Getwell. I may not be typing this right now.

Will Getwell should have been his name. Granny was most likely less fragile than he was. I'm sure she's proud of what he did, hell he did more than most of us ever get a chance to. But you were right with your comment, I'm sure she's heard it before, might be why she's a wee bit thouchy about it.

That reminds me of a similar story about a fellow police officer and his wife. He had taken to referring to her as Wilda the Beast while among the rest of us so much so that one of the Sargents really thought her name was Wilda. Fast forward to payday and she is stopping buy to get her husbands check and low and behold this Sargent is on the front desk and says Oh you must be Wilda. She promptly tore him a new ******* and demonstrated why she was referred to as Wilda the Beast.