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You are president: what five things would you do to make life better in the USA?


I hate you all and I blame Ark for that.
Apr 12, 2014
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Just like the title says, you hold the oval office and executive power what would you do to make things better for the people of the United States of America. Here’s what I would do.

1) fire every federal employee of every alphabet agency to include the cabinet positions. Secretary of State secretary of defense and secretary of the treasury are the only ones authorized by the US Constitution.

2) Veto Every bill that is more than 10 pages long except the budget.

3) Veto every budget that was not balanced.

4) Bring back all US military personnel and equipment to the United States and defend America rather than enforce a far-flung quasi-empire.

5) Press congress to repeal the 16th amendment and levy a national sales tax of no more than 5%.
1) Mandate Tibs, Flog, 21 have to contribute to post at Steeler Nation

2) Pass a law, not an EO, mandating that if you have a dick, you compete in sports with others with dicks. You do not get to compete against women because you put on a skirt.

3) Pass a law decreeing all Ogres are and shall here forward be considered threats to mankind with a "shoot on sight" order being permitted.

4) Pass a law, not an EO, demanding all Lawyers must end their names with Vermin. No longer is is James S. McGill, esquire, but instead James S. McGill, vermin.

5) Pass a law finishing the building of the border wall at the US Mexico border with stipulations that said directive can never be reversed (if that can be engineered and some vermin could figure out a way to write that up so it's future-protected)
1. Institute requirements for any citizen to hold public office:

  • All candidates must pass a written test on the subjects of economics, Constitutional law and civics.
  • All candidates must write - themselves - every word they speak. No speechwriters.
  • All candidates must have at least ten years experience in private industry or the military, or a combination of those duties. No more professional politicians.
  • Borrowing from Burgundy here - All members of Congress are paid 150% of the median income for the area they represent. Gives them incentive to see their areas grow economically.

2. Any official caught violating those rules are removed from office, forfeit their entire wealth as punishment, and serve five years in jail.

3. Spending shall be done in the following order, and once the money runs out, spending stops:

  • Roads and bridges.
  • National or local parks.
  • National defense/military/policing
  • Schools. (This issue addressed further below.)
  • Prisons.
  • Government employee salaries other than those working in the fields covered by the previous categories.
  • Goodies for the general public, such as free medical care, etc.

No need for balanced budget, etc. since just like the rest of us, the government will spend until it has no more money THEN THE SPENDING STOPS. Watch how efficient those lazy cocksuckers currently sucking on the government tit suddenly become with the public treasury.

4. As to schooling - schools will teach students to become productive citizens. Students shall become proficient in English, writing, reasoning, logic, math (calculus is the minimum finishing point), civics, economics, learn a foreign language. Schools that do not produce students who exhibit proficiency in these subjects will have every teacher reviewed and subject to replacement.

5. No more public employee unions. Disband them. Public employee unions use their considerable money to bribe the government to pay public employees more money, which leads to more public employee union money, leading to more bribes, leading to more and more goodies for public employees at taxpayer expense.
1. Label the DNC as a terrorist organization.

1. Label all lawyers as domestic terrorists

1. Label all ogres as domestic terrorists.

1. Pass a law that all DNC members, lawyers and ogres MUST engage in a fight to the death on July 4, with the event on PPV (unable to be streamed) with all ticket sales going to fund the completion of the border wall.

1. Repeal every EO signed by President Xiden.

boom. prosperity.
1. Condense the national school system into k-10 grades, space out summer break into four equal breaks in each season, align the school day to the average work day with extracurriculars at the end of the day then realign the school day curriculum to best align with when studies show teens and children are most attentive to the subject...

2. Reconstruct the power grid to rely heavily on modern small nuclear plants backed by coal and natural gas peakers and
End exporting of untaxed resources to foreign countries then put significant resources towards development of environmentally safe large scale battery storage of power to better utilize green power

3. Eliminate the income tax for citizens making under a million dollars a year tied to inflation going forward, but institutes a national sales tax based on spending and the gdp... leave an income tax for all people earning money here but moving it into any foreign country...

4. Reformat minimum wage to have two criteria, A.) a flat minimum wage based off of the original minimum wage adjusted for inflation...and B.) a profit sharing type system tied to a minimum overall cost percentage of total revenues mandated to be paid to non management workers... enduring that business can still operate yet downsizing or withholding raises cannot screw workers... plus it rewards successful business practices

So hard to choose just one more....
ill honorably mention judicial system reforms, opening up the political process to minor parties, enforcing a cheatproof election system based on social security and green card numbers that is open to every citizen or legal voter, more accessible yet virtually tamper proof and ending the war on drugs... and while id definitely start a trade war with china until they reform their domestic policies, and strongarm Mexico into a fairer wage system to curb illegal immigration here,

My number 5 would be id end the corporate republic system we have morphed into... Id open up domestic competition by waging assaults against all the monopolistic practices and conflicts of interest we turn a blind eye against now... id end corporate entities having the overblown rights they currently enjoy tp screw with the political system... id tax the **** out of everything that bleeds money out of the country without giving back at a fair proportion... id i dont mean faux tax shelter charities that don’t do **** all... those loopholes end asap...

Successful fair practices should not be punished, but currently these super corporations and tech lords are absolutely out of control and strangling the capitalist system that exists because of competition...
1. Remove Davis Bacon / Prevailing Wage requirements on all Federally funded projects.
2. Reinstitute the Keystone Pipeline and any other pipelines currently on the chopping block.
3. Demand 5 year plan from Congress that eliminates the budget deficit.
4. Repeal catch and release at the southern border, complete the southern wall, reauthorize ICE to deport any and all illegal immigrants.
5. Withdraw from NATO, WHO, PCA, and any other organizations that do not directly benefit US citizens.
1. Put all Trump policies back in place.
1) Eliminate the executive order for anything beyond the scope of the President's role as commander in chief.
2) Line item veto
3) Term limits
4) Balanced budget amendment
5) Flat tax for everyone above the poverty line

There's more I would do but that's a start.
1. Pass an immigration bill that focuses on universal E-verify and enforcement, if they can't get employment undocumented immigrants would quit coming
2. Pass a infrastructure bill that focuses on projects that eliminate current bottlenecks and promote future economic growth.
3. Come up with a Universal Healthcare plan paid with a national sales tax and export taxes, if employers are relieved of health insurance costs, they can raise wages considerably, also
there are stats showing that those who qualify for medicare are creating a high percentage of new small businesses, the high cost of healthcare hinders many from leaving secure jobs to
pursue entrepreneurship.
4. Come up with a plan to improve and make equal public schools, with all students having access to Vocational schools at 10th grade and above. If you want more people to be self-reliant, you need to
give everyone access to a quality education and job skills training.
5. Promote housing development that supports mix class developments. Communities should have equitable amounts of high, mid and lower income housing opportunities so all income classes have to live amongst each other.
US has become too segregated by income level based on housing development. Singapore is the best example of the benefits that arise from wise housing development.
1. Pass an immigration bill that focuses on universal E-verify and enforcement, if they can't get employment undocumented immigrants would quit coming
2. Pass a infrastructure bill that focuses on projects that eliminate current bottlenecks and promote future economic growth.
3. Come up with a Universal Healthcare plan paid with a national sales tax and export taxes, if employers are relieved of health insurance costs, they can raise wages considerably, also
there are stats showing that those who qualify for medicare are creating a high percentage of new small businesses, the high cost of healthcare hinders many from leaving secure jobs to
pursue entrepreneurship.
4. Come up with a plan to improve and make equal public schools, with all students having access to Vocational schools at 10th grade and above. If you want more people to be self-reliant, you need to
give everyone access to a quality education and job skills training.
5. Promote housing development that supports mix class developments. Communities should have equitable amounts of high, mid and lower income housing opportunities so all income classes have to live amongst each other.
US has become too segregated by income level based on housing development. Singapore is the best example of the benefits that arise from wise housing development.

I was actually somewhat with you on the first two less on the rest particularly mandating anything about housing.
1. Pass an immigration bill that focuses on universal E-verify and enforcement, if they can't get employment undocumented immigrants would quit coming.

You would then also be required to deem illegals ineligible to receive taxpayer-funded schooling for their kids and welfare and Section 8 housing benefits. Like California's Proposition 187 in 1994 which passed with 59% of the vote, and was then challenged by liberals in court and deemed unconstitutional.

Pull your head out of your ***.

2. Pass a infrastructure bill that focuses on projects that eliminate current bottlenecks and promote future economic growth.

Genius. "Pass a bill that does only good stuff without the usual government greed, corruption, union-thievery." Yeah, that'll work.

3. Come up with a Universal Healthcare plan paid with a national sales tax and export taxes, if employers are relieved of health insurance costs, they can raise wages considerably, also there are stats showing that those who qualify for medicare are creating a high percentage of new small businesses, the high cost of healthcare hinders many from leaving secure jobs to pursue entrepreneurship.

Government run healthcare. Brilliant. "Oh, but look at Medicare!!" say the moron liberals. Okay. So let's adopt government-run healthcare where you pay into the system for 45 years before you qualify, and only get the coverage if in fact YOU PAY INTO THE ******* SYSTEM.

Like that, you mean?

4. Come up with a plan to improve and make equal public schools, with all students having access to Vocational schools at 10th grade and above. If you want more people to be self-reliant, you need to give everyone access to a quality education and job skills training.

Wait, liberals and leftists have run the schools for the past 50 years. You're saying they're ****** up? Noooo ...

Also, the liberal way is to make things "equal" by insuring all are equally ******. The public schools did just fine before liberals gutted them and then turned them into garbage. Giving liberals more control of the schools is like saying we need to let arsonists run free to cut down on those wildfires.

5. Promote housing development that supports mix class developments. Communities should have equitable amounts of high, mid and lower income housing opportunities so all income classes have to live amongst each other. US has become too segregated by income level based on housing development. Singapore is the best example of the benefits that arise from wise housing development.

Once again with the "equity" bullshit. Good neighborhoods are good because people pay for their homes and take care of them, not because of "equity." Also, who is going to pay for the "lower income" housing? Taxpayers of course. So not only do I have to pay for MY ******* home, I have to pay for some idiot to live within 1/2 mile, turn the home I bought her into ****, and walk the 1/2 mile to come into my neighborhood to steal my **** because "equity."

Oh, and as to Singapore - their society functions because if you do stupid **** there, you literally get your *** whipped in public.


If you are supporting caning the ***** of idiots who smoke crack and steal and do other stupid ****, okay. You may be on to something. But I expect not. You think that harsh treatment of morons and miscreants has nothing to do with society in Singapore and instead they have fewer people doing stupid **** because equity and government spending.

1. raise salaries quite a bit for Congressman and Senators BUT institute term limits and eliminate all benefits. They pay for everything out of higher salaries. Plus ban all outside money.
2. mandate all Bills may only contain one topic and no extraneous addendums. They are limited in size to what can be reasonably read and understood by a 5th grader in half an hour tops.
3. Eliminate certain federal departments such as Education and the EPA that are powers not given to the federal government by the Constitution.
4. Require all citizens to be trained to handle clean shoot and safely store a firearm. Eliminate all gun laws that reduce the rights of lawful citizens and do nothing to stop criminals.
5.Enforce our borders and build walls but also fix the immigration system to be easier and safer for both sides.
I desperately need to see Tibs and Trogs list!
21's list started much more tame than I would have expected, but ended right about where I thought it would start.
No need for my list, its already been covered.
1. Reform welfare system. Reward people who are actually working vs people sitting at home collecting a check. Also make people on welfare either work or volunteer x number of hours.
2. Stop spending so much $$ on other countries. Whether it's military or aid or whatever.
3. Immigration reform. People have to legally come in period.
4. Voter ID card. Can't vote without one.
5. Much wasted time in congress especially after watching the Impeachment stuff
1. Replace income tax with the Fair Tax or the Flat Tax.
2. Border wall and enforce immigration law.
3. Agree with DBS, veto any bill more than ten pages long.
4.. Veto any budget that is not balanced.
5. Legalize weed nationally.
seems like only Tim and I are proposing common sense laws. the rest of this thread is bullshit.
1. Ban all foreign nations and companies based outside the USA from giving money to our politicians.

2. Pass a budget and stick to it.

3. Allow non citizens a path for citizenship. 4 years in the Military, or 4 years ( 180 hours a year to make America beautiful, or do local work ) , capped at 100,000 a year. In order to become a citizen you must pass a basic History and English test.

4. Finish Trump's Wall.

5. Voter ID, with Las Vegas style cameras overhead.
The 1st I'd do is to dump the secretary of education job. Ain't nothing but a boondoggle.
1. Replace income tax with the Fair Tax or the Flat Tax.
2. Border wall and enforce immigration law.
3. Agree with DBS, veto any bill more than ten pages long.
4.. Veto any budget that is not balanced.
5. Legalize weed nationally.

In PA using medical marijuana is a way to keep you from owning a Firearm.
Sure Democrats came up with this plan.
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1 Declare that a person’s data is their own property and can’t be used or sold or searched without their permission or a warrant. No app may compel a person to consent to share their data as prerequisite to use the app. Any data collected for functionality (like gps data for a map app) must be encrypted so only the user can access it and user can delete it.
2 Regulate social media as utilities. Constitution applies.
3 allow taxpayers to send their school tax to a particular school.
4 Public employees are not allowed to unionize.
5 No elected official is allowed to benefit from their office. This includes insider trading (which they are currently exempt), money or jobs given to close friends or family extending 10 years after leaving office,
Is this a trick question?
The way our Republic is set up ( yes, our Republic. It's NOT a democracy ), congress makes the rules, president approves the rules, and supreme court interprets the rules.
However, for this exercise, if I were temporary emperor, my five would be :

1) Fashion around 600 or so nooses for the current criminals and leave them on display for as long as possible as a deterrent for future generations.
2) Impose term limits on ALL federal positions. No career politicians at any level. And since it wasn't your career and it was just volunteering for public service, you do NOT get lifetime medical and secret service. You lose ALL that the day you leave office. Your benefits only apply while on the job.
3) Implement a flat tax. Everyone pays their fair share. 10% of my income stings just as much as your 10%. And if I get a raise, or a decrease, so does the government. We both win/lose together.
4) Clean up our own backyard before we go knocking on all of our neighbors' doors. Meaning, pull ALL troops and financial aid from ALL countries and bring them ALL back home and fix us first before we try and help others. Also, we're NOT Team America World Police. We can't and shouldn't try to be.
5) All crimes are paid by jail/prison time. No more buying your way out of committing a crime. No fines. You pay restitution if need be, but you're still paying for your crime with your time.
1) Fashion around 600 or so nooses for the current criminals and leave them on display for as long as possible as a deterrent for future generations.


THIS is the way politicians should feel, 24/7.
"When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."

- Thomas Jefferson -
6. Outlaw lightning
7. Outlaw meanness. No more making fun of elftard, Flog, Tibs, 21 ...
8. Outlaw stealing and killing. No, we MEAN it this time.
9. Outlaw the temperature rising. Global warming FIXED!
10. Outlaw not obeying the orders about things being outlawed.
11. Outlaw making fun of politicians for being so stupid as to believe anybody gives a **** if they live or die.
12. Outlaw ignoring the outlawing of making fun of politicians.

(Get ready to explain the foregoing to liberals ... )