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You are president: what five things would you do to make life better in the USA?

Supe/Tim 2024
Vote like your beer and ammo depend on it
There's some great ones here. I agree with almost all of them, especially the flat tax or national sales tax. I'll add:

1) Make it illegal for congressmen to profit from lobbyists.
2) Create The White House channel, where the President can speak directly to the people. All press conferences can only be aired on that channel too. Eliminate fake news.
3) Bomb the **** out of Iran.
4) Deport ALL illegal aliens.
5) Send all of our prisoners, homeless and mentally ill to Cuba. Paybacks are a ************.
Love the banner, knowing one of the names clearly does NOT apply to TSF.

We know you want a seat in the Coolministration, but not all Tims are equal. I am not against cancelling you in the new world. Step in line comrade. You've already been decreed our new head of manure spreading. Take the role or start your own party.
Ideally, as President and executor of our laws (and also the commander in chief), I would use my bully pulpit and power to do the following:

1. Execute the current immigration laws as strictly and legitimately as possible. Explain WHY I am doing it. Explain that executing the current laws is almost impossible because of different and conflicting court rulings. But do it anyway and fight like hell in the court to uphold the executive branch's broad powers when it comes to immigration and asylum.

2. Push for a Convention of States. Use the power of the President and pulpit to bully state legislatures and call them out for their opportunity to create lasting change to our federal government. The purpose of the Convention of States would be to amend the Constitution to include single subject law rules and propose new term lengths and term limits on all federally elected officials.

3. Continue/push an America-First foreign policy agenda. Speak softly but carry a big stick. Let those allies that are AT THE EPICENTER of problems lead and act as support/muscle for them if necessary. To me, the U.S.'s primary theater of foreign policy is Southeast Asia. China is clearly our biggest threat and adversary. I would demand NATO and the E.U. deal with Russia with our ancillary support. Our primary focus is Asia with Japan and Australia our biggest allies.

4. I still propose massive military bases in Iraq. Withdrawal all troops in Germany/Europe. Move them all to the Middle East. Our military needs to continue to be present and the target of radical Islamism. If we leave, the targets become civilian targets all over the world. The only way to change the Middle East it to take over an area, westernize it, build it up with infrastructure and western culture, and the natives will eventually see the benefits. This should have been the plan back in 2008, but we took a wrong turn (IMO). This is not about a war. Not about continued, everlasting drone strikes. This is about a military base so large that it becomes integrated into a city like Mosul. Mosul therefore becomes more "westernized" and after a generation or two, might see major impact/change in the region. The ship might have sailed on this idea, but I would still look into it. Note, if we had done it right, Iraq would not be a puppet state of Iran, we could withdrawal out of both Turkey and Saudi Arabia into a more "neutral" environment, and therefore allow more diplomatic pressure on the Sunni Powers and Shia Powers (i.e. Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran) without having a conflict of interest because all our current military bases are in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

5. A strong, impenetrable Israel is the only way towards any peace between Judaism and Islam. Hamas is not a legitimate entity to negotiate with. Neither is the PLO. Any talk of a two-state solution has to deal with an Islamic group that is not terrorist/violence based. Any terrorism or violence against Israel, and you no longer negotiate on anything. Period.

6. Do a lot of executive orders and direct all my agencies to be less regulatory. Consolidate and trim down regulations in general. Stream line as much as you can. Cut all the words in half. It's not just about eliminating regulations. It's as much about making the regulations more common sense and close stupid loopholes and legaleze jargon. Just hire 10,000 lawyers to start re-writing regulations in more common sense language.

Let it be written, let it be done.
1) Finish the wall and set limit how many folks can apply for citizenship/seek asylum per year. Illegals sent home and those employing illegals get fined and/or jail time.
2) Impose a 3 year moratorium of giving foreign aid to any country. Spend the damn money HERE.
3) Get out of the UN and any other worthless org.s that don't do **** for anyone and where we pay the bills. Get the UN out of the US.
4) Bring the troops home. Eliminate 1 yr. PCS moves/remote tours, etc., to korea and other 3rd world countries. They need our help, they can call .... We can 'assist' within minutes and beef up within days ... this ain't the 50's or 60's anymore.
5) Flat tax for everyone - no off shore bullshit, no loopholes. You pay your share. Otherwise you get your pay garnished/home and car repo'ed and sold off, etc.
On the proposal for a flat tax - I think it is doable with two requirements:

  1. All money derived in a calendar year - income OR capital gains - are treated equally. Currently, a lot of very wealthy people pay little in taxes because their income is in fact a profit, i.e., a capital gain.
  2. The tax code would have a $10,000 deductible for each person in the household. A family of four earning $60,000 would pay taxes on just the $20,000 difference. No other deductions, credits, etc. This does away with the "woe is me, I'm poor" chant.
1. Implement term limits of 12 years TOTAL. No retirement, no special healthcare plans, all laws created will apply equally to ALL citizens.
2. Immigration reform- to include wall construction, e-verify all employees, first employment offense $100,000 fine and 3 months in jail for CEO, head of company or Owner of the company. 2nd offense $1,000,000 fine and 1 year in prison, 3rd offense, forfeiture of business to the State, for sale at auction, 5 years in jail and forfeiture of 1/2 of all assets.
3. Public education reform - eliminate any and all Fed involvement in K-12, return control to the States. The ONLY Fed involvement will be with financial assistance for college. ANY qualified student can apply for tuition funding and secure same @ 2% interest. Loans can NEVER be vacated, for any reason. Since a better educated populace is supposed to benefit the country as a whole, loan forgiveness will be granted upon successful completion of a degree, as follows. 3.5+ GPA =100%, 3.25 GPA = 75%, 3.0 GPA = 50%, 2.75 GPA = 25%. Any STEM degrees will get an additional .2 GPA adjustment. Want to go for free WORK YOUR *** OFF LIKE IT IS A JOB, BECAUSE IT IS.
4. Campaign finance reform - ONLY living, breathing, AMERICAN citizens can contribute to a candidate, up to A TOTAL of $1000 per election cycle. NO other funding will be allowed. Voter ID law NATIONWIDE.
5. Healthcare reform - establish a 3 tier healthcare GROUP plan available to PURCHASE by anyone. Companies can bid for a 5 year period, to be the sole provider. #1 Basic Major Medical $1000 deductible, #2 group healthcare+ #1 $1500 deductible, #3 any level the want to offer above 1 & 2.
Lots of great ideas here.

Anyone who can bring about a Constitutional Convention I'll vote for.
none y'all have come up with anything even closely resembling what a Supe/Tim ticket would provide.
we're in 1st place and havent even made a serious run yet.

erryone else in distant second.
none y'all have come up with anything even closely resembling what a Supe/Tim ticket would provide.
we're in 1st place and havent even made a serious run yet.

erryone else in distant second.

Ogres love #2. Smell it. Fondle it. Wallow in it.