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Your Judgement, NFL Marketing division on Social Justice

**** you SoOp.

see, this is the reason we have rules of engagement specifically designed for ogres. a simple question is responded to with outright violence and aggression. the only good ogre is one that brings Macallan to it's best buddies.
Did you not read my post? This is a serious thread, so I'll reply. If man is down, handcuffed, and neutralized, its hands off after 10 seconds pass. Anyone hitting/kicking a suspect in this phase of the arrest process after 10 seconds pass faces assault charges. Bar chokeholds pressure on the neck. Bar piling onto a person on the ground.

You do realize that most departments already have many of those items in their SOP already, right? Once again, you cannot legislate stupidity or the illegal actions of an individual. The cases of police brutality vs. all citizen/police interaction is so incredibly small it is almost a statistical zero.

If a person says, they can't breathe, STOP and get off.

LOL, two major issues with that argument. 1) It would be abused and already is abused ad nauseum. 2) If a person is talking, they are breathing. When a person is blabbering on for 60 seconds about how they can't breathe, they are breathing that entire time

If the suspect is resting arrests, call for re-enforcement, get four guys and throw him in the back of truck, simply add that to the charges.

That is SOP for every single department in the country. It is also SOP to call for the SRO on duty to respond as well. Guess what, that is not instantaneous.

It could help is the process of being arrested is part of driver's ed and getting your license reinstated.

We now need classes on how to comply with authority figures? I always thought that most people learned that from their parents, their schools/teachers, dean, principal, jobs, bosses...etc.

While not perfect, I do believe the above, if implemented, could save lives and diminish police brutality.

You want to eliminate police brutality, COMPLY with law enforcement. It really is that simple. If the arrest is unjust, sue the department, city, state, federal agency...etc. This is an entitlement issue that starts at a young age at home and continues to adulthood. All you need to look at to see what and why it is occurring is the educational system in most inner city schools. See the parent involvement, see when teachers get blamed by parents for the actions of their kids, and see the entitlement that the kids and parents display to school staff. What you see happening with the police is simply a continuation of these same basic behaviors. Until you address the entitlement, lack of self control, lack of accountability or responsibility, nothing will ever change between law enforcement and civilian interactions. No laws or policies are ever going to stop the core problem.
You want to eliminate police brutality, COMPLY with law enforcement. It really is that simple.

Re-quoted for emphasis.

This IS the answer. The only answer. Period. It fixes the problem.
NFL marketing did an awful job. This all started with the weakness of Goodell on every subject. Starting with how he mishandled CTE by accepting and promoting completely unproven science. Because of his pandering it is now widely believed that if you get a concussion you will basically have dementia by age 50. But only if you get that concussion playing football. A concussion from soccer is no big deal. It just somehow goes away.

it continued with Kap and the kneeling. All the NFL had to do was say that the players are free to say and do whatever they like off the field but once on the field, they must follow NFL guideline which specifies everything from the anthem to what color socks you can wear.

What the NFL now does is essentially tell me to my face that they think I’m a racist. They are good and virtuous but I’m a piece of **** and the a second later they stick out their hand asking me for my money as if I have no choice but to pay them.

I love the game of football so I will still watch but not to the degree I used to. I already watch far fewer games. I have already refused to watch a few college games because they were on ESPN and I will not watch ESPN aside from when my team is playing and the nanosecond that’s over, I’m changing the channel.

Yes the NFL will still get viewership from me but not as much and they will get ZERO additional revenue. I’m not buying any gear. I’m not watching near as much pregame of related programming. I cancelled my NFL game pass subscription. I played fewer fantasy leagues. I play less daily fantasy. I have bet on fewer games, because I’m not following as closely so I don’t have enough info to bet most of the games.

In other words, NFL marketing has convinced me to give them less money. Although they did do a better job than NBA marketing which may have actually killed their sport.
On the subject of marketing, what % of marriages are now interracial? Seems about 95% now if you watch commercials. Just wait for the new shows that are filming now. It will be funny to see all these shows all add a new minority character.

Here’s the rub though. They scream that representation matters. Meaning that a black or Hispanic or gay or whatever person is less likely to watch shows if they don’t see themselves on screen. I don’t buy that. But if you do buy that then doesn’t reducing the roles of white people have to mean that white people will then be less likely to watch? With white people still being by far the largest group, doesn’t that mean you are pushing away your largest audience?

If a show is good. I’ll watch. I don’t care about the diversity of the cast. I think that’s how most people choose what they watch. They seem to be under the impression that most people look at the cast first and then decide to watch. I bet people who do that are a pretty small group, unfortunately they have convinced many that they are the vast majority.

Buckle up for some horrible TV coming your way. Networks doing their part to push even more viewers to Netflix or Amazon prime or other streaming services. Streaming services will have their woke programs as well but that doesn’t matter. They aren’t live programming. When they add a woke show it doesn’t mean cancelling a different show to make room on a schedule.
Buckle up for some horrible TV coming your way. Networks doing their part to push even more viewers to Netflix or Amazon prime or other streaming services. Streaming services will have their woke programs as well but that doesn’t matter. They aren’t live programming. When they add a woke show it doesn’t mean cancelling a different show to make room on a schedule.

99% of what hollywood craps out is beyond garbage. I wouldn't insult my crap by wiping with what hollywood puts out.
On the subject of marketing, what % of marriages are now interracial? Seems about 95% now if you watch commercials. Just wait for the new shows that are filming now. It will be funny to see all these shows all add a new minority character.

Here’s the rub though. They scream that representation matters. Meaning that a black or Hispanic or gay or whatever person is less likely to watch shows if they don’t see themselves on screen. I don’t buy that. But if you do buy that then doesn’t reducing the roles of white people have to mean that white people will then be less likely to watch? With white people still being by far the largest group, doesn’t that mean you are pushing away your largest audience?

If a show is good. I’ll watch. I don’t care about the diversity of the cast. I think that’s how most people choose what they watch. They seem to be under the impression that most people look at the cast first and then decide to watch. I bet people who do that are a pretty small group, unfortunately they have convinced many that they are the vast majority.

Buckle up for some horrible TV coming your way. Networks doing their part to push even more viewers to Netflix or Amazon prime or other streaming services. Streaming services will have their woke programs as well but that doesn’t matter. They aren’t live programming. When they add a woke show it doesn’t mean cancelling a different show to make room on a schedule.

Richard Pryor.

Did any white guy see themselves on stage with Richard Pryor? no. white guys saw Richard Pryor
Did any mexican guy see themselves on stage with Richard Pryor? no. mexican guys saw Richard Pryor.
Did any black guy see themselves on stage with Richard Pryor? no. black guys saw Richard Pryor.

if the product is good, people will buy it.
This all makes perfect sense to me. My brother-in-law is a Black man and I have 3 beautiful nieces as a result, but I know for a fact, and we're close, that he doesn't talk to me about everything he talks to other Black men about. And that is perfectly okay with me. I understand that we both come from different cultures and I really respect that. On the flipside, as a White guy, I've had conversations with other White guys that I wouldn't say around Black folks. Now please don't misunderstand that statement as me hiding some racist agenda, its just that some conversations are really uncomfortable and sometimes you have feelings about things and want to know if its only you. So you ask people that look like you if they feel the same way. Or if they have experienced the same things. Most recently these conversations have revolved around White Fragility, which by the way, my brother-in-law thinks is completely ridiculous and makes him very nervous. I mean the whole idea that you're born a racist because of the color of your skin is completely insane in my opinion. And is the exact definition of being a racist. Think about that for a second. If I, a White guy, were to say that all Black babies are born criminals, what would that say about me? That is a reprehensible statement for anyone to make. What if a Black man said the same thing? Still reprehensible and to be honest I would think it projects that identity on that group of people. And if some are weak enough to buy into it, accept the fact that they were born that way and embrace it, then boom another criminal is on the streets or another racist is on the streets when in reality they were neither until someone convinced them that's what they are.

So yeah, I completely agree with you that Black men probably don't say everything they would say around other black men in front of a white man. I'm okay with that and not even in the slightest bit offended.

We are products of our environment.
I’ll use Albuquerque as an example. A very laid back city - it’s just the norm here.
Having went to school in Athens, GA and experiencing life outside of NM, interacting with people from out of state.

Albuquerque is not used to say that east coast hustle.

The same can be applied to people with different skin color because culturally we grow up a bit different.
Although not too much different if you think about it. The differences lie mostly in skin color, then music/fashion/income-social class.

Poor crime will correlate with each other regardless of skin color.
Middle class is where we are being attacked.

I’m hispanic. Hate the cholo culture. Hate low riders, old english tattoos, homies and their 40oz drinks.
A lot of people who meet me in person are shocked how murican I am lol.

But my parents raised me to succeed and not blame others for my shortcomings.

That is something not often brought up cause white, brown, black.
You work, provide for your family, be a good neighbor/civilian there is no racism.

Now those who grew up in a more less diverse setting is a different story but they are not a large representation
On the subject of marketing, . Just wait for the new shows that are filming now. It will be funny to see all these shows all add a new minority character.

or openly gay ....don't forget the LGBTQRSTUV people they are like .08% of the population , after all.

WOW .... Such an angry little person you are.

But, please, do tell me more about your experiences as a Black man and what is or is not discussed between Black people when White folks are around. Doesn't take a PhD to understand that if folks aren't going to discuss a topic in your presence, they aren't going to tell you what topic(s) those would be. However, if you feel that all the Black folks you know will talk about anything and everything with you in the same manner they talk to other Black folks, good for you. Feeling something and knowing it are two different things.

In any event, since you say you comprehend what you read, maybe you missed the part where I stated that I stand by what I wrote.
Maybe it just offends your pride that all the Black folks you say you interact with won't tell you everything they share amongst themselves or won't discuss it with you in the same open manner they do with other Blacks. Hell, I really don't care what your problem is. You just come off as a sad, angry little manling.

OH! And since you imply that I purposefully responded to one of your posts, let me remind you that the post you reference was a response to my post. Thank you for letting me live in your head. There's a lot of room there and the rent, being free makes it that much more appealing.

I'm not angry at all. I'm simply amazed by what a know-it-all racist hypocrite you are. No, I didn't miss your point, it's at the top of your head. You continue to prove how narrow your mind is. But do us all a favor, and stop telling me how you can speak for every black person I've known in my life. I know, I know, you're black -- so they must think and act exactly like you do. What's sad is your need to censor your conversations around a person of a different skin color. But, hot damn, you keep on standing by that ****.

Doesn't take a fifth-grade education to figure out that you don't practice what you preach. Yeah, yeah, buddy. You respond to my posts within hours, or even minutes...but you're in my head. Keep telling yourself that.
You want to eliminate police brutality, COMPLY with law enforcement. It really is that simple. If the arrest is unjust, sue the department, city, state, federal agency...etc. This is an entitlement issue that starts at a young age at home and continues to adulthood. All you need to look at to see what and why it is occurring is the educational system in most inner city schools. See the parent involvement, see when teachers get blamed by parents for the actions of their kids, and see the entitlement that the kids and parents display to school staff. What you see happening with the police is simply a continuation of these same basic behaviors. Until you address the entitlement, lack of self control, lack of accountability or responsibility, nothing will ever change between law enforcement and civilian interactions. No laws or policies are ever going to stop the core problem.

This. 1000 times this. For as much as people are clamoring for better police training, I feel like society as a whole needs more training than the police do.
I always hated Aikman. And Joe Buck is a wuss compared to his dad. Screw them.
"That stuff ain't happening under the Kamala Bidet ticket."
At least he knows the real order of that campaign.

His brain is probably scrambled somewhere between Chris Henry and Joe Biden, but even he can see it.
I guess they didn't do flyovers at football games when Biden was the vice president. Right, Troy?
I struggle with why this is so damn hard to understand.

It's too hard for people to take any personal responsibility these days + add in that law enforcement have been vilified by certain prominent people for so long, that people are so automatically disrespectful and have such a distrust right from the word go. As to the accountability thing, we can't even hold our elected officials and leaders of our institutions rightly accountable. Money talks and bullshit walks, as the saying goes. And look at our press and what they get away with without repercussion? It's criminal.

There are laws that govern this land. There are those who've taken a vow, are trained & carry the enormous responsibility to uphold those laws. We, as citizens of a great and fair constitutional republic, have our own part to play, and that is simply to abide by those laws. Period. There is a justice system in place for people who want to challenge those laws/those who uphold it.

While there are some bad apples (like in every damn profession and walk of life), which is a damn shame and I genuinely feel for those who have legitimately been wronged by bad/dirty cops, it's actually a pretty remarkably low instance of that happening (among the rank and file), especially in this crazy day and age.

Stop blanketly vilifying those who protect & serve us, and take some damn responsibility for your own actions. That would be a good start I'd think.
I guess they didn't do flyovers at football games when Biden was the vice president. Right, Troy?

or taking Air Force 1 for a "date night". Or Barack and Michele taking different planes because Michele wanted to leave 20 minutes sooner. Or having AF1 buzz the Statue of Liberty for a photo op. That’s a;l fine though.

besides the flyovers don’t cost anything additional. They are classified as training exercises so they come out of an already established training budget and they count as training time for the pilots. As government goes, it actually pretty efficient.
or taking Air Force 1 for a "date night". Or Barack and Michele taking different planes because Michele wanted to leave 20 minutes sooner. Or having AF1 buzz the Statue of Liberty for a photo op. That’s a;l fine though.

besides the flyovers don’t cost anything additional. They are classified as training exercises so they come out of an already established training budget and they count as training time for the pilots. As government goes, it actually pretty efficient.

or taking Air Force 1 for a "date night". Or Barack and Michele taking different planes because Michele wanted to leave 20 minutes sooner. Or having AF1 buzz the Statue of Liberty for a photo op. That’s a;l fine though.

besides the flyovers don’t cost anything additional. They are classified as training exercises so they come out of an already established training budget and they count as training time for the pilots. As government goes, it actually pretty efficient.

Need advice as I was weak this week. I have made it know that I can’t stand behind an organization/league that supports a group that wants to end police/calls for their deaths, especially having family that serve. Haven’t watch **** but for a stupid *** ticker move a little ball on a screen until this week bs the ****. It’s been so ******* hard not to.

This upcoming week I so want to watch, and watch us **** up Bal. am I weak pos for it standing by my protest of the NFL or dude just watch. Stupid vent but wanted to.