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Your "Liberals are Nuts about Political Correctness" Thread

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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We see examples often. Being politically correct, driven by the Left, in some instances is literally killing us (see San Bernadino). The Left perpetually creates new victim classes and the butt hurt is rampant.

Today's example:


Activists Say Rock Festivals Have Too Many ‘White Male’ Acts, Demand Change

Equality activists are pressuring British music festivals to end their reliance on bands dominated by white males.

Diversity experts ordered organizers to “open their minds” and book more female and ethnic minority acts at some fo the country’s biggest festivals including Reading, Leeds, Download, V Fest and Glastonbury.

Festival bosses typically respond by observing that their job is to sell tickets rather than meet diversity quotas, so they book their acts accordingly.

However, that hasn’t stopped the social justice warriors from interfering.

But despite the events’ evident financial success, they are continually criticized for their choice of artists – typically world-famous rock bands consisting of four or five white male musicians.

Some festivals swore to take the criticism into account. Bestival, a smaller event with a hippy reputation, said it has a “responsibility to help rebalance the male dominance of festival line-ups”.

As such, it is introducing gender quotas for its DJ stage next year, and will insist half of artists are female.

Other, more established festivals, have been less keen on such advice in the past.

When one of the organizers of Reading and Leeds Festival was asked in 2015 why they kept booking so many men, he cited economics.

Speaking to the Guardian, he said: “Why do you think we book the same male acts again and again? Because they sell tickets.

“Trust me, if there was a female headline act in the rock genre that sold the same amount of tickets as any one of the headline acts this year, I’d book them.”
This **** you can't make up. That bastion of intelligence for the intelligentsia that is the Left - the New York Times. I present to you the racist salad


New York Times Labels Salad Racist. SALAD.

The New York Times labeled salad racist.

That's right, salad.

In an opinion piece titled Why Is Asian Salad Still On The Menu? by Bonnie Tsui, it is argued that the Asian Salad reeks of cultural appropriation by racist Westerners who often use offensive puns and stereotypes to name such Americanized cuisine while fetishizing Asian culture.

Tsui's anti-salad rant was triggered by the "Asian Emperor Salad" listed on a menu at a San Francisco joint she was dining at last Friday.

"I tried to identify exactly what that was," wrote Tsui. "I made a halfhearted joke to my husband about just which Asian emperor this salad was honoring. I thought about its grand imprecision, which irritated me as a Chinese-American. And I wondered, 'Who cooked up this thing?'"

Not Asians, apparently, and that's racist.

"When the Asian salad fad exploded, something that was cooked up by non-Asians became, well, 'Asian' in the popular imagination. A single Cheesecake Factory, Rainforest Cafe or Applebee’s could sell 500 Asian salads a week," complains the NYT columnist.

Then things get real: Tsui is upset that the $12 "Oriental chicken salad" at a restaurant chain isn't made with authentic Asian ingredients:

So what’s my problem with Asian salad? It’s not the salad itself, though it’s not my favorite. It’s the words — which, I think, matter. In many ways, the broad, generic terminology used to refer to an entire continent is the heart of it. Applebee’s menu features an “Oriental chicken salad” with the following description: “fresh Asian greens tossed in a tasty Oriental vinaigrette.” The “Asian greens” and “Oriental vinaigrette” are so laughably vague as to have no meaning at all. When I asked Applebee’s for more specifics on what made its Asian greens Asian and its Oriental vinaigrette Oriental, a spokesman told me the company was unable to “provide a thorough response.” No kidding.
Oddly, Tsui acknowledges that this sort of Americanized fusion happens with other cultures' food too, but suggests that it's somehow more important or worse with Asian culture:

While the Greek salad has some integrity — by this I mean that in Greece you will actually find a salad that looks like this — and the Caesar is a creation attributed to the 1920's-era restaurateur Caesar Cardini, the Asian salad stands apart as a strange kind of fiction.


"Am I taking this too seriously?" she asks.


But there is no reflection upon the rhetorical question; Tsui simply doubles-down on the sensitivity.

"The casual racism of the Asian salad stems from the idea of the exotic — who is and isn’t American is caught up wholesale in its creation," she writes. "This use of 'Oriental' and 'Asian' is rooted in the wide-ranging, 'all look same' stereotypes of Asian culture that most people don’t really perceive as being racist. It creates a kind of blind spot."

In closing, Tsui says her main beef with Asian salad is the name, which belongs to the continent of Asia, not Westerners.

I find something bittersweet in this nostalgia for a fake fusion cuisine. Something created in the name of Asians by non-Asians has become a touchstone for non-Asians. I understand that it’s possible to feel fondness for a dish that is deeply inauthentic and I don’t resent that one bit. It has become its own thing. Just don’t call it Mr. Mao’s Chicken Surprise.
Maybe they can schedule The Slants...

Members of the Asian-American rock band The Slants have the right to call themselves by a disparaging name, the Supreme Court says, in a ruling that could have broad impact on how the First Amendment is applied in other trademark cases.

The Slants' frontman, Simon Tam, filed a lawsuit after the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office kept the band from registering its name and rejected its appeal, citing the Lanham Act, which prohibits any trademark that could "disparage ... or bring ... into contemp[t] or disrepute" any "persons, living or dead," as the court states.

After a federal court agreed with Tam and his band, the Patent and Trade Office sued to avoid being compelled to register its name as a trademark. On Monday, the Supreme Court sided with The Slants.

"The disparagement clause violates the First Amendment's Free Speech Clause," Justice Samuel Alito wrote in his opinion for the court. Contrary to the Government's contention, trademarks are private, not government speech."

The band has said it wanted to reclaim what is often seen as a slur.

"We grew up and the notion of having slanted eyes was always considered a negative thing," Tam said in January. "Kids would pull their eyes back in a slant-eyed gesture to make fun of us. ... I wanted to change it to something that was powerful, something that was considered beautiful or a point of pride instead."
This **** you can't make up. That bastion of intelligence for the intelligentsia that is the Left - the New York Times. I present to you the racist salad


New York Times Labels Salad Racist. SALAD.

The New York Times labeled salad racist.

That's right, salad.

In an opinion piece titled Why Is Asian Salad Still On The Menu? by Bonnie Tsui, it is argued that the Asian Salad reeks of cultural appropriation by racist Westerners who often use offensive puns and stereotypes to name such Americanized cuisine while fetishizing Asian culture.

Tsui's anti-salad rant was triggered by the "Asian Emperor Salad" listed on a menu at a San Francisco joint she was dining at last Friday.

"I tried to identify exactly what that was," wrote Tsui. "I made a halfhearted joke to my husband about just which Asian emperor this salad was honoring. I thought about its grand imprecision, which irritated me as a Chinese-American. And I wondered, 'Who cooked up this thing?'"

Not Asians, apparently, and that's racist.

"When the Asian salad fad exploded, something that was cooked up by non-Asians became, well, 'Asian' in the popular imagination. A single Cheesecake Factory, Rainforest Cafe or Applebee’s could sell 500 Asian salads a week," complains the NYT columnist.

Then things get real: Tsui is upset that the $12 "Oriental chicken salad" at a restaurant chain isn't made with authentic Asian ingredients:

Oddly, Tsui acknowledges that this sort of Americanized fusion happens with other cultures' food too, but suggests that it's somehow more important or worse with Asian culture:


"Am I taking this too seriously?" she asks.


But there is no reflection upon the rhetorical question; Tsui simply doubles-down on the sensitivity.

"The casual racism of the Asian salad stems from the idea of the exotic — who is and isn’t American is caught up wholesale in its creation," she writes. "This use of 'Oriental' and 'Asian' is rooted in the wide-ranging, 'all look same' stereotypes of Asian culture that most people don’t really perceive as being racist. It creates a kind of blind spot."

In closing, Tsui says her main beef with Asian salad is the name, which belongs to the continent of Asia, not Westerners.

Almost all Chinese food sold in America is not Chinese at all. They are American ingredients cooked with Chinese flavors. It was fusion before people realized calling something fusion meant you could charge more.

I guess this woman wants all Chinese restaurant to remove General Tso's Chicken and replace it with something made with fish guts. Very few people would eat there and they'd go out of business but hey, they'd be authentic.

Liberals like to call themselves "progressives" to imply they are about new innovation, but they always seem to want things that set us back. They want farmers using hand tools and no pesticides. They want you to unplug your air conditioner. Now they are railing against the concept of the American melting pot.

Assimilation is natural and good and necessay to a strong country. Assimilation doesn't mean ignoring your heritage, it means adding to it. You still find Chinese and Italian and Hispanic neighborhoods where you can still get that culture but at the same time they have become Americans.

Liberals hate assimilation. They want separate small groups fighting against each other, cut off from a common purpose and ideals. Why? Because that makes those groups easier to control.

Why else would anybody suggest that a group should not be forced to learn the national language? You know for a fact that not being able to speak the native language will put somebody at a huge disadvantage. It limits their prospects for jobs, and even for making friends. It leaves people isolated.

That's the recipe for what's wrong in Europe now. They have pushed multi culturalism so that now these immigrant groups stay in their own neighborhoods and feel cut off from the rest. It is the reason for the extremism.

Now here in America, we have idiots pushing the same by calling it 'cultural appropriation". Don't you dare try to appreciate a culture other than your own. Throw out that soy sauce you racist.
<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Ffusionmedianetwork%2Fvideos%2F2003244333034868%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
All of this race **** is ******* stupid. I detest it. Just liberal ******** trying to keep it alive by all means necessary. The **** is old. And they're a bunch of instigating asshats. Now if you want to talk about cultures. Some are just screwed in the head. Like a certain group stuck in the 7th century who bang goats & little kids. This pc **** needs to die a good death.
Way too much thinking.
Equality activists are pressuring British music festivals to end their reliance on bands dominated by white males.

Diversity experts ordered organizers to “open their minds” and book more female and ethnic minority acts at some fo the country’s biggest festivals including Reading, Leeds, Download, V Fest and Glastonbury.

Festival bosses typically respond by observing that their job is to sell tickets rather than meet diversity quotas, so they book their acts accordingly.

However, that hasn’t stopped the social justice warriors from interfering.

Lilith Fair tried their idea (female-only performers) for a while, but when ticket sales began to plummet, the concerts stopped (What? It IS about money after all?!). These SJW's should organize their own fest... get Hollywood leftists, etc to sponsor it. Call it perpetuallyoffendedpalooza or something.
Let's dance!!!

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Ffusionmedianetwork%2Fvideos%2F2003244333034868%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

wow, where to begin with that? This presumes that open borders is a right and any law restristing immigration is racist. That's the same nonsense argument we have today. It's not about race. It's about a country being allowed to decided who and how many immigrants they need. That's all.

America needed workers and welcomed the Chinese just as they welcomed everybody else. But then thy got to a point where there were too many. It wasn't just Chinese, ALL immigration was halted around the 20s. The country needed time to absorb all the new people and fpr those people to assimilate.

It used to be that immigrants were eager for their kids to learn English and American culture so they could succeed.

THAT is the real message of this stupid video. Did these Chinese sit home and wait for somebody to help them or did the find a way to help themselves?

They worked together and started businesses. They adapted their food to sell to Americans. They assimilated and succeeded.

This video is showing the strength of immigration. That the American Dream is real, it's just not easy, and that's what people today expect.

Many immigrant groups did the same. Very few people in America were living easy back then. The white worker who supposedly had it easy was either breaking his back farming or getting black lung in a mine, falling to his death off a construction site, or working 12 hours, 6 days a week in a factory.

Guess what. All that **** was still better than what they had in their native countries.
Lilith Fair tried their idea (female-only performers) for a while, but when ticket sales began to plummet, the concerts stopped (What? It IS about money after all?!). These SJW's should organize their own fest... get Hollywood leftists, etc to sponsor it. Call it perpetuallyoffendedpalooza or something.

My daughter's U12 soccer coach and his wife went to Lilith Fair in Minneapolis years ago. When they told me, with a straight face no less, I had to turn away because I couldn't suppress my giggle. I went to a Lollapalooza. I would never waste money or time on Lilith Fair.
The white worker who supposedly had it easy was either breaking his back farming or getting black lung in a mine, falling to his death off a construction site, or working 12 hours, 6 days a week in a factory.

Yeah, but ... white privilege. And slavery. And Nazis.

White people in America have never worked. We sit on the porch, drinking mint juleps, and watching people of color or non-color or kinda-color or what-the-****-ever work hard and make us money.

/s Stupid **** liberals.
Maybe if females actually made some decent hard rock music, people would go see them. Exceptions are Halestorm and The Pretty Reckless. I don't know what it is about female bands all having to be acoustic and sing ****** self-loathing, pity me songs.
Yeah, but ... white privilege. And slavery. And Nazis.

White people in America have never worked. We sit on the porch, drinking mint juleps, and watching people of color or non-color or kinda-color or what-the-****-ever work hard and make us money.

/s Stupid **** liberals.

Not all Democrats buy into that crap



Maybe if females actually made some decent hard rock music, people would go see them. Exceptions are Halestorm and The Pretty Reckless. I don't know what it is about female bands all having to be acoustic and sing ****** self-loathing, pity me songs.

Simple fact is that the vast majority of women have smaller hands than men and can't play the same style of music on a guitar. There's exceptions like Lita Ford and locally in Pittsburgh, Patti Spadaro, but there you have it.

(I've seen Patti Spadaro, she's freaking scary good. Female Jimi Hendrix.)
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some people have to much time on their hands. might I suggest a job?
Basically the SJW crowd hates any white person in general and any white make especially who isn't self loathing and doesn't self flegelate.

As far as female acts at festivals they don't sell because most female artists todaycare prepackaged pop acts that have no performance chops. No autotoon and ProTools in a live stage performance means pop princess sounds worse live than the average Schmo in the shower.
Yeah, but ... white privilege. And slavery. And Nazis.

White people in America have never worked. We sit on the porch, drinking mint juleps, and watching people of color or non-color or kinda-color or what-the-****-ever work hard and make us money.

/s Stupid **** liberals.

and have those same people of color type up our internet responses for us.
MILK is racist. Yep. Here you go folks, more byproduct of Progressives...who think they're making the world a better place.


WUT: College Student Explains Why Milk Is Racist

othing is sacred anymore. While it does not surprise anyone that the Left says white girls cannot wear hoop earrings and that fraternities must admit women in defiance to the exceptions to Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, nothing can logically explain an opinion piece claiming that milk is racist.

Samantha Diaz, a staff writer for California State University-Long Beach's student newspaper The Daily 49er, wrote an article claiming that white supremacists and neo-Nazis are appropriating milk as a symbol of hate. Here is the hook to her article:

When you think of milk, what first comes to your mind? If you’re a millennial, you probably think of strong bones, Got Milk? commercials, or maybe eating your favorite cereal while watching cartoons on a Saturday morning.

What about racism? White nationalism? If you’re having trouble finding the connection between these institutions and milk, you’re not alone. You, along with the rest of the nation, have been so accustomed to hearing the benefits of milk that you probably didn’t even realize the subtle racism hidden in our health facts.

Diaz then argued that the federal government's endorsement of milk as a beneficial part of the country's diet "contributes to the problem by uncritically pushing people to drink milk, despite the potential detriment it has on non-white people’s health." She stated that because African-Americans do not suffer from osteoporosis, a bone disease, at the same rates as most Americans, the United States is promoting a racist agenda. She also argued that the trolls at 4chan who hijacked Shia LaBeouf's "He Will Not Divide Us" shtick, drank milk to counter-protest him as a means of imposing white supremacy on the actor.

Diaz alluded to a scene in the new blockbuster hit Get Out where a white woman drinks a glass of milk with a bendy straw, saying that the film "highlights racism in post-racial America" and citing that as additional evidence that milk represents a status symbol for white supremacists. She also cited a Mother Jones article to further justify her assertions:

The Mother Jones article states that not only is milk non-beneficial to Africans, but following the guidelines may actually be detrimental to their health. There is a strong correlation to calcium consumption and an increased risk of prostate cancer, unproportionally affecting African men. Furthermore, both black children and adults generally secrete less calcium on a daily basis than white people, making them less dependent upon milk.

This is asinine. Just because the U.S. government promotes milk to counter the affects of osteoporosis and because some trolls drank it during Shia LaBeouf's silly anti-Trump charade does not mean that milk is a symbol of white supremacy. The average American will still drink milk in spite of Diaz's poorly-argued and logically-flawed article.

The Left will not stop until it can deconstruct American culture and rational scientific inquiry so both can bend to the will of its insanity.
MILK is racist. Yep. Here you go folks, more byproduct of Progressives...who think they're making the world a better place.


WUT: College Student Explains Why Milk Is Racist

othing is sacred anymore. While it does not surprise anyone that the Left says white girls cannot wear hoop earrings and that fraternities must admit women in defiance to the exceptions to Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, nothing can logically explain an opinion piece claiming that milk is racist.

Samantha Diaz, a staff writer for California State University-Long Beach's student newspaper The Daily 49er, wrote an article claiming that white supremacists and neo-Nazis are appropriating milk as a symbol of hate. Here is the hook to her article:

Diaz then argued that the federal government's endorsement of milk as a beneficial part of the country's diet "contributes to the problem by uncritically pushing people to drink milk, despite the potential detriment it has on non-white people’s health." She stated that because African-Americans do not suffer from osteoporosis, a bone disease, at the same rates as most Americans, the United States is promoting a racist agenda. She also argued that the trolls at 4chan who hijacked Shia LaBeouf's "He Will Not Divide Us" shtick, drank milk to counter-protest him as a means of imposing white supremacy on the actor.

Diaz alluded to a scene in the new blockbuster hit Get Out where a white woman drinks a glass of milk with a bendy straw, saying that the film "highlights racism in post-racial America" and citing that as additional evidence that milk represents a status symbol for white supremacists. She also cited a Mother Jones article to further justify her assertions:

This is asinine. Just because the U.S. government promotes milk to counter the affects of osteoporosis and because some trolls drank it during Shia LaBeouf's silly anti-Trump charade does not mean that milk is a symbol of white supremacy. The average American will still drink milk in spite of Diaz's poorly-argued and logically-flawed article.

The Left will not stop until it can deconstruct American culture and rational scientific inquiry so both can bend to the will of its insanity.

A little Nestle Quik or Hershey's Chocolate Syrup and this is a non-issue.
We joke about it. We could post a thousand stories that make you roll your eyes. But it is dangerous.

Political Correctness as a Tool of the Liberal Inquisition
By Rabbi Aryeh Spero

It is naïve to think that political correctness is simply a matter of being scolded for saying something unacceptable to liberals. It has become much more than that. Political correctness is a deliberate tool used by the Left to intimidate conservatives and people of faith into silence, with the goal of making our classic and time-tested opinions illegitimate.

Political Correctness is a strategy, a weapon of social warfare, a bullying against those unwilling to reshape and renounce their traditional belief system and bow to the dictates of the leftocracy dead-set on total domination of our lives and culture. It enforces censorship and activates demonization, threatening those unwilling to submit and apologize with loss of job, livelihood, social acceptability, company sales, friends, reputation, and status. It is the liberal version of Islamic blasphemy laws, ruthlessly excising anyone who questions or strays from the leftwing cultural and social dogmas. It is the most un-American development in our lifetime.

In many ways it is worse than the McCarthyism practiced in the early 50s. Senator Joseph McCarthy, who sat on the Senate Committee of Government Operations, targeted relatively few, whereas liberal political correctness is targeting over 60%, tens of millions, of Americans. And whereas McCarthy was generally correct regarding the communist leanings and activities of his targets, liberal political-correctness czars are off-the-wall incorrect when accusing regular and patriotic Americans of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, or whatever is the latest “ism”. Joe McCarthy’s hearings lasted a mere couple of years, while the scourge and punishment of political correctness is into its 20th year.

Today’s New McCarthyites exist and labor on the Left and are engaged in the thoroughly un-American activity of censoring speech, curtailing and ostracizing religious freedom, and doing whatever they can to deconstruct traditional family life and taint the values of our parents, our Founders, and our grandparents as evil. By deriding everything we hold dear as unacceptable, and making us pay the price of holding onto our cherished beliefs, they hope to transform America, and American family and religious life, into a Sweden/Brussels fantasy or a completely secular and unwholesome political entity. They wish to replace America while we stand by and watch it happen.

When thinking of the modus operandi of political correctness, one is reminded of the Spanish Inquisition against non-believers. Today’s liberals have replaced the clerics of old with their own Inquisitors of right and wrong and have substituted the concept of sin with their own set of rigid “sinful” dictates. Anything that does not sanctify every form of public sexual (mis)conduct, or strives for wholesomeness, or even patriotism, is punishable. As with the Inquisitors 500 years ago, the politically-correct police assume you are guilty until you prove otherwise… even demanding that you denounce friends and family who hold views different than the Church of Political Correctness.

By virtue of being a conservative, a person of faith, a Southerner, a heartland American, or a white Evangelical Christian you are automatically assumed to be a racist, etc., and the politically-correct vultures are ready to pick your bones before you say anything, so that once you do, they can twist your words negatively to mean something you never intended or even envisioned.

We hear from liberals that when President Trump and his followers speak of making America Great Again we mean Make America White Again. This is a malicious falsehood. It is specious and malevolent. What we mean, as does Mr. Trump, is that America should once again be prosperous; that the middle class be revived and that good, manufacturing jobs be available so families can live with dignity; that family life and wholesomeness be once again exalted; that America be crime-free; that Americans be protected from terrorism and inhere a sense of confidence; and that our elected leaders, a president, love America instead of constantly castigating her.

No one I know wants an America where our African-American brothers and sisters are denied an iota of civil rights. We look back on the 50s fondly not because of segregation, God forbid, but because it represented a time of American prosperity and confidence, American ingenuity, patriotism, safety, and religious freedom; a robust, working middle class that could dream and achieve, and a country that placed God above all else.

When liberals make these accusations it exposes the bigotry they carry, and have long carried, inside their bosom. Too many of the coastal elites have been taught to believe the worst about regular white Americans. They see racism in us because they have been raised and schooled on a diet of bigotry against fellow Americans as somehow uneducated, or religious and intolerant “rednecks”. They persist in these misguided beliefs regarding their countrymen because they don’t know their countrymen, they don’t live around them; they attend different schools and colleges; and because there’s no draft, do not serve with them in the military. They assume the worst. But, that’s their sin, their prejudice.

We need not prove ourselves to them; they need to get off their pedestal and strip their hearts of the false narratives around which they chatter. Precisely because they’ve been on their perch these last 50 years indicting heartland Americans and Evangelical Christians they’ve not undergone the introspection they should regarding their attitude towards the people they continue to criticize. They are unaware and do not give credit to the millions of across-the-board acts of charity and kindness routinely performed by religious, heartland America. We’ve undergone 50 years of introspection; now it’s their turn.

There is no doubt that the enforcers of political correctness continue to do so as a way of constantly bragging about their moral superiority, that they are better than the rest of us, and get a thrill out of making others bend to their will. It gives them a sense of power and self-righteousness. And, frankly, so long as we jump to their demands, we reinforce that power. We have it in our power to stop capitulating to their bullying. We have a new president who will give us the confidence to finally do so.