I really don't know why I bother but let me explain the stunningly obvious.
TSF said he does not want a Desantis/Trump war. Is it because he does not trust Trump or his policies? Of course not, dumbshit. He wants a (R) to prevail because (R) policies lead to affordable energy, energy independence, affordable gas, low inflation, affordable mortgages, a secure border, criminals in jail and a DOJ that pursues criminals, not ideological opponents.
The way for a (R) to prevail is to avoid a primary bloodbath. Look at sitting Presidents who faced a primary challenge - Carter in 1976, H.W. Bush in 1992. How'd those turn out?
Finally, how stupid are (D)umbfucks? Rhetorical question - we know the answer. Incredibly. Unfathomably. You think Biden acts in anybody's interest other than his own??

P.S. You still wearing a mask, you quisling *****?