You can keep saying this all you want. Unless you have evidence it's meaningless. Again, all audited by Republicans.
I will say this AGAIN. Counting is not the issue - the issue is mass ballot mailing in Pennsylvania, Arizona, California, Michigan, etc. and ballot "collection boxes" where anybody under the sun can simply drop in ballots. Send out 2,000,000 or 5,000,000 or whatever ballots, including tens of thousands to dead voters and voters that have moved to another state and voters that haven't voted since the Harding (Warren G., not Tonya) election, and then pay your operatives $8/ballot.
That results in tens of thousands of bogus ballots that are harvested and dropped off. Why do you think people were taking pictures of the ballots they were dropping off in Michigan and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin? Do you think they wanted to keep a memento of their ballot deposit??
Do you really think not one single election official would stand up and say "this was fraud?" All the old ladies that count our ballots are in on it? Every single one?
The ballots arrive - and the old ladies count 'em. So what? Why don't you explain how the old ladies would know that the ballots are from a guy who moved to Canuckistan in 2012 or from a lady who died in 2018?
The one issue is and remains verification. So please explain to me why (D)imbos are so rabid about neutering signature verifications on the mail-in ballots. Go ahead, I'll wait. Oh, here's a clue. Are these valid signatures?
Why yes ... yes, they are.
And I ask again (don't Floggy the question, OFTB) - why are (D)'s so worked up about removing the dead or the relocated or the dormant from voting rolls?? Please explain.
Jeez, a guy did a movie about how tens of thousands of votes can be harvested. (You know the process is actually called "ballot harvesting," right?) Did you see the movie? When given evidence, the media ignore it or say, "Pffft, nothing to see here." In fact, you know what Google results you get if you search "mail-in ballots and signature matching"? Story after story after story about how too many ballots are tossed due to signatures that don't match. Seriously? I guess getting a matching signature is unfair to ... the signature-disabled and the dead or something.
The problem is that you are still relying on mainstream media regarding our election changes over the past 3 years. The same people who promised Trump was involved in Russian collusion, that Trump ignored Russian bounties on American troops, that Covid came from a monkey, that the vaccine prevented you from getting Covid. I agree that one way to fix the system is to have (R) engage in this rampant fraud. The media would now take notice.
And honestly, if fraud is so easy to get away with don't you think Reps are doing it too? You just think Trump and his minions are that honest and pure I guess? Ok.
So why didn't all NFL teams just videotape opposing team's signals? Cheating on a scale to make a difference requires an organization that is designed to cheat and steal. (R)'s don't have tens of thousands of low-paid employees whose job it is to gather ballots for $5 or $8 each - (D)'s do. I did a thread on the several billionaires involved in corrupt practices, all of whom sent $$ to (D)imbos.
Yes, find better candidates. If you honestly think Dr. Oz and Doug Mastriano were going to drive people to the polls, expecially suburban women who tend to swing elections here, I don't know what to tell you.
(D)'s elected a grifter dementia patient. Everybody with a functioning brain could see what we are suffering on the horizon if we did so, and yet there he is ... 81 million votes. 15 million more than Obama ever got.
Sure. You bet. Who could doubt that?
And elected a brain-damaged ogre who cannot speak coherently because he lived off his rich parents his whole life and is sooooo attractive. Sure, you bet. Gotcha.
Let me put it this way. If the 2020 election resulted in Sloppy Joe getting 150 million votes and Trump getting 4 million, would you doubt the results? If so, why?
Dems voted because of Dobbs and election denying. GOP stayed home because Oz and Mastriano.
Got it. If your point is that (D)'s are the stupidest, most corrupt and narrow-minded people ever to walk the planet, okay, maybe. But your "we need better candidates" argument is just not valid. It is a bizarre argument in fact when comparing Brain-(D)amage and Oz.
Which one is more successful? More likely to enter politics for altruistic reasons? Which one is a life-lesson on sloth and grifting and getting into politics because it is easier than working for a living?
Jesus H. Christ, FETTERMAN IS ******* BRAIN-DAMAGED. And he was the "better candidate"?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????