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ABC cancels Roseanne Reboot.

It’s not lost, it’s how history is now being distorted. Nobody denies the historical mistreatment of minorities which BTW is not exclusive to America. That’s one problem i have is this notion that America is some racist nation and everywhere else, people have lived in peace and harmony for centuries.

Japan is horribly racist. Africa is divided into tribes that all hate and kill each other to this day. India still has a caste system for all intents and purposes. It may not be their law but it is certainly well known that’s how **** is run there. Mexico has a wall on their southern border and does not allow people in. Communist countries have killed millions of their own people in the last 100 years. I can go on.

The world is a rough place. Nobody ever said America was perfect. America still provides the best opportunities to have a good life, even for minorities who may feel "oppressed".

"What about" "what about" "what about" .. I'm an American, I care about America's problems. Because you can find worse places doesn't mean I should stop caring about what's happening here.

This is my biggest pet peeve in these types of discussions. My buddies (who I love, so don't take it personally) do this too. Saw a whole diatribe on fb the other day about how the area we grew up in (which sucks) isn't so bad, because he just went through WVA and saw even worse poverty and drugs than what we have at home. Well .. ok.. so? So we're supposed to stop trying to make incremental progress at home because WVA has it worse? Spare me. Other peoples' problems are not an excuse to not try to be better.

It would help if you would not interpret these types of discussions as "finger pointing" or trying to shame America as a country. That's not what it's about. I love America and want to see it be better. That's why people say these things. Not to be like "America sucks boooooo shame shame shame"
Just as bad? Really?

Yes, really.

Due to our nations history, racial slurs about blacks are considered more offensive and off-limits.

According to whom? You? Are you now the go-to on all things offensive?

So referring to a white woman as a **** and telling her to wear a low-cut gown to get her father's attention is not as bad as tweeting about a mixed-race woman, "ISIS and Planet of the Apes had a baby"?
So you honestly dont consider saying that an African American person looks similar to an ape from the planet of the apes is being racist. Really.

A cross between planet of the apes (very humanoid I might add) and the muslim brotherhood was what was stated. I thought VJ was an Iranian when I made that statement. I didn't understand the "racial" component until I learned that VJ is apparently black. Humor is dead. I get it.
Every single one of you who leans right in this thread would have been a Democrat during the Civil War, because they were the right-wing, small government, conservative party. Every single one. If you look at Colin Kaepernick and other pro-black activists with disgust, but Roseanne Barr is a martyr to you, you might want to ask yourself which side of that coin you would have landed on during Lincoln's time.

I hear this **** all the time and it is just that, ****.

So, the logic is this:

Republicans fought for equality against the racist Democrats.
Republicans passed Civil Rights legislation with little, if any, help from the racist Democrats.
Racist Democrats began infiltrating the Republican Party.
Non-racist people that were in the Republican Party, rather than fight for their party, decided to leave the party.
Let's forget that they were strong enough to stand against an entire party to get civil rights passed and assume they were too weak to fight for their party and those ideals.
Outside the, now racist, Republican Party, these non-racist people needed a party of their own.
Rather than start a new party with clear ideas of inclusion and a non-racist identity, they choose to take on the mantle of the formerly racist Democrats.

That makes no ******* sense. It's like a anti-pedophilia group taking on the name NAMBLA.
The problem is that when dumbshits like Roseanne who has somehow been appointed "typical Trump voter" come out and say dumb racist **** like this it makes them all look dumb and racist. And if they then try to justify or excuse it by saying "Yeah but what about when so and so...it's a double standard blah blah blah" it just confirms that.

I'm sick and tired of the false narrative that conservatives are a bunch of backward hicks and Roseanne only confirms this. Even before she tweeted this, her character is a ****** up loser with a totally dysfunctional household. I didn't vote for Trump but do I want to be associated with a party that holds up Roseanne ******* Barr as some kind of folk hero of the right? No I ******* do not.

Good riddance to bad trash.
What's a pansexual?
Please show evidence of this.

He just stated it. dumbass. Evidence, you don't need no stinking EVIDENCE!

This entire thread has been an exercise in right-wing folks looking for evidence of "hypocrisy" in the media, because Roseanne got in trouble for saying racist ****. If that's the hill you all want to die on, fine, but don't then turn around and deny it.
I hear this **** all the time and it is just that, ****.

So, the logic is this:

Republicans fought for equality against the racist Democrats.
Republicans passed Civil Rights legislation with little, if any, help from the racist Democrats.
Racist Democrats began infiltrating the Republican Party.
Non-racist people that were in the Republican Party, rather than fight for their party, decided to leave the party.
Let's forget that they were strong enough to stand against an entire party to get civil rights passed and assume they were too weak to fight for their party and those ideals.
Outside the, now racist, Republican Party, these non-racist people needed a party of their own.
Rather than start a new party with clear ideas of inclusion and a non-racist identity, they choose to take on the mantle of the formerly racist Democrats.

That makes no ******* sense. It's like a anti-pedophilia group taking on the name NAMBLA.

I'm not a history teacher. Google it, it's an undeniable fact that "Republicans" were the progressive, big government, liberal party in the time of the Civil War, and the "Democrats" were the small government, conservative party. That has flipped now. Being a "Republican" today means your values and political leanings were aligned much closer to the Civil War "Democrats". It's pointless to get hung up on the names and act like the values carried over just because the names did. Because it's not true. It really does not take any mental gymnastics to understand, and not a lot of keyboard effort to google either. For folks who pride yourselves on being the keeper of "facts", you sure are allergic to those that aren't convenient to you.

Edit: here I did it for you, since you either are too lazy or just don't want to be wrong.
I googled "did republican platform change after the civil war" and this was the first link:
Last edited:

MSNBC host Joy Reid faces new questions about her old blog

NBC News remained silent on Wednesday about MSNBC host Joy Reid amid new revelations that she once wrote blog posts raising questions about the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that echo “truther” conspiracy theories.

Reid — a liberal commentator who has been under fire for homophobic comments that have been found on her now-defunct blog

Reid has previously claimed her blog was hacked and that she was unaware that the anti-gay comments had been inserted under her name long after she had stopped writing it. MSNBC has stood by her pending an FBI investigation. The bizarre allegations have raised questions about Reid’s honesty and integrity.

The new reports seem likely to raise additional pressure on NBC News to fire her, especially in the wake of ABC firing sitcom star Roseanne Barr for anti-Semitic and racist tweet

“I genuinely do not believe I wrote those hateful things, because they are completely alien to me. But I can definitely understand, based on things I have tweeted and have written in the past, why some people don’t believe me. I’ve not been exempt from being dumb or cruel or hurtful to the very people I want to advocate for. I own that. I get it. And for that, I am truly, truly sorry.”

Among the posts were comments that she couldn’t watch the movie “Brokeback Mountain” (“most straight people cringe at the sight of two men kissing”) and that being gay was a “lifestyle” that was “immoral.” Other posts called out celebrities and public figures for allegedly being gay.

This entire thread has been an exercise in right-wing folks looking for evidence of "hypocrisy" in the media, because Roseanne got in trouble for saying racist ****. If that's the hill you all want to die on, fine, but don't then turn around and deny it.

Ok...now are you going to answer my question?
This entire thread has been an exercise in right-wing folks looking for evidence of "hypocrisy" in the media, because Roseanne got in trouble for saying racist ****. If that's the hill you all want to die on, fine, but don't then turn around and deny it.

"Evidence" of hypocrisy? How about examples of hypocrisy you leftist simpleton.
Sounds like Samantha Bee is losing sponsors for saying something ******.

I love the smell of capitalism in the morning.
All is forgiven, she's a lib

Samantha Bee apologizes for vulgar remark about Ivanka Trump: 'I crossed a line'

"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it," Bee said in a statement.
Please show evidence of this.

Well, right here for example:

smh. Yea, I'm all for free speech until it's f'n stupid. She's a dumbass.

shouldn't the left applaud her courage under the guise of comedy, as they claimed Kathy Griffin was doing/did? Both were tacky, ugly and not called for.

Always get Rosanne Barr confused with Rosie O'Donnell, guess because they're both such attractive human beings. I never watched an episode of either version of her show, and agree, ignorant is ignorant.

Barr's statements were obviously offensive and termination-worthy. We can agree on that.

We ALL have a problem with her. No one likes that *****.

I think she was stupid and her words are hurtful and racist. But the way the media and Hollywood talks about our president, they shouldn’t get a pass either. I think that’s peoples point.

Just look at those comments. Pffft. Horrible. Bunch of freaking apologists, all of you. Me included.
The problem is that when dumbshits like Roseanne who has somehow been appointed "typical Trump voter" come out and say dumb racist **** like this it makes them all look dumb and racist. And if they then try to justify or excuse it by saying "Yeah but what about when so and so...it's a double standard blah blah blah" it just confirms that.

I'm sick and tired of the false narrative that conservatives are a bunch of backward hicks and Roseanne only confirms this. Even before she tweeted this, her character is a ****** up loser with a totally dysfunctional household. I didn't vote for Trump but do I want to be associated with a party that holds up Roseanne ******* Barr as some kind of folk hero of the right? No I ******* do not.

Good riddance to bad trash.

I may have missed it but no one has defended her , I think she is stupid and got what she deserved. But the selective hypocrisy is what kills me. The left can be crude and vulgar and say what ever they want and absolutely no repercussions. Rappers and every black guy I work around can say the n word every other word and no big deal. I just get sick of the selective outrage , you can’t have it both ways. That’s just my opinion not a attack at you personally.
Ok...now are you going to answer my question?
I did. You choosing to ignore it is not my problem.

"Evidence" of hypocrisy? How about examples of hypocrisy you leftist simpleton.
You're name-calling and arguing semantics and I'm the simpleton? Get a life

Well, right here for example:
Just look at those comments. Pffft. Horrible. Bunch of freaking apologists, all of you. Me included.
I didn't say anyone was an "apologist" I said making her a martyr. The same people who say they don't like her and think she's stupid or whatever are also following that up with "..b-b-b-b-but...the media.. b-b-b-b-but hypocrisy". If it's so cut and dried and we can all agree that she was out of line, then why choose this situation as your battle with the media? If we're all in agreement in condemnation here, then let's just all agree and move on. But no, it's turning into an entire back and forth because y'all just have to use this as an opportunity to be a victim of double standards and hypocrisy. Like I said, let Roseanne be your martyr in your efforts to prove hypocrisy against the media, but your "examples" or "evidence" (Who the **** cares what you call it) is falling short because they are not congruent. But hey, like I said, if that's the hill you want to die on, be my guest.
This makes no sense. You highlighted INDIVIDUAL to emphasize a comment directed at 1 person. That’s what Bee did as well. The rest is just your justification. And i’d bet you’d find the C word is very offensive to an entire gender. Unless it’s directed at conservative. Thhen it’s fine.

Explain it to a black person that the Trumps know exactly what it’s like to be called a racial slur because they have been called names like **** and mother ******.
Explain it to a black person that the Trumps know exactly what it’s like to be called a racial slur because they have been called names like **** and mother ******.

A racist slur is demeaning and vile. Calling somebody a child molester and suggesting he molests his own daughter is demeaning and vile.

Only an assclown would claim to know how these vile insults "ranked."
Dude has his every body is racist if your opinion is not like mine glasses on.

Y’all say things like this then say my arguments are simple. Y’all need to learn nuance for real. I have not accused a single person besides maybe Roseanne of being racist. I do think there’s a big problem in this country of people, willfully or not, ignoring racism or not being able to recognize it when it’s happening. Or not being able to distinguish it from ordinary meanness. But that’s different than pointing a finger at someone and calling them racist. Seems like so many discussions about race I’ve seen devolve into conservatives taking it personally and thinking they are being personally accused. Please do not put those words into my mouth. Look man I’m a Jew and have been conditioned to recognize people I need to be careful around. If I think you are a certain way, I will not even engage

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I didn't say anyone was an "apologist" I said making her a martyr.

So help me out here - exactly which of the comments I posted made Barr out to be a "martyr"??

If we're all in agreement in condemnation here, then let's just all agree and move on. But no, it's turning into an entire back and forth because y'all just have to use this as an opportunity to be a victim of double standards and hypocrisy.

Right. So vile, racist comments = termination.

Unless you are the "right" kind of vile racist. Or unless you make disgusting comments about Trump or his daughter or his child or make such comments about Ben Carson because ... well, you know, the "porch" thing and the dude is an orangutan. The orange one, I mean.

I may have missed it but no one has defended her , I think she is stupid and got what she deserved. But the selective hypocrisy is what kills me. The left can be crude and vulgar and say what ever they want and absolutely no repercussions. Rappers and every black guy I work around can say the n word every other word and no big deal. I just get sick of the selective outrage , you can’t have it both ways. That’s just my opinion not a attack at you personally.

Listen, I lean conservative in many ways, I voted for Trump, I want him to succeed. But I’ve always found that people bitching about Black guys being allowed to say the N word whenever they want to and painting that as some kind of priviledge puts conservatives in a bad light. Because no matter how people spin it, it’s always going to come off to people’s ears as “Damn I really want to be able to say the N word too but I’m not allowed”. Not very effective as an argument in my opinion.