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Alternative facts...

Speaking of calling people morons. I'm not validating his claim. I'm saying it's possible and no one can refute it.

Do try to see the difference.

Well **** Tim, it's possible everybody who meant to vote for Hillary, accidentally voted for Trump and vice versa.

Possibilities and conspiracy theories are for people who don't care to think things through.

Plausibility, Tim, plausability.

In a country where inclement weather significantly impacts voter turnout, do you really think hundreds of thousands or millions of people would be so motivated to give their candidate ONE more vote that they would go through the time, trouble and risk to do it once let alone multiple times?

Logistically, no one has explained how a small group could carry out widespread voter fraud via people posing as registered voters.
Jeez it goes back to Chicago 1960. Stuffing ballot boxes, theft, intimidation, etc etc. There is nothing new under the sun. To deny the existence of widespread voter fraud is either approval or ignorance. I
Well **** Tim, it's possible everybody who meant to vote for Hillary, accidentally voted for Trump and vice versa.

Possibilities and conspiracy theories are for people who don't care to think things through.

Plausibility, Tim, plausability.

In a country where inclement weather significantly impacts voter turnout, do you really think hundreds of thousands or millions of people would be so motivated to give their candidate ONE more vote that they would go through the time, trouble and risk to do it once let alone multiple times?

Logistically, no one has explained how a small group could carry out widespread voter fraud via people posing as registered voters.

What a long load of horse **** - even for you Trog. Heard of Project Veritas? They exposed the small groups. There are many. Hell even Obama illegally told illegals to vote. The Oministration put pressure on immigrations to rapidly approve immigrants prior to the election. And the Oministration orchestrated bussing illegals over the border prior to the election to sway the vote. How many examples do you need from small group s to the President himself, top to bottom, trying to rig voting?

Seen the endless evidence of voter fraud we have posted? Read Steelin's comments? Voter fraud has been going on since votes have been tallied. CHICAGO made it a business and perfected it (Bammy Town).

How much evidence do you Libs need? You sound like *Patriots fans justifying Spygate.

Voter fraud is real brah. Despite your ignorant denials.

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Some great alternative facts.
"You can keep your doctor and your plan"
"I was under heavy fire as soon as I got off that helicopter"
" it was a movie that was the cause of the Benghazi attacks"
" I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
Let's beat this dead horse!

As I said, it's out there, it's real, but it's super hard to calculate and measure.

Watchdogs: Truth to Trump’s Voter Fraud Concerns

Election integrity experts contend problem is real, but mechanisms don't exist to measure scale

President Trump’s call for a nationwide investigation into voter fraud has brought cackles from the Left, but elections integrity organizations call it long overdue.

Trump tweeted Wednesday, “I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures!”

Critics have ridiculed Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that millions of illegal voters cast ballots in the 2016 election. But advocates said documented cases of fraud prove the problem is real, if unquantified.

“I am incredibly optimistic that we may be able to finally tackle the very real problems plaguing our election processes,” True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht said in a prepared statement. “The chaos documented during the 2016 election cycle was the clearest and loudest warning shot to date — systemic election problems must be resolved, or they will soon be the cause of a national crisis.”

J. Christian Adams, president and general counsel for the Public Interest Legal Foundation, said in a prepared statement that America's electoral system is in dire need of new safeguards.

"The Obama administration had the tools to fight voter fraud but let them gather dust," he stated. "Because of that neglect of their duties, aliens got on the rolls, people voted multiple times, and lawlessness took hold of our elections."

Han von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission who co-wrote a book on voter fraud in 2012, said it is impossible to estimate the extent of illegal voting because there are no systematic procedures to detect and prevent it.

"The issue is we don't know," said von Spakovsky, who now is manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative at the Heritage Foundation. "We have an honor system across the country … We know that voter fraud occurs."

Some high-profile cases have involved people who hold positions of authority:

-- Wendy Rosen, a Democratic candidate for Congress from Maryland, admitted to voting in Baltimore County in 2006 and 2010 even though her official residence was in Florida. A state judge sentenced her in 2013 to a probation and a fine.
-- Meloewese Richardson, a longtime poll worker in Ohio's Hamilton County, admitted to voting twice in the 2012 election and voting three times — in 2008, 2011, and 2012 — in the name of her sister, who had been in a coma since 2003. She acknowledged wanting to help Barack Obama win. A state judge sentenced her in 2013 to five years in prison.
-- Idalia Lechuga-Tena, a Democratic state representative in New Mexico acknowledged in 2015 that she had voted before she became a naturalized citizen.

Public Interest Legal Foundation spokesman Logan Churchwell said in each of those cases — and many others involving ordinary people — the Department of Justice under Obama declined to file federal criminal charges.

Churchwell said the idea of a national investigation into election procedures should not be controversial. He noted that former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker headed up an election commission in 2004, resulting in a number of recommendations, including that states adopt laws require voters to show identification at the polls.

Churchwell said Trump could — and should — order the Department of Homeland Security to share immigration records with states so they can cross-reference it with voter registration data to identify non-citizens on the rolls. Some states asked for that information — only to be told "no" by the Obama administration.

Without those records, Churchwell said, it is impossible to know how widespread illegal voting is.

"Only the federal government can answer that question," he said.

Churchwell also said that election officials ought to refer illegally registered voters to law enforcement authorities rather than simply scrub them from the rolls.

Those and other steps would be "far better than what we currently have, which is that you say you're a citizen when you register to vote and no one checks," he said.

Von Spakofsky said a section of the "motor voter" law, formally called the National Voter Registration Act, allows the federal government to sue jurisdictions that fail to maintain accurate voter registration records. But he said the Obama administration instructed Justice Department lawyers not to enforce that provision.

That has left it to private advocacy groups like the Public Interest Legal Foundation to try to force elections officials to remove dead voters from the rolls. The law firm has sued jurisdictions across the country that have more registered voters than voting-eligible adults. On Wednesday, it announced an agreement negotiated with Noxubee County in Mississippi, where the number of registered voters were greater than 100 percent of voting-eligible citizens in the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections.

On Friday, the firm will go to federal court in Virginia seeking a court order compelling officials in Manassas to provide more information about registered voters. PILF found more than 1,000 non-citizens were registered to vote in eight jurisdictions that voluntarily shared data. Manassas and other jurisdictions denied the law firm's request.

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, responding to a question about a probe into voter fraud, told CNN that "more information's always useful." He said his state regularly conducts a review after each election; he said authorities found about a thousand case of voter irregularity.

"It exists. It's rare," he said. "We're building a stronger system so that it doesn't happen."

Von Spakofsky said there is no reason for liberals to insist elections are error and fraud-free.

"It's really odd," he said. "I don't understand why people on the Left want to say there's no voter fraud."

Democrats are so upset and worried about this because they KNOW fraudulent votes are big part of their bloc. Cleaning this up is another big nail in their coffin.
Democrats are so upset and worried about this because they KNOW fraudulent votes are big part of their bloc. Cleaning this up is another big nail in their coffin.

Right, just take it from Trump's source a friend of a friend of Bernhard Langer...
Right, just take it from Trump's source a friend of a friend of Bernhard Langer...

My take? Voter fraud is not nearly as serious as Trump believes, and far more prevalent than you believe.

And I return to my point - a concerted effort in 2 states (Michigan, Wisconsin) could change the Presidential election, and involve a total of maybe 35,000 votes, not millions.
Right, just take it from Trump's source a friend of a friend of Bernhard Langer...

So you deny there is voter fraud?
You deny there is a concerted effort by certain groups to commit voter fraud?
You believe that busing in illegal immigrants prior to the election so they could vote is good policy?
You believe it is fair and just for our former President to encourage illegal aliens to vote?
You are fine with extending the right to vote to those that do not pay taxes in this country and are not registered citizens?

This is a highly educational article:

Voter fraud is huge and democrats are the perps. That recount exposed just a little bit of it. Trump knows it, and is just chumming over here while he does real work over there.
My take? Voter fraud is not nearly as serious as Trump believes, and far more prevalent than you believe.

And I return to my point - a concerted effort in 2 states (Michigan, Wisconsin) could change the Presidential election, and involve a total of maybe 35,000 votes, not millions.

Concerted effort by what means? 35,000 Individual fraudulent voters who find the election so important they are willing and able to commit a felony to give their candidate ONE more vote?

Or only several thousands willing to travel to another precinct and wait in line to vote numerous times? Or vote, turn around and get back in line and hope nobody notices?

Nobody seems willing to address the logistics. It seems rather preposterous.
Concerted effort by what means? 35,000 Individual fraudulent voters who find the election so important they are willing and able to commit a felony to give their candidate ONE more vote?

Or only several thousands willing to travel to another precinct and wait in line to vote numerous times? Or vote, turn around and get back in line and hope nobody notices?

Nobody seems willing to address the logistics. It seems rather preposterous.

Don't know Trog, what exactly makes people tick? Still can't work out why all the women were marching the day after the inauguration. I realize they loathe everything that is Trump and their candidate lost, but still.
Concerted effort by what means? 35,000 Individual fraudulent voters who find the election so important they are willing and able to commit a felony to give their candidate ONE more vote?

Or only several thousands willing to travel to another precinct and wait in line to vote numerous times? Or vote, turn around and get back in line and hope nobody notices?

Nobody seems willing to address the logistics. It seems rather preposterous.

I've never had to wait in line but a few minutes at most. And if I could have gotten away with it (we have to show picture ID in SC) I would have voted for Trump 50 times.

Doesn't really matter now by mid-terms it will be a law all people voting will need a picture ID. Trump just keeps on WINNING !
Bottom-line....left or right, why wouldn't you want valid voting vetting, method and reporting? Unless you are truly cheating the system this should not even be a question. It's jaw-dropping to me that there is such a fight to require identification to vote...it's such a no brainer in this day. I truly have to question a persons motive how hard they are fighting this issue. Someone had a video of a reporter asking white liberals why we shouldn't have voter IDs and the comments they made about minorities not have enough money or transportation or the ability to use electronics was actually embarrassing. They then showed the comments to some minorities and they were like WTF is wrong with those people.
Bottom-line....left or right, why wouldn't you want valid voting vetting, method and reporting?

Exactly. The only reason not to want it is because you know people are cheating and don't want to lose their votes.

It's hilarious to me when Bush won we had to examine every hanging and dimpled chad but now people are saying "Oh a few votes here and there, who cares?"
Concerted effort by what means? 35,000 Individual fraudulent voters who find the election so important they are willing and able to commit a felony to give their candidate ONE more vote?

Or only several thousands willing to travel to another precinct and wait in line to vote numerous times? Or vote, turn around and get back in line and hope nobody notices?

Nobody seems willing to address the logistics. It seems rather preposterous.

It's more than one vote each, more like several. Here is the New York City Election Commissioner explaining how it's done.

Concerted effort by what means? 35,000 Individual fraudulent voters who find the election so important they are willing and able to commit a felony to give their candidate ONE more vote?

Right now, parties already have hundreds - no, tens of thousands - of volunteers working the phones, driving vans, etc. All an organized party need do is get the list of dead voters still on the voter rolls - something you and I agree is fairly easy - and get 5 men and 5 women of voting age to go to several voting precincts in the same van that is used to transport the elderly and disabled to the polls. These 10 votes at 20 precincts - urban areas, where the polling places are no more than a couple miles apart - total 200 fraudulent votes.

That is one driver and 5 campaign volunteers generate 200 phony votes, all for the candidate of choice.

You seriously believe that one of the two major parties would be unable to get 200 such groups on the road for a Presidential election? 1000 volunteers, and 200 drivers? That's all that is needed, and would yield 40,000 fraudulent votes.

Seriously, 1000 people simply walking up to a registrar, and saying, "Joe Smith, 123 Main St."? You think that is beyond the scope of major political parties with a billion dollars of campaign contributions? Holy ****, they couldn't do something that basic, and yet we are to believe that the same candidates and parties can run health care and regulate every facet of the economy?
Right now, parties already have hundreds - no, tens of thousands - of volunteers working the phones, driving vans, etc. All an organized party need do is get the list of dead voters still on the voter rolls - something you and I agree is fairly easy - and get 5 men and 5 women of voting age to go to several voting precincts in the same van that is used to transport the elderly and disabled to the polls. These 10 votes at 20 precincts - urban areas, where the polling places are no more than a couple miles apart - total 200 fraudulent votes.

That is one driver and 5 campaign volunteers generate 200 phony votes, all for the candidate of choice.

You seriously believe that one of the two major parties would be unable to get 200 such groups on the road for a Presidential election? 1000 volunteers, and 200 drivers? That's all that is needed, and would yield 40,000 fraudulent votes.

Seriously, 1000 people simply walking up to a registrar, and saying, "Joe Smith, 123 Main St."? You think that is beyond the scope of major political parties with a billion dollars of campaign contributions? Holy ****, they couldn't do something that basic, and yet we are to believe that the same candidates and parties can run health care and regulate every facet of the economy?

Simply? Basic? You can't be serious.

Where are you finding the organizers to risk spearheading this and finding a thousand people that they REALY ******* trust.

How much are you paying thousands of volunteers to (1) commit a felony (2) be loyal and keep their mouth shut (3) be alturistitic and not cash in by blowing the lid off of it.

Why not just ask them to each knock off a bank and turn in the money while you're at it.
Simply? Basic? You can't be serious.

Where are you finding the organizers to risk spearheading this and finding a thousand people that they REALY ******* trust.

How much are you paying thousands of volunteers to (1) commit a felony (2) be loyal and keep their mouth shut (3) be alturistitic and not cash in by blowing the lid off of it.

Why not just ask them to each knock off a bank and turn in the money while you're at it.

If robbing the bank was as easy as walking up to the teller and asking for the money, and having the teller take your word for the fact you are due the money, and the teller did not do **** to see if the money belonged to you, and if you could then just walk out with the money free and clear ...

Your analogy would make sense.

You act as if this is such an extraordinary venture. Yet campaigns spend hundreds of millions, employ thousands, and use tens of thousands of volunteers - and supposedly could not find 1,000 people willing to cast phony ballots???
If robbing the bank was as easy as walking up to the teller and asking for the money, and having the teller take your word for the fact you are due the money, and the teller did not do **** to see if the money belonged to you, and if you could then just walk out with the money free and clear ...

Your analogy would make sense.

You act as if this is such an extraordinary venture. Yet campaigns spend hundreds of millions, employ thousands, and use tens of thousands of volunteers - and supposedly could not find 1,000 people willing to cast phony ballots???

If getting rich wasn't as easy as blowing the lid off a conspiracy to commit widespread voter fraud...

You act as if people organizing felonies bring in hundreds or thousands of co-conspirators with very little to personally gain all the time. Give an example.
If getting rich wasn't as easy as blowing the lid off a conspiracy to commit widespread voter fraud...

You act as if people organizing felonies bring in hundreds or thousands of co-conspirators with very little to personally gain all the time. Give an example.

I guess groups like ACORN are simply another conspiracy to you. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...-convicted-admitted-guilt-election-fraud.html

Come out and say it Trog, you want...hell, you need those illegal votes and you need voter corruption for your side to stand a chance at the polls.