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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Bannon Calls Donald Trump Jr.'s Meeting with Russian Lawyer 'Treasonous' and 'Unpatriotic'
Yahoo View•January 2, 2018


I think it was another distraction. If I fell in their " trap, then there could be a movement of "impeach Donald Trump" that would have drawn the attention from the framed case. For some reason, they cancelled that movement quickly. It ended with Steve Bannon as a scapegoat.

Steve Bannon: Donald Trump Jr was not 'treasonous' – I meant Paul Manafort
Former White House strategist issues statement
Trump allies insist ‘political genius’ president is mentally fit for office 1/7/2018


Is it treasonous that Trump Jr. met with the Russian lawyer in Trump Tower? I agree with Bannon "treasonous" conclusion. Hillary Clinton is a victim in e-mail hacking event. Her money (e-mail) was stolen by a thief(hackers). Trump's team tried to get the material from the thief to hurt Hillary Clinton. Seeking Russian's help to deal with American, that's treason. But Trump is the candidate of the Feds(FBI). What they want is not justice and law but a dictate power. Under their terror reign, even their extreme right ally has to bow down. Steve Bannon now should realize what kind of person is Trump that he helped to steal the president seat.
So about that whole Trump-Russia thing.

As we've said since nearly Day 1, it should be that whole Clinton-Russia thing....

Read every word.

Peeling back the layers of Hillary Clinton’s deceit

For law enforcement, Congress and even journalists, exposing misdeeds is like peeling an onion. Each layer you remove gets you closer to the truth.

So it is with the scandalous behavior of the FBI during its probe into whether President Trump’s campaign conspired with Russia in 2016. One layer at a time, we’re learning how flawed and dirty that probe was.

A top layer involves the texts between FBI lawyer Lisa Page and her married lover, Peter Strzok, the lead agent on the Hillary Clinton email probe. They casually mention an “insurance policy” in the event Trump won the election and a plan for Strzok to go easy on Clinton because she probably would be their next boss.

Those exchanges, seen in the light of subsequent events, lead to a reasonable conclusion that the fix was in among then-Director James Comey’s team to hurt Trump and help Clinton.

Another layer involves the declassified House memo, which indicates the FBI and Justice Department depended heavily on the unverified Russian dossier about Trump to get a warrant to spy on Carter Page, an American citizen and briefly a Trump adviser.

The House memo also reveals that Comey and others withheld from the secret surveillance court key partisan facts that would have cast doubt on the dossier. Officials never revealed to the judges that the document was paid for by Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee or that Christopher Steele, the British former spy who compiled the dossier, said he was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected.”

A third layer of the onion involves the revelations in the letter GOP Sens. Charles Grassley and Lindsey Graham wrote to the Justice Department. They urge a criminal investigation into whether Steele lied to the FBI about how much and when he fed the dossier to the anti-Trump media.

The letter is compelling in showing that Steele said one thing under oath to a British court and something different to the FBI. The contradictions matter because the agency relied on Steele’s credibility in both the FISA applications and its actual investigation. Strangely, even after it fired him for breaking its rule forbidding media contact, the FBI continued to praise his credibility in court.

If that were all the senators’ letter accomplished, it would be enough. But it does much more.

It also reveals that two former journalists linked to Clinton, separately identified as the odious Sidney Blumenthal and a man named Cody Shearer, created and gave a State Department official additional unverified allegations against Trump.

The official passed those documents to Steele, who passed them to the FBI, which reportedly saw them as further evidence that Trump worked with Russians. But as Grassley, head of the Judiciary Committee, and Graham write, “It is troubling enough that the Clinton Campaign funded Mr. Steele’s work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility.”

The State Department official involved in the episode, Jonathan Winer, wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post Friday in which he confessed to the senators’ chronology while offering a benign description of his motives. Winer also admitted he shared all the unverified allegations from the Clinton hitmen with other State Department officials.
There are many more layers of the onion to peel, but here’s where we are now: It increasingly appears that the Clinton machine was the secret, original source of virtually all the allegations about Trump and Russia that led to the FBI investigation.

In addition, the campaign and its associates, including Steele, were behind the explosion of anonymously sourced media reports during the fall of 2016 about that investigation.

Thus, the Democratic nominee paid for and created allegations against her Republican opponent, gave them to law enforcement, then tipped friendly media to the investigation. And it is almost certain FBI agents supporting Clinton were among the anonymous sources.

In fact, the Clinton connections are so fundamental that there probably would not have been an FBI investigation without her involvement.

That makes hers a brazen work of political genius — and perhaps the dirtiest dirty trick ever played in presidential history. Following her manipulation of the party operation to thwart Bernie Sanders in the primary, Clinton is revealed as relentlessly ruthless in her quest to be president.

The only thing that went wrong is that she lost the election. And based on what we know now, her claims about Trump were false.

Of the charges against four men brought by special counsel Robert Mueller, none involves helping Russia interfere with the election.

And neither the FBI nor Mueller has vouched for the truthfulness of the Blumenthal and Shearer claims or the Steele dossier. *Instead, the dossier faces defamation lawsuits in the US and England from several people named in it.

In fairness, one person besides Steele has been cited as justification for the FBI probe. George Papadopoulos, a bit but ambitious player in the Trump orbit, early in 2016 met with a professor in Europe who told him the Kremlin had Clinton’s private emails.

In May 2016, Papadopoulos told the story to an Australian diplomat and two months later, in July, the Australian government alerted the FBI.

However, a full timeline convincingly points to Steele as the initial spark. He was hired by a Clinton contractor in June 2016, and filed his first allegations against Trump on June 20. Two weeks later, on July 5, he met with an FBI agent in London, the Washington Post reported, and filed three more allegations that month, including one about Carter Page.

At any rate, it is certain that Steele and other Clinton operators provided all the allegations about Trump himself that the FBI started with and that Mueller inherited.

For Clinton, creating a cloud over Trump’s presidency and helping to put the nation through continuing turmoil is a victory of sorts. America is fortunate it’s her only victory.
It is amazing the more they dig the more they find on Clinton. Talking about blowing up in your face. How can they be so smart and underhanded and so stupid in the same breath amazes me.
It is amazing the more they dig the more they find on Clinton. Talking about blowing up in your face. How can they be so smart and underhanded and so stupid in the same breath amazes me.

I guess they forgot what they learned from Enron.
Started by Elfiero, 05-17-2017 09:03 PM

today's date and time:
4:48PM EST, 2/13/2018

current view of the imPEACHment pie being baked by the Dims:
You take that as consolation when the other revelation is that the Russians were in Trump’s corner even before he won the nomination.

Yet some of the same groups put out anti trump pro hillary stuff as well... this was an attempt to cause chaos, not tip the scales... though the later race stuff was heavily backing trump because he posed the greatest chance of chaos.... again, russian anarchists are what they are... this remains a non story... if they go to jail for spinning facts in one light or another, then the whole of the media better follow them.... SInce the Clinton days, heavily spun news to push a nonsensical narrative has been a staple in the US propaganda scene... and the CIA has done this to other countries often... sometimes openly...
Great big nothing burger so far.

I be the Chinese were trying to influence the election, too.
Probably, the Israeli's, the mexicans, the Iranians, the.......you get the picture.
They are essentially saying that non citizens are not allowed to comment on US politics or else it is tampering.

Does that mean we should indict all the illegals at a DACA rally?

Is George Soros being arrested? All he does is influence elections.

What about the congress people who brought illlegals with them to the State of the Union as a political statement? They were working with foreign agents right?

i guess Trevor Noah and Jamie Oliver better not talk down any US politician lest they be indicted as well.

what a joke. This doesn’t even rise to nothing burger. It’s like a nothing cracker. I have no idea how anybody who bothers to read anything past the headlines thinks this is anything at all.
Look at CNN's website, it looks like the biggest Liberal victory parade in modern history. There's like 10 articles joyously shouting about what an absolute DISASTER this is for Trump and how it's utterly damning to his entire Presidency. It's like they won the political Superbowl.
Look at CNN's website, it looks like the biggest Liberal victory parade in modern history. There's like 10 articles joyously shouting about what an absolute DISASTER this is for Trump and how it's utterly damning to his entire Presidency. It's like they won the political Superbowl.

Its stringing things along through the midterm... this will be backburnered until after the election now so that the narrative that Trump is illegitimate and if the dems get the votes they can impeach him can remain viable...

Ideally for tge Dems Trump fires Mueller... thats tge end game... then they get to make up anything and it will stick
Did everyone miss the part where they said there was no collusion by Americans, which includes the Trump campaign, with Russia? Of course they’re ignoring Clinton, Obama, the FBI, the DOJ and Fusion.

Tibs is gonna need a straitjacket.
Clinton, Obama, FBI, are not americans. Everybody knows that!
Look at CNN's website, it looks like the biggest Liberal victory parade in modern history. There's like 10 articles joyously shouting about what an absolute DISASTER this is for Trump and how it's utterly damning to his entire Presidency. It's like they won the political Superbowl.

Good Morning America is spinning this the same way. Still pushing the collusion narrative, despite the facts. It is disgusting how corrupt the MSM is. Journalism is dead. Long live the propaganda machine.
Good Morning America is spinning this the same way. Still pushing the collusion narrative, despite the facts. It is disgusting how corrupt the MSM is. Journalism is dead. Long live the propaganda machine.

News, no longer exists with all of these outlets spewing nothing but opinions spun as facts. Talk about collusion.
I'm just curious what laws these people broke. So if I come here from Russia, I can't post "Hillary Sucks!" on Facebook? That's a crime in this country now? Are we North Korea or something?
I'm just curious what laws these people broke. So if I come here from Russia, I can't post "Hillary Sucks!" on Facebook? That's a crime in this country now? Are we North Korea or something?

This is what i am wondering. All this proves is that russia tried to cause chaos or keep hillary from getting elected. Trump should at least admit the Russians were meddling in the election. For all the so called tough talk he does against fellow Americans you would think he would stand up to the Russians.
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