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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Del, I agree with a lot of what you wrote. But I can’t accept settling for that. To simply say all politicians are crooks so let’s elect one President. It’s a race to the bottom I’m not interested in. Nobody’s above the law, not even Trump, even if you wish it wasn’t so. We’ll just have to see what the outcome of these investigations are. They’re happening for a reason, and it’s not some desperate liberal witchhunt Trump supporters make it out to be. We simply disagree on that, and likely will continue to disagree until they wrap up and report their findings.
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My guess is you wouldn't be calling for Hiliary's head had she been elected, right?? Cause she's squeaky clean.

You’ll have to excuse Tibs’ lack of response whilst he’s mumbling incoherently with Hillary’s balls in his mouth.
My guess is you wouldn't be calling for Hiliary's head had she been elected, right?? Cause she's squeaky clean.

Tibs has been here through Obama's Presidency. Through Fast & Furious. Through Hillary's email scandal. Through Benghazi. Through countless Democratic scandals.

Yet he says "But I can’t accept settling for that. To simply say all politicians are crooks so let’s elect one President. It’s a race to the bottom I’m not interested in. Nobody’s above the law, not even Trump..."

Yet during that time, he defended Hillary endlessly. Saw no issues with her server or her emails. Had no issues with Obama's scandals. Thought Benghazi was fine, despite their pleas for help.

Do not be confused - not that any of us are. Tibs only cares along party lines. His party can kill, steal, rob, intimidate. No charges should come. If Trump says "grab em by the *****" he must burn at the stake.

The hypocrisy rolls on, loud and strong.
They’re happening for a reason, and it’s not some desperate liberal witchhunt Trump supporters make it out to be.

Yeah, it actually is. And you say "Trump supporters" like they're the only ones who think this. You don't have to be a staunch Trump supporter to see this for what it is, a big **** show. That's why federal judges are starting to say enough is enough, and you see more and more people saying the same damn thing.
You’ll have to excuse Tibs’ lack of response whilst he’s mumbling incoherently with Hillary’s balls in his mouth.

I was going to say that Hillary doesn't have balls, but I am really not sure............
I was going to say that Hillary doesn't have balls, but I am really not sure............

There's plenty of room for them. He just slurps Obama's tiny little baby nuts over to one side.
Tibs has been here through Obama's Presidency. Through Fast & Furious. Through Hillary's email scandal. Through Benghazi. Through countless Democratic scandals.

Yet he says "But I can’t accept settling for that. To simply say all politicians are crooks so let’s elect one President. It’s a race to the bottom I’m not interested in. Nobody’s above the law, not even Trump..."

Yet during that time, he defended Hillary endlessly. Saw no issues with her server or her emails. Had no issues with Obama's scandals. Thought Benghazi was fine, despite their pleas for help.

Do not be confused - not that any of us are. Tibs only cares along party lines. His party can kill, steal, rob, intimidate. No charges should come. If Trump says "grab em by the *****" he must burn at the stake.

The hypocrisy rolls on, loud and strong.

well, as far as Benghazi, it takes days to get support there.
THE COURT: All right. Thank you.The matter is before the Court today on yourmotion, Mr. Downing. So you may begin. I have someknowledge.Let me ask a few facts so that I can beclear. Let me ask the government -- or not thegovernment -- the special counsel a few questions,Mr. Dreeben.

MR. DREEBEN: Yes, Your Honor.

THE COURT: All right. The indictmentagainst Mr. Manafort was filed in February, but itactually was antedated by a filing in the District ofColumbia. These allegations of bank fraud, of falseincome tax returns, of failure to register or reportrather, failure to file reports of foreign bankaccounts, and bank fraud, these go back to 2005, 2007,and so forth. Clearly, this investigation ofMr. Manafort's bank loans and so forth antedated theappointment of any special prosecutor and, therefore,must've been underway in the Department of Justice forsome considerable period before the letter ofappointment, which is dated the 17th of May in 2017.Am I correct?

MR. DREEBEN: That is correct, Your Honor.THE COURT: All right. So when the specialprosecutor was appointed -- and I have the letter ofappointment in front of me -- what did they do? Turnover their file on their investigation of Mr. Manafortto you all?

MR. DREEBEN: Essentially, Your Honor,special counsel was appointed to conduct aninvestigation --

THE COURT: I'm sorry. Answer my question. Did you remember what my question was?

MR. DREEBEN: Yes, Your Honor, and I was attempting to answer your question. We did acquire the various investigatory threads that related to Mr. Manafort upon the appointment of the special counsel.

THE COURT: Apparently, if I look at the indictment, none of that information has anything to do with links or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of Donald Trump. That seems to me to be obvious because they all long predate any contact or any affiliation of this defendant with the campaign. So I don't see what relation this indictment has with anything the special prosecutor is authorized to investigate.It looks to me instead that what is happening is that this investigation was underway. It had something. The special prosecutor took it, got indictments, and then in a time-honored practice which I'm fully familiar with -- it exists largely in the drug area. If you get somebody in a conspiracy and get something against them, you can then tighten the screws, and they will begin to provide information in what you're really interested in. That seems to me to be what is happening here. I'm not saying it's illegitimate, but I think we ought to be very clear about these facts and what is happening.Now, I think you've already conceded appropriately that this investigation that has led tothis indictment long antedated the appointment of a special prosecutor; that it doesn't have anything to do with Russia or the campaign; and that he's indicted;and it's useful, as in many cases by prosecutors, to exert leverage on a defendant so that the defendant will turn and provide information on what is really the focus of the special prosecutor.Where am I wrong in that regard?

MR. DREEBEN: The issue, I think, before you is whether Mr. Manafort can dismiss the indictment based on his claim.

THE COURT: Yes. Now I asked you: Where amI wrong about that?

MR. DREEBEN: Your Honor, our investigatory scope does cover the activities that led to the indictment in this case.

THE COURT: It covers bank fraud in 2005 and2007?

MR. DREEBEN: Yes, because --

THE COURT: Tell me how.

MR. DREEBEN: Your Honor, the authorization for the special counsel to investigate matters is described generally in the appointment order on May --

THE COURT: I have it right in front of me,and it won't surprise you to learn that I'm fully familiar with it. My question to you was, how does bank fraud and these other things that go back to 2005, 2007, how does that have anything to do with links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of Trump?

MR. DREEBEN: So the authorization order permits investigation of two different things that are described in separate clauses. The first are links and coordination between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government's effort to influence the election. Mr. Manafort was a campaign official.

THE COURT: You're running away from my question again. You know, I'm focused on the indictment that is here.

MR. DREEBEN: Correct.

THE COURT: It involves facts and circumstances that go back as far as 2005 and come forward, Mr. Manafort's loans from several banks that you all claim he submitted fraudulent statements -- I'm asking you, and I've already established this investigation long predated the special prosecutor.And so what is really going on, it seems to me, is that this indictment is used as a means of exerting pressureon the defendant to give you information that really isin your appointment, but it itself has nothing whatever to do with it.

MR. DREEBEN: Well, Your Honor, I understand the question. I'm trying to explain why I think that it does have to do with our investigatory scope, and I think there are a couple of premises that may help illuminate what that investigatory scope is.The first one is that in examining an individual who was associated with the Trump campaign and did have Russian-affiliated connections, which Mr. Manafort did --

THE COURT: Are they Russian or Ukrainian?

MR. DREEBEN: Both. Mr. Manafort worked extensively in Ukraine, and he also has business connections and other connections to individuals associated with Russia.In following the leads from those things,investigators want to understand the full scope of his relationship, how he was paid, with whom he associated,what happened to the money, and that leads to the activities that are at issue in this indictment.

THE COURT: Well, it didn't lead to that.This was given to you by the Department of Justice.The investigation was already well underway going back to 2005. Am I correct?

MR. DREEBEN: Well, I think, Your Honor, the investigation has developed considerably with the special counsel.

THE COURT: Wasn't it already in existence in the Department of Justice, and they gave it to you when you all were appointed?

MR. DREEBEN: There were investigations that were in existence, yes, but those investigations were folded together with our overall examination of Mr. Manafort's conduct that fits within (b)(i).

THE COURT: All right. Do you have it in front of you?


THE COURT: All right. I think you would agree that the indictment that we have before the Court is not triggered by (i), which says, "any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump." Bank fraud in 2005 and other things had nothing whatever to do with that. So then you go to number two. It says, "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation." Well, this indictment didn't arise from your investigation; it arose from a preexisting investigation even assuming that that (ii) is a valid delegation because it's open-ended.Go ahead, sir.

more of this pee-pee slapping in the link
Del, I agree with a lot of what you wrote. But I can’t accept settling for that. To simply say all politicians are crooks so let’s elect one President. It’s a race to the bottom I’m not interested in. Nobody’s above the law, not even Trump, even if you wish it wasn’t so. We’ll just have to see what the outcome of these investigations are. They’re happening for a reason, and it’s not some desperate liberal witchhunt Trump supporters make it out to be. We simply disagree on that, and likely will continue to disagree until they wrap up and report their findings.

That's a cop out.

You just posted a "meme" of kids talking like Trump, like you really believe that is going to happen.

There is no "race to the bottom". No one said the next President has to be worse than Trump on decorum. But at THIS TIME, the people of this country (and I 100% agree with them) think we needed someone like Trump (at least more like him than like all his competitors) to steer the ship (at least as much as President's steer these days).

Not ONE person said or has said they want EVERY President down the line to be like Trump. Not ******* one. But we are tired of the bullshit people like you and liberal media have been feeding us day after day after day and we got fed up. The American people got fed up with it all. And Trump gets to rattle some cages both here and abroad for the next 2+ years and maybe the next 6+ years.

We are NOT going to get into some nuclear war or go off some irreversible environment cliff (that's just Chicken Little bullshit and you know it). Our economy or world clout isn't going to stop being one of the "Big Three" (with China and E.U.). Our military influence and support (which outrivals ALL others by about 10 times) isn't going away.

All your sky is falling bullshit is just hogwash and you know it. Let the ****** (Trump) govern. Stay out of his ******* way just for one ******* week. Quit caring about his ******* twitter feed like it's the end of the world.

When you start looking at the forest from the trees, maybe you'll notice our Country is doing pretty damn well. And that even the middle/lower classes are reaping some benefits of the good economy. That power is being given back to state/local governments and Washington isn't going around acting like everyone's savior. That our day to day lives are actually doing better.
But we are tired of the bullshit people like you...have been feeding us day after day after day and we got fed up.
Stay out of his ******* way just for one ******* week. Quit caring about his ******* twitter feed like it's the end of the world.

Sounds like a plan.
Things I do not like about Trump:

He's boorish
He's ignorant
He's a pig to women
He's unpresidential
He's inarticulate
He has no real conception of conservative principles

He's cut my taxes which will very much help us send our kids to college
He's eliminated the unconstitutional penalty for not buying something I don't want (it still boggles my mind that anyone thinks it's ok that we were forced by our government to buy the product of a private, for profit industry whether we wanted it or not).
He's projecting a strong national defense and America first foreign policy which is already reaping benefits.
He is less vulnerable to outside influence than most politicians.
He understands that lawless immigration policy will be the destruction of this country.
He made great VP and Supreme Court justice choices.
I've seen no evidence that he's had anything to do with any Russian collusion, in fact I've seen no evidence that any Russia interference had any real influence on the election at all.
He's managed to keep his head above water and move forward despite relentless attacks from every angle on himself, his wife, his children...I don't like the guy but when the mainstream media and politicians hate someone this much that's a mark in the plus column for me.
Criminally speaking he's a choirboy compared to the Clintons.

All in all he's still not who I'd pick to be president but things could be a lot worse.
CurIouser and curiouser...


One of the stranger moments of Robert Mueller’s special counsel probe is Michael Flynn’s Dec. 1, 2017 guilty plea for lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The former White House national security adviser pleaded guilty to a single count of making false statements, even though then FBI director James Comey had told Congress in March that the two FBI agents who interviewed Mr. Flynn believed he hadn’t lied.

These columns reported this Comey testimony based on sources at the time of Mr. Flynn’s plea (“The Flynn Information,” Dec. 1, 2017). Now comes confirmation from a less redacted version of the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia report released late Friday.

On pages 53-54, the report notes that in March 2017 “Director Comey testified to the Committee that ‘the agents . . . discerned no physical indications of deception. They didn’t see any change in posture, in tone, in inflection, in eye contact. They saw nothing that indicated to them that he knew he was lying to them.’” The quotes are from the committee transcript of Mr. Comey’s remarks.

The report goes on to say that then Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe “confirmed the interviewing agent’s initial impression and stated that the ‘conundrum that we faced on their return from the interview is that although [the agents] didn’t detect deception in the statements that he made in the interview . . . the statements were inconsistent with our understanding of the conversation that he had actually had with the ambassador.’”

Recall that the inconsistency concerned whether Mr. Flynn had discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. Vice President Mike Pence had said publicly that Mr. Flynn had not discussed sanctions, and once it came to light that he had, Mr. Flynn resigned.

But Mr. McCabe also nonetheless told the House Intelligence Committee that “‘the two people who interviewed [Flynn] didn’t think he was lying, [which] was not [a] great beginning of a false statement case.’”
When you start looking at the forest from the trees, maybe you'll notice our Country is doing pretty damn well. And that even the middle/lower classes are reaping some benefits of the good economy. That power is being given back to state/local governments and Washington isn't going around acting like everyone's savior. That our day to day lives are actually doing better.

Tibs can't but even CNN notes that the rest of the country (those of sound mind) do see it. This poll is Liberal skewed, yet shows the rise in American confidence in this President.

CNN Poll: Trump approval steady amid rising outlook for the country

President Donald Trump's approval rating is holding steady in a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, but his numbers on handling several key issues are climbing, as almost 6 in 10 say things in the country are going well.

Overall, 41% approve of the President's work, and 53% disapprove. Those numbers are about the same as at the end of March.

On the issues, however, Trump's numbers are climbing. Approval is up 4 points on the economy to 52%, the first time it's topped 50% since March 2017; up 5 points on foreign trade to 43% approval; and his numbers on immigration have improved 4 points since February, with 40% now approving. On handling foreign affairs, Trump's approval rating tops 40% for the first time since April of 2017, though the increase since March is not statistically significant (42% approve currently).

On the issues, Trump’s numbers are climbing
Trump’s approval ratings for handling the economy, foreign trade, immigration and foreign affairs have risen an average of 4 points since the last CNN poll.


The President's improving issue ratings come amid a sharp rise in positive impressions of how the country is doing. Overall, 57% say things are going well in the US today -- up from 49% saying the same in February -- which is the largest proportion to say so since January of 2007.

That shift, as well as some of the improvement in Trump's issue approvals, stems from more positive ratings from Democrats. In the new poll, 40% of Democrats say things in the US are going well, up from 25% who said so in February. Democrats' approval rating for Trump's handling of the economy is up 11 points to 26%.

The rosier numbers on the nation's direction could prove a welcome sign for Republicans in this midterm election year, when every other frequently cited indicator of congressional election outcomes seems to be pointing against them. The last two times the House of Representatives changed hands, Americans' take on the direction of the country was in far worse shape than it is in this poll: Just 27% said things were going well in June of 2010, and in May of 2006, that stood at 46%.

And although Trump's overall approval rating hasn't improved, it is no longer the worst of any elected president at this stage of his term. Jimmy Carter also held a 41% approval rating in May of his second year in office. All other elected presidents of the modern era had higher approval ratings at this stage (Reagan's 45% in 1982 was closest to Carter's and Trump's 41%, the rest were above 50%).
Really? Pretty much everything he has done should make conservatives thrilled. He has a 93% approval rate with CPAC, as proof.


When I say this I mean he seems to have no ability to articulate conservative principles and why they matter. He's had multiple positions on numerous issues so honestly I don't know what convictions he actually holds if any. I think he's being steered in the right direction by somebody.
When I say this I mean he seems to have no ability to articulate conservative principles and why they matter. He's had multiple positions on numerous issues so honestly I don't know what convictions he actually holds if any. I think he's being steered in the right direction by somebody.

And actually, this really matters to me. It matters a lot. The generations coming up are going to destroy this country if someone like Reagan doesn't come along and make people understand the conservative principles that made this country great, and why it would be ruinous to abandon them. This is just so important for the future of this country. It's everything. I fear we're losing them because we just cannot seem to find the persuasive champion of them that we desperately need.
Criminally speaking he's a choirboy compared to the Clintons.

Loved your whole post but this I think cannot be stressed enough. Especially when people like Tibs put their fingers in their ears when people bring her up.
CurIouser and curiouser...


One of the stranger moments of Robert Mueller’s special counsel probe is Michael Flynn’s Dec. 1, 2017 guilty plea for lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The former White House national security adviser pleaded guilty to a single count of making false statements, even though then FBI director James Comey had told Congress in March that the two FBI agents who interviewed Mr. Flynn believed he hadn’t lied.

These columns reported this Comey testimony based on sources at the time of Mr. Flynn’s plea (“The Flynn Information,” Dec. 1, 2017). Now comes confirmation from a less redacted version of the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia report released late Friday.

On pages 53-54, the report notes that in March 2017 “Director Comey testified to the Committee that ‘the agents . . . discerned no physical indications of deception. They didn’t see any change in posture, in tone, in inflection, in eye contact. They saw nothing that indicated to them that he knew he was lying to them.’” The quotes are from the committee transcript of Mr. Comey’s remarks.

The report goes on to say that then Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe “confirmed the interviewing agent’s initial impression and stated that the ‘conundrum that we faced on their return from the interview is that although [the agents] didn’t detect deception in the statements that he made in the interview . . . the statements were inconsistent with our understanding of the conversation that he had actually had with the ambassador.’”

Recall that the inconsistency concerned whether Mr. Flynn had discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. Vice President Mike Pence had said publicly that Mr. Flynn had not discussed sanctions, and once it came to light that he had, Mr. Flynn resigned.

But Mr. McCabe also nonetheless told the House Intelligence Committee that “‘the two people who interviewed [Flynn] didn’t think he was lying, [which] was not [a] great beginning of a false statement case.’”

This is interesting to me, because the media source is hunting and pecking to make Flynn seem blameless. In any intelligence interview, the agents have to report whether or not they feel, the person being interviewed, is telling the truth. This is very important, because it adds credence to the statements given.

The point that he believed he was telling the truth, does not exonerate Flynn at all, this actually hurts him tremendously. If he made false statements, yet the agents felt he was telling the truth in his eyes, it means his false statements have been made valid. If you don't think you said something wrong, when you still said something wrong, you still broke the law.

It was strictly a measure of validity of his interview, not on the validity of the statements that he made. This is why Flynn HAD to take the plea instead of being tried for perjury.
When I say this I mean he seems to have no ability to articulate conservative principles and why they matter. He's had multiple positions on numerous issues so honestly I don't know what convictions he actually holds if any. I think he's being steered in the right direction by somebody.

While I keep waiting for him to let me down, I can really only point to a couple things such as the $1.3 T omnibus bill, and the other night, at his rally in Michigan, he alluded to the need for a guest worker program and more H1B visas. Both these issues show a turn away from his platform, but politics is give and take. And so far he takes much more than he gives. Other than those 2 items, I don't see very much I don't care for. After broken promise upon broken promise from "conservatives" such as HW and W Bush, I'll take the boorish, womanizing, laissez faire capitalist that is DJT. We all fall short of the glory eh?
Three separate judges have rendered harsh setbacks to the Mueller probe.

Provide evidence or we're gonna shut your witch hunt down.
Waiting for this news to spread throughout the MSM.


Lol I bet these judges don't even have a rudimentary understanding of the facts, right Tibs?
Why don't you explain the acts to them.

Stewey, I'm not going to sit here and re-litigate the Mueller probe or how it got started. If you want to have an adult conversation, you'll need to spend a lot more time reading about the basic facts in this case. It seems you don't even have a rudimentary understanding of them. Have a nice day, dingbat!
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