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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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And actually, this really matters to me. It matters a lot. The generations coming up are going to destroy this country if someone like Reagan doesn't come along and make people understand the conservative principles that made this country great, and why it would be ruinous to abandon them. This is just so important for the future of this country. It's everything. I fear we're losing them because we just cannot seem to find the persuasive champion of them that we desperately need.

I think that responsibility falls on parenting more than the President. Leftist hysteria is too far out there. The libtards were out of their skulls when Reagan was in office. They can't rationally comprehend anything a Republican President says and does. Their culture of PC, racism against white people, divisiveness and socialist politics is what needs to change for the future well being of our country.
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Three separate judges have rendered harsh setbacks to the Mueller probe.

Provide evidence or we're gonna shut your witch hunt down.
Waiting for this news to spread throughout the MSM.


They won't report any of that. No, they'll wait until the investigation is officially over and Trump is exonerated and then they'll immediately go apeshit. Tibs will probably be in his safe space until Christmas.

We are saying Merry Christmas again! maga
Churchill had the same problem with the lefty press even when he was trying to win a ******* war. That just shows that the left never cared about the people, they only care about power. Their champion Chamberlain made a deal with Hitler. That shows you what the left is all about.
While I keep waiting for him to let me down, I can really only point to a couple things such as the $1.3 T omnibus bill, and the other night, at his rally in Michigan, he alluded to the need for a guest worker program and more H1B visas. Both these issues show a turn away from his platform, but politics is give and take. And so far he takes much more than he gives. Other than those 2 items, I don't see very much I don't care for. After broken promise upon broken promise from "conservatives" such as HW and W Bush, I'll take the boorish, womanizing, laissez faire capitalist that is DJT. We all fall short of the glory eh?

I did not vote for President Trump in the primary but he's done much better than I expected.

Lol I bet these judges don't even have a rudimentary understanding of the facts, right Tibs?

No doubt they were appointed by Republican Presidents and watch Fox News, therefore their judicial opinions don't need to be followed. /Libs
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another one bites the dust.....TRUMP WINS AGAIN!

Eric Schneiderman, New York's Attorney General, Resigns Amid Abuse Accusations

Eric T. Schneiderman, the New York attorney general who rose to prominence as an antagonist of the Trump administration, abruptly resigned on Monday night, hours after four women accused him of physically assaulting them in an article published by The New Yorker.

His resignation represented a stunning fall for a politician who had not only turned his office into a bulwark of resistance against President Trump, but also assumed a prominent role in the #MeToo movement.

They won't report any of that. No, they'll wait until the investigation is officially over and Trump is exonerated and then they'll immediately go apeshit. Tibs will probably be in his safe space until Christmas.

We are saying Merry Christmas again! maga

The deep state strategy may be to prolong tis "investigation" until the midterms, just to have this illusion of doubt hanging around.

Another strategy may be that Mueller has known for some time that he's got nothing and is waiting/hoping to be fired...then you'll have the media and hordes of liberal dingbats like Tibby crying foul...."the outrage, just as Mueller was getting close"!!! ..."obstruction of justice" !!!
LO ******* L
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another one bites the dust.....TRUMP WINS AGAIN!

Eric Schneiderman, New York's Attorney General, Resigns Amid Abuse Accusations

Eric T. Schneiderman, the New York attorney general who rose to prominence as an antagonist of the Trump administration, abruptly resigned on Monday night, hours after four women accused him of physically assaulting them in an article published by The New Yorker.

His resignation represented a stunning fall for a politician who had not only turned his office into a bulwark of resistance against President Trump, but also assumed a prominent role in the #MeToo movement.


President Trump appears to have predicted Eric Schneiderman’s downfall — five years ago, in a tweet about the New York attorney general.

Trump compared Schneiderman to two New York Democrats, Rep. Anthony Weiner and Gov. Eliot Spitzer, whose careers exploded amid sex charges.

“Weiner is gone, Spitzer is gone – next will be lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman. Is he a crook? Wait and see, worse than Spitzer or Weiner,” Trump tweeted on Sept. 11, 2013.
The deep state strategy may be to prolong tis "investigation" until the midterms, just to have this illusion of doubt hanging around.

Another strategy may be that Mueller has known for some time that he's got nothing and is waiting/hoping to be fired...then you'll have the media and hordes of liberal dingbats like Tibby crying foul...."the outrage, just as Mueller was getting close"!!! ..."obstruction of justice" !!!
LO ******* L

I think that's why President Trump hasn't fired him. Would just give the Dems political ammo. Better to let Mueller flail around and find nothing.

President Trump appears to have predicted Eric Schneiderman’s downfall — five years ago, in a tweet about the New York attorney general.

Trump compared Schneiderman to two New York Democrats, Rep. Anthony Weiner and Gov. Eliot Spitzer, whose careers exploded amid sex charges.

“Weiner is gone, Spitzer is gone – next will be lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman. Is he a crook? Wait and see, worse than Spitzer or Weiner,” Trump tweeted on Sept. 11, 2013.


Dems always had a thing for slavegirls

Schneiderman called me ‘brown slave,’ slapped me until I called him ‘Master’


When Schneiderman was violent, he often made sexual demands. “He was obsessed with having a threesome, and said it was my job to find a woman,” she says. “He said he’d have nothing to look forward to if I didn’t, and would hit me until I agreed.”


Schneiderman called me ‘brown slave,’ slapped me until I called him ‘Master’

Danger, danger, when you taste brown sugar
Louie fell in love overnight

Students of politics will recall that he's not the first NY State AG who turned out to be a sex freak either.
what is it about NY politicians?

Liars, Liars and Liars. All of them.

And yet I'm supposed to get my panties all in a bunch when Trump white lies just to get the media all riled up and Tibs loves to proclaim he's lied more times than any President ever.

All lies are not created equal. This hypocrites "standing up for women" while loving to beat, strangle and humiliate them in the bedroom (against their consent apparently) is just vile and evil.

To me he probably should see a jail cell for a while. Won't happen of course, he'll lawyer up with the best of the best and pay off the accusers in civil court and plea it down to misdemeanors with his AG buddies.

And again. The left LOVED this guy. Loved him. Put him on a pedestal for all the good he supposedly did for their causes. Just goes to show "looking the other way", ignoring boorish behavior as long as "good legislation" is happening is not just a Trump supporter ideology.

They are all rotten morally. All of them.
To me he probably should see a jail cell for a while. Won't happen of course, he'll lawyer up with the best of the best and pay off the accusers in civil court and plea it down to misdemeanors with his AG buddies.

The resident Libs already told us that rich white people never go to jail. Hildebeast is proof enough I suppose.
Fabulous news I heard on Rush's show today

Mueller in a bind.

Recall the indictments handed to those 13 Russians and 3 other entities that helped facilitate these Russian trolls?

We all know it was strictly a PR stunt by Mueller and Rosenstein. Up to that point Mueller had come up empty...not a shred of evidence of Russian/Trump collusion....and Mueller needed a spark

Mueller had calculated that the Russians would never answer these indictments, therefore he would never have to provide the "evidence"...but guess what?...one of those 3 entities, Concord Management did, and want their day in court!

So what did Mueller do?...he requested a postponement stating that the accused were not "properly served" LOL..

A judge (Trump appointed btw) told Mueller to go **** himself, request for delay denied.

Hear one of the best rants ever from the man himself.

On this grand announcement that Rosenstein made that Russian troll farms had interfered in the presidential election by buying ads on Facebook and Twitter and blah, blah, blah.

We know that the amount of money involved was inconsequential. We know that the impact that these ads had was inconsequential. Most of the ad buys occurred after the election. The Russians, like everybody, thought Hillary was gonna win. Most of the Russian activity was to destabilize whoever they think is gonna win the presidency; in this case, it was Hillary. They were not working to help Trump. Nobody thought Trump was gonna win. Mueller knows all of this, which is what grates on me.

So Mueller doesn’t have a shred of evidence, folks! Mueller doesn’t have a damn thing on collusion! Trump collusion, anybody with Trump collusion and Russia. They have got nothing. But does that stop Mueller? Does Mueller use his integrity and honor and say, “You know what? We’ve looked for a year. We’ve looked for a year and a half and we don’t find anything.” Does he shut it down? No. He comes up with a public relations move indicting 13 Russian troll farms and three Russian entities for attempting to interfere in the presidential election.

“He charged not only Russian individuals but three Russian businesses. A business doesn’t have the same risks as a person. A business can’t be thrown in jail.” So Mueller was never really trying to have a trial. He didn’t want to ever have to present evidence. He didn’t want to have to try to convict these people, ’cause he doesn’t have anything to convict them with. So he does this phony-baloney press conference with Rosenstein announcing these indictments of people he knows will never respond.

People (Russians) he knows will never appear.

Russia will not extradite them. Putin will not send them. There will never be… This is Mueller’s thinking. There will never be any action on this. So he’s got a pure one-way street here. He can indict these guys and he can announce they’ve done anything, and they aren’t gonna do anything about it. And the press conference serves as a gigantic PR move to further this lie that Trump and Russia colluded! Somebody with the highest integrity and honor does not do this kind of stuff, and that’s what we’ve been told Mueller is: The epitome of integrity and the epitome of honor.

Well, the Russians in this case are not stupid. And one of these three entities that Mueller indicted is an outfit by the name of Concord Management — to be precise, Concord Management and Consulting — and they have decided they don’t like being slandered. They don’t like being accused of things like tampering with a presidential election via ad buys they made on Twitter and Facebook, and “wants its day in court.” And they went out and hired a law firm in Washington.

The law firm they hired is “Reed Smith, two of whose partners, Eric Dubelier and Katherine Seikaly, have told Mueller that Concord is ready to have its trial — and by the way, let’s see” what you have on our clients. We’re demanding discovery. You have sued, you have indicted us; we want to go to trial to defend ourselves. And we, therefore, need to see what you have, and the law requires that you disclose it to us, including “all the [evidence] the law requires you to disclose, including all the evidence you say supports the [silly] allegations in the indictment” of yours that we interfered in the presidential election.

Well, this is the last thing Mueller expected to happen. These people were not supposed to respond at all. They’re not in any legal jeopardy because there’s never gonna be a trial, in Mueller’s opinion. They’re in Russia. They’re in Ukraine. They’re not gonna show up. Mueller’s thinking is, “This is a freebie!” He gets to announce these arrests and these indictments — well, these indictments, not arrests — as a freebie ’cause nobody’s gonna oppose him. Well, this one firm, Concord Management and Consulting, did.

So the Mueller team immediately seeks a delay, a postponement. And the way they did it was to suggest that Concord Management and Consulting “had not been properly served.” Had not been properly served? You’ve got the defendant already hiring a law firm, ready to show up in court, and Mueller is saying they haven’t been properly served so he needs a delay? Look, “service” is simply the means by which a party seeks what Mueller already has: The opposing party’s appearance in a lawsuit. Serving them with a suit to get them to show up.

Well, they don’t need to be served. They’re here! They’re ready to have a trial. They want to start their trial tomorrow. So Mueller’s argument for delay is preposterous. “In order to serve the defendants in a criminal case in which Mueller alleges that Russia is an adversary government that conducted espionage operations against the American election, the Justice Department sought the assistance of … the government of Russia,” and they haven’t helped.

That’s actually what Mueller told the court! (paraphrased) “We asked the government of Russia to help us serve Concord Management, and they have not helped.” Sorry, Concord Management’s hired lawyers, and they’re ready to go to court tomorrow. The judge told Mueller essentially to pound sand. He denied the postponement. The judge is Dabney Friedrich. Denied Mueller’s request. “Mueller’s prosecutors had suggested that weeks of briefing were necessary to probe the question of whether Concord had been served properly.”

Yet Concord is here. They’ve hired lawyers. They don’t need to be served. They, A, already accepted it, because they showed up. So what have we been told about this man, Mueller? For as long as I’ve heard the name “Robert Mueller” — and I don’t know when I first heard it, but it’s many years ago — I’ve heard that he is the epitome of integrity in Washington. That if ever there is a man who is above the fray in political Washington, it’s Robert Mueller. That he has integrity, more integrity in his little finger than all of Washington has in two hands.

The never-ending praise and accolades for the fairness, the open-mindedness, the nonjudgmentalism, the integrity and the honor of Robert Mueller has been his hallmark that has been his reputation for as long as he’s been in Washington. As either the FBI director, assistant attorney general — he’s served a number of presidents in a number of positions — his reputation is impeccable. And if you ask me, none of it’s true, and none of it is warranted.

To me, this guy, Robert Mueller, personifies actually what is wrong with the Washington establishment, not what is right about it. No more integrity than this guy has. More honor than anybody else. I mean, he’s the personification of Dudley Do-Right. If Robert Mueller were this honorable person — the right choice to get to the bottom of this for the sake of the nation, for the sake of our culture, for the sake of doing the right thing — then he would have shut down this investigation long ago and lectured everybody about the improprieties and dangers involved in all of this.

He would have exposed the conspiracy and the corruption in the FBI that prolonged this, and he would have named names. He would have properly looked into real collusion between Fusion GPS, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democrat National Committee and the Russians and Christopher Steele. He would have exposed it! He would have been the one to tell us that the Steele dossier was fake, phony, and fraudulent. He would have been the one to tell us that the Steele dossier had been illegally used to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and whoever else that the Obama team wanted to spy on.

And then of course we find out that in the Whitey Bulger case, four people — innocent people — spent 30 years in jail when he knew they didn’t do it. Two of them died in jail! And one of the reasons was so he could protect the identity of a confidential informant. There isn’t any integrity here, and there isn’t any honor, and it doesn’t appear there’s any justice going on. So now we see that Rudy says that Mueller’s team shouts down the idea of written interviews with Trump.

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The Mueller investigation is rapidly becoming a national disgrace. Anyone who looks at the evidence presented, and not the Democratic talking points, is realizing this. Many of us knew this right from the start. The way this prosecutor treated Michael Flynn is despicable. Let's see how many Dem members of Congress continue to support this. We all know that Adam Schiff would die before giving up the fight. I have already emailed all of my elected representatives and offered my opinion. Haven't heard back from any. A disgrace.
Fabulous news I heard on Rush's show today

Mueller in a bind.

Recall the indictments handed to those 13 Russians and 3 other entities that helped facilitate these Russian trolls?

We all know it was strictly a PR stunt by Mueller and Rosenstein. Up to that point Mueller had come up empty...not a shred of evidence of Russian/Trump collusion....and Mueller needed a spark

Mueller had calculated that the Russians would never answer these indictments, therefore he would never have to provide the "evidence"...but guess what?...one of those 3 entities, Concord Management did, and want their day in court!

So what did Mueller do?...he requested a postponement stating that the accused were not "properly served" LOL..

A judge (Trump appointed btw) told Mueller to go **** himself, request for delay denied.

Hear one of the best rants ever from the man himself.

On this grand announcement that Rosenstein made that Russian troll farms had interfered in the presidential election by buying ads on Facebook and Twitter and blah, blah, blah.

We know that the amount of money involved was inconsequential. We know that the impact that these ads had was inconsequential. Most of the ad buys occurred after the election. The Russians, like everybody, thought Hillary was gonna win. Most of the Russian activity was to destabilize whoever they think is gonna win the presidency; in this case, it was Hillary. They were not working to help Trump. Nobody thought Trump was gonna win. Mueller knows all of this, which is what grates on me.

So Mueller doesn’t have a shred of evidence, folks! Mueller doesn’t have a damn thing on collusion! Trump collusion, anybody with Trump collusion and Russia. They have got nothing. But does that stop Mueller? Does Mueller use his integrity and honor and say, “You know what? We’ve looked for a year. We’ve looked for a year and a half and we don’t find anything.” Does he shut it down? No. He comes up with a public relations move indicting 13 Russian troll farms and three Russian entities for attempting to interfere in the presidential election.

“He charged not only Russian individuals but three Russian businesses. A business doesn’t have the same risks as a person. A business can’t be thrown in jail.” So Mueller was never really trying to have a trial. He didn’t want to ever have to present evidence. He didn’t want to have to try to convict these people, ’cause he doesn’t have anything to convict them with. So he does this phony-baloney press conference with Rosenstein announcing these indictments of people he knows will never respond.

People (Russians) he knows will never appear.

Russia will not extradite them. Putin will not send them. There will never be… This is Mueller’s thinking. There will never be any action on this. So he’s got a pure one-way street here. He can indict these guys and he can announce they’ve done anything, and they aren’t gonna do anything about it. And the press conference serves as a gigantic PR move to further this lie that Trump and Russia colluded! Somebody with the highest integrity and honor does not do this kind of stuff, and that’s what we’ve been told Mueller is: The epitome of integrity and the epitome of honor.

Well, the Russians in this case are not stupid. And one of these three entities that Mueller indicted is an outfit by the name of Concord Management — to be precise, Concord Management and Consulting — and they have decided they don’t like being slandered. They don’t like being accused of things like tampering with a presidential election via ad buys they made on Twitter and Facebook, and “wants its day in court.” And they went out and hired a law firm in Washington.

The law firm they hired is “Reed Smith, two of whose partners, Eric Dubelier and Katherine Seikaly, have told Mueller that Concord is ready to have its trial — and by the way, let’s see” what you have on our clients. We’re demanding discovery. You have sued, you have indicted us; we want to go to trial to defend ourselves. And we, therefore, need to see what you have, and the law requires that you disclose it to us, including “all the [evidence] the law requires you to disclose, including all the evidence you say supports the [silly] allegations in the indictment” of yours that we interfered in the presidential election.

Well, this is the last thing Mueller expected to happen. These people were not supposed to respond at all. They’re not in any legal jeopardy because there’s never gonna be a trial, in Mueller’s opinion. They’re in Russia. They’re in Ukraine. They’re not gonna show up. Mueller’s thinking is, “This is a freebie!” He gets to announce these arrests and these indictments — well, these indictments, not arrests — as a freebie ’cause nobody’s gonna oppose him. Well, this one firm, Concord Management and Consulting, did.

So the Mueller team immediately seeks a delay, a postponement. And the way they did it was to suggest that Concord Management and Consulting “had not been properly served.” Had not been properly served? You’ve got the defendant already hiring a law firm, ready to show up in court, and Mueller is saying they haven’t been properly served so he needs a delay? Look, “service” is simply the means by which a party seeks what Mueller already has: The opposing party’s appearance in a lawsuit. Serving them with a suit to get them to show up.

Well, they don’t need to be served. They’re here! They’re ready to have a trial. They want to start their trial tomorrow. So Mueller’s argument for delay is preposterous. “In order to serve the defendants in a criminal case in which Mueller alleges that Russia is an adversary government that conducted espionage operations against the American election, the Justice Department sought the assistance of … the government of Russia,” and they haven’t helped.

That’s actually what Mueller told the court! (paraphrased) “We asked the government of Russia to help us serve Concord Management, and they have not helped.” Sorry, Concord Management’s hired lawyers, and they’re ready to go to court tomorrow. The judge told Mueller essentially to pound sand. He denied the postponement. The judge is Dabney Friedrich. Denied Mueller’s request. “Mueller’s prosecutors had suggested that weeks of briefing were necessary to probe the question of whether Concord had been served properly.”

Yet Concord is here. They’ve hired lawyers. They don’t need to be served. They, A, already accepted it, because they showed up. So what have we been told about this man, Mueller? For as long as I’ve heard the name “Robert Mueller” — and I don’t know when I first heard it, but it’s many years ago — I’ve heard that he is the epitome of integrity in Washington. That if ever there is a man who is above the fray in political Washington, it’s Robert Mueller. That he has integrity, more integrity in his little finger than all of Washington has in two hands.

The never-ending praise and accolades for the fairness, the open-mindedness, the nonjudgmentalism, the integrity and the honor of Robert Mueller has been his hallmark that has been his reputation for as long as he’s been in Washington. As either the FBI director, assistant attorney general — he’s served a number of presidents in a number of positions — his reputation is impeccable. And if you ask me, none of it’s true, and none of it is warranted.

To me, this guy, Robert Mueller, personifies actually what is wrong with the Washington establishment, not what is right about it. No more integrity than this guy has. More honor than anybody else. I mean, he’s the personification of Dudley Do-Right. If Robert Mueller were this honorable person — the right choice to get to the bottom of this for the sake of the nation, for the sake of our culture, for the sake of doing the right thing — then he would have shut down this investigation long ago and lectured everybody about the improprieties and dangers involved in all of this.

He would have exposed the conspiracy and the corruption in the FBI that prolonged this, and he would have named names. He would have properly looked into real collusion between Fusion GPS, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democrat National Committee and the Russians and Christopher Steele. He would have exposed it! He would have been the one to tell us that the Steele dossier was fake, phony, and fraudulent. He would have been the one to tell us that the Steele dossier had been illegally used to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and whoever else that the Obama team wanted to spy on.

He would have been the one to expose all of this, if he were the guy we’ve been told that he is. But he’s obviously not. He’s right in there with the rest of these partisan buffoons helping to perpetuate this crock, helping to perpetuate this injustice. And if this is the guy… If this is the guy we’re all told, “Trust it, Rush! Trust Mueller. He’s the guy to get to the bottom of this. He’ll find out what’s been going on. He’s got no partisan chip in his bones. Yeah, he’s a registered Republican, but that doesn’t matter.”

And then of course we find out that in the Whitey Bulger case, four people — innocent people — spent 30 years in jail when he knew they didn’t do it. Two of them died in jail! And one of the reasons was so he could protect the identity of a confidential informant. There isn’t any integrity here, and there isn’t any honor, and it doesn’t appear there’s any justice going on. So now we see that Rudy says that Mueller’s team shouts down the idea of written interviews with Trump.

Well, okay. Thank you, Mr. Mueller. Because now you’re telling us you don’t give a rat’s rear end about any evidence. You’re not really trying to learn what people think. You’re not trying to collect information and render a proper judgment after an extensive, fair investigation. You want the opportunity to lay a perjury trap for the president of the United States. That can be the only reason to reject writtens. Now, I fully expect the left to say, “No, t here’s other reasons, Rush. Uh, sometimes written just doesn’t do it and other presidents have appeared.”

Simply one of Rush's best.

The point he makes, succinctly, is that if Mueller was a man of honor, he would be going after the discovered collusion, between the DNC and Hillary and Steele and Russia. They and others discovered that. Known, illegal activity.

I'm fed up as an American, absolutely fed up, with our politicians ignoring discovered, actual, blatant criminality in the name of partisan politics. Why Hillary hasn't been prosecuted is beyond me. Why the DNC personnel haven't been is beyond me.

But they dig on this ghost "Russian Collusion." Because obviously it is about politics - bring Trump down.
Simply one of Rush's best.

The point he makes, succinctly, is that if Mueller was a man of honor, he would be going after the discovered collusion, between the DNC and Hillary and Steele and Russia. They and others discovered that. Known, illegal activity.

I'm fed up as an American, absolutely fed up, with our politicians ignoring discovered, actual, blatant criminality in the name of partisan politics. Why Hillary hasn't been prosecuted is beyond me. Why the DNC personnel haven't been is beyond me.

But they dig on this ghost "Russian Collusion." Because obviously it is about politics - bring Trump down.

Yep. You said it almost as good as the man!:lol

This whole investigation, if you get right down to it — led by the man with the greatest integrity and the highest honor in Washington — is actually a cover-up for all of the things the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign and the Democrat National Committee engaged in to try to taint the election.

That’s what all of this is. It is a cover-up designed to convict and get rid of Donald Trump, simply for having the audacity to win the election

..."to convict and get rid of Trump for having the audacity to win the election"...****** A, the audacity, that's what its all about.

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The investigation became a National disgrace the day it was launched. It’s based on lies and butthurt. It’s been pretty quiet from Twatty, Tibtard and Flog lately. Even those idiots know that this is fraud, corruption at the highest level. Impeachment pie! Any minute now! Ha ha ha! **** off, bitter loser morons. Justice will be served when Hillary and Obama are investigated. Those two plus Kerry should be executed for treason. Probably about a dozen others in Oterrorist’s cabinet when it’s all said and done.
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The real sad thing is people like Tibs think politicians from Chicago (Obama) and hillbilly south (Clintons) somehow have more integrity that Trump. He's been duped time and time again and doesn't even realize it. He doesn't even realize the level of deceit and self-promotion and egotistical bending of the law in their favor occurred under those he supposedly "looked up to" and "voted for" is worse that the person he comes on here and criticizes day after day after day.

And worse, he lectures us on OUR integrity because we voted for Trump. He lectures us on "20 years from now we'll wake up". Has he woken up and repented for his sin of voting for Obama yet? Despite all the evidence? Has he repented for voting for the much more morally corrupt Bill Clinton?

Yet he expects all of us to be, what?, grovelling a few years from now saying "Yep, you were right, Trump was pretty bad compared to Obama and Clinton". Bullshit. And he knows it.

I've said from day 1 of Trump. He is NOT abusing the executive branch of government more than Obama. And he is NOT a morally worse individual than Bill Clinton. So **** those accusations. If our country and constitution can survive Clinton and Obama it can survive Trump. So stop with the sky is falling crap over and over and over.
The real sad thing is people like Tibs think politicians from Chicago (Obama) and hillbilly south (Clintons) somehow have more integrity that Trump. He's been duped time and time again and doesn't even realize it. He doesn't even realize the level of deceit and self-promotion and egotistical bending of the law in their favor occurred under those he supposedly "looked up to" and "voted for" is worse that the person he comes on here and criticizes day after day after day.

And worse, he lectures us on OUR integrity because we voted for Trump. He lectures us on "20 years from now we'll wake up". Has he woken up and repented for his sin of voting for Obama yet? Despite all the evidence? Has he repented for voting for the much more morally corrupt Bill Clinton?

Yet he expects all of us to be, what?, grovelling a few years from now saying "Yep, you were right, Trump was pretty bad compared to Obama and Clinton". Bullshit. And he knows it.

I've said from day 1 of Trump. He is NOT abusing the executive branch of government more than Obama. And he is NOT a morally worse individual than Bill Clinton. So **** those accusations. If our country and constitution can survive Clinton and Obama it can survive Trump. So stop with the sky is falling crap over and over and over.

Post of the month.

The Mueller investigation is rapidly becoming a national disgrace. Anyone who looks at the evidence presented, and not the Democratic talking points, is realizing this. Many of us knew this right from the start. The way this prosecutor treated Michael Flynn is despicable. Let's see how many Dem members of Congress continue to support this. We all know that Adam Schiff would die before giving up the fight. I have already emailed all of my elected representatives and offered my opinion. Haven't heard back from any. A disgrace.

There has been no evidence presented. Only subpoenas and plea bargains.

I'll adhere to the side of government that sticks to laws and the constitution over this broken bipartisan system that is beholden to lobbyists and special interest groups...
More Americans now say Russia investigation is politically motivated – CBS News poll

A year into the special counsel investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 elections, a majority of Americans thinks the investigation is politically motivated.

Fifty-three percent say so, while 44 percent think the investigation is justified.

The shift reveals a hardening stance among Republicans, who are now even more critical of the investigation. While a large majority of Republicans has always seen the investigation as politically motivated, the percentage that thinks so has risen seven points since December. There is an even larger shift when it comes to whether Republicans think Mr. Trump should cooperate with the special counsel. In January, 73 percent said he should cooperate, but now just 53 percent do.



Russia Russia Russia!

Remember when Russia was associated with communism? The dem tard socialists could never get enough of the place and used to make pilgrimages to worship the hammer and sickle.
There has been no evidence presented. Only subpoenas and plea bargains.

I'll adhere to the side of government that sticks to laws and the constitution over this broken bipartisan system that is beholden to lobbyists and special interest groups...

Cope, please read what you wrote:
no evidence.....how long before this is a clearly failed process?
Every day moves the process towards the midterms.....how is this not politucal or beholden to special interest groups?

This entire process, like the Kenneth Starr probe of Clinton, demeans the Presidency.

And that lowers America.

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