Wow, I hope you didn't type this with a straight face, knowing what Obama gave up to Iran. And he's gotten more out of North Korea than any other President we've had by a mile. I'm a bit skeptical Kim will follow through denuclearizing but that has nothing to do with Trump.
This guy could cure cancer tomorrow and people would still find things to ***** about, "He had the nerve to put all those drug company employees out of work?!" And before anyone gets snarky and comments that Trump is too dumb to actually cure cancer, it's simply an example of the TDS people are suffering.
One of the reasons I tune into this watch selective outrage unfold.
The liberal lot was here to defend the Iran deal, and to tell us all what a beautiful thing it was when Kerry and Obama bypassed Congress to create that terrible deal AND send $1.5Billion to Iran, who subsequently chanted "Death to America!" after its signature.
The liberals were here to tell us all how we were racist because we realized Obama had done nothing to win a Nobel prize (look it up. Figure out what it was he did to deserve it and report back).
They were here to tell us that Obama's foreign diplomacy and red lines in the sand were the right approach. That letting Assad create a situation that led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and a worldwide refugee crisis was spot on.
They also told us that Obama literally rolling out the red carpet for the Chinese President's visit to the White House was the correct approach.
They told us too that Obama giving F-16s and other weaponry to the Muslim Brotherhood was sound diplomacy.
They applauded Obama as "enlightened" for his actions with Cuba.
While Obama kissed the feet of our sworn national enemies, gave them money and weaponry, backed down to situations that required our strength, we cried foul and they called us racists and xenophobes.
Months ago they told us that Trump was going to get us into WWIII with Kim and China because of his rhetoric - that he wasn't diplomatic enough. Now, he gets the man out of his country for a sit down, diplomatic discussion - a summit...and these same Liberals are screaming foul - again.
You are correct, he could cure cancer and we'd see protesters running around with signs that say "How dare you cure my cancer! I wanted to die from it, it's MY body!"
It's like popcorn-eating comical.