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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Sorry man, it's way past that at this point. He unilaterally gave up military exercises w S. Korea, kissed the guy's *** in front of the whole world and got zilch in return.

And a few months back, you were whining how he will get us into a nuclear war because of his "aggressive" language and name calling. No more Nork missile tests, blowing up test facilities, freed hostages, we are getting the remains of the Korean War back, ......and we didn't have to send him $150 Billion dollars or trade violent jihadis for a transgender turncoat. We still have sanctions, Chinese cooperation, and can resume our war games any time,

That's what winning looks like.
Decency will be restored for our great nation? Tibs are both of you from Hungary or are both of you just utilizing the same IP address? :). I hope for your sake Hungary gets better
And a few months back, you were whining how he will get us into a nuclear war because of his "aggressive" language and name calling. No more Nork missile tests, blowing up test facilities, freed hostages, we are getting the remains of the Korean War back, ......and we didn't have to send him $150 Billion dollars or trade violent jihadis for a transgender turncoat. That's what winning looks like.

And when all that is verified in some reasonable manner then I'll definitely credit Trump. Give credit where - and when - credit is due, don't be a sucker for Fool's Gold. It's a tad bit early to be proclaiming anything at this stage.

Sadly, all I see currently is Trump using this as a photo-op to distract from his ever-mounting legal troubles.
And when all that is verified in some reasonable manner then I'll definitely credit Trump. Give credit where - and when - credit is due, don't be a sucker for Fool's Gold. It's a tad bit early to be proclaiming anything at this stage.

Sadly, all I see currently is Trump using this as a photo-op to distract from his ever-mounting legal troubles.

I am not saying there isn't a lot of work left to be done, but saying we got nothing in return is either naive or dishonest. And crippling sanctions remain until total nuke free. Giving up some war games for the time being is a small price to pay for peace.

And it makes our allies happier.


Trump's lies and deceits will come back to bite him in the *** like a malnourished, angry rottweiler. For Trump and his supporters, it's all piling-up in a big, stinking heap of horseshit. For those of us objective enough to correctly read the tea leaves, we smelled that stench from a hundred miles away. What happens next with Manafort & Cohen will lay bare the facts for all to see. For the feeble-minded that swallowed Trump's persistent lies, the fall-out will take years to digest and overcome. The sooner you start confronting and accepting the reality of the matter the less painful the process will be.

You are so full of ****. You have never been objective 1 single time. You hide the past few weeks with all of the great Trump news just keeps on coming. You would think by now we would be tired of all of this winning, but this is just the start. This November more winning, then the re-election campaign = more winning. The tables have turned, he is reshaping the entire judicial system, wait till old Ruth kicks the bucket, the Supreme Court will be changed for the rest of my lifetime. He will go down as one of the greatest Presidents ever, as he wipes the 8 year Obama **** show from the record. You might as well go back and crawl under your rock.
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Decency will be restored for our great nation? Tibs are both of you from Hungary or are both of you just utilizing the same IP address? :). I hope for your sake Hungary gets better

From Pittsburgh. My views, not asking you to share them.
Wow, perspectives do certainly differ on different sides of the isle. Almost everything Trump has done I have been waiting to see a President do most of my adult life. There is really nothing in life I despise more than a politician or a member of the media. I absolutely have zero respect for either group because they are corrupt and despicable in every way. It's also the first time in my life I don't feel like the American people are at the mercy of both. It's a fantastic and liberating feeling really.

Funny story, I sort of used to feel that way...until now. And yes, perspectives do differ on different sides of the aisle, one of the things that makes America great is the freedom to have different views and it be ok to voice them.
Based on what, exactly? Shocking to hear a military veteran such as yourself see good in a Socialist/Globalist that so openly hates this country you vowed to defend, and actively did.

Too each his own.

I have known Tibs since the old Steelerwatch board before the merger. While I disagree vehemently with his politics, we have actually had conversations about things other than politics. You know what he is a person, just like me. He believes what he believes, just like me. I think he's wrong in his politics, but outside of that he's not a bad guy.
Sorry man, it's way past that at this point. He unilaterally gave up military exercises w S. Korea, kissed the guy's *** in front of the whole world and got zilch in return.

Wow, I hope you didn't type this with a straight face, knowing what Obama gave up to Iran. And he's gotten more out of North Korea than any other President we've had by a mile. I'm a bit skeptical Kim will follow through denuclearizing but that has nothing to do with Trump.

This guy could cure cancer tomorrow and people would still find things to ***** about, "He had the nerve to put all those drug company employees out of work?!" And before anyone gets snarky and comments that Trump is too dumb to actually cure cancer, it's simply an example of the TDS people are suffering.
Wow, I hope you didn't type this with a straight face, knowing what Obama gave up to Iran. And he's gotten more out of North Korea than any other President we've had by a mile. I'm a bit skeptical Kim will follow through denuclearizing but that has nothing to do with Trump.

This guy could cure cancer tomorrow and people would still find things to ***** about, "He had the nerve to put all those drug company employees out of work?!" And before anyone gets snarky and comments that Trump is too dumb to actually cure cancer, it's simply an example of the TDS people are suffering.

One of the reasons I tune into this board...to watch selective outrage unfold.

The liberal lot was here to defend the Iran deal, and to tell us all what a beautiful thing it was when Kerry and Obama bypassed Congress to create that terrible deal AND send $1.5Billion to Iran, who subsequently chanted "Death to America!" after its signature.

The liberals were here to tell us all how we were racist because we realized Obama had done nothing to win a Nobel prize (look it up. Figure out what it was he did to deserve it and report back).

They were here to tell us that Obama's foreign diplomacy and red lines in the sand were the right approach. That letting Assad create a situation that led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and a worldwide refugee crisis was spot on.

They also told us that Obama literally rolling out the red carpet for the Chinese President's visit to the White House was the correct approach.

They told us too that Obama giving F-16s and other weaponry to the Muslim Brotherhood was sound diplomacy.

They applauded Obama as "enlightened" for his actions with Cuba.

While Obama kissed the feet of our sworn national enemies, gave them money and weaponry, backed down to situations that required our strength, we cried foul and they called us racists and xenophobes.

Months ago they told us that Trump was going to get us into WWIII with Kim and China because of his rhetoric - that he wasn't diplomatic enough. Now, he gets the man out of his country for a sit down, diplomatic discussion - a summit...and these same Liberals are screaming foul - again.

You are correct, he could cure cancer and we'd see protesters running around with signs that say "How dare you cure my cancer! I wanted to die from it, it's MY body!"

It's like popcorn-eating comical.
The liberals were here to tell us all how we were racist because we realized Obama had done nothing to win a Nobel prize (look it up. Figure out what it was he did to deserve it and report back).
He won an election while being black and you're a racist.
Butting in, but out of curiosity, is it any American citizen who doesn't agree with trump, doesn't support him, doesn't believe him, and sees no good in him whatsoever someone who hates America or just ones that live abroad that you consider to be a socialist/globalist? This is just an honest question.

Neither. You proposed two options, neither of which are it. He could disagree with prior candidates, this one, or the next one . It doesn't change the answer, which I gave you in the original post: he's a Socialist/globalist that hates this country.
...that hates this country.

You know who hates this country? Tim Steelersfan and Trump supporters hate this country. Anyone who supports what this president stands for, how he's systematically destroying the rule of law and democratic institutions. Anyone who supports the Trump regime separating 2,000 children from their families at the border. Who supports Trump alienating and insulting our long-time allies and bedding down with Putin and murderous dictators like Kim Jong-un. Anyone who supports attacks against the free press and a President who constantly lies, cheats and deceives.

And, just like Trump, Tim does nothing but lash out against truth and facts and anyone who dares criticize his beloved King. And he does it with lies and deceits, just like his personal savior and hero.

Yes, sadly Tim is just one example here on the board of the ultimate, hypocritical Trump supporter who hates everything about America.

But its okay Tim, nobody buys your bullshit. Just like Trump, you're on a train careening off the tracks. Keep on being you, wouldn't want it any other way.
You know who hates this country? Tim Steelersfan and Trump supporters hate this country. Anyone who supports what this president stands for, how he's systematically destroying the rule of law and democratic institutions. Anyone who supports the Trump regime separating 2,000 children from their families at the border. Who supports Trump alienating and insulting our long-time allies and bedding down with Putin and murderous dictators like Kim Jong-un. Anyone who supports attacks against the free press and a President who constantly lies, cheats and deceives.

And, just like Trump, Tim does nothing but lash out against truth and facts and anyone who dares criticize his beloved King. And he does it with lies and deceits, just like his personal savior and hero.

Yes, sadly Tim is just one example here on the board of the ultimate, hypocritical Trump supporter who hates everything about America.

But its okay Tim, nobody buys your bullshit. Just like Trump, you're on a train careening off the tracks. Keep on being you, wouldn't want it any other way.

How to not get separated from your kids. Stay in your own damn country , problem solved.

If I commit a crime and go to jail I get separated from my children. I keep that from happening by not committing any crimes.

See how easy that is.
You know who hates this country? Tim Steelersfan and Trump supporters hate this country. Anyone who supports what this president stands for, how he's systematically destroying the rule of law and democratic institutions. Anyone who supports the Trump regime separating 2,000 children from their families at the border.
How is enforcing existing law destroying the rule of law? Newsflash, President Trump hasn't passed a single new immigration law. He's simply enforcing laws already on the books and building a wall for which funding was approved back in 1996. Bomma was destroying the rule of law by not enforcing laws that He didn't like and ruling through the regulatory state instead of passing laws through Congress.
You know who hates this country? Tim Steelersfan and Trump supporters hate this country. Anyone who supports what this president stands for, how he's systematically destroying the rule of law and democratic institutions. Anyone who supports the Trump regime separating 2,000 children from their families at the border. Who supports Trump alienating and insulting our long-time allies and bedding down with Putin and murderous dictators like Kim Jong-un. Anyone who supports attacks against the free press and a President who constantly lies, cheats and deceives.

And, just like Trump, Tim does nothing but lash out against truth and facts and anyone who dares criticize his beloved King. And he does it with lies and deceits, just like his personal savior and hero.

Yes, sadly Tim is just one example here on the board of the ultimate, hypocritical Trump supporter who hates everything about America.

But its okay Tim, nobody buys your bullshit. Just like Trump, you're on a train careening off the tracks. Keep on being you, wouldn't want it any other way.

Well, let's see....

Unemployment is lower than it's been in 20 years and the Dow is near all time highs.

ISIS is running with it's tail between their legs.

North Korea is still up in the air, but if their leader can be believed, the risk of a nuclear strike on their part has been greatly reduced.

Illegal immigration is being addressed using current laws.

So, yes, things are really going badly for U.S. citizens.

But just keep insulting, because that's all you have.
You know who hates this country? Tim Steelersfan and Trump supporters hate this country. Anyone who supports what this president stands for, how he's systematically destroying the rule of law and democratic institutions. Anyone who supports the Trump regime separating 2,000 children from their families at the border. Who supports Trump alienating and insulting our long-time allies and bedding down with Putin and murderous dictators like Kim Jong-un. Anyone who supports attacks against the free press and a President who constantly lies, cheats and deceives.

And, just like Trump, Tim does nothing but lash out against truth and facts and anyone who dares criticize his beloved King. And he does it with lies and deceits, just like his personal savior and hero.

Yes, sadly Tim is just one example here on the board of the ultimate, hypocritical Trump supporter who hates everything about America.

But its okay Tim, nobody buys your bullshit. Just like Trump, you're on a train careening off the tracks. Keep on being you, wouldn't want it any other way.

I am so thankful that there are many millions who do not believe as you do. You seem to always want to point to the fact that there were a couple million more that voted for Hitlery, yet ignore the fact that almost 60% of American voters did not vote. 2020 will be a bit more interesting as so many non voters I have talked with are going to vote AGAINST the Socialist ideals put forth by the Democrats.
Anyone who supports attacks against the free press and a President who constantly lies, cheats and deceives.

If we had a free press in America you may be right. We do not. We have a press that is the mouthpiece and propaganda machine for one political party. **** all of them and I hope he continues publicly humiliating them at every opportunity. They deserve every bit of it.
You know who hates this country? Tim Steelersfan and Trump supporters hate this country. Anyone who supports what this president stands for, how he's systematically destroying the rule of law and democratic institutions. Anyone who supports the Trump regime separating 2,000 children from their families at the border. Who supports Trump alienating and insulting our long-time allies and bedding down with Putin and murderous dictators like Kim Jong-un. Anyone who supports attacks against the free press and a President who constantly lies, cheats and deceives.

And, just like Trump, Tim does nothing but lash out against truth and facts and anyone who dares criticize his beloved King. And he does it with lies and deceits, just like his personal savior and hero.

Yes, sadly Tim is just one example here on the board of the ultimate, hypocritical Trump supporter who hates everything about America.

But its okay Tim, nobody buys your bullshit. Just like Trump, you're on a train careening off the tracks. Keep on being you, wouldn't want it any other way.

Oh, Tim loves America. It’s just a romanticized, mythological, bizarre version of 1950’s America where Russia is an ally.
If we had a free press in America you may be right. We do not. We have a press that is the mouthpiece and propaganda machine for one political party. **** all of them and I hope he continues publicly humiliating them at every opportunity. They deserve every bit of it.

Yeah, I'm not sure how anyone defends the news media these days. What you see out of CNN, MSNBC and the alphabet networks probably isn't all that different from state run media in North Korea or Russia. Huge propaganda apparatus for the left in this country. Fox is the same way for the right, but they are a small fish in a big pond.
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