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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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of if you were helping Obama, just a slap on the wrist

Obama Campaign Fined Big for Hiding Donors, Keeping Illegal Donations

Barack Obama's presidential campaign has been fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violating federal disclosure laws

An FEC audit of Obama for America's 2008 records found the committee failed to disclose millions of dollars in contributions

.The resulting fine, one of the largest ever handed down by the FEC, is the result of a failure to disclose or improperly disclosing thousands of contributions to Obama for America during the then-senator's 2008 presidential run


So basically all i ask of the two fucktarded parties in charge is that they do not **** things up long term... like I don’t care who marries who or who gets a tax break or not... just don’t do anything that is going to seriously **** up freedoms for the next ten generations... but the last two decades or so everyone particularly the democrats have failed miserably... the best thing Bill Clinton ever did was fight a purely political impeachment... everyone knew he was guilty of other crimes they couldn’t pin on him, so they went fishing and found perjury... you cannot give law enforcement carte blanche to go looking for improprieties... it was a bad move then, its a worse move now....

I don’t like trump... im fine with living with him for two to six years and moving on... this win at all costs scorched earth plan is going to backfire immensely for the dems... and probably impact politics for decades...
Kind of a eventful day we're having, wouldn't you agree? Damn....it's a friggin' three ring circus on steroids.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">omfg, Omarosa says she has video tapes and she is reportedly going to drop one of them at 7pm tonight on <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Hardball?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Hardball</a> with <a href="https://twitter.com/HardballChris?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@HardballChris</a>.<br><br>Trump's rally starts at 7pm.</p>— Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) <a href="https://twitter.com/RVAwonk/status/1032002631361810432?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 21, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

OMG, just saw Omarosa's videotape! Shocking! Go watch it Tibs.
So once again... this investigation was about Russian collusion ... we now have a series of non related crimes dug up and more
Important the manafort one had a ton of them dismissed over stretching to make a case for conspiracy.... manafort basically got busted for his
Russian connection drying up so he defrauded in other ways... Cohen just opened a can of worms since its pretty basic for politicians to hide embarrassing things with ndc’s... another case of if they make a federal crime out of it... its going to have more collateral damage to non trump people than himself...

This is what everyone expected.. a fishing expedition for any crimes that will stick... expect the republicans to return the favor in years to come, and dems to whine about it lol...

Ps I love the fact that this is the clinton impeachment attempt in reverse with all the partys reversing their arguments lol... ohs nos... a sex covers updemocrats are the new prudes

Patience, this thing is just warming up......Tick......Tock......Tick....Tock...

New headline from CNN tonight-

Hush money paid to porn stars now punishable by death.

Obama did it, just a fine.
I've always wondered why I get a strange, sinking feeling that I'm in a pro-Trump echo chamber here at SN.

Going back ten or so pages of the 4,432 total of this thread, here are the highlights of the discussion regarding Trump & the special counsel investigation, including criminal charges against his campaign manager, foreign policy advisor and his personal lawyer. I'm not sure what it means exactly. Maybe there's a little bit of diversion going on? Maybe at some point we'll begin discussing the investigation into this president and those closest to him? Not saying we should do that now, maybe in a few years, when you guys are ready.

corrupt witch hunt.
witch hunt
Clinton campaign….the DNC…. the Democrats….Hillary Clinton….Hillary Clinton….Hillary Clinton
Democrat administration.
the previous administration…the obama administration
Bill Clinton…the Clintons…the Clintons
Clinton…. Obama
the obama administration…obama….Cinton
Hillary Clinton….Hillary Clinton… Hillary….the Democrats
left wing media
Clinton State Dept
Liberals…the Democratic party
Hillary… DNC… Hillary
The Democratic party
the Dems....far left….loony far left
the Democratic hierarchy.....the Dems...
Hillary Clinton…tthe Democrats
democrats… fake news
Obama… left wing media.
Clinton… Hillary Clinton…Clinton…Democrats…Clinton?
Hillary…Bill…the Clintons….Bill
the DNC… Hillary Clinton… HRC…. the DNC…the DNC….Hillary Clinton… the DNC
Hillary…Hillary… the DNC… the DNC … Hillary… Clinton
The DNC…. Hillary…Democrats.
Hillary… the DNC…Obama… Obama
leftist morons.
Hillary… Hillary
DNC collusion…Obama… Hillary…Democrat…Hillary… the DNC…liberals
Obama…Hillary Clinton
the media… Bomma…Obama…Hillary… Obama… Bill Clinton… Clinton Foundation…Hillary… Clinton…Obama
Bill Clinton… the Obama admin…Clinton Foundation
Hil….Obama…Clinton Foundation
Obama…ObamaBarack Obama…Obama…Obama
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I've always wondered why I get a strange, sinking feeling that I'm in a pro-Trump echo chamber here at SN.

Going back ten or so pages of the 4,432 total of this thread, here are the highlights of the discussion regarding Trump & the special counsel investigation, including criminal charges against his campaign manager, foreign policy advisor and his personal lawyer. I'm not sure what it means exactly. Maybe there's a little bit of diversion going on? Maybe at some point we'll begin discussing the investigation into this president and those closest to him? Not saying we should do that now, maybe in a few years, when you guys are ready.

Better than your tired ****. Just wait , just wait, Trump did this Trump did that , same old broken record.

Still only thing he is guilty of is winning.
Nice cherry picking Tibs, you're doing the MSM proud.

Here is what I have to say on the investigation into Trump and Russia. Over a year and millions of dollars and all they have on Trump is that he consensually slept with two American women and possibly paid them not to go public with it.

That's it.

Now, if you can refute that in any way with actual facts, please do. I'd be happy to discuss them with you. If you want to talk about what Manafort did or what Cohen did or what Papadapoulos did or what Flynn did, we can do that, but it'd be great if you could also somehow relate it to something, anything, that Trump did.
Liberals LOVE to forget the past. They actually depend on it. It's the same refrain a child uses when you remind them of something they did wrong yesterday and they become infuriated because they hate to be reminded of their actions and they stomp their feet while screaming about you bringing up the past. Very similar indeed.
It is setting a precedent where the parties may never again be able to work together. It has only widened the divide, and there will be payback. Payback which this country may not survive.

Well done Mr. Mueller. Hope you can sleep well at night.

The precedent was set by Trump before he was even elected.

The only thing Mueller is guilty of is not finishing a special investigation that is in its infancy compared to others.

You have Mueller Derangement Syndrome!
Liberals LOVE to forget the past. They actually depend on it. It's the same refrain a child uses when you remind them of something they did wrong yesterday and they become infuriated because they hate to be reminded of their actions and they stomp their feet while screaming about you bringing up the past. Very similar indeed.

What do Trump's actions - and those of his closest advisors - have anything to do with past administrations? I simply don't see the connection. These people have pled guilty, or have been found guilty of federal criminal offenses. These people were working closely with Trump, as close as you can get. You're suggesting their actions were somehow connected to - or spurred on by - the actions of previous administrations?
What do Trump's actions - and those of his closest advisors - have anything to do with past administrations? I simply don't see the connection. These people have pled guilty, or have been found guilty of federal criminal offenses. These people were working closely with Trump, as close as you can get. You're suggesting their actions were somehow connected to - or spurred on by - the actions of previous administrations?

They are scapegoats, nothing more. Mueller is coming up with 0's and had to name get somebody for something. Never mind that it has nothing to do with Trump or collusion. Trying to save face is all it is.
Nice cherry picking Tibs, you're doing the MSM proud.
Just quoting the peanut gallery for truth. Call it a Margaret Mead white paper study.

Over a year and millions of dollars and all they have on Trump is that he consensually slept with two American women and possibly paid them not to go public with it.
Cohen testified before a judge as part of his arraignment that he committed federal campaign violations - ie he broke federal law, committed felonies - under instruction and for the benefit of the President. That's not a good look for Trump...federal criminal behavior. It is what it is.

That's it.
I've tried to explain both the Manafort and Cohen cases are a sliver of the overall Mueller investigation. Investigations into their wrongdoing is happening parallel to Mueller's investigation. In these cases today Manafort and Cohen were charged on seperate crimes, both guilty as charged.

...it'd be great if you could also somehow relate it to something, anything, that Trump did.
Well, to start, as of tonight Trump is now a co-conspirator in breaking federal law.

How Muller ties in Manafort and Cohen as witnesses against Trump regarding other charges remains to be seen. But there should be no doubt Mueller's overall investigation is on much stronger ground and seemingly picking up steam. Manafort is going on trial less than a month from now in DC, to face charges very much connected to his role in the Trump campaign. Cohen is evidently a cooperating witness. As Trump's personal lawyer for over a decade, VP in the Trump organization and the GOP's deputy finance chairman, Cohen was as close to Trump as can be.

This situation just got a lot swampier for Trump and is not going away any time soon.
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Just heard a BOMBSHELL.... Trump paid for TV campaign ads and yard signs in order to influence the election. lol
Poor Duncan Hunter, one of the first Republicans to endorse Trump. His big, breaking news story got lost in the hubris today. When all is said and done, is there anyone remotely connected to Trump that isn't charged for criminal offenses?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-cards="hidden" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A federal grand jury in California indicts U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter and his wife on corruption charges. <a href="https://t.co/eFzaOHQJni">https://t.co/eFzaOHQJni</a></p>— The Associated Press (@AP) <a href="https://twitter.com/AP/status/1032037052139876354?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 21, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Just quoting the peanut gallery for truth. Call it a Margaret Mead white paper study.

Cohen testified before a judge as part of his arraignment that he committed federal campaign violations - ie he broke federal law, committed felonies - under instruction and for the benefit of the President. That's not a good look for Trump...federal criminal behavior. It is what it is.

I've tried to explain both the Manafort and Cohen cases are a sliver of the overall Mueller investigation. Investigations into their wrongdoing is happening parallel to Mueller's investigation. In these cases today Manafort and Cohen were charged on seperate crimes, both guilty as charged.

Well, to start, as of tonight Trump is now a co-conspirator in breaking federal law.

How Muller ties in Manafort and Cohen as witnesses against Trump regarding other charges remains to be seen. But there should be no doubt Mueller's overall investigation is on much stronger ground and seemingly picking up steam. Manafort is going on trial less than a month from now in DC, to face charges very much connected to his role in the Trump campaign. Cohen is evidently a cooperating witness. As Trump's personal lawyer for over a decade, VP in the Trump organization and the GOP's deputy finance chairman, Cohen was as close to Trump as can be.

This situation just got a lot swampier for Trump and is not going away any time soon.

Poor Tibs, I already spotted you the Cohen thing but you had to bring it up twice anyway...

The fact that Cohen pled guilty to a crime is not proof that the crime occurred or that Trump is guilty of it. A little education on FECA law,Trump would have had to knowingly and willingly violate it. They would have to prove that Trump knew these payments were campaign contributions for the express purpose of influencing the election. Not to keep his wife from finding out, not to protect his commercial reputation, but for the express purpose of influencing the election. He would have to have known they were illegal. Gee, I guess you might look to your ATTORNEY to let you know if something is a technical violation of the law. Did Cohen, his attorney, ever inform him of this fact?

It's a high bar and unlikely to ever be successfully prosecuted. The fact that Cohen says it's a crime doesn't make it so.

Meanwhile Cohen has a lot more serious tax evasion charges to deal with. Clearly he was promised more lenient treatment on these in exchange for pleading guilty to something, ANYTHING, that might implicate Trump.

So why the desperation to pin a relatively minor offense on Trump if they have the real red meat waiting in the wings?

Meanwhile, so far there hasn't been even a shred of evidence of collusion on election interference in any of these indictments.Why not? Did Trump do this all alone? Did he call up Putin and conspire with him personally to interfere with the election? Why after all of these raids and tapes and interviews and documents has no one else been charged with anything having anything to do with Russian collusion?
oneforthebus- you might want to check what Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis said tonight about Cohen being ready, willing and able to testify against Trump in the Russian probe. Perhaps it will shed some light on how this all ties in.
oneforthebus- you might want to check what Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis said tonight about Cohen being ready, willing and able to testify against Trump in the Russian probe. Perhaps it will shed some light on how this all ties in.

We'll see Tibs, we'll see. Oh and Lanny Davis...there's someone who's totally nonpartisan and neutral! Ha!
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Again mueller is pushing the boundaries of the meaning of these laws.. .. non disclosure agreements are shady and should be illegal but are currently 100% legal. Cohan testified that he used his own money then was reimbursed by trump’s company... Mueller is saying this amounts to a campaign donation non disclosed... its a stretch at best... he got busted on a separate issue and is looking for a reduced sentence by agreeing to mueller’s definition of a campaign finance violation... again doing this may give the dems an in for charging trump with something... but at what cost... is every politician who used a nda now in violation? This isn’t hush money for a crime... its an affair... and the money he ised was his pwn or one could argue trumps if he was reimbursed... it didn’t come from his war chest... this will probably go to the supreme court and then the dems are really going to lose it if trumps appointed judges are the swing votes... most of the precidents seem to lean in the Presidents favor on indictment, and most campaign finance issues end up with a fine and a rebuke at worse, unless it was an outright bribe of the politician... which this is not...
What do Trump's actions - and those of his closest advisors - have anything to do with past administrations? I simply don't see the connection. These people have pled guilty, or have been found guilty of federal criminal offenses. These people were working closely with Trump, as close as you can get. You're suggesting their actions were somehow connected to - or spurred on by - the actions of previous administrations?

you mean aside from the previous administration illegally wiretapping and unmasking people in Trump's campaign?
How Muller ties in Manafort and Cohen as witnesses against Trump regarding other charges remains to be seen. But there should be no doubt Mueller's overall investigation is on much stronger ground and seemingly picking up steam. Manafort is going on trial less than a month from now in DC, to face charges very much connected to his role in the Trump campaign. Cohen is evidently a cooperating witness. As Trump's personal lawyer for over a decade, VP in the Trump organization and the GOP's deputy finance chairman, Cohen was as close to Trump as can be.

Pssst...Manafort wasn't dealing with Russia. He was dealing with Ukraine. It's a whole other country and they don't even like Russia.
Pssst...Manafort wasn't dealing with Russia. He was dealing with Ukraine. It's a whole other country and they don't even like Russia.
Please get your facts straight. Manafort was working hand in hand for pro-Moscow and close Putin ally, former President Viktor Yanukovych, his Party of Regions and its successor, the Opposition Bloc. In other words, he was working for Putin & Moscow and paid by pro-Moscow Ukranian oligarchs. As anyone with even the slightest amount of knowledge of this region knows full well, all of these ties go straight back to Vladimir Putin.

Btw, this case is also being investigated in the Ukraine.

Ukraine Launches Probe Into Suspected Business Dealings Between Ex-Officials, Manafort
oneforthebus- you might want to check what Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis said tonight about Cohen being ready, willing and able to testify against Trump in the Russian probe. Perhaps it will shed some light on how this all ties in.

I have never seen people twisting **** so much to save the face of an ******* who cares absolutely nothing about them...nothing. The lack of connecting the dots is nothing short of astonishing.
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