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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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You're referring to the interview with the film's director and Bill Maher, or the actual documentary itself? Sounds like you haven't watched either. Ok thanks, was just wondering if you were willing to expand your horizons and learn something new.

LOVE Bill Maher, was sad I couldn't see him live when he was here in Pittsburgh. He and his guests are spot on all the time.
You're referring to the interview with the film's director and Bill Maher, or the actual documentary itself? Sounds like you haven't watched either. Ok thanks, was just wondering if you were willing to expand your horizons and learn something new.

did you not watch the documentary you just posted?
quite clearly says so in the first couple minutes and refers to Putin as "Trump's puppet master"
did you not watch the documentary you just posted? quite clearly says so in the first couple minutes and refers to Putin as "Trump's puppet master"

Well, it may turn out exactly that Putin is Trump's puppet master. Would be well worth your time to find out why, and how we got to this point with the Mueller probe.

Btw I didn't post the documentary, just a trailer to the documentary and an inteview Bill Maher did with the director. To watch the film, as I'm sure you're keen to do, you'll have to download it on itunes or hulu, or perhaps it's playing at a theater near you. You can check online for that.
did you not watch the documentary you just posted?
quite clearly says so in the first couple minutes and refers to Putin as "Trump's puppet master"

I don’t know why it would refer to Putin as Trump’s puppet master. Putin denies being Trump’s puppet master.
Let me summarize:

  1. Trump colluded with Russia regarding the 2016 election.
  2. Russia interfered with the 2016 election with some Facebook stuff, and Trump helped them do it.
  3. Okay, Russia had some Facebook ads and Trump had nothing to do with it, but those ads, hoo-boy!!
  4. So every person on earth agrees that the Russian Facebook ads meant nothing and changed nothing. But Russia!!
  5. No? Okay, Trump's son met with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary. Meeting with a foreigner to get dirt is criminal!!
  6. So the meeting led to nothing, at all?!? Who cares, the meeting was enough!!
  7. Wait, Hillary actually PAID a foreign national for dirt on Trump? Look, squirrel!!
  8. Okay, how about Stormy?!? And that other *****? What's her name ... oh yeah, Avenatti. And what about that other girl?!?
  9. Yeah, what about firing Comey?? The FBI recommended that course of action? Never mind.
  10. Yeah, and what about firing McCabe? Wait, the FBI recommended that as well? Well, @#$% ...
  11. Trump's claims about the deep state out to get him are bunk.
  12. Strzok, Page, Comey admit doing so?!? Never mind.
  13. The anonymous op-ed also admits to doing just that? Goddammit, I said NEVER MIND!
  14. But, but, but ... Stormy!! And Russia!! And Avenatti!! And Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ...
Let me summarize:

  1. Trump colluded with Russia regarding the 2016 election.
  2. Russia interfered with the 2016 election with some Facebook stuff, and Trump helped them do it.
  3. Okay, Russia had some Facebook ads and Trump had nothing to do with it, but those ads, hoo-boy!!
  4. So every person on earth agrees that the Russian Facebook ads meant nothing and changed nothing. But Russia!!
  5. No? Okay, Trump's son met with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary. Meeting with a foreigner to get dirt is criminal!!
  6. So the meeting led to nothing, at all?!? Who cares, the meeting was enough!!
  7. Wait, Hillary actually PAID a foreign national for dirt on Trump? Look, squirrel!!
  8. Okay, how about Stormy?!? And that other *****? What's her name ... oh yeah, Avenatti. And what about that other girl?!?
  9. Yeah, what about firing Comey?? The FBI recommended that course of action? Never mind.
  10. Yeah, and what about firing McCabe? Wait, the FBI recommended that as well? Well, @#$% ...
  11. Trump's claims about the deep state out to get him are bunk.
  12. Strzok, Page, Comey admit doing so?!? Never mind.
  13. The anonymous op-ed also admits to doing just that? Goddammit, I said NEVER MIND!
  14. But, but, but ... Stormy!! And Russia!! And Avenatti!! And Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ...


I watched this rehashed bullshit discussion between this guy and Maher, Tibs. Enlighten me - is it illegal to sell anything to a Russian?
Also, while the stretch is made to tie Bogatin to Trump's presidency -- wayyyyyyyyyyyy back in 1984 -- you should understand that waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 1984, Trump was not running for Presidency. Nor was he ******* Stormy Daniels. He may have been ******* a number of other women, but that's besides the point. Additionally, while Bogatin did purchase five condos in Trump Tower in 1984, and Trump was not making a run for POTUS at that time, it was not Trump's responsibility to conduct a background investigation on where or how Bogatin gained the finances to do this.

you run a restaurant. Do you ask your customers how they came to the financial ability to purchase a bowl of soup from you? If not, why not? If you do not, then how can you expect Trump - or any businessman on the face of this planet - to do the same.

Regardless, Bogatin was an ex-KBG spy. He did purchase property. This documentary insinuates that Donald Trump "personally" sold these condos to Bogatin. Highly unlikely, and for too many obvious reasons for me to point out and thus further lower the intelligence of the board to a (D) level. It may be reprehensible and disgusting how Putin and Russia extract money, but that is what happens in Russia. Just because Trump sold properties to a Russian(s) doesnt mean he's "in with the Russians and Putin is the puppet master." No, Trump is and always has been a real estate developer. Which means he acquires property, has upgrades done/erects construction, etc. Then sells the property for financial gain.

Let me summarize:

  1. Trump colluded with Russia regarding the 2016 election.
You should have ended it there. Robert Mueller will decide if there is evidence of that, or not. That's all we know at this point. Everything else are either flat out lies by Trump and his backers or conjecture and hyperbole.
I watched this rehashed bullshit discussion between this guy and Maher, Tibs. Enlighten me - is it illegal to sell anything to a Russian?
See, you should watch the documentary, you'll get some answers to your questions.
You should have ended it there. Robert Mueller will decide if there is evidence of that, or not. That's all we know at this point. Everything else are either flat out lies by Trump and his backers or conjecture and hyperbole.

No, I should not have, because everything else is fact. Documented FACT.

Further, why should I or anyone else have to wait? You've already made up your mind, so your advice to "wait" is bullshit.

Finally, when Mueller finally releases his report and finds no Russia collusion, but points to Trump's tax issues, or nasty tweets, or buying land on the cheap, or paying a porn star, or other **** having nothing to do with the Russians or the election, will you agree that the entire exercise was a waste of time and money?
Fitton gets it....

As seen on Outnumbered Overtime
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said Tuesday newly-revealed text messages between fired FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page are just more evidence of the anti-Trump bias that was prevalent at the FBI and Justice Department.

Two new texts show the officials discussing a "media leak strategy" amid the Trump-Russia probe.

"A 'media leak strategy' is just what it says, an 'insurance policy' is just what it says, when Strzok writes 'we'll stop' President Trump, everyone knows what that means," Fitton said on "Outnumbered Overtime."

Fitton said Judicial Watch has been litigating against the FBI for 20 years and he's consistently seen from the bureau "arrogance, illegal secrecy and contempt for the rule of law."

Judge Nap on Strzok & Page Discussing 'Media Leak Strategy': Gov't Is World's 'Best Leaker'

"You had the leadership at the FBI who thought they could get away with illegally targeting a candidate for the president of the United States," Fitton said.

He said that type of bias was a problem when former FBI Director James Comey ran the bureau, and it was a problem before him under Robert Mueller, who is now leading the Russia probe as special counsel.

Fitton pointed out that Comey was fired, Strzok was fired, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe was fired, and he thinks that Mueller should be next.

"We need to hold Mr. Mueller accountable for what went on here, because these are the cops that made Mueller's case," Fitton said. "And without Strzok, without Page, without this illicit activity related to the DNC dossier, without the illegal targeting of Carter Page, in my view, you wouldn't have a Mueller investigation."

He said Mueller's investigation has been "marred" and "corrupted" and it's time for it to be shut down.

The witch hunt was concocted to protect the crimes of Hillary Clinton. Plain and simple. There are people in prison who did far less than her. She had an illegal server. She transferred classified documents on the illegal server. She accepted foreign money from terrorist countries. She brokered a uranium deal with Russia. Her illegal server was hacked by other countries. She colluded with Russia and paid for a fake dossier on Trump. Everyone involved, Including but not limited to Obama, Mueller and Comey, knew that the dossier was fake. The FBI leaked it to the press, then used media stories to lie to the judges. Mueller knows all of this. Trump won because he was the better candidate. Shut it down.

Gallup chief: Americans have 'dismissed' idea that Trump acted illegally with Russia

Gallup editor-in-chief Frank Newport said on Tuesday that Americans have come to reject the idea that President Trump did anything criminal with regards to Russian interference in the 2016 election

A lot of Americans have dismissed the idea that he [Trump] colluded to the extent that he did something illegal"

"A lot more Americans would say he did something wrong, but it wasn't illegal," he continued. Newport was referring to a Gallup poll released last week that found that only 29 percent of Americans said they believed Trump acted illegally"


The witch hunt is on it's last legs when the polls are against it
Newport was referring to a Gallup poll released last week that found that only 29 percent of Americans said they believed Trump acted illegally"

Tibs, you are in the minority. And my suspicion is that you assign too much credibility to the anti-Trump, left wing media. Steeltime just factually outlined how wrong you are. It is sad that your blinders are stronger than your ability to reason. And you have no facts to support your case, just a bunch of speculative partisan hit pieces.
you cannot ignore or wish away Trump's deep-rooted connections to the Russian mob


Once again, it's not as if Donald Trump has flown under the radar for the last 40 years. If he has such deep rooted connections to the Russian mob and is illegally laundering money for them, why has nothing ever been done about it? Why wasn't he arrested and imprisoned a long, long time ago? Where is the evidence of a crime Tibs? Selling condos to Russian people isn't a crime. Having Russian people spend money in your casino isn't a crime.
Finally, when Mueller finally releases his report and finds no Russia collusion, but points to Trump's tax issues, or nasty tweets, or buying land on the cheap, or paying a porn star, or other **** having nothing to do with the Russians or the election, will you agree that the entire exercise was a waste of time and money?

It wasn't a waste of time and money. George Papadopoulos got sentenced to 14 days in jail.
Tibs, you are in the minority.

More Americans favor Mueller's handling of Russia probe than Trump's

More Americans approve of special counsel Robert Mueller's handling of the Russia investigation than President Trump's, according to a new poll.

Fifty percent of respondents told CNN they approved of how Mueller has handled his investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election, while only 30 percent approve of the president’s conduct.

The approval of Mueller's approach to the probe is at its highest level in CNN polling, the network noted.
Pesky Russians. They continually hover over Trump like flies on ****.

A Series Of Suspicious Money Transfers Followed The Trump Tower Meeting

Investigators are focused on two bursts of banking activity — one shortly after the June 2016 meeting, the other immediately after the presidential election.

The June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower has become one of the most famous gatherings in American political history: a flashpoint for allegations of collusion, the subject of shifting explanations by the president and his son, countless hair-on-fire tweets, and boundless speculation by the press.

But secret documents reviewed by BuzzFeed News reveal a previously undisclosed aspect of the meeting: a complex web of financial transactions among some of the planners and participants who moved money from Russia and Switzerland to the British Virgin Islands, Bangkok, and a small office park in New Jersey.

The documents show Aras Agalarov, a billionaire real estate developer close to both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, at the center of this vast network and how he used accounts overseas to filter money to himself, his son, and at least two people who attended the Trump Tower meeting. The records also offer new insight into the murky financial world inhabited by many of Trump’s associates, who use shell companies and secret bank accounts to quickly and quietly move money across the globe.

Now, four federal law enforcement officials told BuzzFeed News, investigators are focused on two bursts of transactions that bank examiners deemed suspicious: one a short time after the meeting and another immediately after the November 2016 presidential election.

The first set came just 11 days after the June 9 meeting, when an offshore company controlled by Agalarov wired more than $19.5 million to his account at a bank in New York.

The second flurry began shortly after Trump was elected. The Agalarov family started sending what would amount to $1.2 million from their bank in Russia to an account in New Jersey controlled by the billionaire’s son, pop singer Emin Agalarov, and two of his friends. The account had been virtually dormant since the summer of 2015, according to records reviewed by BuzzFeed News, and bankers found it strange that activity in Emin Agalarov’s checking account surged after Trump’s victory.

After the election, that New Jersey account sent money to a company controlled by Irakly “Ike” Kaveladze, a longtime business associate of the Agalarovs and their representative at the Trump Tower meeting. Kaveladze’s company, meanwhile, had long funded a music business set up by the person who first proposed the meeting to the Trump camp, Emin Agalarov’s brash British publicist, Rob Goldstone.
Pesky Russians. They continually hover over Trump like flies on ****.

A Series Of Suspicious Money Transfers Followed The Trump Tower Meeting

Investigators are focused on two bursts of banking activity — one shortly after the June 2016 meeting, the other immediately after the presidential election.

Did they equal $500,000 for a speaking engagement and a tidy little shipment of Uranium?

I'm hoping Trump will replace Sessions soon and start investigating actual crimes perpetuated by the previous administration. Wouldn't be surprised if it's too late now due to statute of limitations laws and the amount of time consumed by this snipe hunt for the ever illusive Russian Collusion.

Hope he brings in an outsider who is not part of the Swamp.
Did they equal $500,000 for a speaking engagement and a tidy little shipment of Uranium?

I'm curious, if Hillary was charged with crimes and locked away for years in prison, would that somehow affect your views on Trump's transgressions? It seems your (only) defense of Trump and his shenanigans with Russia is whataboutism regarding Hillary. It's a constantly recurring motif on this board. So what you accuse Hillary of doing is wrong, but somehow what Trump is accused of doing is.....acceptable? It's like a reverse double negative or something, that never made sense to me.
I'm curious, if Hillary was charged with crimes and locked away for years in prison, would that somehow affect your views on Trump's transgressions? It seems your (only) defense of Trump and his shenanigans with Russia is whataboutism regarding Hillary. It's a constantly recurring motif on this board. So what you accuse Hillary of doing is wrong, but somehow what Trump is accused of doing is.....acceptable? It's like a reverse double negative or something, that never made sense to me.

The difference tibs is there is plenty of real evidence about her crimes. So far there is no evidence of any Trump crimes.

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I'm curious, if Hillary was charged with crimes and locked away for years in prison, would that somehow affect your views on Trump's transgressions?

Absolutely. This is the core of the issue. Hillary and Bill are documented, proven to have colluded with the Russians. Their actions are far more documented and nefarious than the "supposed" interactions Trump has had with Russia. None proven. Theories. Yet our Government has protected the Democratic side of the fence. They pursue the Republicans.

Sadly we don't live in a world where all crimes are equal. Look at Hillary and the server as compared to General Petraeus. Unfortunately, the standard is the standard, to use a Tomlinism. If Hillary is afforded the opportunity to be above the law, why should anyone be prosecuted at all?

It seems your (only) defense of Trump and his shenanigans with Russia is whataboutism regarding Hillary. It's a constantly recurring motif on this board.

Wrong. You assume this is my defense of Trump. My defense of Trump is that to this point, nothing...not one thing...has been shown to indicate he did anything nefarious regarding Russia. That defense is currently irrefutable.

So what you accuse Hillary of doing is wrong, but somehow what Trump is accused of doing is.....acceptable? It's like a reverse double negative or something, that never made sense to me.

What I accuse Hillary of doing is PROVEN. They aren't theories Tibs. We KNOW what she's done. We also know due to technicalities, due to the FBI and DOJ being corrupt, she was given a pass for her transgressions. Trump hasn't been proven to have done a thing to this point.

You're comparing apples and oranges. No where have I said they are equals. Far from it. One is documented to have broken the law. To have colluded with Russia. The other? Nada.

Yet to the Left, the theories and suspicions are of greater concern than the documented illegalities and collusion from their own.
Pesky Russians. They continually hover over Trump like flies on ****.

A Series Of Suspicious Money Transfers Followed The Trump Tower Meeting

Investigators are focused on two bursts of banking activity — one shortly after the June 2016 meeting, the other immediately after the presidential election.

Well this is just fascinating Tibs. I wonder if you could point out where in this article there is any connection whatsoever to Donald Trump and an actual crime.

Russians! and Money! And bank accounts! And more Russians! And more money! And one of them knows Trump! And one of them knows the person who works with the person who met with Trump's son!.

Let me summarize:

  1. Trump colluded with Russia regarding the 2016 election.
  2. Russia interfered with the 2016 election with some Facebook stuff, and Trump helped them do it.
  3. Okay, Russia had some Facebook ads and Trump had nothing to do with it, but those ads, hoo-boy!!
  4. So every person on earth agrees that the Russian Facebook ads meant nothing and changed nothing. But Russia!!
  5. No? Okay, Trump's son met with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary. Meeting with a foreigner to get dirt is criminal!!
  6. So the meeting led to nothing, at all?!? Who cares, the meeting was enough!!
  7. Wait, Hillary actually PAID a foreign national for dirt on Trump? Look, squirrel!!
  8. Okay, how about Stormy?!? And that other *****? What's her name ... oh yeah, Avenatti. And what about that other girl?!?
  9. Yeah, what about firing Comey?? The FBI recommended that course of action? Never mind.
  10. Yeah, and what about firing McCabe? Wait, the FBI recommended that as well? Well, @#$% ...
  11. Trump's claims about the deep state out to get him are bunk.
  12. Strzok, Page, Comey admit doing so?!? Never mind.
  13. The anonymous op-ed also admits to doing just that? Goddammit, I said NEVER MIND!
  14. But, but, but ... Stormy!! And Russia!! And Avenatti!! And Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ...

Well this is just fascinating Tibs. I wonder if you could point out where in this article there is any connection whatsoever to Donald Trump and an actual crime.
The answer is always the same, and will continue to be the same: that's Robert Mueller's job. I'm just providing some background info on why this whole investigation got started and what it may be looking into. I do this for the simple reason that a large majority of this board seems convinced the Mueller probe is illegitimate, unfounded, a partisan attack on Trump or simply a witchhunt against him by the 'deep state' or other adversaries. I happen to think there's plenty of meat on the bone on Trump and his inner circle's connections to the Russian mob, Putin and Russian intelligence agencies. I look forward to Mueller wrapping up his probe, as much as anyone. If Trump sat back and let this thing wind down I'd probably agree there's not much there for him to be concerned about. The fact that he's fought this from the very beginning like a petulant, hysterical kindergartner - screaming and flailing his arms - leads me to believe he's deeply concerned and crapping in his pants where this is going to lead. Anyway, that's how I see it.
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