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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Providing background info = more bullshit I gotcha stories from the left to keep fanning the flames till mid-terms
Providing background info = more bullshit I gotcha stories from the left to keep fanning the flames till mid-terms

I don't believe it's bullshit. Nor are they 'gotcha' stories or 'from the left.' The Trump-Russian connections are well documented. The background info is published by legitimate news agencies across the political spectrum, outside of the Fox/Breitbart domain, of course.

But for some reason it makes you and others more comfortable to keep painting this as a partisan issue. That's your choice to do so. I truly hope it makes you feel better. I'm interested in the actual investigation and what will come of it. Seems this thread has hung around for that reason. If this topic makes you squeamish, I'd advise reading the abundance of other threads on the board.
The answer is always the same, and will continue to be the same: that's Robert Mueller's job. I'm just providing some background info on why this whole investigation got started and what it may be looking into. I do this for the simple reason that a large majority of this board seems convinced the Mueller probe is illegitimate, unfounded, a partisan attack on Trump or simply a witchhunt against him by the 'deep state' or other adversaries. I happen to think there's plenty of meat on the bone on Trump and his inner circle's connections to the Russian mob, Putin and Russian intelligence agencies. I look forward to Mueller wrapping up his probe, as much as anyone. If Trump sat back and let this thing wind down I'd probably agree there's not much there for him to be concerned about. The fact that he's fought this from the very beginning like a petulant, hysterical kindergartner - screaming and flailing his arms - leads me to believe he's deeply concerned and crapping in his pants where this is going to lead. Anyway, that's how I see it.

What a bunch of mindless drivel.

And what has Trump done exactly to impede this "investigation" ?
That's right, nothing.

Hey Tibs,, another reason to impeach Trump!!! He is colluding with the hurricane about to batter our coast!!!
Agree? I'm sure you do.

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Hey Tibs,, another reason to impeach Trump!!! He is colluding with the hurricane about to batter our coast!!! Agree? I'm sure you do.

To impeach a President because he's a climate change denier? No, I don't agree with that. Just disturbing someone that dumb and out of touch with science could get elected in the first place, but that's not grounds for impeachment.
I'm curious, if Hillary was charged with crimes and locked away for years in prison, would that somehow affect your views on Trump's transgressions?

Two points:

(1) For Trump, what transgression? Seriously, what crime has he committed based on information known?
(2) As Tim has pointed out very well, OF COURSE HILLARY GETTING PROSECUTED MATTERS. Why?? Because Democrats violate campaign contribution laws, are caught with tens of thousands of dollars in foreign donations, tens of thousands of dollars in illegal contributions, are caught plainly violating the law, AND NOTHING HAPPENS TO THEM. You seen completely satisfied with a skewed, unbalanced justice system.

Would you be so equanimous if the justice system attacked (D)'s like a shark going after a wounded seal, while simultaneously saying, "Ehh, **** happens" about proven (R) crimes?
I'm just providing some background info on why this whole investigation got started and what it may be looking into.

What you posted has nothing to do with why this investigation got started. Not even one little bit. If it did I might actually consider the investigation legitimate.

I stand by my belief that Trump said something flattering about Putin once and Hillary seized on that as something she could make into a campaign issue. Then someone realized hey...he's probably had some business dealings with Russians over the years. We can find something, anything, to try and connect him to some criminal elements within Russia. The Steele dossier was born of that desire and has been largely discredited. So far, ALL of the reporting we've seen on this falls into the category of innuendo and trying to make some sort of vague connections between Trump and money and the Russian government that don't actually exist. I've seen nothing that you've posted here or anywhere else that doesn't reinforce my belief. The best you and others can do is that the multinational company Trump owns has on occasion over the years done business with some shady Russian characters. When you can find me the multinational real estate and investment company that has never done that, let me know.

I think it was months ago someone here said that one day they'll be reporting "Oh Trump had Russian dressing on his salad today, he's Putin's puppet" and it has almost reached that level of ridiculousness.

You also have to wonder why Mueller is going after Cohen and Trump on Stormy Daniels and some kind of lame campaign finance thing. It's a desperation move. That to me signals he's got little else to show for the months of disruption and millions of dollars. He had to come up with something.

As I've said before, if I ever see evidence to the contrary I'll be the first to admit it. Not holding my breath though.
Two points:

I'll answer with a couple of random questions:

- How long and how thorough was the Hillary/Benghazi investigation? Who led it, which party was in the majority on that Congressional Committee? What were its findings?
- Which party currently holds majority in all three branches of government?
- Which party and which President is currently in office which oversees the Justice Dept and the FBI?
- What were the findings of the Inspector General report titled: 'A Review of Various Actions by the FBI and DOJ in Advance of the 2016 Election' dated June 2018?
- Which party and which President was in power when said report was released?
- What charges have been filed against Hillary Clinton?
- What or who is keeping the FBI/DOJ or Congress to open a new investigation into Hillary Clinton's alleged wrongdoing, criminal activity?
What you posted has nothing to do with why this investigation got started. Not even one little bit. If it did I might actually consider the investigation legitimate.
That's your perogative. Sorry, but nobody is trying to convince you of anything. Keep believing what you believe. I find your opinion on the matter misinformed and naive, but that doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't hold those opinions.

I stand by my belief that Trump said something flattering about Putin once and Hillary seized on that as something she could make into a campaign issue.
Well, then continue to stand by that, as misinformed and childish as your views are, in my opinion.

Then someone realized hey...he's probably had some business dealings with Russians over the years. We can find something, anything, to try and connect him to some criminal elements within Russia.
Just regurgitated, tired, discredited talking points. You have every right to believe whatever you want, I can't argue that.

The Steele dossier was born of that desire and has been largely discredited.
The Steele dossier was compiled by a credible, legitimate, trusted MI6 operative and has not been discredited, not by a long shot. That's simply a myth spurned on by right wing pundits.

So far, ALL of the reporting we've seen on this falls into the category of innuendo and trying to make some sort of vague connections between Trump and money and the Russian government that don't actually exist.
They very clearly exist and are well documented.

I've seen nothing that you've posted here or anywhere else that doesn't reinforce my belief.
Great, all the power to you. Nobody is trying to convince you of anything, not my job.

The best you and others can do is that the multinational company Trump owns has on occasion over the years done business with some shady Russian characters. When you can find me the multinational real estate and investment company that has never done that, let me know.
Again, a childish, perfunctory, superficial grasp of the facts.

I think it was months ago someone here said that one day they'll be reporting "Oh Trump had Russian dressing on his salad today, he's Putin's puppet" and it has almost reached that level of ridiculousness.
Trump Jr. said that, in fact. Just a sliver of the incessant propaganda campaign to discredit the Mueller probe by Trump, his family and inner circle, parroted by the right wing media.

You also have to wonder why Mueller is going after Cohen and Trump on Stormy Daniels and some kind of lame campaign finance thing. It's a desperation move. That to me signals he's got little else to show for the months of disruption and millions of dollars. He had to come up with something.
Just more of the same gibberish. The Cohen case was brought by the NY district attorney, signed off by Trump-appointed judges and carried out with a full search warrant of Cohen's home and office. He has been found guilty on multiple federal charges and has implicated Trump in this case. Trump is now officially a 'co-conspirator in a federal crime to get elected.' This is the law of the land, upsetting as it may be. The Cohen case - as the Manafort case - are seperate cases handled by State not Federal courts, whereby both Manafort and Cohen have now been charged with felonies.

As I've said before, if I ever see evidence to the contrary I'll be the first to admit it.
Great, that's very noble of you.

Not holding my breath though.
By no means should you be holding your breath in anticipation. These things take time, would hate for you to get blue in the face.

Look OFTB, it may sound like I'm coming down on you, but you seem to be content to post in this thread while sitting up high in the nosebleed section. Not getting into the details, not getting your hands dirty. There is a lot of information out there to read and investigate for yourself, if you're truly interested. Telling us over and over how you feel about this investigation is not lending much to the conversation. I respect how you- and others - feel about it, which you've made abundantly clear time and time again. You have every right to be skeptical and have your doubts. Which just brings you into the fold with the large majority of posters on this board. Knock yourselves out. I'm not here to prove anything, one way or another. So please stop asking me to do so.
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I'll answer with a couple of random questions:

- How long and how thorough was the Hillary/Benghazi investigation? Who led it, which party was in the majority on that Congressional Committee? What were its findings? It was another cover up with the committee being stonewalled by obviously complicit agencies in my opinion.
- Which party currently holds majority in all three branches of government? A ruling Majority? Neither as we don't have a super majority in congress.
- Which party and which President is currently in office which oversees the Justice Dept and the FBI? Seriously with all the evidence out their now of conspiracy to help Clinton does it matter?
- What were the findings of the Inspector General report titled: 'A Review of Various Actions by the FBI and DOJ in Advance of the 2016 Election' dated June 2018?
- Which party and which President was in power when said report was released?
- What charges have been filed against Hillary Clinton?
- What or who is keeping the FBI/DOJ or Congress to open a new investigation into Hillary Clinton's alleged wrongdoing, criminal activity?

Every single question you ask leads back to the simple fact that she was treated like she was untouchable and was not prosecuted because of people like strozk buried the findings or never worked to get them regardless of who the Party was in charge.
Every single question you ask leads back to the simple fact that she was treated like she was untouchable and was not prosecuted because of people like strozk buried the findings or never worked to get them regardless of who the Party was in charge.
Well then the DOJ/FBI and Congress should immediately reopen an investigation into all of her alleged wrongdoing, no? With Trump in the WH overseeing the DOJ/FBI, Republicans in the House and Senate, why in the world is that not happening? It's dumbfounding since all I read on this board are the mountains of clear, proven evidence against her. What gives?
Well then the DOJ/FBI and Congress should immediately reopen an investigation into all of her alleged wrongdoing, no? With Trump in the WH overseeing the DOJ/FBI, Republicans in the House and Senate, why in the world is that not happening? It's dumbfounding since all I read on this board are the mountains of clear, proven evidence against her. What gives?

I agree. That's why I believe we need a new AG without so many ties to the people he'll be investigating/prosecuting. It's as if the established DC crowd on both sides of the aisle are untouchable and one of the reasons I voted for Trump is that I thought he would be the only one capable enough to blow the lid off the establishment and actually return us to our "We the People" form of representative government. All this stonewalling is preventing that.
Well then the DOJ/FBI and Congress should immediately reopen an investigation into all of her alleged wrongdoing, no? With Trump in the WH overseeing the DOJ/FBI, Republicans in the House and Senate, why in the world is that not happening? It's dumbfounding since all I read on this board are the mountains of clear, proven evidence against her. What gives?

You're so close Tibs. You're asking the right questions now, but your political leanings aren't letting you see the answer that is staring you right in the face. It isn't even a Dem versus Republican issue it is an establishment versus outsider issue, regardless of you're hate for Trump you should be right there along with us truly wanting the answers to the very questions you just asked. It would answer for you why the liberals that used to love Trump turned on him and why the very people who gave him an award alongside Rosa Parks would now try to bury him in lies and falsehoods. I don't like the man one bit but I respect what he is doing even if don't always feel comfortable with how he does it. He is shaking things up and has both Parties shaking in their boots that he will force a real investigation into the corruption of the government and how widespread it is. You should be cheering for this to happen and bring to light of day just how ****** things have been in both parties and start to restore things to a place where our officials will be accountable to the voters again and not to their party or special interests.

In the Jokers immortal words "This town(Washington) needs an enema" Trump is the enema, they're ugly things you don't want to think about or see but sometimes they are needed.


To impeach a President because he's a climate change denier? No, I don't agree with that. Just disturbing someone that dumb and out of touch with science could get elected in the first place, but that's not grounds for impeachment.

If there was any legitimate Science involved instead of greed driven, manipulated, pseudo Science, I might agree. However, since it always seems to be the latter, I do not. If he was throwing tons of government money at every new climate model that came out I would think he was a fool.
You're so close Tibs. You're asking the right questions now, but your political leanings aren't letting you see the answer.

Sorry Lebanon, I don't buy into the conspiracy theory the FBI/DOJ is some rogue, off the rails operation. What you accept as factual, is merely a conspiracy theory fueled by Trump, right wing pundits and corresponding media. It's you - along with many others on this board - who is buying into political propaganda. I have several friends in the FBI, some now retired. I hear what they have to say. I generally trust cops, district attorneys, state and federal judges. I particularly trust Robert Mueller, consider him to be an honest broker. I trust Chris Wrey, the head of FBI, appointed by Trump. I trust some of the people in Trump's cabinet, like the former generals he's surrounded himself with.

So that's a huge point of contention between us, that you believe in this ongoing conspiracy of the deep state. I call it the Federal government. And to that extent, the State and City government. I'm not ready to go off the plantation like many of you. The idea that all of the sudden the entire fabric - or even elements of - US governance is somehow working against this President.

I'll side with the establishment over Trump any day of the week. Because the establishment happens to be the continuous US government that's been in place since Samuel Adams and Co. I admire the hardcore right with their bizarre, fetishized view of government. I just don't believe in it or buy into it. Take Peter Stzork. He was a highly opinionated guy, like any one of us. He hated Trump from the bottom of his gut. He also happened to be the most vested and trusted counter intelligence officer in the Dept, working on Russia. Look at his track record, look at the cases he solved over the years. Long before Trump ran for president. He didn't get fired because the FBI found any evidence of wrongdoing. He got fired cause his personal text messages were aired out for all to see. That's a breach of conduct, you get fired. The vicious attacks on him were right out of the Kremlin playbook. And most of you agreed with that, just bought into it without any type of reflection or consideration of the facts. And that in turn is playing out of Trump's playbook, that he's the 'outsider' fighting against the deep state, that everyone and their mother is out to get him.

You suggest I'm blinded by the liberal media and my own political leanings. I am not. No offense, but in my view a whole lot of you are blinded by the echo chamber you've surrounded yourselves with. Seems you've lost - maybe temporarily - your ability for pragmatic, critical thinking.
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- How long and how thorough was the Hillary/Benghazi investigation? Who led it, which party was in the majority on that Congressional Committee? What were its findings?

Should have had an independent counsel appointed. He starts with Benghazi, then veers to the Clinton foundation, Hillary's taxes, Hillary's meetings with foreign leaders and the payment of money to the Clinton foundation, Bill's speeches, payments for Bill's speeches, Clinton's hiring of her own daughter at an exorbitant salary for a supposed "non-profit," Hillary's destruction of subpoenaed evidence, and on and on.

Get it?

- Which party currently holds majority in all three branches of government?
- Which party and which President is currently in office which oversees the Justice Dept and the FBI?

The party that believed an independent counsel was appropriate.

As opposed to Obama, who never believed that he had a conflict in investigating himself over guns illegally sent to Mexico, his own campaign contribution issues, Hillary's illegal handling of classified material, Hillary obstructing justice by deleting thousands of e-mails that had been subpoenaed, Hillary lying about destroying the e-mails, Hillary given special treatment by the FBI and not even PUT UNDER ******* OATH, Obama's lying about knowledge of Clinton's illegal handling of classified materials and destruction of evidence, etc. Nope, no conflict. Eric "****" Holder conducted a thorough investigation and concluded that he, Hillary and Obama did nothing wrong. Sergeant Schultz was the lead investigator on those issues.

What were the findings of the Inspector General report titled: 'A Review of Various Actions by the FBI and DOJ in Advance of the 2016 Election' dated June 2018?

That Trump is a meanie, and wrote mean tweets about Hillary and other fat chicks.

- Which party and which President was in power when said report was released?

Incredibly enough, you believe that Republicans love and support Trump. Do you not have access to the internet??

The same powers that have been a corrupt, ball-washing embarrassment for years still run Washington. Those powers - Mueller, then Comey, and Strzok, and McCabe, and Rosenstein, believe that their status matters more than a minor charge of mishandling classified data.

- What charges have been filed against Hillary Clinton?

18 USC 793-f, known as the "espionage act," makes it a crime to mishandle classified documents “through gross negligence.” Comeystein's original memo accused Hillary of "gross negligence" in the handling of classified materials on an unsecured private server that we now know was infiltrated by the Chinese - and then corruptly changed the description to "extremely careless" to protect Clinton from prosecution.

Why don't you find similar favorably-biased treatment by the DOJ, FBI, et al. towards Trump. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Further, the destruction of tens of thousands of e-mails under subpoena is the living, breathing definition of obstruction of justice. Jesus-holy-*******-Christ, Trump committed obstruction by firing Comey, on the recommendation of the FBI and as 100% permitted by law, where Comey was not the stupid ************ investigating the Russia-collusion issue, but destroying 30,000 e-mails then under subpoena is okey-dokey??

Yeah, no.

18 U.S.C. 1519: "Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, ... any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States ... or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both."

That enough to answer the question, counselor? This article lays out in some detail the patent unequal application of the law by comparing Trump's treatment to that of Comey, Hillary, etc.


- What or who is keeping the FBI/DOJ or Congress to open a new investigation into Hillary Clinton's alleged wrongdoing, criminal activity?

Good question - but the answer is plainly, clearly and obviously "a number of powerful individuals." Comey for one, and McCabe, and Rosenstein. The upper levels of the DOJ and FBI, who are fanatic about Trump and don't seem to give a **** about Comey, or Clinton, or McCabe, or Rosenstein, or indeed Mueller's documented abuse of power to very bad and selfish ends.
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Tibs, that establishment you hold such high praise over is a shell of its former self from back in the Founders days. That is what we need to return to. You know like when laws were actually written by people you elected and those laws were actually constitutional as judged by those who interpret the Constitution as written and not a living Constitution that is influenced heavily by the politics of that day.
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Sorry Lebanon, I don't buy into the conspiracy theory the FBI/DOJ is some rogue, off the rails operation. What you accept as factual, is merely a conspiracy theory fueled by Trump, right wing pundits and corresponding media. It's you - along with many others on this board - who is buying into political propaganda. I have several friends in the FBI, some now retired. I hear what they have to say. I generally trust cops, district attorneys, state and federal judges. I particularly trust Robert Mueller, consider him to be an honest broker. I trust Chris Wrey, the head of FBI, appointed by Trump. I trust some of the people in Trump's cabinet, like the former generals he's surrounded himself with.

So that's a huge point of contention between us, that you believe in this ongoing conspiracy of the deep state. I call it the Federal government. And to that extent, the State and City government. I'm not ready to go off the plantation like many of you. The idea that all of the sudden the entire fabric - or even elements of - US governance is somehow working against this President.

I'll side with the establishment over Trump any day of the week. Because the establishment happens to be the continuous US government that's been in place since Samuel Adams and Co. I admire the hardcore right with their bizarre, fetishized view of government. I just don't believe in it or buy into it. Take Peter Stzork. He was a highly opinionated guy, like any one of us. He hated Trump from the bottom of his gut. He also happened to be the most vested and trusted counter intelligence officer in the Dept, working on Russia. Look at his track record, look at the cases he solved over the years. Long before Trump ran for president. He didn't get fired because the FBI found any evidence of wrongdoing. He got fired cause his personal text messages were aired out for all to see. That's a breach of conduct, you get fired. The vicious attacks on him were right out of the Kremlin playbook. And most of you agreed with that, just bought into it without any type of reflection or consideration of the facts. And that in turn is playing out of Trump's playbook, that he's the 'outsider' fighting against the deep state, that everyone and their mother is out to get him.

You suggest I'm blinded by the liberal media and my own political leanings. I am not. No offense, but in my view a whole lot of you are blinded by the echo chamber you've surrounded yourselves with. Seems you've lost - maybe temporarily - your ability for pragmatic, critical thinking.

Sorry Lebanon, I don't buy into the conspiracy theory the FBI/DOJ is some rogue, off the rails operation. What you accept as factual, is merely a conspiracy theory fueled by Trump, right wing pundits and corresponding media. It's you - along with many others on this board - who is buying into political propaganda. I have several friends in the FBI, some now retired. I hear what they have to say. I generally trust cops, district attorneys, state and federal judges. I particularly trust Robert Mueller, consider him to be an honest broker. I trust Chris Wrey, the head of FBI, appointed by Trump. I trust some of the people in Trump's cabinet, like the former generals he's surrounded himself with.

So that's a huge point of contention between us, that you believe in this ongoing conspiracy of the deep state. I call it the Federal government. And to that extent, the State and City government. I'm not ready to go off the plantation like many of you. The idea that all of the sudden the entire fabric - or even elements of - US governance is somehow working against this President.

I'll side with the establishment over Trump any day of the week. Because the establishment happens to be the continuous US government that's been in place since Samuel Adams and Co. I admire the hardcore right with their bizarre, fetishized view of government. I just don't believe in it or buy into it. Take Peter Stzork. He was a highly opinionated guy, like any one of us. He hated Trump from the bottom of his gut. He also happened to be the most vested and trusted counter intelligence officer in the Dept, working on Russia. Look at his track record, look at the cases he solved over the years. Long before Trump ran for president. He didn't get fired because the FBI found any evidence of wrongdoing. He got fired cause his personal text messages were aired out for all to see. That's a breach of conduct, you get fired. The vicious attacks on him were right out of the Kremlin playbook. And most of you agreed with that, just bought into it without any type of reflection or consideration of the facts. And that in turn is playing out of Trump's playbook, that he's the 'outsider' fighting against the deep state, that everyone and their mother is out to get him.

You suggest I'm blinded by the liberal media and my own political leanings. I am not. No offense, but in my view a whole lot of you are blinded by the echo chamber you've surrounded yourselves with. Seems you've lost - maybe temporarily - your ability for pragmatic, critical thinking.

It is amazing how you can not read his own texts particularly the latest batch and not see how the upper echelon of the FBI was corrupted by politics. It is there in black and white to be read. He was biased and missed to the point of actively working to use his position to destroy Trump. The fact that you totally ignore his own words is your willing blindness. It is not a theory it is absolute fact. He implicated others as well if not directly by name enough to show it was not just him. I don’t use the term Deep state or other conspiracy crap I just call out the obvious corruption when I see the actual proof of it. So you deny there is proof that he conspired to hurt Trump? Seriously?

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
Just more of the same gibberish. The Cohen case was brought by the NY district attorney, signed off by Trump-appointed judges and carried out with a full search warrant of Cohen's home and office. He has been found guilty on multiple federal charges and has implicated Trump in this case. Trump is now officially a 'co-conspirator in a federal crime to get elected.' This is the law of the land, upsetting as it may be. The Cohen case - as the Manafort case - are seperate cases handled by State not Federal courts, whereby both Manafort and Cohen have now been charged with felonies.

Once again, so much BS. Cohen hasn't been "found guilty" of anything. He pled guilty to the one thing Mueller could possibly pin on Trump in exchange for leniency on the bunch of non-Trump related serious crimes he committed.

Is this what the Mueller investigation was all about? Trump "influencing the election" by paying off a porn star to keep quiet about consensual sex? Really?

Look OFTB, it may sound like I'm coming down on you, but you seem to be content to post in this thread while sitting up high in the nosebleed section. Not getting into the details, not getting your hands dirty. There is a lot of information out there to read and investigate for yourself, if you're truly interested. Telling us over and over how you feel about this investigation is not lending much to the conversation. I respect how you- and others - feel about it, which you've made abundantly clear time and time again. You have every right to be skeptical and have your doubts. Which just brings you into the fold with the large majority of posters on this board. Knock yourselves out. I'm not here to prove anything, one way or another. So please stop asking me to do so.

First of all, I don't care if you're "coming down on me" because your opinion of me personally is completely irrelevant.. This is a message board. I like to boil things down to their essence and be concise, just because I don't copy and paste everything I read on the internet doesn't mean I don't read anything. (But how very condescending of you to assume that). Perhaps you feel that doesn't add to the conversation, that's fine, don't read my posts then.

I actually believe my perspective is far more mature than your constant posting of every tidbit you can find on the internet with the words Trump and Russia in it and pretending that you have now found IT...the REAL EVIDENCE! The REASON FOR THE INVESTIGATION!. You like to fancy yourself an intellectual but actually you suffer from the worst case of confirmation bias I have ever seen.

Childish is seeking out anything and everything that you think conforms to what you want to believe and ignoring logic and reason. You don't even respond to comments about why the things you post make no logical sense.

And I don't care what you prove or don't prove. If you're going to post stuff people are going to question if it really means what you say it means. If you have no good answer for why it does, it probably doesn't.
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Once again, so much BS. Cohen hasn't been "found guilty" of anything. He pled guilty to the one thing Mueller could possibly pin on Trump in exchange for leniency on the bunch of non-Trump related serious crimes he committed.

Is this what the Mueller investigation was all about? Trump "influencing the election" by paying off a porn star to keep quiet about consensual sex? Really?

First of all, I don't care if you're "coming down on me" because your opinion of me personally is completely irrelevant.. This is a message board. I like to boil things down to their essence and be concise, just because I don't copy and paste everything I read on the internet doesn't mean I don't read anything. (But how very condescending of you to assume that). Perhaps you feel that doesn't add to the conversation, that's fine, don't read my posts then.

I actually believe my perspective is far more mature than your constant posting of every tidbit you can find on the internet with the words Trump and Russia in it and pretending that you have now found IT...the REAL EVIDENCE! The REASON FOR THE INVESTIGATION!. You like to fancy yourself an intellectual but actually you suffer from the worst case of confirmation bias I have ever seen.

Childish is seeking out anything and everything that you think conforms to what you want to believe and ignoring logic and reason. You don't even respond to comments about why the things you post make no logical sense.

And I don't care what you prove or don't prove. If you're going to post stuff people are going to question if it really means what you say it means. If you have no good answer for why it does, it probably doesn't.


If Rodney King were alive today, he would simply shake his head and say, "Damn, Tibs, your beating makes mine look like pattycake."
To impeach a President because he's a climate change denier? No, I don't agree with that. Just disturbing someone that dumb and out of touch with science could get elected in the first place, but that's not grounds for impeachment.

So then what are the grounds for Trumps impeachment?

Whether Trump is in or out of touch with science is irrelevant.
Perhaps Obama didn't fall for the hoax either. Climate change was the ideal vehicle for which globalists like Obama could use to execute their world re-distribution of wealth scheme.

Trump knows what the **** is going on. Thank you President Trump for pulling out of that accord and saving the taxpayer 3 trillion,
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Can I also add Tibs that I assist my husband in running a consulting business that deals with regulatory affairs at the federal, state and local levels. We interact with government contracted law firms and regulatory agencies and legislators all the time. I probably deal with government more in a week than you have in your entire lifetime. So please take your
paternalistic sexist "childish, misinformed and naive" comments and shove them.
Good question - but the answer is plainly, clearly and obviously "a number of powerful individuals." Comey for one, and McCabe, and Rosenstein. The upper levels of the DOJ and FBI, who are fanatic about Trump and don't seem to give a **** about Comey, or Clinton, or McCabe, or Rosenstein, or indeed Mueller's documented abuse of power to very bad and selfish ends.

The most logical answer to Tibs question as to what is keeping the FBI/DOJ or Congress to open a new investigation into Hillary's criminal activity, is that the investigation would eventually lead to the ringleader, Barak Hussein Obama.

We certainly wouldn't want to implicate the first black president now would we? That would be racist for one thing. There would be havoc in the streets.. Perhaps Sessions realizes this and won't touch it with a ten foot pole.
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